
listen to the pronunciation of cage
Englisch - Türkisch

Aslan kafesinden dışarı çıkmak için mücadele etti. - The lion struggled to get out of his cage.

Aslan bütün gün kafesinin içinde ileri geri yürüdü. - The lion walked to and fro in its cage all day.

{i} asansör
{i} basket
{i} kuş kafesi

Onun bir kuş kafesi gibi olduğunu düşündü. - He thought that it was like a bird cage.

Kuş kafesin içine uçtu. - The bird flew into the cage.

{i} buz hokeyi kalesi
{i} asansör kabini
{f} kafeslemek
{f} kafese koymak
(İnşaat) (bearing) kafes (rulman)
{f} buz hokeyinde sayı yapmak
{i} sayı
{f} hapsetmek
kafes,v.kafese koy: n.kafes
{i} hapishane

Şarkıcıyı hapishaneye koyabilirsin, ama şarkıyı değil. - You can cage the singer but not the song.

{i} (inşaatlarda) iskele
iskele kafese kapamak
{f} kafese koy

Kuşları kafese koymayı reddediyorum. - I refuse to cage birds.

Sen hiç kedini kafese koydun mu? - Have you ever put your cat into a cage?

cage kafese koy
kafese kapamak
{i} çelik bina iskeleti
{i} kodes
{i} esir kampı
(İnşaat) iskele
maden asansörü
(Mekanik) yatak kovanı
cage culture
(Askeri) kafes yetiştiriciliği
cage in
(Dilbilim) kafese koymak
cage aerial
kafes anten
cage antenna
kafes anten
cage coil
kafes bobin
cage hoisting
kafesle çıkarma
cage rotor
kafes rotor
cage winding
kafesle çıkarma
cage bird
Kafes kuşu, kafese alınmış kuş
cage nut
kafes somun
cage for poultry
hayvan kafesi
cage nut
kafes somunu
cage tender
card cage
kart kafesi
thoracic cage
göğüs kafesi
chest cage
göğüs kafesi
rib cage
(Tıp) gögüs kafesi
wire cage
(Denizbilim) tel kafes
a bird in a gilded cage
altın kafesteki kuş

Bir araba kazasında hayatını kaybetti. - She was killed in an automobile accident.

Binlerce Amerikalı araba sahibiydi. - Thousands of Americans owned automobiles.


Düşen faiz oranları otomobil pazarını canlandırdı. - Falling interest rates have stimulated the automobile market.

Yolcu vagonlarının yerini otomobiller aldı. - Automobiles replaced carriages.

ball cage
bilyalı kafes
bearing cage
yatak kovanı
bird cage
kuş kafesi

Onun bir kuş kafesi gibi olduğunu düşündü. - He thought that it was like a bird cage.

