
listen to the pronunciation of alarm
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} alârm
{i} alarm, tehlike işareti: fire alarm yangın zili, yangın alarmı
alarm,v.uyar: n.alarm
telaşa düşürmek
telaşa vermek
tehlikeyi bildirmek
ikaz lambaları

Dehşet içinde bağırdı. - He cried out in alarm.

alarm aygıtı
tehlike işareti
dehşete düşürmek
heyecan sinyali
tehlikeden haberdar etmek

Haber köyün her tarafında korkuya neden oldu. - The news caused alarm throughout the village.

O küçük bir korku çığlığı attı ve banyoya kaçtı. - She gave a small cry of alarm and fled to the bathroom.


Seni korkutmak istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm you.

{f} uyar
{f} panik yapmak
(Askeri) ALARM, ALARM İŞARETİ, SİLAH BAŞINA: Bir tehlikeyi acele olarak karşılamak üzere boru, top ateşi, canavar düdüğü veya diğer vasıtalarla askeri kuvveti toplamak için verilen işaret

Seni korkutmak istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm you.

Varoşlardan korkutucu haber geldi. - Alarming news came from the suburbs.

{f} ayağa kaldırmak
{f} korkutmak; dehşete
alarmist etrafı telaşa veren kimse
alarmingly korku verecek surette
{f} telaşlandırmak

Sizi telaşlandırmak istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm you.

Öğrencileri telaşlandırmak istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm the students.

alarma geç

Öğrencileri alarma geçirmek istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm the students.

{f} alârma geçirmek

Öğrencileri alarma geçirmek istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm the students.

birdenbire korkutmak
tehlikeyi haber vermek
{f} alârm vermek
uyarı Alarm
{i} telaş

Sizi telaşlandırmak istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm you.

Öğrencileri telaşlandırmak istemedim. - I didn't want to alarm the students.

(Nükleer Bilimler) alarm, uyarı
tehlike sinyali
alarm people
ayağa kaldırmak
alarm signal
uyarı sinyali
alarm system
uyarı sistemi
alarm bell
alarm çanı
alarm bell
alarm zili
alarm clock
çalar saat

Çalar saat on dakika ileri. - The alarm clock is ten minutes fast.

Çalar saatim çalışmadı. Geç kalmamın nedeni budur. - My alarm clock didn't work. That's why I was late.

alarm clock
alarmlı saat

Bu sabah alarmlı saatim çalmadı. - My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.

alarm relay
alarm rölesi
alarm system
alarm sistemi
alarm watch
alarmlı kol saati
alarm action
(Bilgisayar) uyarı şekli
alarm action
(Bilgisayar) uyarı eylemi
alarm bell
tehlike çanı
alarm circuit
alarm devresi
alarm discrimination
(Askeri) alarm ayırt ediciliği
alarm equipment
(Askeri) uyarı teçhizatı
alarm equipment
(Askeri) uyarı cihazı
alarm equipment
(Askeri) alarm teçhizatı
alarm float
uyarı şamandırası
alarm indication signal
(Askeri) alarm gösterge işareti
alarm indicator
uyarı belirteci
alarm kit
alarm kiti
alarm on/off
(Bilgisayar) alarm açık/kapalı
alarm post
alârmda toplanma yeri
alarm post
(Askeri) alarm noktası
alarm post
(Askeri) hazırlık merkezi
alarm procedure
alarm prosedürü
alarm pushbutton
(Askeri) alarm düğmesi
alarm reaction
(Tıp) alarm reaksiyonu
alarm reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) alarm tepkisi
alarm response teams
(Askeri) alarm tepki timleri
alarm separator
alarm ayırıcısı
alarm signal box
imdat freni kutusu
alarm signal handle
imdat freni çekme kolu
alarm signal valve
imdat freni valfı
alarm substance
(Denizbilim) alarm maddesi
alarm switch
(Elektrik, Elektronik) alarm şalteri
alarm system horn
(Otomotiv) alarm sistemi sireni
alarm transmitting system
(Askeri) alarm yayma sistemi
alarm whistle cap
düdük başlığı
alarm whistle cap
alarm düdük başlığı
alarm clock
alarm saati
alarm verilmiş
alarm verme
alarm vererek
korku veren
korku vererek
false alarm error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yanlış alarm hatası
sound alarm
(Bilgisayar) sesli uyarı
urgent alarm
(Askeri) acil durum alarmı
air raid alarm
hava saldırısı alarmı
{f} alarm ver
korkunç derecede
automatic alarm
otomatik alarm
automatic fire alarm
otomatik yangın alarmı
burglar alarm
hırsız alarmı

