
listen to the pronunciation of slope
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} eğim

Bu çatı eğimi hakkında ne yapacağına karar vermek çok önemlidir. - It is very important to decide what to do about the slope of the roof.

Kaygan eğim kaçınılmazdır. - The slippery slope is unavoidable.


Keskin yokuşu tırmandık. - We climbed a sharp slope.

{i} yamaç

Tom üç dakika içinde yamaçtan aşağı kayabildi. - Tom was able to ski down the slope in three minutes.

Yamaçtan aşağıya kayabildi. - He was able to ski down the slope.

(Havacılık) açı
(Coğrafya) yatım
yamaç eğim
{f} eğimlen
eğimli olmak
{f} omuza asmak (tüfek)
{i} bayır, yokuş, rampa
{f} meyilli olmak
{f} eğim yapmak
omuza asmak
{i} şev
(Askeri) MEYİL: Bir yokuş, duvar veya rampanın yatay mesafeye nazaran dikey yükseliş oranına göre ölçüsü
eğim,v.eğimlen: n.eğim
{i} eğimli yer
{f} şevlendirmek
{f} eğri koymak
steep slope
dik yamaç
{s} eğimli
slope angle
yamaç açısı
slope angle
eğim açısı
slope angle
şev açısı
slope bucket
yamaç kepçesi
slope bucket
slope circle
şev dairesi
slope down
slope down
aşağıya doğru meyletmek
slope downwards
bayır aşağı
slope erosion
(Çevre) yamaç aşınması
slope factor
(Tıp) eğim faktörü
slope failure
(Madencilik) şev yarığı
slope gradient
(Askeri) şev
slope gradient
(Askeri) eğim değişimi
slope length
(Madencilik) eğim uzunluğu
slope line
yamaç çizgisi
slope line
şev hattı
slope of a dike
şedde şevi
slope of a dike
dolgu şevi
slope of a line
(Ticaret) bir doğrunun eğimi
slope of vector
vektörün eğimi
slope paving
şev kaplaması
slope paving
yamaç kaplaması
slope revetment
yamaç kaplaması
slope revetment
şev kaplaması
slope stability
(Coğrafya) şev duraylılığı
slope stability
(Çevre) yamaç stabilitesi
slope stability
(Madencilik) şev stabilitesi
slope stake
yamaç kazığı
slope stake
şev kazığı
slope taking
meyil ölçmesi
slope top
(Askeri) şev tepesi
slope trimmer
şev düzenleyici
slope trimmer
yamaç düzenleyici
slope up
slope up
yukarıya doğru meyletmek
slope upwards
bayır yukarı
slope wash
şev yıkaması
slope wash
yamaç yıkaması
slope works
(Çevre) yamaç çalışması
slope down
aşağı doğru meyletmek
slope off
slope off
slope off
slope coefficient
(İstatistik) Eğim katsayısı
slope down
yamaç aşağı
slope egimli olmak, egimlenmek, meyilli olmak; sevlenmek; sevlendirmek
eğim, meyil
slope egimli olmak, egimlenmek, meyilli olmak; sevlenmek; sevlendirmek
yokuş, bayır
slope failure
sev kırılması, topuk kayması, sev kayması
slope of
slope angle
yamaç eğimi
slope angle
şev açışı
slope around
boşta gezmek
slope around
aylak aylak dolaşmak
slope design
yamaç dizaynı
slope design
sev tasarımı
slope height
yamaç yüksekliği
slope height
şev yüksekliği
slope of a front
(Meteoroloji) cephenin eğimi
slope of fall
düşüş meyili
slope of fall
düşüş eğikliği
slope of fall
(Askeri) DÜŞÜŞ MEYLİ, DÜŞÜŞ EĞİKLİĞİ: Bir merminin düşüş miktarı ile kendi yatay hareketi arasındaki orantı; düşüş açısı tanjantı
slope of the line
(Ticaret) doğrunun eğimi
slope off
arazi olmak
slope stability analysis
şev duraylılıgı analizi
slope taping
(Askeri) ŞERİT METRE İLE MEYİL ÖLÇME: Yatay mesafeyi trigonometrik fonksiyonlarla hesaplamak suretiyle, iki nokta arasındaki meyilli mesafenin şerit metre ile ölçülmesi. Bak. "taping"
slope taping
(Askeri) şerit metre ile meyil ölçme
slight slope
tatlı şev
slight slope
hafif şev
slippery slope
(deyim) Kaygan zemin, yanlış yol: Tartışmayı ya da gidişatı daha açmaz bir yere taşıyacak durum
avalanche slope
(Coğrafya) toprak kayması
bottom slope
(Askeri) taban eğimi
counter slope
(Coğrafya,Teknik) ters eğim
glide slope
süzülüş açısı
glide slope
(Askeri) süzülüş eğimi
mild slope
hafif meyil
mild slope
yumuşak eğim
mild slope equation
(Askeri) yumuşak
mountain slope
reverse slope
(Askeri) geri yamaç
rock slope
(Coğrafya) kaya şevi
sheer slope
