
listen to the pronunciation of boden…
Deutsch - Türkisch
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von boden… im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{i} toprak

Deniz seviyesinin altında olan toprakları su basacak. Bu, insanların evsiz kalması ve ürünlerinin tuzlu su tarafından tahrip edileceği anlamına gelir. - Low-lying lands will flood. This means that people will be left homeless and their crops will be destroyed by the salt water.

Toprak reformunu tartıştılar ama asla uygulayamadılar. - They debated land reform but never carried it out.

{i} arsa

Tom'un tam Boston'un dışında bir sürü arsaya sahip. - Tom owns a lot of land just outside of Boston.

George arsa satın alırken kandırıldı. - George was tricked into buying the land.

yere inmek
land up eninde sonunda varmak

İpe sıkıca tutunarak karaya güvenli bir şekilde geldim. - Holding on to the rope firmly, I came safely to land.

Ne zaman karaya çıkacağız? - When are we going to land?

arazi, toprak
{i} ülke

Amerika fırsatlar ülkesidir. - America is the land of opportunity.

Birçok ülkeden gezgin geldi. - The travelers came from many lands.

{f} çakmak

Peyzaj çakmak taşı kadar soğuk ve keskin. - The landscape was cold and sharp as flint.

(Askeri) (S) SET, SETLER: Bir silahın namlusunda yivler arasında kalan yüksek kısımlar

Kartal yere inmek üzere. - The eagle is about to land.

Biz inmek için çaresizce bir yer arıyoruz. - We're looking desperately for a place to land.

karaya indirmek
kişisel arazi
(Ticaret) doğal kaynaklar
(Mühendislik) faz

O çok fazla arazi tutuyor. - He holds a lot of land.

Tom otuz yıldan daha fazla süredir o araziye sahip. - Tom has had that land for more than thirty years.

(Havacılık) iniş yapmak

Sami acil iniş yapmak zorunda kaldı. - Sami was forced to make an emergency landing.

(fiil) karaya çıkmak, yere inmek, düşmek, karaya ayak basmak, yenmek, kazanmak, indirmek, karaya çıkartmak, sokmak, çakmak, vurmak, yapmak
Deutsch - Englisch
The space between the rifling grooves in a gun
To alight, to descend from a vehicle

10. You will be civil and attentive to passengers, giving proper assistance to ladies and children getting in or out, and never start the car before passengers are fairly received or landed.

{n} a country, region, earth, ground, urine
The earth's surface, extending downward to the center of the earth and upward infinitely into space, including things permanently attached by nature, such as trees and water
and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc
If someone or something lands you with a difficult situation, they cause you to have to deal with the difficulties involved. The other options simply complicate the situation and could land him with more expense. = saddle, lumber with
To go on shore from a ship or boat; to disembark; to come to the end of a course
The earth's surface in its natural condition, extending down to the center of the globe, its surface and all things affixed to it, and the air- space above the surface
The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat; the lap of plates in an iron vessel; called also landing
The ground left unplowed between furrows; any one of several portions into which a field is divided for convenience in plowing
(a) Bureau of the Census Dry land and land temporarily or partly covered by water such as marshes, swamps, and river flood plains (omitting tidal flats below mean high tide); streams, sloughs, estuaries, and canals less than one-eighth of a stature mile wide; and lakes, reservoirs, and ponds less than 40 acres in area (b) Forest Inventory and Analyses Dry land and land temporarily or partly covered by water such as marshes, swamps, and river flood plans (omitting tidal flats below mean high tide); minimum width of streams, sloughs, estuaries, and canals is 120 feet and minimum size of lakes, reservoirs, and ponds is 1 acre
Ground that is suitable for farming
The ground or floor
The portion of the original smoothbore remaining after the grooves are cut in order to produce a rifle
When someone or something lands, they come down to the ground after moving through the air or falling. Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people
reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
to land on your feet: see foot. American inventor who developed (1932) the light-polarizing plastic film called Polaroid and incorporated it into lenses for cameras and sunglasses. He also invented the one-step photographic process (1947). In economics, the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production. In classical economics, the three factors of production are land, labour, and capital. Land was considered to be the "original and inexhaustible gift of nature." In modern economics, it is broadly defined to include all that nature provides, including minerals, forest products, and water and land resources. While many of these are renewable resources, no one considers them "inexhaustible." The payment to land is called rent. Like land, its definition has been broadened over time to include payment to any productive resource with a relatively fixed supply. Van Diemen's Land Arnhem Land feudal land tenure Franz Josef Land land mine land reform Land's End Land Edwin Herbert Land Grant College Act of 1862 Pure Land Buddhism Rupert's Land Prince Rupert's Land Yazoo land fraud
United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one-step photographic process (1909-1991) the land on which real estate is located; "he built the house on land leased from the city"
To set down after conveying; to cause to fall, alight, or reach; to bring to the end of a course; as, he landed the quoit near the stake; to be thrown from a horse and landed in the mud; to land one in difficulties or mistakes
The part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water

