
listen to the pronunciation of ata
Türkçe - İngilizce
(isim) Ancestor
(Tarih) Founding fathers of a nation
the short form of Atatürk

When I was small, my father used to throw me up in the air. - Ben küçükken babam beni havaya atardı.

Mustafa Kemal is known by many as the father of the Turkish nation. - Mustafa Kemal, birçok kişi tarafından Türk milletinin atası olarak bilinir.

father; ancestor, forefather
(Bilgisayar) assign to
(Bilgisayar) assign

Tom accepted the assignment. - Tom atamayı kabul etti.

He assigned me a new job. - O, beni yeni bir işe atadı.


He said that he had Eskimo ancestry. - O, Eskimo ataları olduğunu söyledi.


The President nominated him to be Secretary of State. - Başkan onu dışişleri bakanı olarak atadı.

{f} dedicated
ata biner gibi oturma
ata binmek
ride a horse

I've always wanted to ride a horse. - Her zaman bir ata binmek istemişimdir.

I want to ride a horse. - Bir ata binmek istiyorum.

ata binmek
mount a horse
ata binmek
to mount a horse, to ride (a horse)
ata binmek
to mount a horse; to ride a horse
ata binmek

Riding a horse is a lot of fun. - Ata binmek çok eğlencelidir.

Riding a horse is really thrilling. - Bir ata binmek gerçekten heyecan verici.

ATA karnesi
(Ticaret) ATA carnet
ata erkil
assigned erkil
ata ait
ata biner gibi

He sat astride over the main door. - O ana kapı üstünde ata biner gibi oturdu.

ata biner gibi oturmak
ata biner gibi oturmak
ata binilen alan
ata et, ite ot vermek
to distribute work or goods without considering the needs and skills of those involved
ata gem vurmak
give a horse the bridle
ata hakim olmak
be a good seat on a horse
ata iyi binen kadın
ata iyi oturmak
keep one's seat
ata iyi oturmak
be a good seat on a horse
ata ma
(Hukuk) (n) appointment
ata yadigârı olan şey
ata binmek

I've always wanted to ride a horse. - Her zaman bir ata binmek istemişimdir.

I want to ride a horse. - Bir ata binmek istiyorum.

ata binmek
ata binmek
mount the horse
gelin ata binmiş ya nasip demiş
It isn't over till it's over
gelin ata binmiş ya nasip demiş
Don't count your chickens (before they're hatched)
görev ata
(Bilgisayar) assign task
otomatik ata
(Bilgisayar) auto set

He said that he had Eskimo ancestry. - O, Eskimo ataları olduğunu söyledi.

