
listen to the pronunciation of noble
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} soylu

Trajedi soyluların eğlencesidir. - Tragedy is the entertainment of the nobles.


Bu park asil bir aile için bir avlanma yeriydi. - This park used to be a hunting ground for a noble family.

O asil bir aileye doğdu. - He was born to a noble family.

soydan asil
soylu kimse

Yüce düşüncelerin olduğundan eminim. - I am certain that you have noble thoughts.

{s} soy

Trajedi soyluların eğlencesidir. - Tragedy is the entertainment of the nobles.

Helyum, neon, argon, kripton, ksenon ve radon soy gazlardır. - Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases.

{s} âlicenap, yüce gönüllü
{s} muhteşem
{s} ulu
yüce gönüllü
(isim) Necip
noble gas
soy gaz
noble metal
asal metal
noble metal
soy metal
noble and generous in spirit
asil ve cömert ruhuyla
noble birth; nobility; dignity
asil, asalet, onur
noble love
yüce aşk
noble man
noble rot
asil rot
noble bearing
asil davranış
noble blood
noble blood
noble blood
asil kan
noble gas
(Nükleer Bilimler) asal gaz
noble minded
soylu düşünceli
noble minded
asil fikirli
noble mindedness
asil fikirlilik
very noble
asil bir şekilde
four noble truths
dört soylu gerçekler

Bu, başka her şeyden daha fazla, insanların özgürce ve mertçe yaşamasını engelleyen mülk ile ilgili kaygıdır. - It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.

without noble title; common
asil başlık olmadan; ortak
{i} alçakgönüllülük
{i} kibarlık
{i} tevazu
of noble bearing
asil davranışlı
of noble birth
Englisch - Englisch
A medieval coin of England in the 14th and 15th centuries
Having honorable qualities; having moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean or dubious in conduct and character

He made a noble effort.

