
listen to the pronunciation of marker
İngilizce - Türkçe

Üç tane işaretleyiciye ihtiyacım var. - I need three markers.

(Tıp) markör
(Dilbilim) değerlendirici
işaretleyen şey
(Dilbilim) belirtici
işaretleme kalemi

Ben gerçekten şimdiye kadar bunun hakkında hiç düşünmedim ama otobandaki şerit belirteçleri şaşırtıcı biçimde uzun. - I never really thought about this until now, but the lane markers on the freeway are surprisingly long.

(Tıp) tümör işaretleyicisi

Üç tane işaretleyiciye ihtiyacım var. - I need three markers.

puan yazıcı
{i} fosforlu kalem

Üç tane fosforlu kaleme ihtiyacım var. - I need three markers.

(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) İŞARET (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Bak. "gap marker (land mine warfare) ", "intermediate marker (land mine warfare) ", "lane marker (land mine warfare) ", "row marker (land mine warfare) ", "strip marker (land mine warfare)"
belirteç İmler
(Askeri) MARKER: Gerginlik dönemi sırasındaki deniz harekatlarında, çabuk bir taarruz veya engelleyici imkan ve kabiliyeti haiz bir deniz birliği. Ayrıca bakınız: "beacon, shadower"
{i} keçeli kalem
(Tıp) gösterge
marker buoy
(Askeri) işaret şamandırası
marker antenna
marker anteni
marker pulse
marker darbesi
marker post
İşaret dikmesi
marker and cell method
(Askeri) işaretleme ve hücre yöntemi
marker beacon
(Askeri) marker radyofarı
marker beacon
(Askeri) marker biykın
marker beacon
(Askeri) işaret radyofarı
marker beacon
(Askeri) MARKER RADYOFARI, MARKER BIYKIN: Bak. "radio marker beacon"
marker beacon
(Askeri) işaret sinyali
marker bed
kılâvuz tabaka
marker center
(Askeri) ÇABUK BOZULABİLEN YİYECEK MADDELERİ TEDARİK BÜROSU: Çabuk bozulabilen yiyecek maddelerinin tedariki için tesis edilmiş bir büro
marker circle
(Askeri) işaret dairesi
marker circle
(Askeri) İŞARET DAİRESİ: Bir iniş sahasının takribi merkezini veya bir hava ya da iniş meydanındaki başlıca iniş şeritlerinin kesişme noktasını gösteren daire
marker post
işaret dikmesi
marker pulses
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) marker darbeleri
marker ship
(Askeri) kontrol noktası gemisi
marker ship
(Askeri) KONTROL NOKTASI GEMİSİ: Bir amfibi harekatta; belirli bir kontrol noktasında demirleyen gemi. Bu gemi; gündüz tanıtma flamaları çekip, geceleyin deniz istikametinde ışık gösterir
marker vessel
(Askeri) kontrol noktası gemisi
marker vessel
(Askeri) KONTROL NOKTASI GEMİSİ: NATO terimidir. Bak. "marker ship"
margin marker
(Bilgisayar) kenar boşluğu imi
margin marker
(Bilgisayar) marj işaretleyicisi
magic marker
Fosforlu kalem, ispirtolu kalem
magic marker
keçeli kalem
margin marker
marj işaretleyicisi Kenar boşluğu
boundary marker
sınır işareti
outer marker
(Havacılık) diş marker
previous marker
(Bilgisayar) önceki işaretçi
strip marker
(Askeri) mayın kuşağı işareti
coloured marker pen
renkli işaret kalemi
column marker
kolon imi
index marker
