
listen to the pronunciation of accord
English - Turkish
{f} uymak
{i} uyum

Onun konuşması duygularıyla uyum sağlamadı. - His speech did not accord with his feelings.

Geleneğe göre, gelin uyumlu olmalıdır. - According to custom, the bride should be compliant.

{i} anlaşma

Bizim anlaşma uyarınca o bana kişisel sorular sormaya son verdi. - In accordance with our agreement, he stopped asking me personal questions.

Biz silah azaltma konusunda onlarla anlaşmak istiyoruz. - We hope to come to an accord with them about arms reduction.

(Ticaret) sağlama

Onun konuşması duygularıyla uyum sağlamadı. - His speech did not accord with his feelings.

uygun olarak

İki ülke arasındaki bu anlaşmazlıklar, uluslararası hukuka uygun olarak çözülmelidir. - These disputes between the two nations should be solved in accordance with international law.

Sana çalışmana uygun olarak ödeme yapılacak. - You will be paid according as you work.

{f} uy
(Avrupa Birliği) muvafakat, razı olma; anlaşma; uygunluk
{f} with -e uymak, ile bağdaşmak, -e uygun olmak/gelmek
uygun olmak
ahenk vermek
{f} uyum göster
teslim etmek
{f} vermek: He accorded them that right
ahenkli olmak accord with ahenkli olmak
(Mimarlık) uygunluk uyum
{f} bağdaşmak
{i} birleşme
{i} ahenk
{f} vermek
{i} uzlaşma
{i} (iki devlet arasında olan) anlaşma
{f} with -e yakışmak, -e uygun gelmek/düşmek
{f} uyum sağlamak
(Hukuk) razı olma
(Ticaret) verme

Dün tanıştığım yaşlı adama göre hamamböcekleri yenilebilir ve o kadar kötü tad vermez. - According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and don't taste all that bad.

Tom sonunda Mary'yi akordeonunu ona ödünç vermesi için ikna etti. - Tom finally talked Mary into lending him her accordion.

(Ticaret) sulh olma
uyum göstermek
uyumlu hale getirmek

Bu dergiye göre, en sevdiğim aktris önümüzdeki ilkbahar bir caz müzisyeniyle evlenecek. - According to this magazine, my favorite actress will marry a jazz musician next spring.

Bütün cevaplar talimatlara göre yazılmalıdır. - All answers must be written according to the instructions.

accord a right
(Politika, Siyaset) hak tanımak
accord and satisfaction
(Kanun) mahkeme dışı anlaşma
accord with
ile bağdaşmak
accord with
-e uygun olmak
accord with
-e uymak
accord with
uygun olmak
accord with
ahenkli olmak
accord with
uyum sağla

Onun konuşması duygularıyla uyum sağlamadı. - His speech did not accord with his feelings.

accord praise
accord priority treatment
(Politika, Siyaset) öncelikle ele almak
accord priority treatment
(Politika, Siyaset) öncelikli muamelede bulunmak
-e göre

Hava tahminlerine göre yarın kar yağacak. - According to the weather forecast, it will snow tomorrow.

Bütün cevaplar talimatlara göre yazılmalıdır. - All answers must be written according to the instructions.

bu nedenle
bu yüzden

O bir yetişkin, bu yüzden ona ona uygun davranmalısın. - She is an adult, so you should treat her accordingly.

göre according as göre
uygun olarak
ona göre, öyle, öylece: He told me to shoot him, and I acted accordingly. Kendisini vurmamı istedi; ben de öyle yaptım
in accord with
-le uyum içinde
accord with
uyum sağlamak
(Muzik) akortlatma
buna bağlı olarak
bu doğrultuda
ona sebep
benzer şekilde
onun için
buna göre

Hayatınızı buna göre planlayın. - Plan your life accordingly.

ona göre

Durumu tartmalı ve ona göre hareket etmelisin. - You must judge the situation and act accordingly.

be in accord with
(deyim) uyuşmak
be in accord with
of one's own accord
(Konuşma Dili) gönüllü olarak
{f} uy

Söylediklerini anlamama karşın, öyle yapamıyorum. - While I understand what you are saying, I cannot do accordingly.

o doğrulukta
bundan dolayı
bring into accord
uzlaşmaya sevk et
brought into accord
uzlaşmaya sevk et
common accord
müşterek mutabakat
in accord
uyum içinde
in accord with
le uyum içinde
of one's own accord
of one's own accord
of one's own accord
uygun olarak

Onlar savaşta ölenleri askeri geleneğe uygun olarak gömdüler. - They buried those who had died in battle according to military tradition.