dik yamaç
sheer slope
sarp yamaç
shell slope
kabuk meyili
side slope
(Askeri) yana eğim
steep slope
dik meyil
steep slope
dik şev
steep slope
sarp yamaç
angle of slope
şev açısı
cause to slope
eğilmesine neden ol
rising slope
artan eğim
roof slope
çatı eğimi
roof slope
çatı akıntısı
{f} eğimlen
Life slope
Life grafikte söz konusu olan parametre
continental slope
derin etek
finite slope
Sonlu sev
infinite slope
Sonsuz sev
natural slope
doğal eğim
newspaper slope
gazete eğim
north slope
kuzey yamacında
on the downward slope
aşağı yamacında
point-slope equation
Eğimi ve bir noktası bilinen doğru denklemi
roof slope
çatı eğimi, çatı akıntısı
run down the slope
yokuş aşağı koşmak
ski slope
Kar kayağı için kullanılan doğal dağ yamacı veya yapay olarak oluşturulmuş bayır
surface slope
su yüzü eğimi
upward slope
Yükselen eğim, yukarı doğru meyillilik
abrupt slope
ani eğim
adverse slope
ters meyil
angle of slope
(Mimarlık) eğim açısı
ascend the slope
bayır yukarı çıkmak
ascending slope
(Coğrafya) yukarı eğim
at the slope
tüfek omuzda
average slope
ortalama meyil
average slope
ortalama eğim
beach slope
(Askeri) sahil eğimi
bed slope
yatak meyili
bed slope
taban meyili
bliss slope
(Tıp) bliss eğimi
bottom of the slope
(Askeri) meyil tabanı
cause to slope
eğilmesine neden olmak
channel slope
kanal meyili
climb up the slope
bayır yukarı çıkmak
continental slope
(Jeoloji) kıtasal yamaç
cutting slope
kazı şevi
dip slope
(Çevre) eğimli yamaç
down slope
yamaç aşağı
downstream slope
akış yönü (mansap) şevi
driving on slope
meyil çıkma kapasitesi
equilibrium beach slope
(Askeri) kumsal eğim dengesi
equilibrium slope
(Çevre) yamaç dengesi
erosion slope
(Coğrafya) erozyon eğimi
erosion slope
(Coğrafya) erozyon yamacı
flange slope
flanş meyili
foreshore slope
(Askeri) ön kıyı eğimi
forward slope
(Askeri) ÖN YAMAÇ: Düşman istikametinde alçalan bir yamaç
friction slope
sürtünme meyili birim
front slope
(Askeri) ön eğim
front slope
(Askeri) deniz tarafı eğimi
gentle slope
tatlı eğim
gentle slope
hafif eğim
gentle slope revetment
(Askeri) tatlı eğimli dış duvar
glide slope
(Askeri) SÜZÜLÜŞ MEYLİ: Bak. "glide path"
glide slope indicator
(Askeri) süzülme eğimi göstergesi
gradient of slope
(Askeri) yamaç eğimi
gradient of the slope
yamaç eğimi
gradient of the slope
şev gradyeni
gradient slope
(Askeri) dereceli değişim
incline of slope
şev eğimi
incline of slope
yamaç eğimi
inner slope
(İnşaat) içşev
longitudinal slope
boyuna meyil
longitudinal slope
(İnşaat) boyuna eğim
natural slope
doğal şev
natural slope
doğal yamaç
natural slope
tabii şev
on the slope
on the slope
outer of outside slope
memba şevi
overall slope
nihai şev
overall slope
kalıcı şev
percent of slope
(Askeri) YÜZDE MEYİL; MEYİL YÜZDESİ: Yüzde olarak belirtilen yükseliş veya alçalış açısı; yüzde şeklinde birimlerle ifade edilen bir yatay mesafede, bir meylin alçalış veya yükselişinin birim olarak miktarı
percent of slope
(Askeri) yüzde meyil
percent of slope
(Askeri) meyil yüzdesi
prism slope
prizma eğikliği
probit slope
(Tıp) probit eğimi
rapid slope
dik yokuş
reef slope
(Denizbilim) resif bayırı
reef slope
(Denizbilim) resif cephesi
reverse slope
(Askeri) GERİ YAMAÇ: Düşmana göre ters yönde alçalan bir yamaç
reverse slope defense
(Askeri) GERİ YAMAÇ SAVUNMASI: Düşmana göre ters yönde alçalan bir yamaç üzerinde tertiplenmiş savunma bölgesi
set of slope stakes
şev kazıklarının tespiti
{s} eğik
{s} eğri
{s} meyilli
{s} şevli
stability of slope
şev stabilitesi
stabilized glide slope indicator
(Askeri) stabilize süzülüş eğimi göstergesi
stable slope
duraylı şev
stream slope
dere şevi
submarine slope failure
(Çevre) deniz dibi yamaç kayması
Englisch - Englisch
To hold a rifle at a slope with forearm perpendicular to the body in front holding the butt, the rifle resting on the shoulder