line of descent
bacaklarını ayırarak ata binmek
ride astride
bir yer imine yeni metin ata
(Bilgisayar) assign new text to a bookmark
ite ot, ata et vermek/in önüne ot, atın önüne et koymak
to give the wrong things to the wrong people
sesli çagrı ata
(Bilgisayar) assign voice call
yönetici ata
(Bilgisayar) set master
öncelik ata
(Bilgisayar) set priority
İngilizce - İngilizce
American Taekwondo Association; a company founded by the late Heung Ung Lee. Dedicated to teaching Tradional Taekwondo (Songahm style) to people from Tiny Tiger-hood (ages 4-6) to Junior-hood (ages 7-17) to Senior-hood (18-?)
Advanced Technology Attachment; a computer bus technology primarily designed for transfer of data to and from a hard disk. Renamed PATA when SATA came into existence to more clearly distinguish the two
IDE technology, standard interface for connecting additional hard drives to a computer (Computers)
AT Attachment - also known as IDE
(Accredited Tax Advisor), in the US, is a national credential conferred by Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation to professionals who handle sophisticated tax planning issues, including ownership of closely held businesses, qualified retirement plans and complicated estates
American Telemedicine Association
"Advanced Technology Attachment" - The common disk drive interface technology that puts the drive controller right on the drive itself There are a number of ATA versions, from the original a k a IDE) to the 33MBps ATA-33 (a k a Ultra-ATA) to the newest standard, ATA-66 which operates at 66MBps
AT Attachment Also known as IDE ATA defines the physical, electrical, transport, and command protocols for the internal attachment of storage devices
Air Transport Association of America
Airline Transportation Assication
Known also as IDE, supports one or two hard drives, a 16-bit interface and PIO modes 0, 1 and 2
For the PC, what are the differences between MFM, RLL, IDE, EIDE, ATA, ESDI, and SCSI hard drives?
(AT Attachment) The specification, formulated in the 1980s by a consortium of hardware and software manufacturers, that defines the IDE drive interface AT refers to the IBM PC/AT personal computer and its bus architecture IDE drives are sometimes referred to as ATA drives or AT bus drives The newer ATA-2 specification defines the EIDE interface, which improves upon the IDE standard (See also IDE and EIDE )
AT Attachment A disk drive implementation that integrates the controller on the drive itself There are several versions of ATA, all developed by the Small Form Factor (SFF) Committee: ATA: Also known as IDE, supports one or two hard drives, a 16-bit interface and PIO modes 0, 1 and 2 ATA/33: Also called Ultra ATA, Ultra DMA, UDMA and DMA-33, supports multiword DMA mode 3 running at 33 MBps ATA/66: Version of ATA proposed by Quantum Corporation, and supported by Intel, that doubles Ultra ATA's throughput to 66 MBps ATA/100: Version of ATA proposed by Quantum Corporation, and supported by Intel, that supports 100 MBps
American Transport Association (BAS)
ARCnet Trade Association
A standard for storage devices that lets them be treated as if they were hard drives on the system Any ATA compatible media can be read by any ATA device
AT Attachment A popular 16-bit interface standard that extends the ISA bus of the IBM PC-AT to attach peripherals; it has evolved through over 5 generations; the original ATA is better known as IDE
Advanced Technology Attachment; a disk drive interface standard for IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)
Advanced Technology Attachment An interface standard generally used for data storage devices
AT Attachment Interface for hard drives
Short for AT Attachment, a disk drive implementation that integrates the controller on the disk drive itself ATA: Known also as IDE, supports one or two hard drives, a 16-bit interface and PIO modes 0, 1 and 2 ATA-2: Supports faster PIO modes (3 and 4) and multiword DMA modes (1 and 2) Also supports logical block addressing (LBA) and block transfers ATA-2 is marketed as Fast ATA and Enhanced IDE (EIDE)
Airline Transportation Association
Air Transport Association
A type of hard drive and controller ATA was designed to replace the earlier ST506 and ESDI drives without requiring replacement of the AT BIOS- hence, AT attachment These drives are more popularly known as IDE drives See also ST506, ESDI, and IDE
AT Attachment (Same as IDE interface)
ACRONYM - Atmospheres absolute It is the weight of the column of air existing above the earths surface at 45° Lat and sea level Is equivalent to 14 696 psiA or 1 0333 kg/sq cm Equals atmospheres gauge plus 1 (030)
ATA specification
specification on which the IDE standard for disks is based
Alma Ata
{i} former name of Almaty (in Kazakhstan)
Kiryat Ata
small town in the Greater Haifa area (Israel)
muztagh ata
a mountain peak in the Kunlun range in China (24,760 feet high)
Türkçe - Türkçe
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (İtyan. dan) Verdi, veren. Geldi, gelen (mânasına da olur, fiildir
Hediye, bağış anlamında eski sözcük
Baba, Cet
Dedelerden ve büyük babalardan her biri: "Ey kız gözüme huri görünürsün / Atan sevmez seni benden ziyade."- Karacaoğlan
Dedelerden ve büyük babalardan her biri
Hediye, armağan, bahşiş
Kişinin geçmişte yaşamış olan büyükleri
Soyundan gelinen kimse
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Lütuf içinde lütuf, ihsan üzerine ihsan
ata erki
Soyda temel olarak babayı alan ve ailede çocukları baba soyuna mal eden topluluk düzeni, pederşahilik
atâ ender atâ
(Osmanlı Dönemi) lütuf içinde lütuf; bağış içinde bağış
gelin ata binmiş ya nasip demiş
Kesin sonuç alınmadan hiçbir işe oldu bitti gözüyle bakılmamalıdır anlamına gelen atasözü
gelin ata binmiş ya nasip demiş
son noktaya varıncaya kadar bir işe veya olaya kesin gözüyle bakılmamalı anlamına gelen atasözü
gelin ata binmiş ya nasip demiş
işin sonuna ulaşmadan her şeyin değişebileceğini anlatan atasözü
abdal ata binince bey oldum sanır, şalgam aşa girince yağ oldum sanır
(deyim) Kimi görgüsüz ve eğitimsiz kimseler bir rastlantı sonucu lâyık olmadıkları önemli bir işin başına geçseler ya da bir mevki elde etseler, aptalca davranmaya, o yerin adamı gibi görünmeye ve böbürlenmeye başlarlar. Dahası, bunun kendi hakları olduğunu da ileri sürerler
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kavga etmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Birbiri ardınca çağırmak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İşittik ve kabul ettik, itaat ederiz, baş üstüne meâlindedir
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) Hava Nakliye Tanker Birliği; hava alanı trafik sahası (Airlift Tanker Association; airport traffic area)
Kazakistan'ın başkenti