
listen to the pronunciation of founder
Englisch - Türkisch

Açılış töreninde kurucunun şerefine bir plaket verildi. - At the inauguration ceremony a plaque was unveiled in honor of the founder.

Bill Gates, Microsoft'un kurucusudur. - Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.

{f} çökmek
{f} batmak
başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmak
tırnak iltihabı
güme gitmek
(gemi) batmak
suya düşmek
başarısız olmak
(Kanun) vakfeden
(gemi) su dolup batmak
{f} boşa çıkmak
{f} sakatlanmak (at)
{f} saplanıp kalmak
atlarda görülen tırnak iltihab
iflâs etmek
{i} dökümcü
{i} dökümcü, dökmeci
{f} yıkılmak
gemi batmak

Henüz çadırımızı kurmak için iyi bir yer bulmadık. - I haven't found a good place to pitch our tent yet.

founder of an order
founder profit
kurucu kazancı
founder's share
kurucu hisse senedi
founder fathers
Amerika'nin kurucuları
founder of
founder of railway
demir yollarının kurucusu
founder partner
kurucu ortak
founder of the company
(Ticaret) şirketin kurucusu
founder of the company
(Ticaret) şirket kurucusu
founder share
(Kanun) kurucu ortaklık
founder share
(Kanun,Ticaret) kurucu hisse senedi
founder's share
(Ticaret) kurucu payı
founder's share
(Ticaret) kurucu hissesi
founder’s shares
(Ticaret) kurucu hisse senetleri
inşa etmek
döküm yapmak
temel yapmak

O bir dökümhanede çalışıyor. - He works in a foundry.

Bu tip dökümhane neredeyse on beş yıldır var olmadı. - This type foundry has not existed for almost fifteen years.

(Bilgisayar) bulunan

Bu dağlarda bulunan tuzlar ve mineraller oldukça farklıdır. - The salts and minerals found in these mountains are quite diverse.

Bu, o çölde bulunan bir hayvandır. - This is an animal found in that desert.

temel atmak
(Felsefe) temellendirmek

Tom bulunmak istemiyor. - Tom doesn't want to be found.

Tom bulunmak istemiyordu. - Tom didn't want to be found.

(Bilgisayar) bulundu
dökmek demir
bell founder
çan dökümcüsü
{f} bul

Bilim adamları henüz kanser için bir çare bulmadılar. - Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet.

Zebralar ve zürafalar bir hayvanat bahçesinde bulunurlar. - Zebras and giraffes are found at a zoo.


Onunla konuşmaya çalıştığımda, ben her zaman kekelemekten ya da aptalca bir şey yapmaktan daha fazlasını yapamayacak kadar kendimi çok utangaç buldum. - When I tried to speak to her, I always found myself too shy to do more than stammer or say something stupid.

Aradığını bulmadan önce internet'te arama yapmak Tom'un on beş dakikasını aldı. - It took Tom fifteen minutes of googling before he found what he was looking for.

temelini atmak
su doldurup batırma
metal founder
maden dökümcüsü
Kurucu ortak
way the founder
kurucunun yolu
{f} kalıba dökmek
tesis etmek
founder dökmeci
dökmeci ustası
{f} dökmek (demir)
f., bak. find
found dök/kur
{f} dayandırmak
{f} dayanmak

Çağdaş uygarlık, bilim ve eğitim temeli üzerine dayanmaktadır. - Modern civilization rests on a foundation of science and education.

type founder
Englisch - Englisch
Someone for whose parents one has no data
The iron worker in charge of the blast furnace and the smelting operation

The term 'founder' was applied in the British iron industry long afterwards to the ironworker in charge of the blast furnace and the smelting operation.

One who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author; one from whom something originates; one who endows
To fail; to miscarry
Fill with water and sink

We were not much more than a quarter of an hour out of our ship but we saw her sink, and then I understood for the first time what was meant by a ship foundering in the sea.

