
listen to the pronunciation of bliss
Englisch - Türkisch
çok büyük mutluluk
büyük mutluluk
{i} mutluluk

Mutluluk sık sık kaygı ile kesildi. - The bliss was often interrupted by anxiety.

Cehalet mutluluk değildir. - Ignorance is not bliss.

{i} mutluluktan uçma
{i} keyif

Tom keyifli şekilde mutlu. - Tom is blissfully happy.

Keyifli bir şekilde mutlu olmak için çok fazla şeye ihtiyacın yok. - You don't need much to be blissfully happy.

blissfulneşe dolu blissfullyneşeyle
eksiksiz bir mutluluk
bliss slope
(Tıp) bliss eğimi
{s} çok mutlu
{s} mutlu

Keyifli bir şekilde mutlu olmak için çok fazla şeye ihtiyacın yok. - You don't need much to be blissfully happy.

Tom keyifli şekilde mutlu. - Tom is blissfully happy.

ignorance is bliss
cehalet saadettir
neşe dolu
age of bliss
Asr-ı saadet, eksiksiz mutluluğun yaşandığı çağ
mutluluk dolu
Çok mutlu bir halde
Neşelilik; saadet
ignorance is bliss
(deyim) Bilme daha iyi! Bilmesem daha iyi!
ignorance is bliss
perfect happiness
mükemmel mutluluk
where ignorance is bliss
cehalet mutluluk nerede
absolute bliss
(Tıp) mutlak mutluluk
absolute bliss
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mutlak şefaat
{s} keyifli

Tom keyifli şekilde mutlu. - Tom is blissfully happy.

Keyifli bir şekilde mutlu olmak için çok fazla şeye ihtiyacın yok. - You don't need much to be blissfully happy.

çok mutlu bir şekilde
keyifli bir şekilde
mutluluk dolu olma
(isim) mutluluk
{i} mutluluk
wedded bliss
evliliğin huzuru
Englisch - Englisch
a programming language used for systems programming primarily on computers produced by Digital Equipment Corporation. Bliss is a parallel language to C, both being derived from B and BCPL
An English surname
perfect happiness
{n} happiness, blessedness, great gladness, joy
a programming language used for systems programming primarily on computers produced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Bliss is a parallel language to C, both being derived from B and BCPL
a highly addictive drug made from a mineral scraped out of volcanos Extremely rare and extremely valuable Induces an airy sort of light-headed peaceful feeling A lot was found by the Pirates on the Gnomish Farmers Union vessel The Pat appears to have been using it in the so-called bark drinks he was selling in Carp Center/Patville
11/97Low-level block-structured language from DEC, 1970s
Bliss is a state of complete happiness. It was a scene of such domestic bliss. perfect happiness or enjoyment domestic/wedded/marital bliss. Bliss Sir Arthur Edward Drummond Bliss Tasker Howard Bliss William Dwight Porter Bowles Chester Bliss
British Library Information Sciences Service
a state of extreme happiness
The nature of the spirit; the consummation of which the Monad bestows upon the initiate
blithesomeness; gladness; now, the highest degree of happiness; blessedness; exalted felicity; heavenly joy
The salvation of his soul
{i} joy, happiness, rapture
bliss ninnies
plural form of bliss ninny
bliss ninny
A student who may seem to be intoxicated with spiritual teachings, but is ungrounded or untrained
bliss ninny
A person who is unrealistically optimistic, or a Pollyanna and who might seem to prefer to retreat from difficult situations by professing seemingly irrelevant platitudes, rather than to directly engage with the difficulty at hand in a meaningful way
bliss out
to experience bliss, be blissful
Mickey Bliss
Extremely happy; full of joy; experiencing, indicating, causing, or characterized by bliss

New England carvers between the 1720s and the 1750s transformed, step by step, the winged skull into the winged face, adding flesh to bare bone and turning the toothy grin of death into the blissful smile of a saved soul.

