
listen to the pronunciation of picture
English - Turkish

Duvardaki resim, Picasso tarafından yapıldı. - The picture on the wall was painted by Picasso.

Resimde herkes gülümsüyor. - Everyone is smiling in the picture.

{f} 1. betimlemek, resmetmek. 2
{f} çizmek

Çocuk bir resim çizmekten zevk aldı. - The boy enjoyed painting a picture.

Resim çizmekten hoşlanırım. - I like to draw pictures.

picture book resim kitabı
{f} resmetmek

Dün gece benimle ilgili çektiğin resmin bir kopyasını alabilir miyim? - Could I get a copy of the picture you took of me last night?

Elimden geldiğince kısa sürede sana bu resmin bir kopyasını göndereceğim. - I will send you a copy of this picture as soon as I can.

tıpatıp benzeri
(Askeri) görünüm

Genel görünüme bakmalısın. - You need to look at the big picture.

Burada genel görünümü görmüyorsun. - You're not seeing the whole picture here.

(Bilgisayar) bir resim olarak ekler
tasvir etmek
hayal etmek
görülmeye değer şey ya da kişi
{i} -in tıpatıp benzeri, kopya
{f} kafasında canlandırmak
pek güzel kimse ya da şey

Lütfen televizyon görüntüsünü ayarla. - Please adjust the television picture.

Mary, Tom'un kullanıcı profilindeki sevimli buzulkuşu görüntüsünü beğendi. - Mary liked the cute penguin picture in Tom's user profile.

-in mükemmel örneği

Bu benim tablolarımdan birinin resmi. - This is a picture of one of my paintings.

Bu benim tablomun bir resmi. - This is a picture of my painting.


Ben fotoğraf çekmekten hoşlanıyorum. - I enjoy taking pictures.

Burada fotoğraf çekebilir miyim? - Can I take pictures here?

resmini yapmak
{i} betimleme

Moonlight En İyi Film Oscar'ı'nı kazandı. - Moonlight won the Oscar for Best Picture.

tasavvur etmek
{i} k.dili. film, sinema filmi
{f} yansıtmak

Gözlem gücüyle ilgili bir deneyde, Tom evinde iki yıldır oturmasına rağmen, oturma odasının duvarında asılı resimlerin hiçbirini tarif edemedi. - During an experiment on powers of observation, Tom was unable to describe any of the pictures hanging on his living room wall, despite having lived in his unit for two years.

Güzelliğin en mükemmel tarafı, hiçbir resimle tarif edilememesidir. - The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.

picture frame resim çerçevesi
resim,v.düşün: n.resim
tarif veya tasvir etmek
{i} çizim

Bu, onun kendi çizimi olan bir resimdir. - This is a picture of her own painting.

Bu, benim çizimimin bir resmidir. - This is a picture of my drawing.

resimli kitap
resim, karikatür sitesinden çok sayıda sanatsal karikatürü ücretsiz indirebilir, kullanabilirsiniz

Bakalım sonunda nasıl bir manzara ile karşı karşıya kalacağız. - It remains to be seen what kind of picture we will be faced with in the end.

Provence manzaraları resmedilmeye değerdir. - The landscapes of Provence are very picturesque.

(Bilgisayar) word resmi

Bu resimli kartpostalların hepsi benimdir. - All of these picture postcards are mine.

Arkadaşlarıma bu resimli kartpostalları gösterdim. - I showed my friends these picture postcards.

(Bilgisayar) bild
picture editor
(Bilgisayar) resim düzenleyicisi
picture file
(Bilgisayar) resim dosyası
picture in
(Bilgisayar) içindeki resim
picture info
(Bilgisayar) resim bilgisi
picture show
sinema filmi
picture signal
resim işareti
picture theatre
picture tube
tv resim tüpü
picture book
resim kitabı
picture card
picture card
picture editor
resim seçici
picture element
resim elemanı
picture frame
resim çerçevesi

Bu, plastikten yapılmış bir resim çerçevesi. - This is a picture frame made of plastic.