confine in a cage
kafese kapat
differential cage
diferansiyel kovanı
double squirrel cage motor
çift sincap kafesli motor
double squirrel cage winding
çift sincap kafesli sarım
doubledeck cage
çift katlı kafes
drawing cage
çıkarma kafesi
rib cage
göğüs kafesi
Faraday cage
Faraday kafesi
battery cage
İn agriculture, battery cages (called laying cages in the United States) are a confinement system used primarily for egg-laying hens
batting cage
vuruş kafes
iron cage
demir kafes
pinion cage
konik yatak kovanı
pit cage
kuyu kafesi
rib cage muscles
kaburga kasları
kaburga kemiği kafes
squirrel cage motor
SİNCAP KAFESLİ MOTOR, Yuvarlak bir çelik çekirdek üzerine sıkıca oturtulan ve ankoşlar içinde kalan bakır veya alüminyum çubukların oluşturduğu asenkron motoru rotorunu haiz elektrik motoru. Çubukların her iki ucu da yüksek iletkenliği olan kalın bir halkaya kaynak yapılmıştır. Bu bileşik yapıya ” sincap kafesi ” böyle bir rotoru olan motora da ” sincap kafesli asenkron motor ” denir
to confine
activity cage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) etkinlik kafesi
ball cage
bilye kafesi
bearing cage
(İnşaat) yatak kafesi
bearing cage
(Otomotiv) rulman yuvası
bearing cage
yalak kovanı
bird cage
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünebilir madde taşıma kabı
confine in a cage
kafese kapatmak
filter cage
(Otomotiv) filtre muhafazası
floating cage
yüzer kafes
gilded cage
altın kafes
hoisting cage
maden asansörü
pinion bearing cage shims
(Otomotiv) pinyon rulman muhafaza şimi
pinion bearing cage shims
(Otomotiv) pinyon mlman muhafaza şimi
prisoner of war cage
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ ESİR NEZARET YERİ: Harp esirlerinin; sorgularının yapılması için tahliye edildikleri ve daha geriye tahliye için geçici olarak alıkonuldukları yapı, bina veya etrafı çevrili saha. PRISONER OF WAR CAMP (DOD, IADB): ESİR KAMPI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Harp esirlerinin enterne edilmesi ve idaresi için tesis edilmiş bina, tesis
prisoner of war cage
(Askeri) geçici harp esir nezaret yeri
queen cage
(Arılık) ana arı kafesi
reinforcing cage
(İnşaat) betonarme hasın
roller cage
makaralı kafes
safety cage
(Otomotiv) emniyet kafesi
sonorous cage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ihraç kafesi
squirrel cage
kafes sargılı [elek.]
squirrel cage
sincap kafesi, monotonluk, tekdüzelik, kafes ızgarası [elek.]
squirrel cage motor
kafes sargılı motor
squirrel cage motor
sincap kafesi motor
travelling cage
(Arılık) taşıma kafesi
valve cage
(Askeri) vana koruması
Englisch - Englisch
an enclosure made of bars
another name for the goal in water polo and hockey
the passenger compartment of a lift
To track individual responses to direct mail
to put into a cage
{n} a place of confinement
{v} to confine
{i} barred enclosure; prison; elevator
in a mine shaft, the device, similar to an elevator car, that is used for hoisting men and materials
A box or inclosure, wholly or partly of openwork, in wood or metal, used for confining birds or other animals
A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, as a ball valve
1 The metal structure that separates the balls of a roller bearing assembly 2 A shortened term for roll cage
an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept
The goal cage
In a mine shaft, the device, similar to an elevator car, that is used for hoisting personnel and materials
The drum on which the rope is wound in a hoisting whim
The catcher's wire mask
something that restricts freedom as a cage restricts movement
The box, bucket, or inclosed platform of a lift or elevator; a cagelike structure moving in a shaft
A questionnaire used to screen for alcohol abuse Two positive answers for males and one positive answer for females indicate alcohol abuse with 85% sensitivity and 89% specificity C: Have you ever tried to Cut down on your drinking? A: Have you ever felt Annoyed by others telling you to cut down? G: Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking E: Have you ever had to have an Eye-opener in the morning?
lift used in mine shafts
A place of confinement for malefactors An outer framework of timber, inclosing something within it; as, the cage of a staircase
confine in a cage; "The animal was caged"
If someone rattles your cage, they do something which is intended to make you feel nervous. If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working. American musical theorist and composer of avant-garde works, such as Sonatas and Interludes for a piano with its strings damped by wood and metal (1946-1948). to put or keep an animal or bird in a cage
A directory created on the Client computer to store all data for files that are undergoing transfer The Cage acts as a quarantine for files until they are completed The Cage can also manage the amount of hard disk space that has been allocated for transfers
Commercial and Government Entity