dizin işareti
Swimming Lane Marker
(Spor) Kulvar seperatörü, kulvar şamandırası
billiard marker
bilardo marker
clock marker
saat marker
discourse marker
söylem marker
dry erase marker
Beyaz yazı tahtalarına yazı yazmak için kullanılan keçeli tür, yazılarının kolayca silinebildiği kalem
dry-wipe marker
Beyaz yazı tahtalarına yazı yazmak için kullanılan keçeli tür, yazılarının kolayca silinebildiği kalem
file marker
dosya işareti, kütük işareti
group marker
grup işareti
outer marker
Dış marker
permanent marker
Silinmeyen, yazısı kalıcı yazı kalemi
principle marker
Ana belirleyici
ribbon marker
kurdele marker
right marker
Sağ marker
syntagmatic marker
dizimsel birleştirici
whiteboard marker
Beyaz yazı tahtalarına yazı yazmak için kullanılan keçeli tür, yazılarının kolayca silinebildiği kalem
beach marker
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA PLAJI MARKALAMA İŞARETİ: Bir kıyıyı veya bu bölgedeki belirli faaliyetleri su yolu ile yapılan trafiğe tanıtmak için kullanılan işaret veya cihaz. Bu işaret ve cihazlar; işaret bezi, ışık, şamandıra veya elektronik cihazlar olabilir
clause marker
(Dilbilim) tümcecik belirleyeni
column marker
Sütun İmi
datum marker buoy
(Askeri) veri işaret şamandırası
delete marker
(Bilgisayar) işaretçiyi sil
dial tone marker
(Telekom) çevir sesi markörü
en route marker beacon
(Havacılık) mesafe işaret farı
en route marker beacon
(Havacılık) rota işaret farı
end of field marker
(Bilgisayar) alan sonu işareti
end of tape marker
teybin sonu damgasi
fan marker beacon
(Askeri) FAN İŞARET FENERİ: Yayımları düşey yelpaze şeklinde olan bir çeşit radyo feneri. Bu işaret tanıtma maksadı ile maniple edilebilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "beacon", "Z marker beacon"
function marker
(Dilbilim) işlev izleyen
gap marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) GEDİK İŞARETİ (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara mayın harbinde mayın tarlası gediklerini işaretlemekte kullanılır. Gedik giriş ve çıkış yerlerindeki gedik işaretleri, bir arazi noktası veya yardımcı gedik işareti esas alınarak dikilir ve işaretlenir. Ayrıca bakınız: "marker (landmine warfare) ", "minefield gap (landmine warfare) "
indent marker
Girinti İmi
indentation marker
satırbaşı işartleyicisi
indentation marker
(Bilgisayar) satırbaşı işaretleyicisi
inner marker
(Havacılık) iç marker
inner marker beacon
(Havacılık) iç marker radyofarı
intermediate marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) YARDIMCI İŞARET (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Belirli ara noktası ile mayın tarlası arasında bir müracaat noktası olarak faydalanılan, özel surette dikilmiş tabii veya suni, işaret. Bak. "marker (land mine warfare) "
intermediate marker
(Askeri) yardımcı işaret
lane marker
(Askeri) geçit işareti