To fall; to stumble and go lame, as a horse
{i} establisher; originator; person who founds (institution, settlement, etc.); one who casts, one who molds; one who establishes a channel, one who gives authorization to operate a channel (Computers)
{f} fill with water and sink; fall; fail; stumble; cause to sink
The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money. He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty
{n} a builder, former, caster, benefactor
{v} to grow or make lame; sink, fail
One who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author; one from whom anything originates; one who endows
an individual drawn from a source population who contributes genetically to the derived subpopulation
To become filled with water, and sink, as a ship
sink below the surface
One who founds; one who casts metals in various forms; a caster; as, a founder of cannon, bells, hardware, or types
break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
a worker who makes metal castings stumble and nearly fall; "the horses foundered"
stumble and nearly fall; "the horses foundered"
An inflammatory fever of the body, or acute rheumatism; as, chest founder
Of a set of uniparental replicators, their most recent common ancestor The oldest letter of a descent group Of a feature, the first letter that bore this feature Of a clone group, any member that is not a clone
One of the twelve original magi who swore to abide by the Code and thereby formed the Order of Hermes, plus Pralix, the Founder of Ex Miscellanea
one who originates or establishes a fraternity or sorority
To sink
To take on water and sink
inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse
To cause internal inflammation and soreness in the feet or limbs of (a horse), so as to disable or lame him
Refers to the individual who created or registered a #channel
If something such as a plan or project founders, it fails because of a particular point, difficulty, or problem. The talks have foundered, largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals. = fail. someone who establishes a business, organization, school etc
a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country" a worker who makes metal castings stumble and nearly fall; "the horses foundered" sink below the surface
When a vessel fills with water and sinks
fail utterly; collapse; "The project foundered"
Lord Baden-Powell is sometimes referred to as : the Founder"
Refers to animals generated from genetically altered eggs or embryos, is, eggs microinjected with a transgene
a worker who makes metal castings
See Chest ffounder
a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country"
A lameness in the foot of a horse, occasioned by inflammation; closh
Term used to describe the detachment and rotation of the coffin bone that happens in severe cases of laminitis It causes severe Lameness
{i} constitutor
founder effect
A lessening of genetic variation when the entire population in question descends from a small number of founders
founder effects
plural form of founder effect
founder member
A founder member of a club, group, or organization is one of the first members, often one who was involved in setting it up. someone who has helped to establish a new organization, club etc and is one of its first members American Equivalent: charter member
founder's shares
stock certificates which belong to one of the founders of an institution
A person who is involved with helping in the creation of a business, organization, union, or entity, but is not the original founding person
To begin building
To melt
Simple past tense and past participle of find
A manufacturer of metal type for printing
{v} to lay a foundation, place, build, settle, fix, establish, cast metals
bell founder
a person who casts metal bells
chest founder
A rheumatic affection of the muscles of the breast and fore legs of a horse, affecting motion and respiration
When a town, important building, or other place is founded by someone or by a group of people, they cause it to be built. The town was founded in 1610. see also founded, founding. Past tense and past participle of find. the past tense and past participle of find
{f} establish, institute, create, build; melt and pour into a mold (i.e. metal)
use as a basis for; found on; "base a claim on some observation"
set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"
Found is the past tense and past participle of find
to start some type of organization or company
To lay the basis of; to set, or place, as on something solid, for support; to ground; to establish upon a basis, literal or figurative; to fix firmly
come upon unexpectedly or after searching; "found art"; "the lost-and-found department"
set up or found; "She set up a literacy program"
of Find
{s} discovered

Tom discovered that life on the road wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. - Tom found out that life on the road wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.

I heard that footprints of an abominable snowman have been discovered in the Himalayas. - I heard that footprints of an abominable snowman were found in the Himalayan mountains.

A thin, single-cut file for combmakers
When an institution, company, or organization is founded by someone or by a group of people, they get it started, often by providing the necessary money. The Independent Labour Party was founded in Bradford on January 13, 1893 He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies at University College Cardiff The business, founded by Dawn and Nigel, suffered financial setbacks. = set up, establish + foundation foun·da·tion the 150th anniversary of the foundation of Kew Gardens. + founding found·ing I have been a member of The Sunday Times Wine Club since its founding in 1973
food and lodging provided in addition to money; "they worked for $30 and found" come upon unexpectedly or after searching; "found art"; "the lost-and-found department
food and lodging provided in addition to money; "they worked for $30 and found"
come upon unexpectedly or after searching; "found art"; "the lost-and-found department
To form by melting a metal, and pouring it into a mold; to cast
past of find
To take the ffirst steps or measures in erecting or building up; to furnish the materials for beginning; to begin to raise; to originate; as, to found a college; to found a family
past of founder
present participle of founder
(of a ship) sinking
Founders are people who establish or set up a new organization RPAC's founders will be honored in The Kimmel Center with their names inscribed on the black granite "Founders Wall" outside of the Perelman Theater
third-person singular of founder
The persons with the idea and/or products and processes
plural of , founder
the people who set up or establish a company