Tom gece gittiğinde hırsız alarmını açar. - When Tom leaves at night, he turns on the burglar alarm.

Tom, hırsız alarmı çalmaya başlamış olsa bile gazete okumaya devam etti. - Tom continued reading the newspaper even though the burglar alarm had gone off.

fire alarm
yangın alarmı

Tom yangın alarmının çaldığını duyduğunda şarkı söylemeyi durdurdu. - Tom stopped singing when he heard the fire alarm go off.

Tom yangın alarmınıı çekti. - Tom pulled the fire alarm.

fuel alarm
yakıt seviyesi alarmı
fuse alarm
sigorta alarmı
smoke alarm
duman alarmı
alarma geçirdi
dreadful; causing alarm and fear
korkunç; neden alarm ve korku
fire alarm pull station
Yangın ihbar butonu
fire alarm system
yangın alarm sistemi
raise a fire alarm
Bir yangın alarmı zam
snooze alarm
erteleme alarmı
(alarm) go off
alarm çalmak
(alarm) to sound
alarm çalmak
acknowledge the alarm
alarmı onayla
airborne alarm
(Askeri) havada bekleme alarmı
airborne alarm
(Askeri) HAVADA BEKLEME ALARMI: Bak. "airborne alert"
alarm clock

Biz oldukça panik haldeydik. - We were quite alarmed.

Çok fazla panik olmayın. - Don't be too alarmed.

alarma geçir
paniğe kapılmış

Biz hepimiz biraz paniğe kapılmıştık. - We were all a little alarmed.

Tom kesinlikle paniğe kapılmış görünmüyordu. - Tom certainly didn't sound alarmed.

{s} telaşlandıran
{s} korkutucu

Onu çok korkutucu buldum. - I found that very alarming.

Varoşlardan korkutucu haber geldi. - Alarming news came from the suburbs.

{s} panik yaratan
(isim) alârm
bir tehlikeyi veya haberi bildiren işaret veya tertibat
{i} alârm
audible alarm
sesli uyarı
audio alarm system
sesli uyarı sistemi
automatic chemical agent alarm
(Askeri) otomatik kimyasal harp maddesi alarmı
back up alarm
geri vites alarmı
bell alarm system
zilli uyarı sistemi
boiler alarm
kazan tehlike uyarısı
bomb alarm system
(Askeri) BOMBARDIMAN ALARM SİSTEMİ: Atış esasları kayıt merkezlerine nükleer infilak raporlarını göndermek üzere, Kuzey Amerika'da kilit hedef bölgelerini kuşatmış, tamamen otomatik, bir detektörler sistemi. Ayrıca bakınız: "Nudets" ve "nuclear detonation detection and reporting system"
burglar alarm
hırsız uyarısı
burglar alarm system
hırsız uyarısı sistemi
critical battery alarm
Kritik Düzeyde Pil Uyarısı
false alarm
gereksiz telâş
false alarm error
birinci tur hata, yanlis alarm hatasi
fire alarm
yangın alârmı

Sanırım yangın alarmını nereye kurmamız gerektiğini anladım. - I think I've figured out where we need to install the fire alarm.