In a blissful, happy or joyful manner

I walked the blissfully painful path of human love with intoxication and tears, always knowing that love's essence was elsewhere, hidden and yet addictively present.

follow one's bliss
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ignorance is bliss
Lack of knowledge results in happiness
{a} very happy, blessed, full of joy
ignorance is bliss
Ignorant people have nothing to worry about. "The teacher said, "Ignorance is bliss - until you write exams.""
ignorance is bliss
Said to emphasize that sometimes it is better for you if you do not know all the facts about a situation
ignorance is bliss
It said to emphasize that sometimes it is better for you if you do not know all the facts about a situation
Chester Bliss Bowles
born April 5, 1901, Springfield, Mass., U.S. died May 25, 1986, Sussex, Conn. U.S. advertising executive and diplomat. A graduate of Yale University, he and William Benton established the Benton and Bowles advertising company (1929), which became one of the largest in the world. After selling his interest in 1941, Bowles served as director of the Federal Price Administration (1943-46). Elected governor of Connecticut in 1948, he was defeated in 1950 because of his liberal stand on civil rights. He was ambassador to India (1951-53), served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1953-61), and returned to India as ambassador (1963-69)
Sir Arthur Bliss
born Aug. 2, 1891, London, Eng. died March 27, 1975, London British composer. He studied with Ralph Vaughan Williams and Gustav Holst. Though he was compositionally adventurous at first, he later adopted a conservative, Romantic style. His works include A Colour Symphony (1922), Pastoral (1928), the choral symphony Morning Heroes (1930), Music for Strings (1936), and the ballets Checkmate (1937) and Miracle in the Gorbals (1944)
Sir Arthur Edward Drummond Bliss
born Aug. 2, 1891, London, Eng. died March 27, 1975, London British composer. He studied with Ralph Vaughan Williams and Gustav Holst. Though he was compositionally adventurous at first, he later adopted a conservative, Romantic style. His works include A Colour Symphony (1922), Pastoral (1928), the choral symphony Morning Heroes (1930), Music for Strings (1936), and the ballets Checkmate (1937) and Miracle in the Gorbals (1944)
Tasker Bliss
born Dec. 31, 1853, Lewisburg, Pa., U.S. died Nov. 9, 1930, Washington, D.C. U.S. general. After attending West Point (1875), he served in various military assignments, including that of instructor at West Point and military attaché at the U.S. legation in Madrid. In the Spanish-American War, he was chief of staff under Gen. James H. Wilson in Puerto Rico; he later served in the Philippines (1905-09). As army chief of staff in 1917, he made the U.S. Army battle-ready for World War I and resisted attempts to divide the force among the various Allied commands. He was a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference and an ardent supporter of U.S. participation in the League of Nations
Tasker Howard Bliss
born Dec. 31, 1853, Lewisburg, Pa., U.S. died Nov. 9, 1930, Washington, D.C. U.S. general. After attending West Point (1875), he served in various military assignments, including that of instructor at West Point and military attaché at the U.S. legation in Madrid. In the Spanish-American War, he was chief of staff under Gen. James H. Wilson in Puerto Rico; he later served in the Philippines (1905-09). As army chief of staff in 1917, he made the U.S. Army battle-ready for World War I and resisted attempts to divide the force among the various Allied commands. He was a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference and an ardent supporter of U.S. participation in the League of Nations
William D P Bliss
born Aug. 20, 1856, Constantinople, Tur. died Oct. 8, 1926, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. social reformer. The son of U.S. missionaries, he graduated from Hartford Theological Seminary and held Congregationalist and Episcopalian pastorates. An advocate of Christian socialism, he organized the first such group in the U.S. in 1889. He lectured widely on labour and social reform and compiled many books, including the Encyclopedia of Social Reform (1897)
William Dwight Porter Bliss
born Aug. 20, 1856, Constantinople, Tur. died Oct. 8, 1926, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. social reformer. The son of U.S. missionaries, he graduated from Hartford Theological Seminary and held Congregationalist and Episcopalian pastorates. An advocate of Christian socialism, he organized the first such group in the U.S. in 1889. He lectured widely on labour and social reform and compiled many books, including the Encyclopedia of Social Reform (1897)
completely happy and contented; "blissful young lovers"; "in blissful ignorance"
completely happy and contented; "blissful young lovers"; "in blissful ignorance
If someone is in blissful ignorance of something unpleasant or serious, they are totally unaware of it. Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave. + blissfully bliss·ful·ly At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him
Full of, characterized by, or causing, joy and felicity; happy in the highest degree
A blissful situation or period of time is one in which you are extremely happy. We spent a blissful week together There's just nothing more blissful than lying by that pool. + blissfully bliss·ful·ly We're blissfully happy The summer passed blissfully
{s} happy, joyful
Blessed; glorified
in a blissful manner; "he was blissfully unaware of the danger"
in a blissful manner; "he was blissfully unaware of the danger
happily, joyfully, rapturously
The characteristic of being blissful
a state of extreme happiness
{i} happiness, joy, rapture
domestic bliss
happiness in the home, good familial relations
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von bliss im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

bliss eğimi
(Tıp) bliss slope