
listen to the pronunciation of uninterested
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} ilgisiz

Tom ilgisiz görünüyordu. - Tom seemed uninterested.

Ona planlarımızdan bahsettim ama o ilgisiz görünüyordu. - I told him of our plans, but he seemed uninterested.

(in ile) ilgisiz
alakadar olmayan
{s} ilgilenmeyen
{s} ilgisiz, ilgi duymayan, lakayt; meraksız
ilgi duymayan
be uninterested
ilgisiz olmak
be uninterested in
-e ilgi duymamak, -i merak etmemek
İngilizce - İngilizce
Unmotivated by personal interest; unbiased, disinterested
Not interested; indifferent, not concerned

I was uninterested in the TV program, so read a book instead.

{a} not having interest or concern
If you are uninterested in something or someone, you do not want to know any more about them, because you think they have no special or exciting qualities. I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to look at it. unhelpful and uninterested shop staff. not interested disinterested uninterested in
having no care or interest in knowing; "she appeared totally uninterested" not having or showing interest; "an uninterested spectator
having no care or interest in knowing; "she appeared totally uninterested"
not having or showing interest; "an uninterested spectator"
Not having the mind or the passions engaged; as, uninterested in a discourse or narration
Not interested; not having any interest or property in; having nothing at stake; as, to be uninterested in any business
{s} not interested, indifferent, apathetic
not having or showing interest; "an uninterested spectator
not interested

I'm not interested in sex. - I am uninterested in sex.

Lack of interest; indifference

'Yeah,' said my delightful inquisitor, with an attempt at casual indifference or uninterest that to the tutored eye only revealed all the more starkly her rising excitement.

with indifference, with a lack of interest