Birdenbire yangın alarmı çalmaya başladı. - All of a sudden, the fire alarm went off.

fire alarm
yangın zili; yangın alarmı
fire alarm signal
yangin alarm sinyali
fire alarm system
(Mukavele) yangın ihbar tesisi
float alarm
şamandralı alarm cihazı
gas alarm
(Askeri) GAZ ALARMI: Mevcut veya o anda bulunmuş bir düzenle yada ağızdan "gaz" veya "yakıcı gaz" diye bağırmak suretiyle yapılan haber verme ve ikaz. Bu alarm işareti; iç uzuvlara karşı maske takılacağını ve dış uzuvlara karşı korumak için koruma elbisesi giyileceğini belirtmek üzere verilir
give the alarm
alârm çalmak
give the alarm
tehlike işareti vermek
intruder alarm system
hırsız alarm sistemi
intrusion alarm
(Askeri) Davetsiz girenleri ihbar eden alarm
prompt alarm systems
(Avrupa Birliği) hızlı alarm sistemleri
smoke alarm device
duman alarm cihazı
sound the alarm
alârm vermek
sound the alarm
alârm çalmak
take alarm
rahatsız olmak
take alarm
temperature alarm
sıcaklık alarmı
toxic alarm system
(Askeri) ZEHİRLİ GAZ ALARM SİSTEMİ; TOKSİK ALARM SİSTEMİ: Kimyasal, biyolojik veya nükleer bir taarruz ikazı vermek için kullanılan herhangi bir alarm sistemi
Englisch - Englisch
To keep in excitement; to disturb
A mechanical device for awaking people, or rousing their attention

The clockradio is a friendlier version of the cold alarm by the bedside.

To call to arms for defense
To rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert
To give (someone) notice of approaching danger
Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise

Alarm and resentment spread throughout the camp. --Thomas Babington Macaulay.

An instance of an alarum ringing or clanging, to give a noise signal at a certain time

You should set the alarm on your watch to go off at seven o'clock.

A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy

Arming to answer in a night alarm. --Shakespeare.

To surprise with apprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear
Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention; a warning of danger

Thy palace fill with insults and alarms. --Alexander Pope.

{v} to give notice of danger, surprise, disturb
{n} a notice of danger, a clock
missile with an infrared transmitter that zeroes in on targets that give off heat
SNMP message notifying an operator or administrator of a network problem See also event and trap
An alarm is a signal that notifies the user of a condition requiring the user's attention In NetVigil, alarms are shown as colored icons representing Warning, Critical & Unknown conditions
is an audible, visual, or physical presentation designed to warn the instrument user that a specific level of a dangerous gas/vapor concentration has been reached or exceeded
A visual or audio signal which signifies that an error has occurred or an abnormal condition exists
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
Fire: Automatic alarms are those received by electronic means from fire alarm systems They can indicate activation of smoke detectors, heat sensors, rate-of-rise detectors, wet or dry sprinkler systems Sprinkler activations are sometimes called waterflow alarms Some alarm signals are transmitted via telephone dialer, which plays a taped message to the dispatcher that gives the address
Audible, visual, or physical presentation designed to warn the instrument user that a specific level of a dangerous gas/vapor concentration has been reached or exceeded
A means of alerting the operator that a specified abnormal condition exists; examples: high pressure alarm, apnea alarm
A watch feature that sounds an alarm at pre-set time or at regular intervals
Much the same as an alarm clock, an alarm watch will alert the wearer with beeps at a pre-set time
An audible or visible signal indicating abnormal or out-of-limit conditions in a plant or a control system [CMSG] Syn: Bell, Light, Siren
An alarm is related to any abnormal situation on the equipment that may endanger people, equipment, or material being processed GEM allows the host to be notified when alarm conditions are detected and cleared
This feature causes the watch to sound at a pre-set time
A problem determination message sent to a network operator within a network management system Sometimes accompanied by an audible tone (alarm)
a test of a training sample, usually used before the signature statistics are calculated An alarm highlights an area on the display which is an approximation of the area that would be classified with a signature The original data can then be compared to the highlighted area
warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries"
The report of a network event; also called a trap
A message, usually generated by the AEOLUS VAX process, indicating that the digital or analog status of a device is not within the tolerances set for it
An unsolicited message from a device, typically indicating a problem with the system that requires attention
a clock that wakes sleeper at preset time
(n ) Usually, an audio or visual warning to indicate that attention to the computer is required
A real-time indication or a signal of an abnormal situation or event Usually includes a Priority or Severity Code
fear resulting from the awareness of danger
an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us"
A sound or visual signal triggered by an error condition
An electronic signal, transmitted to the monitoring facility Indicates that an emergency requiring follow-up has been de-tected When an alarm system is not monitored, the alarm condi-tion activates one or more sounding or visual indicating devices
An event that occurs at a particular time (or set of times) It is like an alarm on a real alarm clock except that in order to determine whether it is "ringing", an alarm is "read" by an explicit application action
Audible or visible warning signal that tells a network administrator that an error has occurred or there is a critical situation on the network
is the giving, signaling or transmitting to a public fire station or company or to an officer or employee thereof, whether by telephone, spoken word or otherwise, information to the effect that a fire or emergency condition exists at or near the place indicated by the person giving, signaling or transmitting such information
To call to arms for defense; to give notice to (any one) of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert
A mechanical contrivance for awaking persons from sleep, or rousing their attention; an alarum
{i} alert; alarm system; anxiety, concern; fear
If you say that something sets alarm bells ringing, you mean that it makes people feel worried or concerned about something
A sudden attack; disturbance; broil
An alarm is an automatic device that warns you of danger, for example by ringing a bell. He heard the alarm go off
{f} scare, terrify; frighten, intimidate
If something alarms you, it makes you afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen. We could not see what had alarmed him. = frighten
Alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen. The news was greeted with alarm by MPs
An alarm is the same as an alarm clock. see also alarming, alarmed, burglar alarm, car alarm, false alarm, fire alarm, smoke alarm
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger fear resulting from the awareness of danger warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries
If you raise the alarm or sound the alarm, you warn people of danger. His family raised the alarm when he had not come home by 9pm. to make someone feel worried or frightened
alarm bell
A sudden awareness of danger

