put forward

listen to the pronunciation of put forward
İngilizce - Türkçe
(plan,bir tartışma) Ortaya atmak
öne sürmek
ileri sürmek
adaylığını koymak
meydana atmak
öne almak
ortaya atılmak
ileri sür

Barry Taylor'un ismi başkanlık makamı için ileri sürüldü. - Barry Taylor's name has been put forward for the post of chairman.

Arkadaşım iyi bir fikir ileri sürdü. - My friend put forward a good suggestion.

ortaya atmak
(saati) ileri almak
iddia etmek
ileri almak
öne çıkarmak
ortaya koymak
öne sürme
put forward a proposal
öneri götürmek
put forward a proposal
öneri sunmak
put forward a reason
gerekçe ileri sürmek
put forward a suggestion
öneri sunmak
put forward an opposite theory
put something forward
ortaya atmak
put something forward
(deyim) öne sürmek
put one's best foot forward
(deyim) İyi bir tesir bırakmak; elinden geleni yapmak
put one´s best foot forward
iyi bir tesir bırakmak için elinden geleni yapmak
put the watch forward
izlemek ortaya koymak
put your best foot forward
Elinden geleni yapmak
put one's watch forward
saatini ileri almak
put oneself forward
put oneself forward
öne çıkmak
put oneself forward
adaylığını koymak
put s.t. forward to
toplantıyı/randevuyu (daha ileri bir tarihe/saate) almak; toplantı/randevu tarihini/saatini ileri almak/ertelemek. put s.t. in s.o.'s mind bir şeyi birinin aklına koymak
put something forward to
toplantı saatini ileri almak
put something forward to
toplantı tarihini ileri almak
put something forward to
randevu tarihini ileri almak
put something forward to
randevu saatini ileri almak
put the clock forward
saati ileri almak
put the watch forward
saati ileri almak
put your best foot forward
elinden geleni yap
İngilizce - İngilizce
To propose for consideration

The Prime Minister put forward new plans to tackle corruption.

To change the time in a time zone to a later time

Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour.

suggest, propose; move ahead (e.g. the hands of a clock)
insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!"
cause to protrude or as if to protrude; "stick one's hand out of the window"; "stick one's nose into other people's business"
If you put forward a plan, proposal, or name, you suggest that it should be considered for a particular purpose or job. He has put forward new peace proposals I rang the Colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy in Zurich. = submit withdraw
propose as a candidate for some honor
put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "stir a disturbance"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"
put forward a suggestion
offer a suggestion
put one's best foot forward
To show oneself in the best or most positive way possible; to make a favorable impression

Try to put your best foot forward at all times during a job interview.

put the clock forward
To change the time in a time zone to a later time

Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour.

put oneself forward
jump ahead, step forward
put forward


    put for·ward

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    pût fôrwırd


    /ˈpo͝ot ˈfôrwərd/ /ˈpʊt ˈfɔːrwɜrd/


    [ 'put ] (verb.) 12th century. Middle English putten; akin to Old English putung instigation, Middle Dutch poten to plant.

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    put forward to


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