
listen to the pronunciation of details
English - Turkish

Anlaşmanın ayrıntıları sözleşmede belirtilir. - The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract.

Tom ayrıntılara girmek için eğilimli görünmüyordu ve ben zaten bütün detayları gerçekten bilmiyordum. - Tom didn't seem inclined to elaborate and I didn't really want to know all the details anyway.

(Argo) bok püsür
{i} detay

Lütfen bana kaza detayları veriniz. - Please give me the details of the accident.

Profesörler, her şeyi detaylı bir şekilde açıklamalılar, kısa ve öz olmamalılar ve her zaman öğrencilere eve gitmelerini ve kitaplarını okumalarını söylemeliler. - Professors should explain everything in detail, not be succinct and always tell students to go home and read their books.

{i} ayrıntı

Anlaşmanın ayrıntıları sözleşmede belirtilir. - The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract.

Onu daha ayrıntılı olarak açıklayabilir misiniz? - Would you explain it in more detail?

details of charge
yüklemenin detayları
(Askeri) HİZMET POSTASI, HİZMET GRUBU: Belirli ve genel olarak, geçici bir göreve ayrılan personel
{f} özel göreve vermek
hususi bir işe ayrılan asker takımı
additional details
ek ayrıntılar
additional details
ek detaylar
choose details
(Bilgisayar) ayrıntıları seç
convert details
(Bilgisayar) dönüştürme ayrıntısı
detaya girmek
ayrıntılı olarak anlatmak
bilgi vermek
expense details
harcama ayrıntıları
invoice details
(Bilgisayar) fatura ayrıntıları
item details
(Bilgisayar) öğe ayrıntıları
job details
(Bilgisayar) iş ayrıntıları
partial details
(Bilgisayar) bazı dosya ayrıntıları
payment details
ödeme ayrıntıları
plot details
(Bilgisayar) çizim ayrıntıları
policy details
(Bilgisayar) ilke ayrıntısı
subsidiary details
tamamlayıcı ayrıntılar
user details
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı ayrıntıları
vendor details
(Ticaret) bayi detayları
vendor details
(Ticaret) satıcı detayları
bank details
banka detayları
click here for more details
Daha fazla bilgi için buraya tıklayın
{i} detaylar

Tom'un detayları bilmesi gerekmez. - Tom doesn't need to know the details.

Tom ayrıntılara girmek için eğilimli görünmüyordu ve ben zaten bütün detayları gerçekten bilmiyordum. - Tom didn't seem inclined to elaborate and I didn't really want to know all the details anyway.

fine details
ince detaylar
get down to details
aşağı bilgi almak
hide details
ayrıntıları gizle
in exaggerated details
ballandıra ballandıra
miss small details
küçük detayları kaçırmak
personal details
Kişisel bilgilerinizi
shear wall details
perde duvarı ayrıntıları
show details
supporting details
destekleyen detaylar
the devil is in the details
şeytan ayrıntıda gizlidir
view details
görüntülemek detayları
backup details
(Bilgisayar) yedekleme ayrıntıları
{i} özel göreve verme
{i} ask. özel bir iş için seçilmiş grup, müfreze
{f} detayına girmek
tafsilatıyla anlatmak
{f} ayrıntılı anlatmak

Onun tarihsel ayrıntılar hakkında büyük bir bilgi deposu var fakat hayatta onun bir işe yaradığından cidden süphe duyuyorum. - He has a great storehouse of knowledge about historical details but I seriously doubt that's of any use in life.

Ayrıntıları bilmiyorum. - I don't know the details.

{i} ayrıntısıyla uğraşma
hususi bir işe tahsis etmek

Ayrıntıları bilmiyorum. - I don't know the details.

Bana onun ayrıntılarını verin. - Give me the details of it.

