give instruction in

listen to the pronunciation of give instruction in
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von give instruction in im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

give in
pes etmek
give in
(Dilbilim) yenilgiyi kabullenmek
give in
teslim olmak

Askerler kahramanca savaştılar fakat sonunda teslim olmak zorunda kaldılar. - The soldiers fought valiantly, but finally they had to give in.

give in
boyun eğmek

Ben her zaman ona boyun eğmek zorundayım. - I always have to give in to him.

O genellikle ablasına boyun eğmek zorunda. - She usually has to give in to her big sister.

give in
(Dilbilim) kaydettirmek
give in
teslim etmek
give in
razı olmak
give in
(Dilbilim) yazdırmak
give in
give in
give in
(Dilbilim) bırakmak
give in
amana gelmek
give in
istemeyerek razı olmak
give in
pes demek
give in
(Dilbilim) terk etmek
give in
kabul etmek
give in

Çoğu zaman onların istediklerini vermek zorunda kaldık. - In most cases we had to give in to their demands.

give in
(fiil)rmek, teslim etmek, teslim olmak, kabullenmek
give in
(deyim) teslim olmak,kabul etmek. give sth. in teslim etmek,vermek
give in
give in
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- teslim etmek 2- teslim olmak
give in
Englisch - Englisch
teach, train (a certain subject)
give in
to relent, yield, surrender or admit defeat

OK, I don't know the answer. I give in.

give in
to droop the head
give in
to collapse or fall

The roof gave in under the weight of the snow.

give in
If you give in, you agree to do something that you do not want to do. I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes Officials say they won't give in to the workers' demands
give in
submit or yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure"
give in
surrender to, yield; hand over, submit
give in
consent reluctantly
give in
If you give in, you admit that you are defeated or that you cannot do something. All right. I give in. What did you do with the ship?
give instruction in


    give in·struc·tion in

    Türkische aussprache

    gîv înstrʌkşın în


    /ˈgəv ənˈstrəksʜən ən/ /ˈɡɪv ɪnˈstrʌkʃən ɪn/