as if

listen to the pronunciation of as if
İngilizce - Türkçe
mış gibi

Sanki yağmur yağacak gibi görünüyor. - It looks as if it is going to rain.

Onların idamı için belirlenen günde, o sanki şölene gidiyormuş gibi saçını kesti ve giyinip kuşandı. - Upon the day appointed for their execution she cut off her hair and dressed herself as if going to a fete.


Sözde birinci dünyadan insanlar biz Latinlere tekerleği henüz icat etmemiş gibi bakıyor. - People from the so-called first world look at us Latinos as if we hadn't invented the wheel yet.

tut ki
-miş gibi
wh. : ıf.sanki
-mış gibi
-mış gibi, -cesine, -e (benzemek): He looks as if he´s asleep. Sanki uyuyormuş gibi duruyor. He was smiling as if he´d received some good news. İyi bir haber almışçasına gülümsüyordu. He looks as if he´s working hard. Çok çalışıyora benziyor
as though
as though
wh. : ıf.sanki
as though
-mış gibi
as though
Sanki, ... gibi, -cesine: "İt was as though he'd never seen me before. - Sanki daha önce beni hiç görmemişti."
as though
(Fiili Deyim ) sanki , imiş gibi
as though
sanki, ... gibi, -cesine: We behaved as though we'd known each other for years. Yıllardır tanışırmış gibi davrandık. It was as though he'd
as though
Türkçe - Türkçe

as if teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Osmanlı Dönemi) (C.: Usefâ) Para ile tutulan işçi, yevmiyeci, gündelikçi
İngilizce - İngilizce
as though; in a manner suggesting

The old man stumbled, as if he were about to fall.

referring to something that the speaker deems highly unlikely

Better wait, hadn't you, Laura,” said Aunt Wess’, “and see. Maybe he'll come up and speak to us.” “Oh, as if!” contradicted Laura.

in mimicry of

When the teacher's back was turned, the class clown would hold his stomach as if he were ill.

as though

Tom is acting as though nothing's happened. - Tom is acting as if nothing's happened.

Tom is acting as though nothing has happened. - Tom is acting as if nothing has happened.

A male given name
as if