
listen to the pronunciation of indefinite
Englisch - Türkisch

Onun süresi belirsiz bir kontratı var. - She has an indefinite contract.

Herhangi bir gerçek, belirsiz bir şüpheden daha iyidir. - Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.

{s} kesin olmayan
(Kanun) gayrı muayyen
(Kanun) gayri muayyen

Evren sonsuza kadar genişleyecek mi? - Will the universe expand indefinitely?

sınırsız bir süre için

Sami sınırsız hasta iznindeydi. - Sami was on indefinite sick leave.


Regency Oteli süresiz olarak kapatıldı. - The Regency Hotel was closed indefinitely.

Oyun süresiz ertelendi. - The game has been indefinitely postponed.

{s} belgisiz
belgisiz indefinite article belgisiz sıfat
{s} sayısız
sayısı çok olan gram
bir indefinite pronoun belgisiz zamir
{s} dilb. belgisiz
indefinite article
(Dilbilim) belgisiz sıfat
indefinite pronouns
(Dilbilim) belgisiz zamirler
indefinite adjective
belgisiz sıfat
indefinite article
belgisiz tanımlık
indefinite integral
belirsiz integral
indefinite leave
sınırsız izin
indefinite pronoun
belgisiz zamir
indefinite quantity
belirsiz miktar
indefinite pronouns
belirsiz zamirler
indefinite, gauffer, unsound
Kıvırmak, sağlıksız belirsiz
indefinite appropriation
(Askeri) GAYRİ MUAYYEN TAHSİSAT: Belirli bir meblağ olarak belirtilmeyen; fakat belirli faktörlerden, ilerideki miktarın tayini mümkün olan bir tahsisat. Bak. "appropriation"
indefinite appropriation
(Askeri) genel tahsisat
indefinite article
dilb. belgisiz sıfat: bir (İngilizcede a, an)
indefinite axis
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sınırsız eksen
indefinite call sign
(Askeri) GAYRİ MUAYYEN ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ/ADI: Belirli bir tesis, komutanlık, makam, kuruluş veya birliğe mahsus olmayıp bunların herhangi birini veya bir grubunu temsil eden çağrı işareti. Bak. "call sign"
indefinite call sign
(Askeri) genel çağrı işareti
indefinite delivery type contract
(Askeri) TESLİM ZAMANI BELİRSİZ SÖZLEŞME: Sözleşme esnasında kesin tevziat zamanının belirtilmediği, tedarikler için kullanılan bir sözleşme tipi
indefinite discontinuity
belirsiz süreksizlik
indefinite infection
(Tıp) belirtisiz enfeksiyon
indefinite integral
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) belgisiz tümlev
indefinite object
(Dilbilim) belirtisiz nesne
indefinite period
(İnşaat) belirsiz süreli
indefinite pronoun
dilb. belgisiz zamir
indefinite quantity contract
(Askeri) GAYRİ MAHDUT MİKTARLI SÖZLEŞME: İçinde miktar belirtilmeyen sözleşme
indefinite relative pronouns
(Dilbilim) belgisiz bağ zamirleri
indefinite time
(Kanun) gayri muayyen müddet
indefinite time
(Kanun) gayrı muayyen müddet

Regency Oteli süresiz olarak kapatıldı. - The Regency Hotel was closed indefinitely.

Tom'u süresiz olarak koruyamıyoruz. - We can't protect Tom indefinitely.

süresiz olarak

Oyun süresiz olarak ertelendi. - The game has been postponed indefinitely.