{i} ayrıntılı plân

Lütfen bana ayrıntılı planınızı gösterin. - Please show me your detailed plan.

in detail tafsilatıyla
driver details
(Bilgisayar) sürücü ayrıntıları
enter into details
ayrıntıya girmek
explain in details
ayrıntılarıyla açıklamak
file details
Dosya Ayrıntıları
folder details
(Bilgisayar) klasör ayrıntıları
fuse details
(Otomotiv) sigorta detayları
fuse details
(Otomotiv) sigorta bilgileri
go into details
lafı uzatmak
go into details
ayrıntılara girmek
help details
(Bilgisayar) yardım ayrıntıları
internal details
(Bilgisayar) iç ayrıntılar
internet details
(Bilgisayar) internet ayrıntıları
license details
(Bilgisayar) lisans ayrıntısı
phone details
(Bilgisayar) telefon ayrıntıları
queue details
(Bilgisayar) kuyruk ayrıntıları
resolved recipient details
(Bilgisayar) bulunan alıcı ayrıntıları
task details
(Bilgisayar) görev ayrıntıları
upgrade details
(Bilgisayar) yükseltme ayrıntıları
usage details
(Bilgisayar) kullanım ayrıntıları
with all details
workout details
(Bilgisayar) etkinlik ayrıntıları
write the invoice details
fatura girmek
writing the invoice details
(Ticaret) fatura girme
English - English
true confidential information; "after the trial he gave us the real details
true confidential information; "after the trial he gave us the real details"
plural of detail
I cannot follow the details of X's proof: It's wrong
{i} personal facts about a person
The Details Page displays all the information about a Footprints Issue The details are displayed by clicking on the title of an Issue from theHomepage Data can include Title, Status, Priority, Creator, Date and Time submitted, Description, Project field data, Contact data, and file attachments
The full name, address, and nationality of the applicant
third-person singular of detail
All the information required to finalize a foreign exchange transaction, i e name, rate, dates, and point of delivery
A customer looks to the system to make a bet
(de·tail) Pronunciation: di-'tA(&)l, 'dE-"tAl Function: noun 1 a : a dealing with something item by item <go into detail about an event> b : a small part or feature : ITEM <the details of a story>
Complete information regarding a printer as maintained by the Directory Exact contents will vary depending upon the printer type Details are accessible in 3 ways: as a link from PrintWhere, as a link for additional information from search results, or as the destination page when a valid PrinterOnprinter address is typed into a web browser
devil is in the details
The specific provisions of, or particular steps for implementing, a general plan, policy, or contract may be complicated, controversial, or unworkable

The country has developed a strong consensus for peace, but the devil is in the details over what concessions should be made.

contact details
Information on how to contact a person or entity, typically including a telephone number, adress etc
(US (?)) to clean carefully (particularly a car)

We need to have the minivan detailed.

to explain in detail

I'll detail the exact procedure to you later.

A person's name, address and other personal information

The arresting officer asked the suspect for his details.

A temporary unit or assignment
Something small enough to escape casual notice

We missed several important details in the contract.