I only got a glimpse of him, but alarm bells went off. He wasn't rushing over to give me a pat on the back for stopping to help.

alarm clock
A clock with an alarm that can be set to sound at a determined time
alarm substance
chemical given off from the skin of a fish after injury that warns nearby fish of danger
alarm system
A burglar alarm
alarm systems
plural form of alarm system
A bell which is rung to indicate a pre-arranged time, especially to mark a desired moment for waking up, performing a specific action etc
A bell rung to signal danger or emergency
alarm bell
sound of an alarm, ringing of a warning bell
alarm circuit
alarm system
alarm clock
(n ) A part of the signal C library function The signal SIGALRM is sent to the invoking process after a specified number of seconds Unless caught or ignored, the SIGALRM signal kills the process
alarm clock
An alarm clock is a clock that you can set to make a noise so that it wakes you up at a particular time. I set my alarm clock for 4.30. = alarm. A clock that can be set to sound a bell or buzzer at a desired hour
alarm clock
Your pager alarm can be set for a specific time and date or can used as a daily alarm
alarm clock
a clock that wakes sleeper at preset time
alarm clock
Used as a noun, the term applies to a call or defensive play intended to alert partner to an unusual situation
alarm clock
Alarm can be set to alert at a pre-selected time
alarm clock
An audible feature that reminds the user of a time specific event
alarm clock
type of clock which can be set to ring at a certain hour
alarm lamp
danger signal
alarm mechanism
apparatus which sets off an alarm bell when a certain occurrence takes place
alarm reaction
The initial stage in the body's response to stressful stimuli, characterized by adaptive physiological changes, such as increased hormonal activity and increased heart rate
alarm signal
warning signal, sound which is meant to warn or alert to danger (i.e. beep or siren)
alarm system
system which sets off an alarm bell when a certain occurrence takes place
Having an alarm fitted

This door is alarmed.

Worried; anxious; panicky

I'm extremely alarmed about the army outside my house.

Simple past tense and past participle of alarm
Present participle of alarm
Causing fear or concern

Alarmingly, he went into a severe sneezing fit.

In an alarming way, frighteningly

He sneezed alarmingly.

