
listen to the pronunciation of dismissal
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} işten çıkarma

Müdür onu işten çıkarma ile tehdit etti. - The manager threatened him with dismissal.

(Politika, Siyaset) uzaklaştırma
açığa çıkarmak
işten çıkarılma
(Kanun) davanın reddi

Müdür onu işten çıkarma ile tehdit etti. - The manager threatened him with dismissal.

{i} görevden alma
{i} reddetme
kafasından çıkarma
{i} gitmesine izin verme
{i} aklından çıkarma
(Askeri) İhraç
{i} af
(Askeri) TARD, İHRAÇ: Bir sıkıyönetim mahkemesi veya askeri mahkemenin tard kararı ile bir subay veya subay adayının hizmetten şerefsiz bir şekilde çıkarılması
{i} ciddiye almayı reddetme
{i} (davayı) reddetme
{i} azat

Ken'i kovmak zorundayım. - I have to dismiss Ken.

{f} azletmek
dismissal of case
(Kanun) davanın düşmesi
dismissal of an action
bir davayı reddetme
dismissal wage
işten çıkarma tazminatı
dismissal and nonsuit
davanın düşmesi ve reddi
dismissal notice
işten çıkarma bildirimi
dismissal of action
(Kanun) davanın sükutu
dismissal of petition
(Kanun) arzuhalin reddi
dismissal of petition
(Kanun) dilekçenin reddi
dismissal wage
(Ticaret) işten çıkarılma ücreti
dismissal with prejudice
(Kanun) davanın esastan reddi
dismissal without prejudice
(Kanun) davanın usulden reddi
{f} işten çıkarmak
(Askeri) PAYDOS ETMEK: Herhangi bir eğitim, tören veya düzenden sonra dağılmak üzere bir birliğe emir vermek
görevden almak
açığa çıkarmak
ihraç etmek
işten kovmak
(Askeri) Paydos, dağılma
el çektirmek
görevden uzaklaştırmak
(Bilgisayar) bırak
{f} bırakmak
(Kanun) davanın reddi
kapı dışarı etmek
ilişiğini kesmek
(Bilgisayar) son ver
(Bilgisayar) artık anımsatma
dismissal of
gitmesine izin vermek
yol vermek
kafasından çıkarmak
(işten) çıkarmak

O bir bahçıvanı işten çıkardı. - She dismissed a gardener.

Yaşlı olduğundan dolayı işten çıkarıldı. - Henry was dismissed because he was old.


Fabrikanın patronu tarafından kovuldu. - He was dismissed by the boss of the factory.

O erkeklerin çoğunu işten kovdu. - He dismissed most of his men.

{f} affetmek
gitmesine müsaade etmek
dismissal yol verme
bertaraf etmek
{f} işten atmak
{f} savmak
{f} salıvermek
dismiss from mind aklından çıkarmak
işten çıkarmak, kovmak; görevden almak, görevden uzaklaştırmak: The Prime Minister has dismissed two members of her cabinet. Başbakan dismiss from one's mind aklından çıkarmak, düşünmemek
{f} 1. işten çıkarmak, kovmak; görevden almak, görevden uzaklaştırmak: The Prime Minister has dismissed two members of her cabinet. Başbakan dismiss from one's mind aklından çıkarmak, düşünmemek
defetmek bırakmak
{f} reddetmek (dava)
judgment of dismissal
(Kanun) davanın reddi kararı
summary dismissal
süre vermeden işten atma
Englisch - Englisch
Removal from consideration; putting something out of one's mind, mentally disregarding something or someone
A written or spoken statement of such an act
The rejection of a legal proceeding, or a claim or charge made therein
Deprivation of office; the fact or process of being fired from employment or stripped of rank
The act of sending someone away
Release from confinement; liberation
The event of a batsman getting out; a wicket
displacement by authority from an office or an employment
When an employee is dismissed from their job, you can refer to their dismissal. Mr Low's dismissal from his post at the head of the commission
{n} dismissing, removal from office
permission to go; the sending away of someone
(Gr Apolysis; Sl Otpust) The closing prayers and benediction, including the dismissal hymn (Apolytikion) in church service Dogma Basic beliefs and truths contained in the Bible and the Holy Tradition of the Church as defined by the Ecumenical Councils and the Fathers of the Church Dogma is studied by the field of dogmatic theology Dormition (see assumption)
In a legal context, the removal of a case out of the court; the termination of a case without a complete trial
The termination of the case without either the entry of a discharge or a denial of discharge; after a case is dismissed, the debtor and the creditors have the same rights as they had before the bankruptcy case was commenced
final termination, by proper University authority of a student's enrollment in the University
The termination of one’s job by a supervisor for just cause
An order or judgment finally disposing of an action, suit, motion, etc , without trial of the issues involved
1 A cancellation Dismissal of a motion is denial of the motion Dismissal of a complaint or a related court terminates proceedings on the claim asserted in the complaint Dismissal of an appeal places parties in the condition as if there had been no appeal, confirming the judgment of the lower court
Students who have been academically dismissed are prohibited from enrolling at the College for a period of three years For more information on Academic Dismissal, visit our Academic Status Page
the involuntary termination of employment which should be based upon a teacher's level of performance, school staffing needs, or reductions and layoffs See Forced Resignation, Hearing, Incompetence, Reduction in Force, Tenure
The disposition that occurs when a court orders discharge without further court hearing With prejudice-Bars the right to ever bring a charge or a lawsuit on the same claim or cause Without prejudice-Disposes of the particular charge or lawsuit before the court but permits a new charge or lawsuit to be brought based on the same claim or cause
FCC action terminating processing of an application that is determined to be defective or otherwise not in conformance with the Commission's rules If an application is dismissed, the applicant may be entitled to refile under applicable rules, but the refiled application will be treated as a new application Dismissal of an application is distinct from denial of an application, which may occur if an application is contested An application will be dismissed when the application is not grantable on its face An application will be denied even if it is grantable on its face, if the Commission determines that grant of the application would not be in the public interest
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
Process by which a student whose academic performance indicates little chance of obtaining the minimum grades required for graduation is no longer allowed to enroll at the University Refer to the "Dismissal Policy" in the "General Requirements and Regulations" section of the catalog
Either the government or the defendant can ask the court to dismiss a pending criminal case The court may deny the motion, or may either dismiss the case "with prejudice" or "without prejudice " When a case is dismissed with prejudice, the government cannot prosecute the defendant again on the same charge A dismissal without prejudice allows the government to reindict the case and bring the charges again at some future date if it so chooses
The termination of a lawsuit (See with prejudice and without prejudice )
Notification that a student can no longer attend that institution Dismissal can be the result of poor grades resulting in Academic Dismissal or removal from the campus for behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct
final termination, by proper University authority, of a student’s enrollment in the University
Dismission; discharge
The act of dismissing, or the condition of being dismissed
A notice of such a dismissal
Generic term used to describe termination of employment for cause
A student is subject to dismissal when he/she has earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 2 0 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters A student must see a counselor to petition for readmission
A student on academic or progress probation for three semesters may be dismissed from the college Once dis- missed, the student may not attend any college within the Los Angeles Community College District for a period of one year, and must petition for readmittance at the end of that period
(Gr Apolysis; Sl Otpust) The closing prayers and benediction, including the dismissal hymn (Apolytikion) in church service
Dismissal of something means deciding or saying that it is not important. their high-handed dismissal of public opinion
a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial
{i} sending away; firing from a position (or job, etc.)
is the involuntary termination of employment when the employee has contravened the restrictions on political partisanship (renvoi pour partialité politique)
official notice that you have been fired from your job
Involuntary separation of an employee, excluding layoffs
The termination of a lawsuit A dismissal without prejudice allows a lawsuit to be brought before the court again at a later time In contrast, a dismissal with prejudice prevents the lawsuit from being brought before a court in the future
A decision by a judge to end the prosecution of a case without deciding whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart) permission to go; the sending away of someone official notice that you have been fired from your job
Decision by a court to terminate adjudication of all outstanding charges, an action justified when the pre-interview investigation and the facts disclosed in discussing the case with the juvenile and his or her parents indicate to the probation officer that the case is unfounded or when the evidence is untrustworthy or insufficient and does not warrant or sustain the charges (also referred to as nolle prosequi)
dismissal letter
letter discharging one from an office or position
dismissal notice
notification of termination of employment
dismissal of employees
discharge of workers from their jobs
To get a batsman out