Acid soil is neutralised by ash. - Saurer Boden wird von Asche neutralisiert.

Does the soil suit vegetables? - Ist der Boden für Gemüseanbau geeignet?

Boden (Grundlage)
Boden (eines Saiteninstruments)
back (of a string instrument)
Boden (feste Erdoberfläche)
ground (solid surface of the earth)
Boden (von Gefäß)
Boden mit oberflächennahem Grundwasser
groundwater soil
Boden mit oberflächennahem Grundwasser
Boden zur Fahrerkabine
driver cabin floor
ground-to-ground missile
surface-to-surface missile /SSM/
ground-to-ground guided weapon system
ground-to-ground missile
surface-to-surface missile /SSM/
ground-to-air missile /GTAM/
surface-to-air missile /SAM/
ground-to-air missile /GTAM/
surface-to-air missile /SAM/
Boden-Luft-Waffensystem mittlerer Reichweite
medium range surface-to-air arms system
A- und B-Boden
A- und B-Boden
A and B horizons
Abtrag (von Boden)
Aerifizieren (Boden einer Rasenfläche)
Aerifizieren (Boden einer Rasenfläche)
aerification (soil of a lawn)
Aushubmasse / Aushub {m} (entfernter Boden, der später wieder verfüllt wird)
Auswaschung (von Nährstoffen aus dem Boden)
dilution (of soil nutrients)
Beim Sitzen reichen ihre Beine nicht bis zum Boden.
When she is sitting, her feet don't reach the ground
Blätter bedeckten den Boden.
Leaves strewed the ground
Das Gitter löste sich aus seiner Verankerung und fiel zu Boden.
The grille came loose from its mounting and fell on the ground
Das Unkraut ist über Nacht aus dem Boden geschossen.
The weeds sprang up overnight
Datenübermittlung abwärts (z. B. vom Flugzeug zum Boden)
Datenübermittlung aufwärts (z. B. vom Boden zum Flugzeug)
Der Betrieb hat wieder festen Boden unter den Füßen.
The business is finally/back on its feet
Der Boden blitzte.
The floor sparkled with polish
Der Boden ist streckenweise mit lockerem Gestein bedeckt.
In sections the surface is covered with loose stone
Der Boden lässt hier keine Landwirtschaft zu.
The terrain here rules out agriculture
Der Boden war mit abgenutzten Büchern übersät.
Worn books littered the floor
Der Brenner-Basistunnel ist für den Steuerzahler ein Fass ohne Boden.
The Brenner base tunnel is a bottomless pit for taxpayers' money
Der Klang von Stimmen vermischte sich mit dem Kratzen von Stühlen auf dem Boden.
The sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs
Die Firma ist finanziell am Boden/marod .
The company is ailing financially
Ein Streifen Sonnenlicht lag über dem Boden.
A swathe of sunlight lay across the floor
Einweiser am Boden zum Absetzen von Lasten aus einem Luftfahrzeug
Entwässerung im Boden
ground drainage
Er rief „Baum fällt“, als sich die Fichte zu Boden neigte.
He shouted 'Timber!' as the spruce began to fall
Er war völlig am Boden zerstört, als seine Freundin ihn verließ.
He was utterly destroyed/devastated/gutted when his girlfriend left him
Erdbohrer für feuchten Boden
Erdbohrer für feuchten Boden
Es ärgert mich, wenn die Leute Abfälle auf den Boden werfen.
It irks/bothers me when people throw refuse on the ground
Fass ohne Boden
money pit
Fass ohne Boden
Frostgrenze im Boden
frost line
Frostgrenze im Boden
frost depth
Frostgrenze im Boden
frost penetration depth
Frostgrenze im Boden
freezing depth
Fruchtbarkeit (von Boden)
richness (of soil)
Geräusch eines auf dem Boden aufkommenden Basketballs
Haftwasser (am Boden)
retained water
Handwerk hat goldenen Boden.
A trade in hand finds gold in every land
Höhe über Boden
height above ground
Ihre Kleider lagen in einem kompakten Haufen auf dem Boden.
Her clothes were balled up on the floor