To an extent that causes alarm

He went into an alarmingly severe sneezing fit.

baby alarm
A baby monitor (intercom)
burglar alarm
a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm
burglar alarm
a warning device that is tripped off by the occurrence of a burglary
car alarm
An audible and often visible alarm that is activated when a motor car/automobile is tampered with
fire alarm
An electromechanical or electronic bell, klaxon, chime, horn, speaker, strobe light or other device which warns people in a building of a possible fire or other condition requiring evacuation
fire alarm
The sound or other warning made by a fire alarm
fire alarm
An emergency response to a fire by the fire department with manpower and equipment
fire alarm horn
A horn on a fire alarm that sounds in case of fire, either automatically when the system detects fire or manually when the alarm is pulled, to alert the occupants of a building or complex of the hazard
fire alarm horn
Formerly, a siren used to alert a town or neighborhood of fire
fire alarm horns
plural form of fire alarm horn
hustle alarm
An audible warning, on some trains, that the automatic doors are about to close
pull the fire alarm
To cause the fire alarm to go off, by pulling the button on the fire alarm pull station
radio alarm
A combination radio and alarm clock; a radio alarm clock
radio alarm
A burglar alarm or fire alarm that transmits a warning radio signal when activated
radio alarm clock
A combination radio and alarm clock
silent alarm
A burglar alarm that makes no noise that is audible to the trespasser
smoke alarm
A smoke detector
{a} giving alarm, exciting fear
fire alarm pull station
(Fire alarm pull station) A fire alarm pull station is an active fire protection device, usually wall-mounted, that, when activated, initiates an alarm on a fire alarm system. In its simplest form, the user activates the alarm by pulling the handle down, which completes a circuit and locks the handle in the activated position, and sending an alarm to the fire alarm control panel. Fire alarm pull station are often reset using a key, which allows the handle to go back up to its normal position. Single pull systems are simpler, but run a higher risk of accidental pulls
experiencing a sudden sense of danger
causing alarm or fear
an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
An alarm
Missile Defense Alarm System
Any of a series of unmanned U.S. military satellites developed to provide warning of surprise attacks by Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). Midas was the first such warning system in the world. Launched in the early 1960s, the reconnaissance satellites were equipped with infrared sensors capable of detecting the heat of a ballistic missile's rocket exhaust shortly after firing
Missile Defense Alarm System Midas
Any of a series of unmanned U.S. military satellites developed to provide warning of surprise attacks by Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). Midas was the first such warning system in the world. Launched in the early 1960s, the reconnaissance satellites were equipped with infrared sensors capable of detecting the heat of a ballistic missile's rocket exhaust shortly after firing
{s} intimidated, terrified, feeling an unexpected sense of danger
If someone is alarmed, they feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen. They should not be too alarmed by the press reports
Aroused to vigilance; excited by fear of approaching danger; agitated; disturbed; as, an alarmed neighborhood; an alarmed modesty
causing apprehension, fear or alarm; frightening
A*larm"ing*ly, adv
{s} worrisome, foreboding
Something that is alarming makes you feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen. The disease has spread at an alarming rate. = worrying + alarmingly alarm·ing·ly the alarmingly high rate of heart disease. making you feel worried or frightened
Exciting, or calculated to excite, alarm; causing apprehension of danger; as, an alarming crisis or report
In an alarming manner, frighteningly. In a way the induces fear or concern
in an alarming manner; "It grew alarmingly fast"
in an alarming manner; "It grew alarmingly fast
frightfully, in a worrisome manner
plural of alarm
a danger signal or warning
To sound alarums, to sound an alarm
a call to arms
{i} fear, fright; alarm (Archaic)
burglar alarm
A burglar alarm is an electric device that makes a bell ring loudly if someone tries to enter a building by force. a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise when someone tries to get into a building illegally
