carried out

listen to the pronunciation of carried out
İngilizce - Türkçe

İşlem ABD dolarından daha ziyade yenle gerçekleştirilmiştir. - This transaction was carried out in yen, rather than US dollars.


Bu alanda birçok deneyler yapılmıştır. - Many experiments have been carried out in this field.

yerine getirilmiş
bkz: carry out
carry out
yerine getirmek

Sözlerinizi yerine getirmek için elinizden gelenin en iyisini yapmalısınız. - You should do your best to carry out your promises.

carry out
carry out

Planı uygulamak zordu. - It was difficult to carry out the plan.

Planı uygulamak istiyorum. - I would like to carry out the plan.

carried out his duty
görevini yürütülen
carry out

Bu planı gerçekleştirmek zordur. - It is hard to carry out this plan.

Bu planı gerçekleştirmek karşılıklı olarak yararımıza olacaktır. - It will be to our mutual benefit to carry out the plan.

carry out
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- (planı) gerçekleştirmek , uygulamak 2- yerine getirmek
carry out

Şu anda yapmak zorunda olduğun en önemli şey planı uygulamaktır. - One of the most important things you have to do right now is to carry out the plan.

carry out
hayata geçirmek
carry out
carry out
carry out

O, planını gerçekleştiremedi. - He could not carry out his plan.

Ben bu planı gerçekleştirmek için kararlıyım. - I am determined to carry out this plan.

carry out
(Hukuk) icra etmek
carry out
ifa etmek
carry out
dışarıya taşımak
carry out
gerçeğe dönüştürmek
carry out
tatbik etmek
carry out
infaz etmek
carry out
misilleme yapmak
carry out
gerçekten yapmak
carry out
carry out
(deyim) tutmak
carry out
carry out
carry out
yürütmek ( programı çalıştırmak )
carry out
(birini/bir şeyi) dışarıya taşımak
carry out
İngilizce - İngilizce
Simple past tense and past participle of carry out
fulfilled, did, executed; performed, done
carried out a project
execute a plan, complete a task
carried out his duty
executed his responsibility, performed his obligations
carried out his plan
performed his scheme, executed his plan, did what he planned
carried out the assignment
completed the task, executed the mission
carried out the task
performed the assignment, fulfilled the duty, did the deed
carry out
To fulfill

The Boy was going to the seaside to-morrow. Everything was arranged, and now it only remained to carry out the doctor's orders.

carry out
To hold while moving something out

And so the little Rabbit was put into a sack with the old picture-books and a lot of rubbish, and carried out to the end of the garden behind the fowl-house.

carry out
carry through: put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation" follow through: pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue
carry out
If you carry out a threat, task, or instruction, you do it or act according to it. Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists Commitments have been made with very little intention of carrying them out
carry out
put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"
carry out
pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue; "Did he go through with the treatment?"; "He implemented a new economic plan"; "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"
carry out
put into practice, accomplish, perform
was carried out
was performed, was executed
carried out


    car·ried out

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    /ˈkarēd ˈout/ /ˈkæriːd ˈaʊt/


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