The order was given to slope arms..

To tend steadily upward or downward

The road slopes sharply down at that point.

The ratio of the vertical and horizontal distances between two points on a line; zero if the line is horizontal, undefined if it is vertical

The slope of this line is 0.5.

The slope of the line tangent to a curve at a given point

The slope of a parabola increases linearly with x.

An area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward

I had to climb a small slope to get to the site.

The angle a roof surface makes with the horizontal, expressed as a ratio of the units of vertical rise to the units of horizontal length (sometimes referred to as run). For English units of measurement, when dimensions are given in inches, slope may be expressed as a ratio of rise to run, such as 4: 12 or an an angle

The slope of an asphalt shingle roof system should be 4:12 or greater.

To try to move surreptitiously

I sloped in through the back door, hoping my boss wouldn't see me.

The degree to which a surface tends upward or downward

The road has a very sharp downward slope at that point.

A person of Chinese or other East Asian descent
{n} a slanting form, declivity, descent
{a} obliquely
{v} to cut or run obliquely, to incline
{a} oblique, slanting, shelving, declining
The degree of roof incline expressed as the ratio of the rise, in inches, to the run, in inches (e g 4: 12 slope)
the ratio of change in the vertical quantity (Y) to the change in the horizontal quantity (X)
be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down"
The incline angle of a roof surface, given as a ratio of the rise (in inches) to the run (in feet) See also pitch
The part of a continent descending toward, and draining to, a particular ocean; as, the Pacific slope
the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal; "a five-degree gradient"
A measure of change in surface value over distance, expressed in degrees or as a percentage For example, a rise of 2 meters over distance of 100 meters describes a 2% slope
means average inclination of a surface measured from the horizontal, generally expressed as the ratio of a unit of vertical distance to a given number of units of horizontal distance (e g , 1v: 5h) It may also be expressed as a percent or in degrees
A slope is the side of a mountain, hill, or valley. Saint-Christo is perched on a mountain slope. the lower slopes of the Himalayas
the upward or downward slant of a line or the inclination of the slant of a line Segment AB extends up two units for every unit to the right that it extends Thus, it has slope 2/1
an elevated geological formation; "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was built on the side of the mountain" be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down
The slope of a line is the ratio, when we move between any two points on the line, of the change in vertical position over the change in horizontal position
An oblique direction; a line or direction including from a horizontal line or direction; also, sometimes, an inclination, as of one line or surface to another
At a given point on an interpolated surface, the slope at that point is the value of the partial derivative taken in the direction of the aspect at the point The slope is measured as an angle that is positive below the horizontal, i e , horizontal surfaces have a slope of zero and a vertical cliff has a slope of 90 degrees
The slope shows the steepness or incliine of a line, determined from two points on the line
refers to a curve and is defined as the change in the variable on the vertical axis divided by the change in the variable on the horizontal axis (chapter 1 appendix)
The slope of a line is its gradient, i e the change in the dependent or response variable (y) per unit change in the independent or predictor variable (x)
The ratio of the vertical and horizontal distances between two points on a line; zero if the line is horizontal, infinite if it is vertical
{i} side of a hill, incline; upward or downward slant; degree to which a surface deviates from the vertical
To take an oblique direction; to be at an angle with the plane of the horizon; to incline; as, the ground slopes
The angle of incline of a roof expressed as a percent or as a ratio of rise to run See Roof Slope
The rate of rise or fall of a filter, usually expressed in a number of dB per octave (e g , John’s crossover had a 12 dB/octave slope on high output and a 18 dB/octave slope on the low output )
{f} incline, slant upward or downward; cause to tilt, slant
The slope of something is the angle at which it slopes. The slope increases as you go up the curve. a slope of ten degrees. see also ski slope
Any ground whose surface forms an angle with the plane of the horizon