He was dismissed for 99 runs.

To give someone a red card; to send off
To dispel; to rid one's mind of

He dismissed all thoughts of acting again.

To order to leave

The soldiers were dismissed after the parade.

wrongful dismissal
A legal doctrine that requires employers to have a job-related reason to terminate employees. This doctrine is largely irrelevant in the United States today unless stated in an employment contract
{v} to fend or put away, discard, depose
A dismissal
constructive dismissal
If an employee claims constructive dismissal, they begin a legal action against their employer in which they claim that they were forced to leave their job because of the behaviour of their employer. The woman claims she was the victim of constructive dismissal after being demoted. when your employer changes your job or working conditions so you feel forced to leave your job
If you dismiss something, you decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider. Mr Wakeham dismissed the reports as speculation I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party = discount
If you dismiss something from your mind, you stop thinking about it. I dismissed him from my mind `It's been a lovely day,' she said, dismissing the episode. = banish
To discharge; to end the employment or service of
To reject; to refuse to accept
declare void; "The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections"
A complaint is dismissed if a complaint analysis determines it is not appropriate for IG investigation because
stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock"
To lay aside or reject as unworthy of attentions or regard, as a petition or motion in court
When a judge dismisses a case against someone, he or she formally states that there is no need for a trial, usually because there is not enough evidence for the case to continue. An American judge yesterday dismissed murder charges against Dr Jack Kevorkian. their attempt to have the case against them dismissed
bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances"
To terminate legal action involving outstanding charges against a defendant in a criminal case Motion to Dismiss is when the defense attorney asks the Court to dismiss the case
Termination of a case The court may enter an order dismissing a case for cause or the prosecuting attorney for the state may dismiss the matter for reasons such as lack of evidence, death of a witness, or because the matter is to be refiled due to the original indictment being defective, etc
stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock
end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave; "I was dismissed after I gave my report"
To dispel; to rid ones mind of
When an employer dismisses an employee, the employer tells the employee that they are no longer needed to do the job that they have been doing. the power to dismiss civil servants who refuse to work = sack, fire
To send away; to give leave of departure; to cause or permit to go; to put away
If you are dismissed by someone in authority, they tell you that you can go away from them. Two more witnesses were called, heard and dismissed
To discard; to remove or discharge from office, service, or employment; as, the king dismisses his ministers; the matter dismisses his servant
cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration; "This case is dismissed!"
bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances" cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration; "This case is dismissed!" end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave; "I was dismissed after I gave my report" stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock
{f} send away; fire; release, free
In a legal context, to terminate a case without a complete trial
terminate the employment of; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers"
face dismissal
be aware that one's employment is coming to an end
fear of dismissal
concern that one might be fired from one's job
judgment of dismissal
a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial
unfair dismissal
If an employee claims unfair dismissal, they begin a legal action against their employer in which they claim that they were dismissed from their job unfairly. His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination
wrongful dismissal
unjust dismissal