Leute, die ihren Abfall überall auf den Boden werfen, hasse ich wie die Pest.
My pet hate is people who drop litter everywhere
Liegeplatz (am Boden)
place to lie
air-to-surface missile /ASM/
surface-to-air guided weapon
Nutzbarmachung (von Boden)
Nutzbarmachung (von Boden)
cultivation (of soil)
vinyl flooring
Rautengrube (Boden des 4. Hirnventrikel)
rhomboid fossa (floor of fourth ventricle)
Rollen (auf dem Boden)
Rollen (auf dem Boden)
Schnellimbissrestaurants schießen in der ganzen Stadt aus dem Boden.
Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over town
Schnellwachsende Bäume laugen den Boden aus.
Fast-growing trees impoverish the soil
Schrägaufzug (am Boden)
inclined haulage (on the ground)
Sickerwasser (in den Boden einsickerndes Regenwasser)
gravitational water
Sickerwasser (in den Boden einsickerndes Regenwasser)
seepage water
Sickerwasser (in den Boden einsickerndes Regenwasser)
seeping water
Skilift am Boden
surface lift
Standortreihe beim Boden
catenary soil sequence
Standortreihe beim Boden
soil catena
Staunässe (Boden)
standing water (soil)
Staunässe (Boden)
Stellen Sie die Leiter auf eine feste Unterlage und auf ebenen Boden.
Place the ladder on a firm support and on even ground
Stickstoffmobilisierung (Boden)
nitrogen mobilization (soil)
Stickstoffverlust (Boden)
nitrogen loss (soil)
Stickstoffversorgung (Boden)
nitrogen status (soil)
Um seinen Arbeitsplatz herum hätte man vom Boden essen können.
You could have eaten off the floor around his workstation
Umtauschkapazität (Boden)
exchange capacity
Umtauschkapazität (Boden)
sorption capacity (soil)
Untergrund (natürlicher Boden unter der Straßenbefestigung)
soil subgrade (natural ground below a road)
Untergrund (natürlicher Boden unter der Straßenbefestigung)
earth subgrade
underwater-to-surface missile
underwater-to-surface missile
Versalzungsschaden (Boden)
salt damage
Versalzungsschaden (Boden)
salinity damage (soil)
aerifizieren (Boden)
to aerate (soil)
aerodynamischer Luft-Boden-Flugkörper
air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
am Boden
am Boden sein
to be at the bottom
am Boden zerstört sein
to be gutted
an Boden gewinnen
to gain ground (of a phenomenon)
an Boden verlieren
to give/lose ground
angeschwemmter Boden
alluvium soil
angeschwemmter Boden
alluvium land
angeschwemmter Boden
anstehender Boden
in-situ soil
anstehender Boden
"the natural"
anstehender Boden
natural ground
aper (Boden, Hang)
denuded of snow (ground, slope)
aper (Boden, Hang)
devoid of snow
auf dem Boden
at the bottom
auf dem Boden lebende Wirbellose
bottom invertebrates
auf dem Boden rollend vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing /ROFL, ROTFL/
auf den Boden der Wirklichkeit zurückkommen
to come down to earth
auf den Boden stampfen
to stamp the ground
auf der Suche nach etwas auf dem Boden herumkriechen
to grovel around on the floor, looking for something
auf festem Boden
on firm ground
auflockern (Boden)
to scarify
aus dem Boden geschossen
sprung up
aus dem Boden schießen
to sprout up
aus dem Boden schießen
to spring up
aus dem Boden schießend
springing up
auslaugen (Boden)
to emaciate
bindiger Boden
cohesive soil
dem Fass den Boden ausschlagen (Sache)
to really take the biscuit /the cake
den Boden ausfrieren
to loosen the soil by frost
den Boden ausmergeln
to exhaust the soil
den Boden bearbeiten
to till the soil
den Boden bestellen
to cultivate land
den Boden fegen/kehren/wischen
to sweep the floor
den Boden feucht/nass aufnehmen
to mop
den Boden/Gestein erodieren
to erode the ground/rock (wind, water etc.)