slippery slope: see slippery. if the ground or a surface slopes, it is higher at one end than the other slope up/down/away etc. Numerical measure of a line's inclination relative to the horizontal. In analytic geometry, the slope of any line, ray, or line segment is the ratio of the vertical to the horizontal distance between any two points on it ("slope equals rise over run"). In differential calculus, the slope of a line tangent to the graph of a function is given by that function's derivative and represents the instantaneous rate of change of the function with respect to change in the independent variable. In the graph of a position function (representing the distance traveled by an object plotted against elapsed time), the slope of a tangent line represents the object's instantaneous velocity
To depart; to disappear suddenly
The term in the equation of a regression line which multiplies the independent variable X If the equation of a line is given as Y = A+B*X, then the slope is B The slope's numerical value indicates the steepness of a line while the algebraic sign describes the relationship between X and Y A positive slope means that as X increases, Y decreases The converse is true for a negative slope: as X increases, Y decreases In a regression analysis, the slope tells you how much increase there is in the predicted Y variable for every unit change in the X variable
In a sloping manner
If a surface slopes, it is at an angle, so that one end is higher than the other. The bank sloped down sharply to the river The garden sloped quite steeply. + sloping slop·ing a brick building, with a sloping roof. the gently sloping beach
If something slopes, it leans to the right or to the left rather than being upright. The writing sloped backwards = slant
the amount by which the value along the vertical axis increases as a result of a change in a unit along the horizontal axis; the slope is calculated by dividing the change in the vertical axis (the "rise") by the change in the horizontal axis (the "run")
The slope of a line is the tangent of that line The tangent is the vertical distance of any two points on a line divided by the horizontal distance of the same two points The slope in a linear regression is expressed as coefficient b
The inclination of the land surface from the horizontal percentage of slope is the vertical distance divided by the horizontal distance, then multiplied by 100
(of a vector) The ratio of the magnitude of the y-component to the magnitude of the x-component; also the tangent function
The variation of terrain from the horizontal; the number of feet rise or fall per 100 feet measured horizontally, expressed as a percentage
be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down
The angle or inclination a structural member makes with reference to a horizontal position expressed in inches of vertical rise per 12 inches of horizontal run, i e 3/12
The probit or Bliss slope of the graph of the probit of the response vs the log of the dose
To form with a slope; to give an oblique or slanting direction to; to direct obliquely; to incline; to slant; as, to slope the ground in a garden; to slope a piece of cloth in cutting a garment
  The inclination of the land surface from the horizontal Percentage of slope is the vertical distance divided by horizontal distance, then multiplied by 100 Thus, a slope of 20 percent is a drop of 20 feet in 100 feet of horizontal distance
The inclination of a stream channel or ground surface, usually expressed in terms of the ratio or percentage of number of units of vertical rise or fall per unit of horizontal distance An increase of 1 foot over a distance of 5 feet is expressed as a 20 percent slope The slope of a terrestrial surface is an important factor in erosion potential and interacts with aspect to influence basic rates of evapotranspiration
The inclination of the land surface from the horizontal Percentage of slope is the vertical distance divided by horizontal distance, then multiplied by 100 Thus, a slope of 20 percent is a drop of 20 feet in 100 feet of horizontal distance
an elevated geological formation; "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was built on the side of the mountain"
The slope of a line is the ratio of rise to run
A slope is a surface that is at an angle, so that one end is higher than the other. The street must have been on a slope. = incline
slope field
A field of plotted slopes of a differentiable function
slope fields
plural form of slope field
slope off
To depart quietly, without being noticed
slope arms
shoulder a weapon, hold a weapon against the shoulder
slippery slope
A chain of events that, once initiated, cannot be halted; especially one in which the final outcome is undesirable or precarious

I think basing your actions off an assumption like that is a slippery slope that is going to get you in trouble.