burglar alarm
a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm; "they could hear the burglar alarm a mile away"
burglar alarm
electronic device that makes a loud noise and warns of forced entry (when a window or door is opened or tampered with as by a burglar); loud warning sound produced by a burglar alarm
burglar alarm
a warning device that is tripped off by the occurrence of a burglary a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm; "they could hear the burglar alarm a mile away
car alarm
A car alarm is a device in a car which makes a loud noise if anyone tries to break into the vehicle. He returned to the airport to find his car alarm going off. special equipment in a car that makes a loud noise if anyone tries to steal or damage the car
false alarm
The tendency for subjects to say that they have studied an item that they have not studied (Anderson)
false alarm
siren that is set off at the wrong time or as a test
false alarm
Alarm condition that does not require a dispatch
false alarm
Heuristic scans, used to detect new and previously undiscovered viruses, will often give off a lot of false alarms or flags The novice user may think that a flag during a heuristic scan indicates a virus In most cases it is just a false alarm but worth checking out nonetheless
false alarm
An alarm event indicating the presence of an emer-gency condition when none exists
false alarm
When you think something dangerous is about to happen, but then discover that you were mistaken, you can say that it was a false alarm. a bomb threat that turned out to be a false alarm. a situation in which people wrongly think that something bad is going to happen
false alarm
A situation were an alarm signal is triggered without any intrusion attempt Some causes of this are user error (accounts for over 80%) , telephone line trouble and equipment malfunction
false alarm
An indicated fault where no fault or failure exists
false alarm
In a categorical verification problem, an event forecast that is associated with no event observed See contingency table
false alarm
Heuristic scans, used to detect new and previously undiscovered viruses, will often give off false alarms or flags
false alarm
When an item other than an EAS label or tag alarms an EAS system
false alarm
An alarm signal generated without an existing alarm condition
false alarm
An alarm signal caused by other than the condition the equipment was designed to detect Foot Printing: An inked impression of the underside of the infants foot revealing whorls loops, and bifurcations, with corresponding cores, deltas and ridges used in making and classifying foot prints for use in identification
false alarm
An incorrect report of a virus sometimes caused by scanners that have detected virus like activity or code on a computer Sometimes called a false positive
false alarm
  A reported smoke or fire requiring no suppression; for example, brush burning under Control, mill smoke, false smoke
false alarm
a warning that is given about something that fails to occur
fire alarm
smoke detector, device that detects smoke from a fire and emits a danger signal; danger signal warning of a fire
fire alarm
A fire alarm is a device that makes a noise, for example with a bell, to warn people when there is a fire. a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn people of a fire in a building
fire alarm
an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke a shout or bell to warn that fire has broken out
genuine alarm
real fright or panic, authentic apprehension
give the alarm
activate an alarm, warn of danger; call for help
red alarm
A red alarm is caused by a locally detected facility failure A red alarm sends a remote alarm back towards the transmit end of the circuit
red alarm
Another name for local alarm as the local alarm lamp on most digital transmission equipment is red in color
set off alarm bells
cause concern, activate warning systems
smoke alarm
A smoke alarm or a smoke detector is a device fixed to the ceiling of a room which makes a loud noise if there is smoke in the air, to warn people. a piece of electronic equipment which warns you when there is smoke or fire in a building
smoke alarm
an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke
snooze alarm
clock used for waking up in the morning (which rings every several minutes)
sounding the alarm
activating a warning system
still alarm
A fire alarm transmitted silently, as by telephone, rather than by sounding the conventional signal apparatus
Türkisch - Englisch
{i} alarm