To whistle or sing in the cage The cage is a jail, and to whistle in a cage is to turn Queen's evidence, or peach against a comrade
A metal or plastic holder for the bearing balls in a ball bearing Use of a cage keeps the balls from bumping into one another, and allows the use of fewer balls In the case of traditional cup-and-cone bearings used on bicycles, the primary purpose of caged balls is to save labor More formally known as a retainer A holder for carrying a water bottle The part of a derailer through which the chain passes The front derailer cage is a simple guide, the rear derailer cage contains the jockey pulley and the tension pulley The outer part of a conventional pedal, the part that comes into contact with the rider's shoe The part of an internal gear hub which holds the planet pinions Slang term for an automobile; a "cager" is the driver of an automobile
To confine in, or as in, a cage; to shut up or confine
A cage is a structure of wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept. I hate to see birds in cages. see also rib cage
To lock a gyro in a fixed position in its case
This is another term for the wire guard that protects the fan blade
A section of a brokerage firm used for receiving and disbursing funds
Code: Commercial and Government Entity code (CAGE); unique five-character company identification number issued by the Defense Logistics Service Center (DLSC) to identify DoD contractors It will automatically be assigned and validated in the registration process
A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes
Also called the casino cage or cashier A centralized enclosure where the records of transactions are kept, money is counted Chips or tokens can be purchased or exchanged for cash
Piece of hardware into which cards are installed
(1) A secure enclosed area for storing highly valuable items, (2) a pallet-sized platform with sides that can be secured to the tines of a forklift and in which a person may ride to inventory items stored well above the warehouse floor
An elevator compartment raised and lowered in a shaft for the moving of men and ore
United States composer of avant-garde music (1912-1992)
Commercial and Government Entity Code Normally a 5 digit code
Elevator for moving people up and down mine shafts
a movable screen placed behind home base to catch balls during batting practice
an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept the net that is the goal in ice hockey United States composer of avant-garde music (1912-1992) something that restricts freedom as a cage restricts movement confine in a cage; "The animal was caged
n kandang
Area in a brokerage office where cashiering activity takes place
The component of an electric motor composed of solid bars (of usually copper or aluminum) arranged in a circle and connected to continuous rings at each end This cage fits inside the stator in an induction motor in channels between laminations, thin flat discs of steel in a ring configuration
[1] On a front derailleur of a bicycle, it is a pair of parallel plates that push the chain from side to side; on a rear derailleur, it is a set of plates in which pulleys are mounted to hold and guide the chain from cog to cog
{f} enclose in a cage; place in a cage
the net that is the goal in ice hockey
The area in a Bank or Brokerage house where the securities are physically delivered and checks are processed
cage bird
A bird, such as a canary or budgerigar, kept captive in a cage or aviary for domestic companionship or as a hobby
cage birds
plural form of cage bird
cage compound
any polycyclic compound having the form of a cage
cage compounds
plural form of cage compound
cage dance
A type of erotic dance performed inside a cage
cage dancer
An erotic dancer who dances inside a cage, usually in a nightclub etc
cage dances
plural form of cage dance
cage diving
An activity, usually among tourists, in which people are lowered under the ocean in steel cages and sharks are lured near them
cage fighter
A person who fights inside a cage
cage fighters
plural form of cage fighter
cage fighting
The practise of participating in hand-to-hand combat inside of a usually steel cage
cage match
An event in which wrestlers battle in a enclosed location escaping over the top to win
cage bird
A bird of a kind customarily kept in a cage
cage bird
{i} bird that is usually kept in a cage
Faraday cage
Any conductive surrounding, idealized or practical, used to interrupt the transmission of electromagnetic energy or electrostatic discharge across it
battery cage
A cage in which a hen (chicken) is kept to lay eggs
chastity cage
A chastity belt for male genitalia
goal cage
The framework, covered with netting or mesh, that forms an ice hockey or water polo goal
iron cage
A theory proposed by Max Weber which argues that rationalization and rules trap humans in a figurative "cage" of thought
rattle someone's cage
to demand attention; to nag, nudge, or remind

