
listen to the pronunciation of bygone
Englisch - Türkisch
geçmiş şey

Eski defterleri kapatmaya hazırım. - I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.


Kimse geçmiş dönemi geri getiremez. - No one can bring back a bygone era.

Bırak geçmişte kalsın. - Let's let bygones be bygones.

modası geçmiş
Olan oldu
Geçmişi unutalım
geçmiş olan şey
{i} mazi
{s} geçmişte kalan
Geçmişe mazi derler
geçmişte olmuş
{s} geçmiş, eski. i., çoğ. geçmiş şey
Englisch - Englisch
Having been or happened in the far past

Near by he could see the thicket of raspberry canes, growing tall and close like a tropical jungle, in whose shadow he had played with the Boy on bygone mornings.

A person or occurrence that took place in the past
{i} days that are past, time which is in the past
past events to be put aside; "let bygones be bygones"
Bygone means happening or existing a very long time ago. The book recalls other memories of a bygone age. bygone generations. = past
well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era
In the past
If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past. bygone age/era/days etc a period of time in the past
well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era"
{s} gone past, past, outmoded
Past; gone by
past events to be put aside; "let bygones be bygones" well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era
Something gone by or past; a past event
things that happened in the past
let bygones be bygones to forget something bad that someone has done to you and forgive them