The soldiers were on the alert. - Askerler alarmdaydılar.

Tom forced himself to stay alert. - Tom alarmda kalmak için kendini zorladı.

alert; alarm system
alarum (Archaic)
positions held by military staff in preparation for action (British)
action stations
{i} alarum
alarm açık
(Bilgisayar) alarm on
alarm cihazları
(Mekanik) alarm devices
alarm cihazı
alarm cihazı
alarm device
alarm durumu
(Askeri) alarm position
alarm durumu
alarm kuvveti
(Askeri) alert force
alarm paneli
alarm panel
alarm rolesi
(Askeri) alarm relay
alarm saati
alarm clock
alarm saati
(Bilgisayar) alarm time
alarm sesi
(Bilgisayar) alarm sound
alarm sireni
alarm horn
alarm sistemi
(Otomotiv) security alarm system
alarm tarihi
(Bilgisayar) alarm date
alarm vererek
alarm verilmiş
alarm verme
alarm vermek
give the alarm
alarm vermek
alarm çanı
alarm bell
(deyim) action stations!
alarm ateş timi
(Askeri) alert fire team
alarm ayırt ediciliği
(Askeri) alarm discrimination
alarm ayırıcısı
alarm separator
alarm açık/kapalı
(Bilgisayar) alarm on/off
alarm bildirimi; arama kurtarma alarm bildirimi
(Askeri) alert notice; search and rescue alert notice
alarm cihazı
alarm dalga boyu
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) distress wavelength
alarm dalgası
distress wave
alarm devresi
alarm circuit
alarm durumu
(Askeri) alert condition
alarm düdük başlığı
alarm whistle cap
alarm düğmesi
(Askeri) alarm pushbutton
alarm fırlatma emri
(Askeri) alert launch order
alarm gösterge işareti
(Askeri) alarm indication signal
alarm hali
(Havacılık) alert phase
alarm hizmeti
(Havacılık) alerting service
alarm indikatörü
alert indicator
alarm işareti
alarm işareti
alarm signal
alarm kiti
alarm kit
alarm kontrol ünitesi
(Otomotiv) security alarm control unit
alarm maddesi
(Denizbilim) alarm substance
alarm mevkileri
(Askeri) alert station
alarm noktası
(Askeri) alarm post
alarm prosedürü
alarm procedure
alarm reaksiyonu
(Tıp) alarm reaction
alarm rölesi
alarm relay
alarm safhası
(Askeri) alert phase
alarm safhası (ICAO)
(Askeri) alert phase (ICAO)
alarm servisi
(Havacılık) alerting service
alarm sistemi sireni
(Otomotiv) alarm system horn
alarm tatbikatı
(Askeri) alert exercise
alarm tepki timleri
(Askeri) alarm response teams
alarm tepkisi
(Tıp) startle response
alarm tepkisi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) alarm reaction
alarm tepkisi
(Tıp) startle reaction
alarm tertibatı
alarm system
alarm tespit sahası
(Askeri) alert holding area
alarm teçhizatı
(Askeri) alarm equipment
alarm uygulama raporu
(Askeri) alert implementation report
alarm uçuşu
(Askeri) aircraft scrambling
alarm vermek
to give the alarm, to alert
alarm yayma sistemi
(Askeri) alarm transmitting system
alarm zili
(Elektrik, Elektronik) acoustic burglar alarm
alarm çalmak
(alarm) go off
alarm çalmak
(alarm) to sound
alarm ışığı
warning light
alarm şalteri
(Elektrik, Elektronik) alarm switch
alârm vermek
sound the alarm
alârm vermek
alârm çalmak
give the alarm
alârm çalmak
sound the alarm
beyaz alarm
(Askeri) warning white
sesli alarm
audible alarm
zehirli gaz alarm sistemi
(Askeri) toxic alarm system
Dalış Alarm Şebekesi
(Askeri) Diver's Alert Network
Felaket safhası: Alarm safhasından sonra gerekli usuller icra edildikten sonra i
(Askeri) distress phase (ICAO)
Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları Başkanı Alarm Şebekesi
(Askeri) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network
Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları Kurtarma Alarm Ağı
(Askeri) Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network
acil alarm kalkışı
(Askeri) emergency scramble
antiterörizm alarm merkezi (Deniz Kuvvetleri)
(Askeri) antiterrorism alert center (Navy)
basit alarm
(Askeri) simple alert
duman alarm cihazı
smoke alarm device
genel alarm
(Askeri) general alert
hastalık ve çevresel alarm raporu
(Askeri) disease and environmental alert report
hırsız alarm sistemi
intruder alarm system
hızlı alarm sistemleri
(Hukuk) prompt alarm systems
kırmızı alarm
(Askeri) warning red
milli alarm
(Askeri) national emergency
otomatik alarm
automatic alarm
sesli alarm ünitesi
audible alarm unit
uydu; emniyet alarm ekibi
(Askeri) satellite; security alert team
yanlış alarm
false alarm
yedek alarm kuvveti
(Askeri) backup alert force
yerde alarm durumu
(Askeri) ground alert
yerde alarm usulü
(Askeri) ground alert method