picture gallery
resim galerisi
picture gallery
resim müzesi
picture goer
picture postcard
picture postcard
resimli kartpostal
picture processing
görüntü işleme
picture puzzle
resimli bulmaca
picture taking
resim çekme
picture telegraphy
resimli telgraf jüyesi
picture theater
picture transmission
resim nakli
picture transmission
görüntü iletimi
picture tube
ekran lambası
picture tube
resim tüpü
picture tube
görüntü lambası
picture window
büyük pencere
Picture Exchange communication system
Resim Değiş Tokuşuna Dayalı İletişim Sistemi
picture book
Resimli kitap
picture carrier
resim taşıyıcı
picture data
resmi veri
picture definition
resim netligi, resim seçikligi
picture dictionary
resmi sözlük
picture duping print
pozitif görüntü kopyası, pozitif görüntü eslemi
picture head
projektör başı
picture inversion
resim inversiyonu, resim evrilmesi
picture library
resmi kütüphane
picture locking
resim kenetleme
picture monitor
resim monitörü, görüntü denetligi
picture negative
resim negatifi, görüntü negatifi
picture noise
kârlı görüntü, karlanma
picture perfect
Mükemmel bir resim
picture ratio
görüntü oranı, görüntü boyutu, çerçeve oranı
picture repetition frequency
resim frekansı, saniyede resim sayısı, saniyede resim
picture scanning
resim tarama
picture size
resim büyüklüğü, resim boyu
picture synchronization
resim senkronizasyonu, resim eşlemesi
picture white
beyaz resim seviyesi
picture border
resim kenarlığı
picture bullet
(Bilgisayar) resimli madde işareti
picture bullet
(Bilgisayar) resim madde işareti
picture card
papaz vale ya da kiz
picture card
suratlı iskambil kâğıdı
picture editor embedder
(WinDraw) Picture Editor
picture element
Resim Ögesi
picture file name
resim dosyası adı
picture format
(Bilgisayar) resim biçimi
picture frame
picture gate
(Sinema) kamera çerçevesi
picture gate
(Sinema) kamera penceresi
picture gate
(Sinema) alıcı penceresi
picture height
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim yüksekliği
picture index
(Bilgisayar) resim dizini
picture layout
(Bilgisayar) resim düzeni
picture menu
(Bilgisayar) resim menüsü
picture noise
(Teknik,Televizyon) karlanma
picture noise
(Teknik,Televizyon) karlı görüntü
picture objects
Resim Nesneleri
picture only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca resim
picture pages
(Bilgisayar) resim sayfaları
picture palace
(isim) sinema
picture palace
{i} sinema
picture placeholder
Resim Yer tutucuları
picture point
(Askeri) fotoğraf noktası
picture point
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim noktası
picture point
(Askeri) FOTOĞRAF NOKTASI: Bir hava fotoğrafı üzerinde, kolaylıkla bulunabilmesi için bir yuvarlak veya çarpı ile işaretlenmiş, belirli bir arazi şekli. Fotoğraf noktası, genel olarak, fotoğraf haritası yapımında, bir nirengi noktası olarak kullanılan bir mevkidir. '
picture rail
resim pervazı
picture search
(PS) Resim Arama
picture signal
resim isareti
picture source
(Bilgisayar) resim kaynağı
picture space
çizim alanı
picture tasks
(Bilgisayar) resim görevleri
picture tiling
(Bilgisayar) resim döşeme
picture transmission
televizyon yayını
picture transmission
görüntü nakli
picture tube
TV resim tüpü, resim lambası
picture width
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim genişliği
picture window
(Sinema) manzara penceresi
picture window
(Sinema) gösterici penceresi
picture window
(Sinema) panaromik pencere
picture window
(Sinema) projeksiyon çerçevesi
as picture
(Bilgisayar) resim olarak
big picture
genel görünüm

Burada genel görünüme bakman gerekiyor. - You need to look at the big picture here.

Genel görünüme bakmalısın. - You need to look at the big picture.

change picture
(Bilgisayar) resim değiştir
crop picture
(Bilgisayar) resim kırp
crop picture
(Bilgisayar) resmi kırp
custom picture
(Bilgisayar) özel resim
display picture
(Bilgisayar) resim görüntüle
edit picture
(Bilgisayar) resmi düzenle
edit picture
(Bilgisayar) resim düzenle
format picture
(Bilgisayar) resim biçimlendir
format picture
(Bilgisayar) resmi biçimlendir
frame picture
(Bilgisayar) resmi çerçevele
motion picture
motion picture
sinemada gösterilen film
moving picture
sinema filmi
moving picture
(Sinema) sinema

Bu resimlerin herhangi birinden hoşlanıyor musun? - Do you like any of these pictures?