lane marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) GEÇİT İŞARETİ (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara mayın savaşında bir mayın tarlası geçidini belirlemek için kullanılan işaret. Geçide giriş ve çıkış noktalarındaki geçit işaretleri belirli bir arazi işaretine veya bir ara işarete göre konur. Bak. "marker (land mine warfare) " ve "mine field lane (Land mine warfare) "
left indent marker
Soldan girinti imi
left margin marker
Sol marj işaretleyicisi;Sol kenar
(Bilgisayar) çizgi/imleç
(Nükleer Bilimler) işaretleyiciler
middle marker
(Havacılık) orta marker
minefield marker
(Askeri) mayın tarlası işareti
next marker
(Bilgisayar) sonraki işaretçi
radio marker beacon
(Askeri) TELSİZ İŞARET FARI, RADYOLAR: Alçak güçlü bir göndermeç. Bu cihaz üzerinde göndermeç bulunan radyo renç ile aynı frekans üzerinden bariz bir sinyal verir. Telsiz işaret farı, pilota belirli bir rota üzerinde ne kadar mesafe kat etmiş olduğunu gösterir. Buna kısaca (marker beacon) denir
raised angle marker; random access memory
(Askeri) artırılmış açı işareti; rasgele erişimli bellek
range marker
(Askeri) MENZİL İŞARETLEYİCİSİ: Bir radyal skopun zaman safhasına verilen tek bir kalibrasyon sinyali. Zaman safhasının plan mevki gösterge skopunda bir devir olarak tek sinyalleri gösterir
row marker
(Askeri) mayın sıra işareti
row marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) MAYIN SIRA İŞARETİ (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara mayın harbinde, mayınların münferit sıralar halinde döşendiği bir mayın sırasının başlangıç ve bitiş noktalarında tabii ve özel şekilde yerleştirilmiş suni işaret. Ayrıca bakınız: "marker (land mine warfare) "
sea marker
(Askeri) DENİZ MARKALAMA BOYASI: Su yüzeyine atıldığı zaman havadan kolaylıkla görülebilen ve bariz renkte bir yüzey meydana getiren toz boya. Böylece, bu boya, kurtarma faaliyetlerini, kolaylaştırır
semantic marker
(Dilbilim) anlam belirleyeni
skirt marker
(Tekstil) etek boyu ölçer
special operations laser marker
(Askeri) özel harekat lazer işareti
stripe marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) MAYIN KUŞAĞI İŞARETLEYİCİSİ: Kara mayın harbinde bir mayın kuşağının başını ve sonunu işaretlemek için yerleştirilen doğal, suni veya özel olarak yapılmış bir işaretleyici. Ayrıca bakınız: "marker (land mine warfare) "
strobe marker
(Askeri) STROP İŞARETİ: Zaman bazının ikaz almaç kısmını göstermek üzere bir radar görüntüsündeki bir çizgide meydana gelen ufak, parlak bir nokta, kısa bir boşluk veya diğer çeşitte kısa kesinti
strobe marker
(Askeri) strop işareti
tab marker
tab işretleyicisi
tab marker
Sekme İmleyici
tab stop marker
sekme durağı imi
table cell marker
Tablo hücre imi
triple marker
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) üçlü tarama
z marker beacon
(Askeri) Z HÜZMELİ RADYOFAR (NATO): Sinyalleri dik bir koni şeklinde yayılan bir radyofar
İngilizce - İngilizce
A nonmonetary debt owed to someone, especially in return for a favor