den Boden/das Gestein auswaschen
to scour out <> the ground/the rock
den verlorenen Boden wieder gutmachen
to regain the ground you lost
die Milch vom Boden aufwischen
to wipe the milk up off the floor
doppelter Boden
double bottom
ein Fass ohne Boden
a bottomless pit for something
ein Luftfahrzeug am Boden festhalten
to ground an aircraft
ein Stück Boden mit etwas neu bepflanzen
to replant an area of land with something
eine Zigarette (am Boden) austreten
to crush a cigarette with your foot
einen Baumstumpf aus dem Boden heraushebeln/lösen
pry a stump out of the ground
einen Baumstumpf aus dem Boden heraushebeln/lösen
einen Baumstumpf aus dem Boden heraushebeln/lösen
einen Baumstumpf aus dem Boden heraushebeln/lösen
to lever
einen Fuß auf britischen Boden setzen (das Land betreten)
to set foot on British soil
einen Pfosten im Boden versenken
to sink a post into the ground
einsinken (Boden etc.)
to subside
einsinken (Boden etc.)
to cave in (ground etc.)
ertragfähig (Boden)
fertile (soil)
etw. (in den Boden) einlassen
to embed something (in the floor)
etw. (vom Boden) aufheben
to pick up <> something
etw. (vom Boden) aufheben
to gather up <> something (lift from the ground)
etw. in den Boden rammen
to pile-drive something (into the ground) (rare)
etw. mit einem Boden aus etwas versehen
to floor something with something
fester Boden
fett (Boden)
gepflügter Boden
plow soil
gepflügter Boden
plough soil
gewachsener Boden
"the natural"
gewachsener Boden
natural ground
geweihter Boden
consecrated soil
gewölbter Boden (Abschlussbauteil eines Druckbehälters)
vessel dished end
gewölbter Boden (Abschlussbauteil eines Druckbehälters)
dished end
gewölbter Boden (Abschlussbauteil eines Druckbehälters)
dished head
gewölbter Boden (Abschlussbauteil eines Druckbehälters)
torispherical head (end cap of a pressure vessel)
gewölbter Boden in Klöpperform
decimal head
gewölbter Boden in Klöpperform
10% torispherical dished end
gewölbter Boden in Klöpperform
Klopper head
griffig (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
griffig (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
griffig (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
griffig (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
humusreicher Boden
im Boden lebend
im doppelten Boden eines Koffers verstecken
to conceal in the false bottom of a suitcase
in Boden umgewandelt
in Grund und Boden gespielt
walloped an opponent
in Grund und Boden gespielt
in Grund und Boden gespielt
in Grund und Boden gespielt werden (Sport)
to be shellacked
in Grund und Boden gespielt werden (Sport)
to get / take a shellacking
in Grund und Boden spielen
to trounce
in Grund und Boden spielen
to wallop an opponent (defeat completely) (competition)
in Grund und Boden spielen
to drub
in Grund und Boden spielen
to cream somebody (in a competition)
in Grund und Boden spielend
walloping an opponent
in Grund und Boden spielend
in Grund und Boden spielend
in alle Richtungen zu Boden fallen
to cascade
in den Boden bohren
to drive (sink) into the ground
in den Boden eingelassener Whirlpool
sunken whirlpool
in den Boden gerammt
in den Boden rammend
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von boden… im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

boden yağlama
flange greasing
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von boden… im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

An English surname common in Shropshire and the West Midlands area of central England
A town in northern Sweden