An aristocrat; one of aristocratic blood
{a} great, illustrious, grand, brave, generous
{n} a person of high rank or great birth
{i} family name; town in Oklahoma (USA); name of several villages in the USA
impressive in appearance; "a baronial mansion"; "an imposing residence"; "a noble tree"; "severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses"; "stately columns"
{s} aristocratic; honored; morally upstanding, righteous
A great wine A perfect balance and harmonious expression
Platinum coin minted on the Isle of Man Usual size contains 1 ounce of platinum, but coins containing 1/10 ounce are also produced
To make noble; to ennoble
8 d
{i} person of noble rank; aristocrat
a titled peer of the realm
above whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable; magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; a noble heart
sterling, or about $1
In reference to metal, inert or inactive
Great; of perfect balance and harmonious expression The so-called "noble" grapes are those that produce the world's finest wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon and Riesling (some would also include Syrah, Nebbiolo and Sangiovese)
A metal or alloy which in nature occurs commonly in the free state Also refers to the electrochemical state of metals whose corrosion products are formed with a low negative or a positive free energy
If you describe something as noble, you think that its appearance or quality is very impressive, making it superior to other things of its type. the great parks with their noble trees. = fine
Noble means belonging to a high social class and having a title. Although he was of noble birth he lived as a poor man. = aristocratic. a member of the highest social class with a title such as 'Duke' or 'Countess' commoner. Four Noble Truths Garter The Most Noble Order of the noble gas
An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s
A Drakkellian silver coin
having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character; "a noble spirit"; "noble deeds"
North of Boston Library Exchange
approval If you say that something is a noble idea, goal, or action, you admire it because it is based on high moral principles. He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor We'll always justify our actions with noble sounding theories
of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times; "of noble birth"
A'vaadjectiveenglish | adronato
A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
Muscadine cultivar widely grown in the S E and Gulf states of the USA Successfully used in Arkansas for producing red wine and juice Similar to the Carlos grape above
Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title; highborn; as, noble blood; a noble personage
contains more than 25% gold, palladium and/or platinum
One of the nobility; a noble; a peer; one who enjoys rank above a commoner, either by virtue of birth, by office, or by patent
approval If you say that someone is a noble person, you admire and respect them because they are unselfish and morally good. He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could I wanted so much to believe he was pure and noble. + nobly no·bly Eric's sister had nobly volunteered to help with the gardening
A European fish; the lyrie
inert especially toward oxygen; "a noble gas such as helium or neon"; "noble metals include gold and silver and platinum"
having high moral qualities; "a noble spirit"; "a solid citizen"; "an upstanding man"; "a worthy successor"
having high moral qualities; "a noble spirit"; "a solid citizen"; "an upstanding man"; "a worthy successor" having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character; "a noble spirit"; "noble deeds" of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times; "of noble birth" inert especially toward oxygen; "a noble gas such as helium or neon"; "noble metals include gold and silver and platinum" A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc
Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble edifice
Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous
The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobili
{a} magnifical
noble eightfold path
In Buddhist teaching, the Noble Eightfold Path is described in the fourth Noble Truth as "the path to the end of suffering". The eight steps are: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration
noble gas
Any of the elements of group 18 of the periodic table, being monatomic and (with very limited exceptions) inert
noble gases
plural form of noble gas
noble metal
A metal resistant to corrosion, oxidizing and tarnishing, such as gold, platinum, copper and mercury
noble metals
plural form of noble metal
noble rot
A benevolent form of the fungus Botrytis cinerea which, in the right conditions, leads to a concentrated sweet wine
noble cane
sugarcanes representing the highest development of the species; characterized by large juicy stalks with soft rinds and high sugar content
noble deed
kind act, act that requires high moral principles to be carried out
noble gas
any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group in the periodic table
noble gas
Any of the elements in Group O of the periodic table, including helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, which are monatomic and with limited exceptions chemically inert. Also called inert gas. or inert gas Any of the six chemical elements that make up the rightmost group of the periodic table as usually arranged: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. All are colourless, odourless, and nonflammable and occur in tiny amounts in the atmosphere (though helium is the most plentiful element in the universe). Their stable electronic configurations, with no unpaired electrons to share, make them extremely unreactive hence "noble" (i.e., aloof) or inert though the three heaviest, with outer electrons held less firmly, can form compounds (mainly with fluorine). These gases absorb and give off electromagnetic radiation in a much less complex way than other substances, a property exploited in their use in fluorescent lighting devices and discharge lamps. They glow with a characteristic colour when confined in a transparent container at low pressure with an electric current passing through it. Their very low boiling and melting points make them useful as refrigerants for low-temperature research (see cryogenics)
noble gases
gases that belong to the zero group of the periodic table and in general do not react chemically
noble ideas
superior and lofty ideas, brilliant idea, wise thoughts
noble man
member of the upper class, member of the ruling class
noble metal
A metal or alloy, such as gold, that is highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion
noble metal
any metal that is resistant to corrosion or oxidation
noble metals
metals that do not chemically interact with other materials
noble qualities
honorable personal characteristics (such as generosity, kindness, etc.)
noble rot
A parasitic fungus (Botrytis cinerea) that attacks ripe grapes and causes an increase in their sugar content. Certain wines, such as the French Sauternes and the Hungarian Tokay, are produced from such grapes
noble spirit
good-heartedness, quality of being considerate, refinement
noble thought
magnificent idea, splendid notion
An ancient unit of currency of England, equivalent to half a noble
The quality or state of being noble; nobility or grandeur
{n} greatness, dignity, boldness, worth
{a} illustrioussly, grandly, bravely
Barnes and Noble
a US company that sells books
Barnes and Noble
chain of bookstores in the United States; on-line Internet bookstore based in the United States
Four Noble Truths
Statement of the basic doctrines of Buddhism. They were formulated by the Buddha Gautama in his first sermon. The truths are (1) existence is suffering; (2) desire, or thirst, is its cause; (3) the cessation of suffering is possible; and (4) the way to accomplish this is to follow the Eightfold Path. Though differently interpreted, these four truths are recognized by virtually all Buddhist schools
Richard Noble
{i} (born 1946) Scottish who built the Thrust2 car, holder of the land speed record
The Most Noble Order of the Garter
English order of knighthood founded by Edward III in 1348 and considered the highest British honor. Legend holds that it was created after an incident in which Edward was dancing with the Countess of Salisbury, when one of her garters dropped to the floor. As bystanders snickered, Edward gallantly picked up the garter and put it on his own leg, admonishing the courtiers in French with what is now the order's motto, "Honi soit qui mal y pense" ("Shame to him who thinks evil of it"). Membership consists of the British sovereign and the prince of Wales, each with 25 "knight companions
george noble
See Noble, n
george noble
A gold noble of the time of Henry VIII
To make noble; to ennoble
A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobility; grandeur; stateliness
An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s
One of the nobility; a noble; a peer; one who enjoys rank above a commoner, either by virtue of birth, by office, or by patent
Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous
sterling, or about $1
{i} state of being aristocratic; righteousness, excellence of moral character
The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobili
A European fish; the lyrie
8 d
More noble
plural of noble
Most noble
A European fish; the lyrie
sterling, or about $1
Of noble extraction; as, nobly born or descended
Splendidly; magnificently
in a noble manner; "she has behaved nobly" A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
One of the nobility; a noble; a peer; one who enjoys rank above a commoner, either by virtue of birth, by office, or by patent
In a noble manner
8 d
In a noble manner; with greatness of soul; heroically; with magnanimity; as, a deed nobly done
To make noble; to ennoble
The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobili
in a noble manner; "she has behaved nobly"
A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer
Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous
An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s
in a noble manner; with gentility
of noble birth
child born to aristocratic parents
rose noble
coin formerly used in England, ryal; coin formerly used in Scotland, ryal