Sana çalışmana uygun olarak ödeme yapılacak. - You will be paid according as you work.

ona göre, öyle: "He told me to shoot him, and İ acted accordingly. - Onu vurmamı istedi; ben de öyle yaptım."
bundan dolayı, ona dayanarak
helsinki accord
helsinki anlaşma
initial an accord
bir anlaşma ilk
made a pact, made an accord
Bir anlaşma yapılmış bir anlaşma yaptı
of his own accord
onun kendiliğinden
of its own accord
of one's own accord
kendiliğinden, kendi rızası ile
on accord that
e uygun olarak, ... ile bağdaşır şekilde

At noon, Epik High came down and did a special hiphop show for the IC folks. They came down on accord that Gil has called and told them about the project they were working on.

to accord with
anlaşması ile
aynen according to göre
nazaran accordingly binaen

Kayıtlarınızı gereğince ayarlamanızı öneririz. - We suggest you adjust your records accordingly.


Durumu tartmalı ve ona göre hareket etmelisin. - You must judge the situation and act accordingly.

Hayatınızı buna göre planlayın. - Plan your life accordingly.

be in accord
with -e uymak; ile uyumlu olmak
be in accord
(with) (ile) anlaşmak
bring into accord
uzlaşmaya sevk etmek
brought into accord
uzlaşmaya sevk etmek
come of one's own accord
ayağı ile gelmek
in accord
in accord with
-e uyarak
of one's own accord
kendi isteğiyle
of one's own accord
(deyim) kendi istegiyle,kendiliginden
of one's own accord
kendi rızasıyla
on his own accord
kendi arzusuyla
reach an accord
(with) (ile) anlaşmaya/mutabakata varmak
to accord advantages
(Avrupa Birliği) avantaj tanımak
with one accord
hep birlikte
with one accord
hep beraber
English - English
To agree in pitch and tone
Agreement or harmony of things in general
To agree or correspond; to be in harmony

hy actions to thy words accord;.

A harmony in sound, pitch and tone; concord

Those sweet accords are even the angels' lays.

Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action

These all continued with one accord in prayer.

To bring (people) to an agreement; to reconcile, settle, adjust or harmonize

But Satyrane forth stepping, did them stay // And with faire treatie pacifide their ire, // Then when they were accorded from the fray.

An international agreement

The Geneva Accord of 1954 ended the French-Indochinese War.

To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust

er hands accorded the Lutes musicke to the voice;.

To grant as suitable or proper; to concede or award

In respect of the protection of industrial property, a refugee shall be accorded in the country in which he has his habitual residence the same protection as is accorded to nationals of that country.

