nicht sehr oft

listen to the pronunciation of nicht sehr oft
İngilizce - Türkçe

nicht sehr oft teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

ara ara
zaman zaman

Tom zaman zaman Mary'yi anne babasının evinde ziyaret eder. - Tom occasionally visited Mary at her parents' house.

Anne zaman zaman oğlunun mektubunu yeniden okuyordu. - The mother occasionally reread her son's letter.


Bazen işler planlandığı gibi gitmez. - Occasionally, things don't go as planned.

Bu şehirde ciddi bir su sıkıntısı var, yani biz bazen banyo olmaktan vazgeçmeliyiz. - There is a severe shortage of water in this city, so we must give up having a bath occasionally.

arada sırada
ara sıra

Şimdi bile, ara sıra seni görmek istediğimi düşünüyorum. Fakat bugünkü seni değil geçmişten hatırladığım seni. - Even now, I occasionally think I'd like to see you. Not the you that you are today, but the you I remember from the past.

Robert ara sıra beni ziyaret eder. - Robert occasionally visits me.

Almanca - İngilizce
From time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervals

Flames could still be seen from town flaring up occasionally on a hill dotted with emergency vehicles.

{a} upon occasion, now and then
sometimes, but not regularly and not often
sometimes, now and then, every so often, from time to time
now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
In an occasional manner; on occasion; at times, as convenience requires or opportunity offers; not regularly
Ärzten wird oft vorgeworfen, nicht sehr mitteilsam zu sein.
Doctors are often berated for being poor communicators