Biz ona Alpler'in bazı resimlerini gösterdik. - We showed him some pictures of the Alps.

hayal ederek
preview picture
(Bilgisayar) resmi göster
preview picture
(Bilgisayar) resim önizleme
show picture
(Bilgisayar) resmi göster
take picture
(Bilgisayar) resim al
take picture
(Bilgisayar) fotoğraf çek
average picture level
ortalama görüntü düzeyi
blurred picture
bulanık görüntü
colour picture signal
renkli resim sinyali
colour picture tube
renkli görüntü lambası
draw a picture
resim çizmek

Küçük çocuk bir resim çizmek için renkli kalem kullanmaktadır. - The young child uses crayons to draw a picture.

electrostatic picture tube
elektrostatik resim tüpü
master picture monitor
ana resim monitörü
motion picture
sinema filmi
moving picture camera
film kamerası
{i} sinema
{f} düşün
positive picture
pozitif görüntü
silent picture
sessiz film
sound picture
sesli film
take a picture
fotoğraf çek
taken a picture
fotoğraf çek
talking picture
sözlü film
television picture
sınalgı görüntüsü
television picture tube
sınalgı resim tüpü
took a picture
fotoğraf çek
word picture
kelimelerle tarif etme
automatic picture transmission
otomatik resim iletimi
be out of the picture
k. dili (biri) sahneden çekilmiş olmak, işin içinde olmamak
dirty picture
kirli resim
distorted picture
bozuk resim
get the message/get the picture
argo anlamak, çakmak
get the picture?
resim olsun?
give a picture of
(deyim) görüntüsü vermek
hence, a small picture; a miniature
Bu nedenle, küçük bir resim, bir minyatür
image picture
görüntü resmi
monochrome picture
tek renkli resim
hareketli resim
paint a different picture
(deyim) Mevcut durumdan farklı bir durum ortaya koymak
paint a rosy picture
(deyim) Pembe tablo çizmek
paints a different picture
(deyim) Yeni olan bir olayın bir bütün ile ilgili herşeyi, bakış acısını, temel değerlerini değiştirmesi

If that's the case that paints a quite different picture.

resim yapma
put s.o. in the picture
k. dili birine durumu anlatmak, birini aydınlatmak
put someone in the picture
(deyim) Birine olayın iç yüzünü anlatmak
reference picture
referans resmi
take picture
almak resim
television picture
televizyon görüntüsü
television picture tube
televizyon resim tüpü
(isim) sinema
resim yapma
English - English
("the pictures") Cinema (as a form of entertainment)

Let's go to the pictures.

To imagine or envision

Picture yourself on a beach.

A motion picture

Casablanca is my all-time favorite picture.

To depict
A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, by drawing, painting, printing, photography, etc
An image; a representation as in the imagination
To represent in or with a picture
A paragon, a perfect example or specimen (of a category)

She's the very picture of health.

A painting

There was a picture hanging above the fireplace.

A photograph

I took a picture of that church.

Here's a photograph of Tom. - Here's a picture of Tom.

{n} a resemblance in colors
{v} to paint
By extension, a figure; a model
A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc
Cinema (as a form of entertainment)"
A representation of visible reality produced by drawing, painting, printing, photography, etc
If you picture something in your mind, you think of it and have such a clear memory or idea of it that you seem to be able to see it. He pictured her with long black braided hair He pictured Claire sitting out in the car, waiting for him I tried to picture the place, but could not. = imagine
If you get the picture, you understand the situation, especially one which someone is describing to you. Luke never tells you the whole story, but you always get the picture. = get the idea
To make a picture of
The art of painting; representation by painting
A picture of something is a description of it or an indication of what it is like. I'll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do
If you put someone in the picture, you tell them about a situation which they need to know about. Has Inspector Fayard put you in the picture?. picture element motion picture Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
Television pictures are the scenes which you see on a television screen. heartrending television pictures of human suffering
a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; "they showed us the pictures of their wedding"; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"
a typical example of some state or quality; "the very picture of a modern general"; "she was the picture of despair"
When you refer to the picture in a particular place, you are referring to the situation there. It's a similar picture across the border in Ethiopia. = situation
{f} photograph; paint, draw; describe, depict
You use picture to describe what someone looks like. For example, if you say that someone is a picture of health or the picture of misery, you mean that they look extremely healthy or extremely miserable. We found her standing on a chair, the picture of terror, screaming hysterically
A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene. A picture of Rory O'Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan
a situation treated as an observable object; "the political picture is favorable"; "the religious scene in England has changed in the last century"
To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind
To be pictured somewhere, for example in a newspaper or magazine, means to appear in a photograph or picture. The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft. a woman who claimed she had been pictured dancing with a celebrity in Stringfellows nightclub The rattan and wrought-iron chair pictured here costs £125
A picture is a photograph. The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other
An image or resemblance; a representation, either to the eye or to the mind; that which, by its likeness, brings vividly to mind some other thing; as, a child is the picture of his father; the man is the picture of grief
If you have a picture of something in your mind, you have a clear idea or memory of it in your mind as if you were actually seeing it. We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight = image
a representation in colors
If you say that someone is in the picture, you mean that they are involved in the situation that you are talking about. If you say that they are out of the picture, you mean that they are not involved in the situation. Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July
show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting
If you go to the pictures, you go to a cinema to see a film. We're going to the pictures tonight = cinema
illustrations used to decorate or explain a text; "the dictionary had many pictures"
{i} photograph; drawing, painting; film; embodiment, incarnation
You can refer to a film as a picture. a director of epic action pictures
Picture Sorts
a research tool used to deconstruct the audience’s visual experience of a television commercial

