look askance at

listen to the pronunciation of look askance at
Englisch - Türkisch
(deyim) kuşkuyla bakmak
look at
look at
göz önüne almak
look at
göz atmak

Lütfen ne zaman isterseniz içeri gelip sergimize bir göz atmak için tereddüt etmeyin. - Please do feel free to come in and take a look at our exhibition anytime.

Eve bir göz atmak için gideceğim. - I will go and take a look at the house.

look at
(Fiili Deyim ) bakmak , incelemek , gözden geçirmek
look at
gözden geçirmek
look at
(Bilgisayar) bakılacaklar
look at

Karlarla örtülü şu dağa bak. - Look at that mountain which is covered with snow.

Bu resme her bakışımda, babamı hatırlarım. - Every time I look at this picture, I think of my father.

look at
look at
ele almak
look at

İnsanlar diğerlerine ön yargı ile bakmak eğilimindedir. - People tend to look at others with bias.

Tom arabaya yakından bakmak için durdu. - Tom stopped to take a close look at the car.

Englisch - Englisch
look suspiciously, look with distrust
look at
to study (something) visually
look at
to observe or watch (something)
look at
take into consideration for exemplifying purposes; "Take the case of China"; "Consider the following case"
look at
{f} consider, think about carefully; take into consideration; observe something; study mentally and visually
look at
look at carefully; study mentally; "view a problem"
look at
look at
lay eyes on
look at
look askance at


    look a·skance at

    Türkische aussprache

    lûk ıskäns ät


    /ˈlo͝ok əˈskans ˈat/ /ˈlʊk əˈskæns ˈæt/