Nobody has corrected the problem yet, so it's time to rattle their cage.

rib cage
The enclosed area created by and within the ribs
rib cage
A part of the skeleton within the thoracic area consisting of ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae
roll cage
A set of steel or similar bars used in a racing car designed to protect the driver (or driver and co-driver) if the car rolls over or in involved in some kind of crash. (The roof of an ordinary car is not normally strong enough to survive the car rolling.)
squirrel cage
A circular cage for a squirrel or other small animal, which rotates vertically as the animal runs at the bottom
squirrel cage
A tedious, repetitive, unfulfilling activity or situation, especially one in which no progress is achieved

The poor stuggle for riches, success, power; but those who achieve them die out. Life is, then a sort of squirrel cage or treadmill.

steel cage match
A special match in wrestling where opponents wrestle inside an enclosed cage surrounded by steel
steel cage matches
plural form of steel cage match
thoracic cage
A rib cage
roll cage
A specially engineered and constructed frame built in (or sometimes around, known as an exo cage) the passenger compartment of a vehicle to protect its occupants from being injured in an accident, particularly in the event of a roll-over
squirrel cage motor
A squirrel cage rotor is the rotating part commonly used in an AC induction motor. An electric motor with a squirrel cage rotor is sometimes called a squirrel cage motor. In overall shape it is a cylinder mounted on a shaft. Internally it contains longitudinal conductive bars of aluminium or copper set into grooves and connected together at both ends by shorting rings forming a cage-like shape. The name is derived from the similarity between this rings-and-bars winding and a hamster wheel (presumably similar wheels exist for pet squirrels)
John Cage
an American composer of very modern music, including Winter Music and Fontana Mix (1912-). in full John Milton Cage, Jr. born Sept. 5, 1912, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S. died Aug. 12, 1992, New York, N.Y. U.S. avant-garde composer and writer. The son of an inventor, Cage studied music with Arnold Schoenberg and Henry Cowell. From the early 1940s he was closely associated with the choreographer Merce Cunningham. Though he began as a 12-tone composer (see serialism), by 1943 his sonic experiments had marked him as notably original. He soon turned to Zen Buddhism and concluded that all activities that make up music are part of a single natural process and that all sounds are potentially musical; thenceforth he advocated indeterminism and endeavoured to ensure randomness in his works, using increasingly inventive notation and often relying on the Confucian classic Yijing. By the 1960s he had expanded into the realm of multimedia. His disparate works include Bacchanale for prepared piano (1938), Imaginary Landscape No. 4 for 12 radios (1951), Fontana Mix for tape (1958), HPSCHD for seven harpsichords, 51 tapes, and nonmusical media (1969), and Roaratorio (1979). His widely read books include Silence (1961), A Year from Monday (1967), Notations (1969), and M (1973). His international influence was far greater than that of any previous American composer
Jr. John Milton Cage
in full John Milton Cage, Jr. born Sept. 5, 1912, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S. died Aug. 12, 1992, New York, N.Y. U.S. avant-garde composer and writer. The son of an inventor, Cage studied music with Arnold Schoenberg and Henry Cowell. From the early 1940s he was closely associated with the choreographer Merce Cunningham. Though he began as a 12-tone composer (see serialism), by 1943 his sonic experiments had marked him as notably original. He soon turned to Zen Buddhism and concluded that all activities that make up music are part of a single natural process and that all sounds are potentially musical; thenceforth he advocated indeterminism and endeavoured to ensure randomness in his works, using increasingly inventive notation and often relying on the Confucian classic Yijing. By the 1960s he had expanded into the realm of multimedia. His disparate works include Bacchanale for prepared piano (1938), Imaginary Landscape No. 4 for 12 radios (1951), Fontana Mix for tape (1958), HPSCHD for seven harpsichords, 51 tapes, and nonmusical media (1969), and Roaratorio (1979). His widely read books include Silence (1961), A Year from Monday (1967), Notations (1969), and M (1973). His international influence was far greater than that of any previous American composer
Nicholas Cage
American film actor (starred in the films "Leaving Las Vegas" and "ConAir" among others)
batting cage
a movable screen placed behind home base to catch balls during batting practice
bird cage
birdhouse, cage for keeping birds
bird cage
A cage for confining birds
In a cage
Confined in, or as in, a cage; like a cage or prison
past of cage
A caged bird or animal is inside a cage. Mark was still pacing like a caged animal
Before import customs formality has been completed cleared and released, cargo is remained at bonded warehouse under customs custody » Back to top of screen
Before import customs formality has been completed cleared and released, cargo is remained at bonded warehouse under customs custody
plural of cage
The process of orienting and mechanically locking the spin axis of a gyro to an internal reference position
In fulfillment, the process in which subscription orders and their enclosed payments are separated and then recorded Traditionally called “caging” because clerks who performed this task were enclosed in wire cages for security purposes Also referred to as “cashiering ”
present participle of cage
In fulfillment, the process in which subscription orders and their enclosed payments are separated and then recorded Traditionally called “caging” because clerks who performed this task were enclosed in wire cages for security purposes Also referred to as “cashiering ”
iron cage
a cage from which there is no escape
rib cage
the bony enclosing wall of the chest
rib cage
Your rib cage is the structure of ribs in your chest. It protects your lungs and other organs. The enclosing structure formed by the ribs and the bones to which they are attached. the structure of ribs in your chest
rib cage
Bones in animals that protect the heart and lungs
rib cage
rounded bone structure that surrounds the heart and lungs and is comprised of the ribs and the bones connected to the ribs
squirrel cage
cage with a cylindrical framework that rotates as a small animal runs inside it