We may not be able to do this alone. Maybe it’s time to call in some of our markers.

Someone or something that marks
To mark or write on (something) using a [[#Noun|marker]]
A felt-tipped pen
A device that fires a paintball
An object used to mark a location
A signed note of a debt to be paid
{n} one who marks, one who takes notice
A counter used in card playing and other games
If you refer to something as a marker for a particular quality or feature, you mean that it demonstrates the existence or presence of that quality or feature. Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food
a writing implement for making a mark a distinguishing symbol; "the owner's mark was on all the sheep
Gene with a known location on a chromosome
(aka: "ball marker") usually a small, flat object (like a dime) used to mark the ball's position (usually, but not exclusively, on the green) while other players putt and/or the ball is cleaned
(also "ball marker") usually a small, flat object (like a dime) used to mark the ball's position (usually, but not exclusively, on the green) while other players putt and/or the ball is cleaned Example: When you're on the green you may mark the position of your ball with a marker/ballmarker
The soldier who forms the pilot of a wheeling column, or marks the direction of an alignment
The person responsible for recording the score of a player (normally another player) - see Tee Marker
A legal placement of the stencils on the surface is called a marker
A bookmark for a specific time location used by V-Studios and CD-R/RW recorders
A variable segment of DNA, often located near a gene An allele at the marker is typically inherited along with the corresponding allele at the nearby disease gene
A plastic block that marks the boundary between lanes There are seven track markers at each curve
1 Any biological feature that can be positioned with respect to other features on a chromosome, by genetic, physical or other mapping methods For example, a gene, anonymous DNA segment, mutation, or phenotype 2 A feature that distinguishes a particular biological state For example, an expression profile of natural or engineered genes, or a characteristic morphology 3 In ZFIN, a Marker is an object for which unique official nomenclature must be assigned Markers in ZFIN can be of type: gene, mutant, BAC/YAC, cDNA, EST, SSLP, SSR, STS, RAPD, RFLP
a distinguishing symbol; "the owner's mark was on all the sheep"
An identifiable physical location on a chromosome (e g restriction enzyme cutting site, gene) whose inheritance can be monitored Markers can be expressed regions of DNA (genes) or some segment of DNA with no known coding function but whose pattern of inheritance can be determined See RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism
A pointer to a specific place, measured in time, in an asf file Microsoft Windows Media Player uses markers to go directly to a point in an asf file Markers in an asf file allow viewers to skip ahead to a marker or skip back to a previous marker in order to see a particular part of the asf file again
A marker or a marker pen is a pen with a thick tip made of felt, which is used for drawing and for colouring things. Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker
A substance that is known to occur in the presence of another substance Both creatinine and urea are markers for many less easily measurable substances in the blood The higher the blood levels of these marker substances, the higher also are the levels of harmful toxins in the blood
{i} sign; scorekeeper; symbol that indicates a place reached, milestone; tombstone; felt-tipped pen that usually has a broad tip
some conspicuous object used to distinguish or mark something; "the buoys were markers for the channel" a writing implement for making a mark a distinguishing symbol; "the owner's mark was on all the sheep
a writing implement for making a mark
An attachment to a sewing machine for marking a line on the fabric by creasing it
One who keeps account of a game played, as of billiards
A gene or DNA fragment with a known location on a chromosome that is associated with a certain disease; it can be used as a point of reference when looking for disease-causing mutations
has several meanings, depending on context a procedure to mark a certain point in the DNA (possibly, where a bad gene is located) DNA sequence used to identify/characterize larger DNA - e g , {CAAT}_50 is 50 repetitions of CAAT
A "marker" is one who is appointed by the Committee to record a competitor's score in stroke play He may be a fellow-competitor He is not a referee
The defensive player who is defending the thrower trying to force them to throw in a particular direction (see force) Avoid at all costs if playing Junk defence
One who or that which marks
Identifiable physical location on a chromosome, the inheritance of which can be monitored
Evidence of indebtedness by a player to the casino A marker is usually a counter check In Craps, the term refers to a small rubber and plastic disk used to indicate whether a point has been made and mark the number of the point until made or lost
An identifiable physical location on a chromosome (e g , restriction enzyme cutting site, gene) whose inheritance can be monitored Markers can be expressed regions of DNA (genes) or some segment of DNA with no known coding function but whose pattern of inheritance can be determined *
A gene of known location on a chromosome and phenotype that is used as a point of reference in the mapping of other loci
A marker is an object which is used to show the position of something, or is used to help someone remember something. He put a marker in his book and followed her out
a lab result or symptom observation used to measure a treatment's effectiveness or an individual's immune system status Also refers to a unique identifier on a cell's surface See also surrogate marker
Any biological feature that can be positioned with respect to other features on a chromosome, by genetic, physical or ot
A two-dimensional object typically used to indicate the position of an object (or part of an object) in a window See bitmap marker, pixmap marker