Regency Oteli süresiz olarak kapatıldı. - The Regency Hotel was closed indefinitely.

past indefinite
belirsiz geçmiş zaman
subordinate clause as indefinite noun
belirtisiz ad tamlaması
belirsiz olarak
{i} sonsuzluk
{i} süresizlik
Englisch - Englisch
Undecided or uncertain
Vague or unclear
An integral without specified limits
Without limit; forever, or until further notice; not definite
Too numerous or variable to make a particular enumeration important; said of the parts of a flower, and the like
Something that is indefinite is not exact or clear. at some indefinite time in the future
not decided or not known; "were indefinite about their plans"; "plans are indefinite"
Having no determined or certain limits; large and unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as, indefinite space; the indefinite extension of a straight line
{s} unclear, vague, indistinct; having no set limits; undefined; of a word or phrase which does not specifically define the word to which it refers (Grammar)
Also, indeterminate
vague or not clearly defined or stated; "must you be so indefinite?"; "amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges"; "he would not answer so indefinite a proposal"
If you describe a situation or period as indefinite, you mean that people have not decided when it will end. The trial was adjourned for an indefinite period
Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise; uncertain; vague; confused; obscure; as, an indefinite time, plan, etc
Boundless; infinite
not decided or not known; "were indefinite about their plans"; "plans are indefinite" vague or not clearly defined or stated; "must you be so indefinite?"; "amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges"; "he would not answer so indefinite a proposal
indefinite adjective
An indefinite pronoun used as a determiner
indefinite article
A word preceding a noun to indicate that the noun refers to any member of the class of objects named by the noun
indefinite articles
plural form of indefinite article
indefinite call sign
A call sign which does not represent a specific facility, command, authority, activity, or unit, but which may represent any one or any group of these
indefinite integral
A function whose derivative is a given function; an antiderivative
indefinite integrals
plural form of indefinite integral
indefinite pronoun
A pronoun that does not specify the identity of its referent
Attributive form of indefinite article, noun
Attributive form of indefinite pronoun, noun
indefinite article
a or an; a "noun marker" a signal that a noun will follow
indefinite article
(Grammar) article that is not limiting or specifying (i.e. a, an)
indefinite article
a or an; a "noun marker" -a signal that a noun will follow
indefinite article
'a' or 'an'
indefinite article
The words `a' and `an' are sometimes called the indefinite article. An article, such as English a or an, that does not fix the identity of the noun modified. the word 'a' or 'an' definite article
indefinite article
a determiner (as `a' or `some' in English) that indicates non-specificity of reference
indefinite closure
closing of a area for a unspecified period of time
indefinite extension
extension of a deadline for an unlimited amount of time
indefinite integral
A function whose derivative is a given function. Also called antiderivative
indefinite integral
the set of functions F(x) + C, where C is any real number, such that F(x) is the integral of f(x)
indefinite number
A variable number
indefinite pronoun
pronoun which does not refer to something specific (Grammar)
indefinite pronoun
An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun such as `someone', `anything', or `nobody', which you use to refer in a general way to a person or thing. A pronoun, such as English any or some, that does not specify the identity of its object. a word such as 'some', 'any', or 'either' that is used instead of a noun, but does not say exactly which person or thing is meant
indefinite quantity
an estimated quantity
For a long time, no end defined
in a vague or uncertain way
{a} indeterminate, unlimited, boundless, uncertain
Indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity
(Finans) Indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) is a type of contract that provides for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services during a fixed period of time
without definition, limitlessly, without clearly defined boundaries; ambiguously, vaguely
for an unknown amount of time
In an indefinite manner or degree; without any settled limitation; vaguely; not with certainty or exactness; as, to use a word indefinitely
to an indefinite extent; for an indefinite time; "this could go on indefinitely
If a situation will continue indefinitely, it will continue for ever or until someone decides to change it or end it. The visit has now been postponed indefinitely
For the time being
An unspecified amount, having no exact limits (cf Infinity and Iteration Discussion)
to an indefinite extent; for an indefinite time; "this could go on indefinitely"
{i} absence of precise definition; vagueness, indistinctness; lack of limits infiniteness; uncertainty
The quality of being indefinite
the quality of being vague and poorly defined
large indefinite quantity
an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude
small indefinite quantity
an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude