
listen to the pronunciation of tour
İngilizce - Türkçe
{f} gezmek
{i} tur

Tenislerdekilerle karşılaştırılabilen dört büyük golf turnuvası hangileridir. - What are the four major golf tournaments comparable to the ones in tennis?

Grup, gelecek turla ilgili çok heyecanlı. - The band are very excited about their upcoming tour.


Gezimizin amacı arkadaşları ziyaret etmek ve bazı turistik noktaları görmektir. - The purpose of our trip is to visit friends and see some tourist spots.

Amerika'daki kitapçılarda gezinmeyi dört gözle bekliyorum. - I'm looking forward to touring bookstores in the US.

{f} dolaşmak
{i} turne

Grubumuz önümüzdeki üç ay boyunca turnede olacak. - Our band will be on tour for the next three months.

(Turizm) birkaç yere uğayan gezi
{f} gez

Amerika'daki kitapçılarda gezinmeyi dört gözle bekliyorum. - I'm looking forward to touring bookstores in the US.

Gezimizin amacı arkadaşları ziyaret etmek ve bazı turistik noktaları görmektir. - The purpose of our trip is to visit friends and see some tourist spots.

{i} nöbet
{f} tur yapmak
{f} turneye çıkmak
{i} tur; dolaşma
tour operator
(isim) tur operatörü
tour manager
(Turizm) tur yöneticisi
tour wholesaler
(Turizm) tur toptancısı
tour de force
yetenek gösterisi
tour de force
güç gösterisi
tour of duty
iş gezisi
tour brochure
tur broşürü
tour of
tour operator
tur operatörü
tour broker
(Turizm) tur simsarı
tour broker
(Ticaret) tur komisyoncusu
tour broker
(Turizm) gezi komisyoncusu
tour broker
(Ticaret) seyahat acentesi
tour catalogue
(Turizm) tur kataloğu
tour de force
zoru başarma
tour director
(Askeri) MİHMANDAR SUBAY: Yurdu ziyaret eden yabancı heyetlere tercümanlık ve mihmandarlıkla görevlendirilmiş subay
tour director
(Askeri) mihmandar subay
tour information sheet
(Turizm) tur bilgi formu
tour marketing
(Turizm) tur pazarlaması
tour marketing
(Turizm) tur pazarlama
tour of duty
(Askeri) GÖREV SÜRESİ: Tayin olunan askeri personelin bir garnizon veya askeri bölgede kaldıkları süre.. Kalımlı süre ("stabilized tour") ABD anayurdunda geçirilecek mecburi bir görev devresi için belirlenmiş süredir
tour of duty
ask. (belirli bir yerdeki) görev süresi
tour operator
(Turizm) paket turlar düzenleyen firma
tour package
(Turizm) tur paketi
tour route
(Turizm) tur güzergahı
tour shell
(Turizm) tur dosyası
tour the city
şehri gezmek
tour ticket
tour windows xp
(Bilgisayar) windows xp turu
to tour
astronomy tour
(Tarih) Astronomi ile igili etkinlikler için düzenlenen gezi turu
{i} gezen
bosphorus tour
boğaz turu
bosphorus tour
boğaz gezisi
circuit tour
(Turizm) gezginci tur
circular tour
(Turizm) ring tur
combined tour
(Turizm) bileşik tur
domestic tour
(Turizm) yurt içi tur
escorted tour
(Turizm) refakatli gezi
foreign independent tour
(Turizm) yabancı bağımsız tur
inclusive tour charter
(Turizm) kapsamlı charter turu
product tour
(Bilgisayar) ürün gezintisi

Tom hâlâ Mary'nin grubuyla geziyor. - Tom is still touring with Mary's band.

Amerika'daki kitapçılarda gezinmeyi dört gözle bekliyorum. - I'm looking forward to touring bookstores in the US.

weekend tour
(Turizm) haftasonu gezisi
conducted tour
rehberli tur
go on a conducted tour
rehber eşliğinde geziye çıkmak
go on a guided tour
rehberli geziye çıkmak
go on a round-the-world tour
dünya turuna çıkmak
go on a sight-seeing tour
tura çıkmak
goodwill tour
iyi niyet gezisi
grand tour
büyük gezi
investigative tour
inceleme gezisi
package tour
paket tur

Paket turunuz var mı? - Do you have a package tour?

package tour
türküm turu
{f} gez

Tom hâlâ Mary'nin grubuyla geziyor. - Tom is still touring with Mary's band.

Tom Mary'nin grubuyla geziyor. - Tom is touring with Mary's band.

Tour guide
tur rehberi
a tour de force
güç de bir tur
boat tour
Tekne turu
conducted tour, sightseeing tour
tur, gezi turu yapılan
go on a guided tour
rehber eşliğinde geziye çıkmak
having a world tour
dünya turu yapmak
love tour
aşk turu
shuttle tour
hava alanından şehir merkezine, otellerden hava alanlarına yolcu taşıyan düzenli otobüs veya minibüs seferleri
sightseeing tour
Çevre tanıtıcı tur
tour of
bicycle tour
bisikletli tur
can i join the tour at the hotel
turla otelde buluşabilir miyim
can we take a guided tour
rehberli tur alabilir miyiz
can you recommend a sightseeing tour
gezi turu tavsiye edebilir misiniz
circular tour
komple tur
circular tour
devir gezisi
continental tour
avrupa turu
do you need a guided tour
rehbere ihtiyacınız var mı
exit tour
(Bilgisayar) gezinti'den çık
go on a tour
geziye gitmek
go on tour
turneye çıkmak
grand tour
avrupa turu
group tour
(Turizm) toplu gezi
guided tour
rehberli tur

Bir sonraki rehberli tur saat kaçta? - When is the next guided tour?

how much does this tour cost
tur ücreti ne kadar
inclusive tour basing fare
(Turizm) kapsamlı tur ücreti
individual inclusive tour
(Turizm) kapsamlı bireysel tur
inspection tour
(Ticaret) teftiş gezisi
is an all day tour available here
tüm gün turu var mı
is there a city tour here
şehir turu var mı
join the tour
geziye katılmak
long tour area
(Askeri) UZUN SÜRELİ GÖREV BÖLGESİ: Ailelerin birlikte götürülmesine müsaade edilen ve yanında ailesi olmayan personel için tespit edilmiş görev süresi 18 ay veya daha uzun olan bir denizaşırı bölge
make a tour
tur yapmak
museum tour
müze gezisi
national tour
yurtiçi gezi
next tour at
sonraki tur saat
obligated tour
(Askeri) MECBURİ GÖREV SÜRESİ: Muvazzaf ordu subayları dışındaki personelin, hizmette geçen ilk muvazzaflık hizmet süresi
organize a tour
tur düzenlemek
package tour
grup turu
scientific tour
bilimsel gezi
short tour area
(Askeri) KISA GÖREV SÜRELİ BÖLGE: Personel ailelerinin seyahati sınırlanan veya seyahatlerine izin verilmeyen ya da aileleri bulunmayan personelin resmi görev süresi 18 aydan az olan bir denizaşırı bölge
specialist tour operator
(Turizm) uzman tur operatörü
tips and tour
(Bilgisayar) ipuçları ve gezinti
tips tour
(Bilgisayar) ipuçları gezinti
walking tour
yürüyerek tur
walking tour
what kind of tour would you prefer
nasıl bir tur tercih edersiniz
what kind of tour would you prefer
(isim)sıl bir tur tercih edersiniz
when is the next guided tour
bir sonraki rehberli tur saat kaçta
windows tour
(Bilgisayar) windows gezintisi
windows xp tour
(Bilgisayar) windows xp turu
world tour
dünya turu
would you please arrange the tour for me
benim için bir turistik turu ayarlar mısınız
İngilizce - İngilizce
To make a journey; as, to tour throughout a country
A tower
A journey through a particular building, estate, country, etc
A guided visit to a particular place, or virtual place
To make a circuit of a place
A journey through a given list of places, such as by an entertainer performing concerts
A trip taken to another nation by a test side in which several matches will be played
{n} a roving journey, ramble, turn
When people such as musicians, politicians, or theatre companies tour, they go on a tour, for example in order to perform or to meet people. A few years ago they toured the country in a roadshow He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows
The Grand Tour Through France, Switzerland, Italy, and home by Germany Before railways were laid down, this tour was made by most of the young aristocratic families as the finish of their education Those who merely went to France or Germany were simply tourists
A turn; a revolution; as, the tours of the heavenly bodies
make a tour of a certain place; "We toured the Provence this summer
A tour is a planned visitation to one or more destinations for specific educational objectives and outcomes Such a tour is conducted over an extended period of time (such as a semester or a summer) under the direct or indirect supervision of a qualified instructor selected by the department offering the tour A tour is an educational entity, and is not part of another existing course (such as a field trip) Students are expected to bear the cost for travel, housing, meals, admission costs, and the like, as may be required
a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work"
A set of Web pages that uses text and graphics to describe a product's features
{f} sightsee, voyage, travel
means a journey from one place to another irrespective of the distance between such places
A prearranged trip, planned and organized by an individual or a tour operator
means circumstances in which an employee at the direction of the employer is required to be absent from his usual place of residence for one or more nights
A going round; a circuit; hence, a journey in a circuit; a prolonged circuitous journey; a comprehensive excursion; as, the tour of Europe; the tour of France or England
make a tour of a certain place; "We toured the Provence this summer"
If you tour a place, you go on a journey or trip round it. You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos. La Tour Georges de Tour de France Turenne Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne viscount de Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne
a period of time spent in military service
An extremely fun and disorienting ride A place where children's memories reside Where dreams and laughter and reality collide A journey that steals but does take up no time "
A tour is a journey during which you visit several places that interest you. It was week five of my tour of the major cities of Europe
{i} voyage, sightseeing excursion
To make a tourm; as, to tour throught a country
a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area; "they took an extended tour of Europe"; "we took a quick circuit of the park"; "a ten-day coach circuit of the island"
A tour is a short trip that you make round a place, for example round a historical building, so that you can look at it. a guided tour of a ruined Scottish castle
anything done successively, or by regular order; a turn; as, a tour of duty
A tour is an organized trip that people such as musicians, politicians, or theatre companies go on to several different places, stopping to meet people or perform. The band are currently on a two-month tour of Europe a presidential campaign tour in Illinois. When people are travelling on a tour, you can say that they are on tour. The band will be going on tour
Tour de France
A long cycle race through France and other European countries
tour bus
A bus used for a touring group, especially by musicians
tour d'horizon
An extensive tour; figuratively, a wide-ranging or general survey

In her engaging tour d'horizon When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present , Gail Collins quotes Van Gelder's lament .

tour de force
An outstanding display of skill
tour de force
A feat demonstrating brilliance or mastery in a field

Now orbiting Earth, Gravity Probe B is a technological tour de force.

tour match
a cricket match played between a touring side and a local side
tour matches
plural form of tour match
tour of duty
A period of time spent on a specific assignment, especially on an overseas mission
tour operator
a company that sells package holidays
tour operators
plural form of tour operator
Attributive form of tour of duty

tour-of-duty extension.

Tour de France
a famous bicycle race that takes place in France each year. The race goes all over France and continues for about three weeks. On each day the rider who is leading the race wears a special yellow shirt. World's most prestigious and difficult bicycle race. Staged for three weeks each July usually in some 20 daylong stages the Tour typically comprises 20 professional teams of nine riders each and covers some 3,600 km (2,235 miles) of flat and mountainous country, mainly in France, with occasional and brief visits to Belgium, Italy, Germany, and Spain. Each stage of the race is timed, and the rider with the lowest aggregate time for all stages is the winner. Established in 1903 by Henri Desgrange (b. 1865 d. 1940), a French cyclist and journalist, the race has been run every year except during the world wars
tour de France
{i} annual bicycle race that is held in France
tour de force
a masterly or brilliant feat
tour de force
a feat of strength; a skillful accomplishment
tour de force
emphasis If you call something such as a performance, speech, or production a tour de force, you are emphasizing that it is extremely good or extremely well done or made. Stevenson's deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force. something that is done very skilfully and successfully, and is very impressive
tour de force
achievement achieved with much skill; performance done with supreme skill; masterwork; feat of strength; outstanding feat
tour de force
A feat of strength
tour de france
a French bicycle race for professional cyclists that last three weeks and covers about 3,000 miles
tour guide
{i} professional person who guides tourists in an area, one who organizes a tour
tour guide
a guide who leads others on a tour
tour of duty
tours of duty a period of time when you are working in a particular place or job, especially abroad while you are in the army etc
tour of duty
a period of time spent in military service
tour operator
A tour operator is a company that provides holidays in which your travel and accommodation are booked for you. a company that arranges travel tours
tour operator
{i} tour guide, one who is active in the tourist industry, person who organizes guided tours
tour package
{i} special bundle for tourists that generally includes all aspects of a vacation (transportation, hotel, etc.)
tour rep
A tour rep is the same as a holiday rep
Cook's tour
A long or complicated journey, an indirect route

The detour meant that we had to go on a twenty mile Cook's tour to get home.

audio tour
A tour where the information is given to the visitor through a collection of prerecorded speeches on a device that they carry around with them
foodie tour
A tour themed around locations where food or drink is manufactured or otherwise notable

I'm going on a foodie tour to France this summer: more frogs' legs for me!.

knight's tour
A sequence of positions on a chess board, which sequence includes each square precisely once, and where successive positions are a knight's move away from one another
knight's tour
A similar sequence on a board of any size or shape
mystery tour
A short-duration outing by coach to a destination that is not revealed in advance

I recall, Anderson went on, the fine story of a Welsh mystery tour by bus from Cwmrhydyceirw in my constituency.

Alternative spelling of pretour
Working for a short time in different places; "itinerant laborers"; "a road show"; "traveling salesman"; "touring company"
Present participle of tour
whistle-stop train tour
Any travel that's quick and with only brief pauses
whistle-stop train tour
A tour in a political campaign that makes many brief stops in small communities
package tour
A package holiday or package tour consists of transport and accommodation advertised and sold together by a vendor known as a tour operator. Other services may be provided like a rental car, activities or outings during the holiday. Transport can be via charter airline to a foreign country. Package holidays are a form of product bundling
Georges de La Tour
born , March 19, 1593, Vic-sur-Seille, Lorraine, Fr. died Jan. 30, 1652, Lunéville French painter. He was well known in his lifetime, especially for his depictions of candlelit subjects, then was forgotten until the 20th century, when the identification of works previously misattributed established his reputation as a giant of French painting. His early works were painted in a realistic manner and influenced by the dramatic chiaroscuro of Caravaggio. The paintings of La Tour's maturity are marked by a startling geometric simplification of the human form and by the depiction of interior scenes lit only by the glare of candles or torches. His religious paintings done in this manner have a monumental simplicity and a stillness that expresses both contemplative quiet and wonder. Little is known of his life, and only four or five of his paintings are dated. The chronology and authenticity of some works attributed to him are still debated
Grand Tour
The Grand Tour was a journey round the main cities of Europe that young men from rich families used to make as part of their education
Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne viscount de Turenne
orig. Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne born Sept. 11, 1611, Sedan, France died July 27, 1675, Sasbach, Baden-Baden French military leader. He earned his reputation as a military leader in the Thirty Years' War, especially with the capture of Turin (1640). Made a marshal of France (1643), he commanded the French army in Germany and joined the Swedish army in conquering Bavaria (1648). In France he joined the aristocrats in the Fronde (1649), but later he skillfully commanded the royal army to defeat the forces led by the prince de Condé, who had allied himself with Spain, and to bring about the Peace of the Pyrenees (1659), which ended France's war with Spain. Appointed marshal-general (1660), Turenne marched alongside Louis XIV in joint command of the French armies in the War of Devolution (1667-68). His bold strategies won numerous victories against the imperial army in Germany (1672-75), but he was killed in action at Sasbach. He was buried with the kings of France at Saint-Denis and later moved to the Invalides by Napoleon, who esteemed Turenne as the greatest military leader in history
Road Rage Tour
{i} national tour of snowboarding exhibitions and competitions; national "Wrestlemania" tour of professional wrestlers
The capital of the Indre-et-Loire département, in Centre, in France
City (pop., 1999: 132,820), northwest-central France. Gallic tribes inhabited the site before the Roman conquest. In the 3rd century AD it was made an episcopal see, but the Christian community remained small until St. Martin became bishop in the 4th century; a magnificent basilica was raised above his tomb in the late 5th century, attracting pilgrims for hundreds of years. In the 5th century Tours became part of the Frankish dominion; Charles Martel defeated Moorish invaders nearby at the Battle of Tours/Poitiers in 732. Under Alcuin it developed as a centre of learning. Though it prospered in the Middle Ages, it declined with the 17th-century emigration of the Protestant Huguenots. It was the seat of French government during the siege of Paris (1870) in the Franco-Prussian War. The chief tourist hub for the Loire valley, Tours still has the remains of the basilica of St. Martin. Tours is the birthplace of Honore de Balzac. Berengar of Tours Gregory of Tours Saint Martin of Tours Saint
bicycle tour
bicycle trip
concert tour
series of concerts given in various locations
conducted tour
guided tour, sightseeing tour which has a leader who explains the sites
conducted tour
A conducted tour is a visit to a building, town, or area during which someone goes with you and explains everything to you. = guided tour
grand tour
A lengthy journey which takes in the major sights of a continent Usually used to refer to "The Grand Tour of Europe," on which people of means saw all of the best the continent had to offer
grand tour
The Grand Tour was an opportunity for a young gentleman to explore the world and make his official entrance into society The tour was a chance for young men to travel to far-away places, learn about culture and art, and refine his tastes and manners It was also a chance to be free of supervision, a fact of which many of the men took advantage For more information, visit an ECE student project on The Grand Tour!
grand tour
an extended sightseeing tour undertaken for pleasure
grand tour
extensive and usually educational tour; extensive travel (originally as part of a wealthy young British man's education)
grand tour
The grand tour is a method for viewing multivariate statistical data via orthogonal projections onto a sequence of two-dimensional subspaces The sequence of subspaces is chosen so that it is dense in the set of all two-dimensional subspaces Desirable properties of such sequences of subspaces are considered, and several specific types of sequences are tested for rapidity of becoming dense Tabulations are provided of the minimum length of a grand tour sequence necessary to achieve various degrees of denseness in dimensions up to 20 [ASI85]
grand tour
A tour taken by a performer, generally with only a piano, to perform excerpts from various works
guided tour
organized and educational excursion led by a knowledgeable guide
guided tour
If someone takes you on a guided tour of a place, they show you the place and tell you about it. if someone takes you on a guided tour, they show you around a place of interest and tell you all about it guided tour of/around/round
la tour
French painter of religious works (1593-1652)
mystery tour
a trip, usually by bus, in which people do not know exactly where they will be taken
on tour
traveling around and seeing sights (of tourists); traveling around and giving concerts (of music bands)
organized tour
{i} group sightseeing tour; trip that was prepared and organized in advance
package tour
a tour arranged by a travel agent; transportation and food and lodging are all provided at an inclusive price
package tour
a package deal
package tour
{i} organized tour that includes accommodations and transportation and is sold as one unit
sex tour
sex tourist n
tour guide
{i} cicerone
past of tour
Geoffrey of Monmouth says: “In the party of Brutus was one Turones, his nephew, inferior to none in courage and strength, from whom Tours derived its name, being the place of his sepulture Of course, this fable is wholly worthless historically Tours is the city of the Turones, a people of Gallia Lugdunensis
The travel stitches drawn and punched to pick up parts of the design and show a recommended following
Activity involving taking tourists on a trip
whistle-stop tour
a tour by a candidate as part of a political campaign in which a series of small towns are visited; "in 1948 Truman crossed the country several times on his whistle-stop tours