An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, prevents a lawsuit
{i} agreement; settlement; harmony; (Music) three or more different notes that play at the same time
{n} agreement, consent, harmony, union
{v} to suit with, agree, unite, tune
If you do something of your own accord, you do it because you want to, without being asked or forced. He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord. = voluntarily
A satisfaction agreed upon between the parties in a lawsuit which bars subsequent actions on the claim
allow to have; "grant a privilege
harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement"
To bring to an agreement, as persons; to reconcile; to settle, adjust, harmonize, or compose, as things; as, to accord suits or controversies
sympathetic compatibility
If one person, action, or fact is in accord with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them. You can also say that two people or things are in accord. this military action, taken in accord with United Nations resolutions
concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
If one fact, idea, or condition accords with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them. Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology. = correspond see also according to
If something happens of its own accord, it seems to happen by itself, without anyone making it happen. In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord
127 to give consent: Assent
Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action; harmony of mind; consent; assent
An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, bars a suit
Harmony of sounds; agreement in pitch and tone; concord; as, the accord
An agreement by which one accepts something different (usually less) from what is owed as full satisfaction The amount owed may be in dispute or simply accepted as full satisfaction by the creditor or claimant The agreement and acceptance is called "Accord and Satisfaction "
sympathetic compatibility concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal" allow to have; "grant a privilege
{f} give, bestow; be in agreement, agree; match, fit; complement
go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
Agreement, harmony, or just correspondence of things; as, the accord of light and shade in painting
If a number of people do something with one accord, they do it together or at the same time, because they agree about what should be done. With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass
sympathetic compatibility concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
akò, (v) akòde
To agree; to correspond; to be in harmony; -- followed by with, formerly also by to; as, his disposition accords with his looks
If you are accorded a particular kind of treatment, people act towards you or treat you in that way. His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome The government accorded him the rank of Colonel The treatment accorded to a United Nations official was little short of insulting. = grant
To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust; followed by to
a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
The basic character or theme of a fragrance An perfume accord comes about when three or four notes blend together and lose their individual identities to create a new odor
To grant as suitable or proper; to concede; to award; as, to accord to one due praise
An accord between countries or groups of people is a formal agreement, for example to end a war. a fitting way to celebrate the peace accord
A balanced complex of three or four notes which lose their individual identity to create a completely new, unified scent
To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust; -- followed by to
Harmony of sounds; agreement in pitch and tone; concord; as, the accord of tones
A compromise agreement in which a creditor accepts an amount different from that which was originally claimed as owing
Voluntary or spontaneous motion or impulse to act; -- preceded by own; as, of ones own accord
allow to have; "grant a privilege"
To agree; to correspond; to be in harmony; followed by with, formerly also by to; as, his disposition accords with his looks
Voluntary or spontaneous motion or impulse to act; preceded by own; as, of one's own accord
accord a hearty welcome
give a warm welcome, glad hand
accord and satisfaction
agreement whereby both sides waive part of their claims (Law)
accord and satisfaction
A means of discharging a contract or cause of action by which the parties agree (the accord) to alter their obligations and then perform (the satisfaction) the new obligations [ITDS]
accord and satisfaction
Annual report
accord and satisfaction
A method of discharging a claim upon agreement by the parties to give and accept something in settlement of the claim
accord and satisfaction
The settlement of an obligation An accord is an agreement by a creditor to accept less than bargained for from a debtor The creditor's acceptance of the accord constitutes satisfaction of the debt
accord and satisfaction
An agreed-to substitution of a different performance for the original obligation, the accord being the agreement and the satisfaction the execution or performance
accord and satisfaction
the settlement of a debt by paying less than the amount demanded in exchange for extinguishing the debt
accord and satisfaction
A settlement agreement by which a claim is satisfied and discharged
accord and satisfaction
A substitution of another agreement between the parties in satisfaction of a former one, and execution of the new agreement
accord and satisfaction
An agreement ("accord"), and the performance thereof ("satisfaction"), which resolves and discharges a claim; may be stated between the parties or implied by law
accord and satisfaction
A term of contract law by which one party, having complied with its obligation under a contract, accepts some type of compensation from the other party (usually money and of a lesser value) in lieu of enforcing the contract and holding the other party to their obligation This discharges the contract The definition cited by lawyers is usually that found in British Russian Gazette & Trade Outlook Ltd v Associated Newspapers Ltd (1933) 2 K B 616: "Accord and satisfaction is the purchase of a release from an obligation arising under contract or tort by means of any valuable consideration, not being the actual performance of the obligation itself The accord is the agreement by which the obligation is discharged The satisfaction is the consideration which makes the agreement operative "
Agreement; harmony; conformity

In strict accordance with the law - Thomas Babington Macaulay.

Accordingly; correspondingly

That apprehends no further than this world, / And squarest thy life according - Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, V-i.

In natural sequence; consequently; so
defence accord
A political agreement of mutual military assistance
of one's own accord
voluntarily, without being told to or asked to
{n} agreement, conformity, harmony
{a} agreeable to, in compliance with
{a} consequently, in pursuance of
the act of granting rights; "the accordance to Canada of rights of access"
concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
(followed by `to') in agreement with or accordant with; "according to instructions"
(sentence connectors) because of the reason given; "consequently, he didn't do it"; "continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor"
in accordance with; "she acted accordingly"
Gaza-Jericho Accord
first treaty between Israelis and Palestinians in which Israel agreed to allow Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho
If something is done in accordance with a particular rule or system, it is done in the way that the rule or system says that it should be done. Entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified. in accordance with sth according to a rule, system etc
{i} suitability; coordination, conformity; agreement
the act of granting rights; "the accordance to Canada of rights of access
past of accord
present participle of accord
Agreeing; in agreement or harmony; harmonious
(followed by `to') as reported or stated by; "according to historians"
(followed by `to') in agreement with or accordant with; "according to instructions
(followed by `to') as reported or stated by; "according to historians" (followed by `to') in agreement with or accordant with; "according to instructions
by; like, as; in agreement with
You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to. We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures = therefore, consequently
Agreeably; correspondingly; suitably; in a manner conformable
therefore; due to that or the reason given; correspondingly
If you consider a situation and then act accordingly, the way you act depends on the nature of the situation. It is a difficult job and they should be paid accordingly
in accordance with; "she acted accordingly
third-person singular of accord
plural of accord
in accord
in complete agreement; "my feelings about the matter are in unison with yours"
initial an accord
sign an agreement with one's initials
of his own accord
of his own free will, because he wanted to, was not forced
of its own accord
of its own agreement, by its own free will
of one's own accord
without outside encouragement, on one's own initiative
peace accord
peace agreement, peace treaty
recognize an accord
{f} acknowledge an agreement
torpedo an accord
sabotage an agreement, cause an agreement to fail
with one accord
unanimously, with everyone in agreement