Picture Sorts are the tools most useful to the ad team because it shows them, in pictures instead of words, what is and is not working in the ad.

Picture Sorts
a research tool used to diagnose different strengths and weaknesses of the commercial via flow of attention, flow of emotion, and flow of meaning
picture book
A book for young children in which the narrative is accompanied by illustrations
picture books
plural form of picture book
picture box
A user interface control for displaying an image

Displaying images on a form is very simple with a picture box. Just set the image property to a file on your hard drive.

picture card
A trade card
picture card
A playing card which has a picture on it (usually Jack, Queen or King, but sometimes including Ace or Joker)
picture card
A flash memory card for a digital camera
picture dictionary
A dictionary that includes pictures to help identify things
picture framing
a square or rectangular pattern of ridges in a roof membrane or covering over insulation or deck joints
picture message
An image that is transmitted electronically, especially between mobile phones
picture message
An image used to convey an idea or concept
picture messaging
The transmission of picture messages between mobile phones
picture molding
A horizontal molding attached to a wall intended to facilitate the hanging of decorative objects
picture plane
In art, the imaginary plane correspondent with the physical surface of a drawing, painting or print
picture rail
A moulding applied to or recessed into the surface of a wall, and used to suspend hooks and cables attached to paintings, framed art or mirrors. The moulding is usually continuous around the room
picture rails
plural form of picture rail
Perfect in appearance as with the subjects in paintings or photographs, without the common imperfections of real life
Alternative spelling of picturesque

If you mean ‘picturesque’ I’d say that you are quite right.

Picture Exchange communication system
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a form of augmentative and alternative communication. It is typically used as an aid in communication for children with autism and other special needs. The system has been used with a variety of ages including preschoolers, adolescents and adults who have a wide array of communicative, cognitive and physical difficulties. Recent literature reviews have supported PECS as an evidence-based practice
Picture of Dorian Gray
a novel by Oscar Wilde about a beautiful young man, Dorian Gray, who has a painting of himself that he keeps in the attic (=a room under the roof) of his house. Dorian Gray's own face remains young and beautiful, but the face in the painting looks older and more ugly as Gray becomes more and more evil and immoral (1891)
picture book
a book consisting chiefly of pictures
picture book
a book in which the illustrations are as important as the text, both contributing to the telling of the story
picture book
A children's book, usually about 32 pages in length, in which illustrations are an integral part of the story
picture book
A picture book is a book with a lot of pictures in and not much writing. Many picture books are intended for children. a book for children with many pictures in it
picture book
Heavily illustrated book usually for children See BOOK
picture book
A book with illustrations that are as important as the text
picture card
any one of the cards in a deck of playing cards that has a picture of a face (king, queen or jack)
picture card
a court card
picture disc
A phonograph record that has a picture displayed on the vinyl of one or both sides
picture element
unit of information which describes a point within a computerized graphic image
picture frame
a framework in which a picture is mounted
picture framing
making of frames for pictures
picture hat
a woman's dressy hat with a wide brim
picture hat
An elaborately decorated, broad-brimmed hat for women
picture library
A picture library is a collection of photographs that is held by a particular company or organization. Newspapers or publishers can pay to use the photographs in their publications
picture messaging
{i} photo messaging, system that allows digital pictures to be relayed from one mobile phone to another or to an e-mail address
picture palace
{i} movie house, movie theater, cinema
picture plane
the plane that is in the foreground of a drawing or painting; coextensive with but different from the objective surface of the work
picture postcard
postcard that has a picture of a view on the front
picture postcard
You can use picture postcard to describe a place that is very attractive. picture-postcard Normandy villages. = picturesque. a postcard with a photograph or picture on it
picture postcard
a postcard with a picture on one side
picture postcard
A picture postcard is a postcard with a photograph of a place on it. People often buy picture postcards of places they visit when on holiday
picture postcard
The spelling picture-postcard is also used for meaning 2
picture rail
rail fixed to a wall for hanging pictures
picture rail
A picture rail is a continuous narrow piece of wood which is fixed round a room just below the ceiling. Pictures can be hung from it using string and hooks. a long narrow piece of wood fixed high on a wall, used for hanging pictures from
picture resolution
measure of the quality of a picture according to its clarity and sharpness
picture show
A picture show is a film or cinema
picture show
movie, film; movie theater
picture tube
part of a television that makes it possible to view a picture on the screen
picture tube
A cathode-ray tube in a television receiver that translates received electrical signals into a visible picture on a luminescent screen. Also called kinescope
picture window
Large fixed windows
picture window
The picture window is stationary and framed so that it is usually, but not always, longer horizontally than vertically to provide a panoramic view
picture window
Fixed sash
picture window
A large, fixed window framed so that it is usually, but not always, longer horizontally than vertically to provide a panoramic view
picture window
A window that has no moveable sash
picture window
An ad layout in which the picture is placed at the top of the page, and the copy is placed below
picture window
a large fixed window
picture window
A window that is fixed and cannot be opened, usually very large
picture window
A window configuration made up as one non-opening section
picture window
A rectangle that indicates the position and size of art or photo
picture window
a large window with a single pane (usually overlooking a view)
picture window
Usually a configuration of casements or double hungs with one stationary center sash and venting flankers on either side
picture window
A fixed window with no opening members
picture window
A picture window is a window containing one large sheet of glass, so that people have a good view of what is outside. A large, usually single-paned window that provides a broad outside view. a large window made of a single piece of glass
picture writing
a writing system using pictographs
exactly right in appearance or quality
a picture-postcard place is very pretty
a picture is worth a thousand words
Alternative form of a picture paints a thousand words
a picture paints a thousand words
A visualisation is a better description than a verbal description