slippery slope
A logical argument that follows a chain of events or causes and effects to some conclusion
slippery slope
The assumption that just because one event occurs, it will automatically lead to a series of undesirable events even though there is no relationship between the action and the projected events
slippery slope
in interpretation, if you accept one tainted or false idea, that will lead to accepting other false beliefs One step off the true and narrow and your belief system will begin an "inevitable" slide See Propaganda
slippery slope
slick incline, slippery hill
slippery slope
A tricky precarious situation, especially one that leads gradually but inexorably to disaster: " a clear boundary to confer personhood on a human being... we approach a slippery slope that ends in the disposal of inconvenient people" (Steven Pinker)
slippery slope
This type of pseudoreasoning predicts that if one thing happens, or is permitted to happen, another clearly undesirable thing will eventually result
continental slope
The steep, narrow fringe separating the coastal zone from the deep ocean
low-slope roof
a category of roof that generally include weatherproof membrane types of roof systems installed on slopes at or less than 3: 12 (14 degrees)
ski slope
An artificial construction, that mimics a piste, down which people may ski in places where there is no snow and/or no mountains
A climbing hold that has a smooth surface and sloping shape, making it difficult to hold
steep-slope roof
A category of roofing that generally include water-shedding types of coverings installed on slopes exceeding 3: 12 (14 degrees)
steep-slope roofs
plural form of steep-slope roof
steep-slope rooves
plural form of steep-slope roof
indoor ski slope
Indoor ski slopes are found in several countries, proving a climate controlled environment can be maintained in which snow can be manufactured using a snow cannon, enabling skiing to take place year-round
point-slope equation
y – y1 = m(x – x1), where m is the slope and (x1, y1) is a point on the line. Point-slope is the form used most often when finding the equation of a line
ski slope
A ski slope is a sloping surface which you can ski down, either on a snow-covered mountain or on a specially made structure
A slope
A slope
North Slope
A region of northern Alaska between the Brooks Range and the Arctic Ocean. There are oil and natural gas reserves in the area around Prudhoe Bay
bunny slope
the area of a mountain where people learn to ski British Equivalent: nursery slope
continental slope
the second part of the ocean floor, after the continental shelf, that dips steeply down
continental slope
Steeply sloping portion of continental crust found between the continental shelf and continental rise
continental slope
The declivity from the outer edge of the continental shelf or continental borderland into greater depths
continental slope
The sloping sea bottom of the continental margin that begins at the shelf break and ends at the top of the continental rise
continental slope
The descent from the continental shelf to the ocean bottom. Seaward border of a continental shelf. The world's combined continental slope is about 200,000 mi (300,000 km) long and descends at an average angle of about 4° from the edge of the continental shelf to the beginning of the ocean basins at depths of 330-10,500 ft (100-3,200 m). The slope is most gradual off stable coasts without major rivers and is steepest off coasts with young mountain ranges and narrow continental shelves. Slopes off mountainous coastlines and narrow shelves commonly have outcrops of rock. The dominant sediments of continental slopes are muds; there are smaller amounts of sediments of sand or gravel
continental slope
Part of the continental margin; the ocean floor from the continental shelf to the continental rise or oceanic trench, usually to a depth of about 660 feet (200 meters)
continental slope
the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone
continental slope
The declivity from the offshore border of the continental shelf to oceanic depths It is characterized by a marked increase in slope
continental slope
The edge of the continental shelf where it slopes down toward the deep ocean floor at an average angle of four degrees
continental slope
Part of the continental margin; the ocean floor from the continental shelf to the continenetal rise or oceanic trench usually to a depth of about 200 meters The continental slope typically has a relatively steep grade, from 3 to 6 degrees
dry ski slope
A dry ski slope is a slope made of an artificial substance on which you can practise skiing
glide slope
the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
nursery slope
a slope that is not very steep, where people are taught to ski
on the slope
on a slant, on an incline, on a gradient
sea slope
incline in the sea, slope in the ocean
ski slope
A ski slope is a sloping surface which you can ski down, either on a snow-covered mountain or on a specially made structure. a snow-covered part of a mountain which has been prepared for people to ski down
ski slope
a snow-covered slope for skiing
having an oblique or slanted direction
That has or have a slope
(n ) a downward sloping hold
n a downward sloping hold
An extremely aggravating hold that slopes downward and can be very difficult to grasp, particularly when you dyno toward it thinking that it will be a huge bucket
third-person singular of slope
plural of slope
Present participle of to slope
having an oblique or slanted direction
having a slanting form or direction; "an area of gently sloping hills"; "a room with a sloping ceiling
That has or have a slope
having a slanting form or direction; "an area of gently sloping hills"; "a room with a sloping ceiling"
{s} slanting, inclined, oblique
Inclining or inclined from the plane of the horizon, or from a horizontal or other right line; oblique; declivous; slanting