often described as silk though these days likely to be a more robust material, a coloured tape bound into the top of the book to be used as a page marker
A commonly-occurring genetic variation that can be easily tracked in genetic studies Markers can be entire alleles, repetitive stretches of DNA, or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP consortium)
some conspicuous object used to distinguish or mark something; "the buoys were markers for the channel"
marker bed
A rock unit with distinctive stratigraphic features which can be traced over a wide area
marker gene
A gene with a known location in a chromosome; used to track the insertion of DNA into organisms
marker pen
A pen, often with a thick tip made of felt
marker pens
plural form of marker pen
marker pen
a marker
magic marker
A felt-tipped pen
Magic Marker
a large pen with a thick soft point
china marker
A type of "grease pencil" or "wax pencil" that is perfect for marking dark or glossy surfaces. Most are Paper wrapped requiring no sharpening just peel the tear-string to reveal more marker. However, some are similar to a normal pencil having a wood casing with a hardened wax core. They mark easily on many porous and non-porous surfaces, great for writing on china, glass, metal, plastic, film, paper, rubber, or any smooth surface. Commonly used in art, sewing, handy work, and even in the health care industry to mark skin, due to the ease of removal. They are fade and water-resistant
discourse marker
a word or phrase that marks a boundary in a discourse, typically as part of a dialogue. Discourse markers often signal topic changes, reformulations, discourse planning, stressing, hedging, or backchanneling
grave marker
A tombstone or other permanent fixed object to indicate the location of a grave
hydro marker
A hardened wax pencil, very similar to a China Marker. However, they are water-soluble and markings are erasable with a damp cloth, so they do not last as long. They are great for writing on china, glass, metal or plastic. Most are paper wrapped requiring no sharpening just peel the tear-string to reveal more marker
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jump
plural form of marker
on-time marker
A short marker (a pip if audio, a * if data) that signals the precise instant of a specified time
permanent marker
a type of felt-tip pen used to create permanent water-resistant writing on a surface such as a writable DVD
permanent marker
A permanent marker is a type of marker pen that is used to create permanent writing on an object. Generally the liquid is water resistant, contains the toxic chemical xylene or toluene, and is capable of writing on a variety of surfaces from paper to metal to stone. They come in a variety of tip sizes (ultra fine to wide), shapes (chisel point, bullet tip, and wide bristle), and colors (metallic, non metallic, or ultraviolet reactive)
billiard marker
a device for keeping the score in a game of billiards
boundary marker
mark which indicates a border
discourse marker
{i} word or expression that functions as a structuring unit of spoken language (e.g.: "well", "oh",etc.)
genetic marker
a specific gene that produces a recognizable trait and can be used in family or population studies
genetic marker
A gene or DNA sequence having a known location on a chromosome and associated with a particular gene or trait. Genetic markers associated with certain diseases can be detected in the blood and used to determine whether an individual is at risk for developing a disease
(also "tee markers, blocks, tee blocks") two objects that indicate the foreward boundary of the teeing area Example: The markers/tee markers/blocks/tee blocks had been moved forward since yesterday
This may be part of your report or may come in a separate report Back
items that reserve one's space
(aka: "tee markers", "blocks", "tee blocks") two moveable objects that indicate the forward boundary of the teeing area Example: The markers/tee blocks had been moved forward since yesterday
Special components which are placed at particular circuit nodes so that voltages and/or currents are displayed automatically in the Probe window when the circuit is simulated
plural of marker
known DNA sequences used to track a gene in a family
Also known as a genetic marker It is a segment of DNA at a known physical location on a chromosome A marker can be a gene or a section of DNA with no known function They can be used to track the inheritance pattern of genes that have not yet been identified, but whose approximate locations are known
The points in line and X-Y charts See: Line Chart, X-Y Chart
phrase marker
In generative grammar, a representation in the form of a tree diagram or labeled brackets of the constituent structure of a sentence
right marker
soldier on the right end of a line that other soldiers line up with; symbol of extreme right-wing politics
tumor marker
A substance in blood or other body fluids that may suggest that a person has cancer
tumor marker
proteins and other substances found in the blood that signify the presence of cancer somewhere in the body
tumor marker
Substance in blood or other body fluids that may suggest that a person has cancer
tumor marker
A diagnostic marker for cancer
tumor marker
a chemical substance found in increased amounts in the body fluids of some cancer patients The presence of a tumor marker in the blood for a specific cancer can be an indication that cancer is present in the body Tumor markers can be used as part of the diagnostic process but generally cannot provide a definitive diagnosis Tumor markers are also used to monitor the progress of treatment as well as possible recurrence of cancer after treatment [ Top ]
yard marker
(football) a marker indicating the yardline
Türkçe - İngilizce
marker anteni
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) marker antenna
marker biykın
(Askeri) marker beacon
marker darbeleri
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) marker pulses
marker darbesi
marker pulse
marker radyofarı
(Askeri) marker beacon
ulusal marker analizi
national marker analysis