See accompanying diagram: a picture paints a thousand words, and all that!.

big picture
The totality of a situation
big picture
The main film in a double feature
bigger picture
An understanding of a situation that includes more than what is immediately apparent
desktop picture
picture displayed on a computer's desktop as a background behind the user interface
Attributive form of desktop picture

desktop-picture choice.

get the picture
To understand or comprehend; to interpret correctly

I hung a no solicitors sign by my door. One of these days, I hope they'll get the picture and quit ringing the bell.

motion picture
A sequence of images depicting people or objects in motion, preserved on a recording medium and capable of being projected for viewing

Some technical knowledge of cameras and lighting is needed to create a motion picture.

motion picture
The narrative or other informational content conveyed by means of such a sequence of images

Gone with the Wind is my favorite motion picture.

moving picture
A film, movie
furnished with pictures
Simple past tense and past participle of picture
plural form of picture
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of picture
The cinema

We go to the pictures every Saturday night.

road picture
Alternative name of road movie
take a picture
To photographically capture an image
take a picture, it will last longer
an ironic statement said after being stared at for a long time

Byron wasn't aware he was staring as long as he was. His manager saw him and gathered all the girls behind the counter together and had them stare at Byron. Finally she said, Byron, take a picture; it will last longer. Byron was startled out of his daydream and the girls all laughed at him.

the big picture
The situation as a whole
A picture
A picture
A picture
A picture
Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. RKO Radio Pictures Inc. pictures of the floating world Universal Pictures
Furnished with pictures; represented by a picture or pictures; as, a pictured scene
past of picture
represented by a picture
represented graphically by sketch or design or lines
seen in the mind as a mental image; "the glory of his envisioned future"; "the snow-covered Alps pictured in her imagination"; "the visualized scene lacked the ugly details of real life"
plural of picture
(See Cabinet, Cartoons , etc )
Halftone - One color reproduction Duotones - Two colors combined to reproduce pictures with greater depth Four-Color - color pictures
Actually, these are already covered in IMAGES, but just had to put this here to help you to understand that when people say "pics", this is what they mean SEE: SHORTENING WORDS
In this section, there are many attractive photographs and drawings to help you learn and remember new words Each picture has the word being illustrated at the top, and some also have short descriptions of what is in the picture
third-person singular of picture
Graphics created from another file
{i} movies (Slang)
visual imagery
present participle of picture
Turkish - English

Definition of picture in Turkish English dictionary

picture element
(Bilgisayar) pixel
picture element
(Bilgisayar) pel
motion picture experts group
(Televizyon) mpeg