an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole; "several of the details are similar"; "a point of information"
{n} a minute relation
{v} to related particularly
the devil is in the details
(deyim) When the hard part of what you are trying to do is in the many small details, you can say "the devil is in the details." Example: "I thought I would be able to write that article in two hours, but it ended up taking me five. The devil was in the details." The devil is known for always make life difficult for man in many small ways. Example: "I can sketch a basic outline of the plan for you and it may look very simple, but the devil is in the details."
availability details
{i} details of obtainability
biographical details
details on the life and history of a person
classified details
secret information, information which is not provided to the public (for security reasons, etc.)
an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole; "several of the details are similar"; "a point of information" extended treatment of particulars; "the essay contained too much detail" a crew of workers selected for a particular task; "a detail was sent to remove the fallen trees" a small part that can be considered separately from the whole; "it was perfect in all details" assign to a specific task; "The ambulances were detailed to the fire station" provide details for
Something considered trivial enough to ignore
piece of information
extended treatment of particulars; "the essay contained too much detail"
If you detail things, you list them or give information about them. The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war
You can refer to the small features of something which are often not noticed as detail. We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm
The selection for a particular service of a person or a body of men; hence, the person or the body of men so selected
close-up view of a plan or section
A profusion of details
specific aspect or small part of the whole dialogue any conversation between characters or people diction word choice used by a writer discrimination negative action or attitude based on race, age, or sex draft rough copy or first attempt dramatic irony occurs when what a character says or believes contrasts with what the reader or other characters know to be true dynamic character protagonist who undergoes a significant, lasting change
A detail drawing
To relate in particulars; to particularize; to report minutely and distinctly; to enumerate; to specify; as, he detailed all the facts in due order
to assign to a particular task
(1) An individual part or item (2) A graphical scale representation, e g , a drawing at a larger scale, of construction parts or items showing materials, composition and dimensions
A temporary movement of an employee from the employee's position of record to a different position or set of duties for a specified period, usually with the employee returning to his or her regular position at the end of the period
The subtlest, most delicate parts of the original sound, which are usually the first things lost by imperfect components Also refer to "Low-Level Detail " The opposite of "Smearing" and "Veiling "
) to clean carefully (particularly a car)
or (called larger details) a porch, a gable with its windows, a pavilion, or an attached tower
A detail is a minor point or aspect of something, as opposed to the central ones. Only minor details now remain to be settled
A narrative which relates minute points; an account which dwells on particulars
a small part that can be considered separately from the whole; "it was perfect in all details"
Generic term for a special assignment,such as a stakeout, pursuit of suspects, perimeter control, special event crowd control, etc
A minute portion; one of the small parts; a particular; an item; used chiefly in the plural; as, the details of a scheme or transaction
A temporary assignment to a different position for a specified period when the employee is expected to return to his/her regular duties at the end of the assignment An employee who is on a detail is considered for pay and strength purposes to be permanently occupying his/her regular position
A temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period when the employee is expected to return to his/her regular duties at the end of the assignment Details may be granted in increments of 120 days The first 120-day increment may be done as a non-competitive personnel action The second 120-day increment must be done as a competitive action in order to offer the same opportunities to other employees
A minor part, as, in a building, the cornice, caps of the buttresses, capitals of the columns, etc
To tell off or appoint for a particular service, as an officer, a troop, or a squadron
{f} list, enumerate, describe, specify; assign, delegate
A persons name, address and other personal information
A drawing showing an element, or a small portion of the building
Details about someone or something are facts or pieces of information about them. See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply for this exciting offer
If someone does not go into details about a subject, or does not go into the detail, they mention it without explaining it fully or properly. He said he had been in various parts of Britain but did not go into details
assign to a specific task; "The ambulances were detailed to the fire station"
{i} item; small single fact; all of the single parts that together constitute a whole; particulars in a collective manner; tiny part; group of soldiers who have been sent on a mission
The temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period when the employee is expected to return to his/her regular duties at the end of the assignment Use the Back button on your browser to return to your previous screen
a crew of workers selected for a particular task; "a detail was sent to remove the fallen trees"
A breakdown of a transaction into its basic data contents
a temporary military unit; "the peace-keeping force includes one British contingent"
provide details for
The beginning of the end! At this appointment the doctor will make the final bends in the wires to align the teeth/roots into their final positions This is a 90 minute appointment and the patient should expect to be slightly sore that evening and following day
If you examine or discuss something in detail, you do it thoroughly and carefully. We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text
A detail of a picture is a part of it that is printed separately and perhaps made bigger, so that smaller features can be clearly seen
The details of something are its individual features or elements. The details of the plan are still being worked out I recall every detail of the party
enter into details
go into details, give out much information
fine details
little details
for details
to receive more information, for more information
gave details
provided more information
let's not go into details
let's not discuss the specifics
no details were given
no specific information was reported
personal details
giving of information of a person about himself
smallest details
insignificant points of an issue
tinker with details
deal with details, be engaged in small details