
listen to the pronunciation of difficult
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} çetin

Tom'un ne kadar çetin olabileceğini biliyorum. - I know how difficult Tom can be.

Yolculuğumuz; uzun, çetin ve tehlikeliydi. Yine de evlerimize sağ salim döndüğümüz için mutluyuz. - Our trip was long, difficult and dangerous. We're just happy to be back home in one piece.


Bu benim için çok zordu. - It was too difficult for me.

Yabancı dil öğrenmek zordur. - Learning a foreign language is difficult.

{s} güç

Onun şiirlerini anlamak güçtür. - His poems are difficult to understand.

Bazı güçlüklerle yüz yüze getirildi. - He was confronted with some difficulties.

{s} titiz
{s} zor beğenen
{s} inatçı
{s} huysuz

O, okulda itaat eder, ama evde huysuzdur. - He obeys in school, but at home he is difficult.

{s} geçimsiz

Aynı anda hem geçimsiz hem de uysal, hem hoş hem de katısın. Ne seninle, ne de sensiz yaşayabilirim. - You are difficult and easy, pleasant and bitter at the same time; I can't live with or without you.

{s} belâlı

Neden bu kadar belalı oluyorsun? - Why are you being so difficult?

{s} müşkülpesent
{s} çatal

Bir çatalla yoğurt yemek biraz zordur. - Eating yogurt with a fork is somewhat difficult.


Bu, şimdiye kadar okuduğum en ağır kitap. - This is the most difficult book I have ever read.

güç beğenir
geçinmesi zor

Bence Tom ve Mary'nin her ikisinin de geçinmesi zor. - I think Tom and Mary are both difficult to get along with.

geçinilmesi zor
müşkül pesent
difficult position
difficult to get on with
difficult climb or ascent
zor tırmanış veya çıkış
difficult of access
erişimin zor
difficult question
zor soru
difficult to find, due to scarcity
zor, kıtlığı nedeniyle bulmak için
difficult to penetrate
nüfuz zor
difficult to understand
anlamak zor
difficult childhood
zor çocukluk
difficult decision
zor karar
difficult person
zor insan
difficult urination
(Tıp) idrar yapmada zorluk
difficult for
zor gelmek
zor bir şekilde
zor bir biçimde
endure the difficult situation
badireyi atlatmak
endure the difficult situation
zorluklara göğüs germek
endure the difficult situation
badire atlatmak
find difficult
get to be difficult
making more difficult
hard to suit; difficult to please
takım zor; zor lütfen
he is very difficult
o çok zor
more difficult
daha zor
no matter how difficult
ne kadar güç olursa olsun
the most difficult
en zor
thick; difficult to penetrate
kalın; zor nüfuz
to get difficult
almak zor
venture on a difficult task
zor bir görev üzerinde girişim
very difficult
çok zor
which is very difficult to forget
Bu çok unutmak zordur
get into a difficult situation
müşkül olmak
make difficult
pretty difficult
epey zor, hayli güç
put into a difficult situation
müşkül etmek
Englisch - Englisch
hard to manage, uncooperative, troublesome; eg. said of a person, a horse, etc
hard, not easy, requiring much effort
Something that is difficult is not easy to do, understand, or deal with. The lack of childcare provisions made it difficult for single mothers to get jobs It was a very difficult decision to make We're living in difficult times = hard easy
{s} hard, troublesome, causing difficulty
{a} hard, troublesome, crabbed, cross
not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "a difficult child"; "found himself in a difficult situation"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"
trudny [TROOD-nee] Booth died blind and still by faith he trod, Eyes still dazzled by the ways of God --Vachel Lindsay, General William Booth Enters into Heaven Date of entry: 8 June 2000
requiring much effort and trouble; "the mountain climb was long, steep, and difficult"
adj sukar 2 adj sulit 3 adj susah
This problem is difficult: I don't know the answer (Cf Trivial)
requiring much effort and trouble; "the mountain climb was long, steep, and difficult
The third heading in action comments' numeric evaluations
To render difficult; to impede; to perplex
Hard to do or to make; beset with difficulty; attended with labor, trouble, or pains; not easy; arduous
DDR USA's equivalent of trick Also on Dancing Stage EuroMIX
Someone who is difficult behaves in an unreasonable and unhelpful way. I had a feeling you were going to be difficult about this. = awkward
Hard to manage or to please; not easily wrought upon; austere; stubborn; as, a difficult person
difficult child
child who is hard to handle
difficult decision
hard judgment to come to, difficult question to answer
difficult labor
problematic birth
difficult of access
hard to get to
difficult problem
difficult question, hard puzzle
difficult question
difficult request, difficult query, hard problem
difficult situation
{i} hard situation, situation that causes difficulty
difficult times
time of poverty or hardship, hard times, difficult period
difficult to determine
hard to say with certainty, hard to decide
{a} with difficulty
a little difficult
not very hard, not very difficult
in a difficult manner
due to the difficult circumstances
in view of of the serious conditions, due to the severity of the situation
every beginning is difficult
new undertakings or experiences are always difficult or challenging at first
had a difficult birth
had a laborious delivery, had a problematic delivery
it is difficult to fill his shoes
it is difficult to play his part, it is difficult to take on his role and duties
made it difficult
created a hard situation for, caused it to be difficult to
made it difficult for
caused the situation to be very hard for-
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von difficult im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

battal gemi boat which is difficult
to maneuver, which doesn't handle well