
listen to the pronunciation of modification
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Ticaret) değişiklik yapma
(Ticaret) değişme
(Kanun) tashih
(Biyoloji) değişke

Yarına kadar gerekli değişiklikleri yapabileceğimize inanıyorum. - I believe we can make the necessary modifications by tomorrow.

Bazı değişiklikler yaptım. - I made some modifications.

{i} küçük değişiklik
biraz değiştirme
(Mukavele) değişiklik yapma, uydurma, kısıtlama
(Askeri) TADİLAT, DEĞİŞİKLİK: Yeniden inceleme sonunda, malzemede bulunması istenen niteliği karşılamak veya harp malzemesi ile teçhizatta, malzemenin tamamen değiştirilmesini icap ettirmeyen arızaları düzeltmek için yapılan değişiklikler
(Dilbilim) niteleme
modification level
değişiklik düzeyi
modification agreement
(Ticaret) değişiklik anlaşması
modification center
(Askeri) UÇAK TADİLAT MERKEZİ, UÇAK DEĞİŞİKLİK MERKEZİ: Bir havaalanında, imalat sırasında tahmin edilemeyen bazı ihtiyaçları karşılamak üzere, standart olarak imal edilen hava araçlarında yapılacak tadilat için gerekli yardımcı tesislerden ibaret bir tesis
modification centre
(Askeri) uçak değişiklik merkezi
modification centre
(Askeri) uçak tadilat merkezi
modification date
değişiklik tarihi
modification kit
(Askeri) TADİLAT TAKIMI, KİT'İ: İstenilen bir değişikliği yapmak için gerekli malzeme takımı
modification of behaviour
davranışın değiştirilmesi
modification proposal
değişiklik teklifi
modification time
değişiklik saati
modification to
-e yapılan düzeltme
modification to
-e yapılan değişiklik
modification work order
(Askeri) TADİLAT İŞ EMRİ, DEĞİŞİKLİK İŞ EMRİ: Malzemenin taktik tesirini ve bakım kolaylığını artırmak veya çalışma kusurlarını gidermek maksadıyla, belirli bir malzemede yapılan değişikliği gösterir ordudonatım yayımı
modification work order
(Askeri) tadilat iş emri
modification work order
(Askeri) değişiklik iş emri
behavior modification
(Ticaret) davranış değiştirme
address modification
adres değiştirimi
instruction modification
komut modifikasyonu
intentional modification
kasıtlı modifikasyon
free modification
ücretsiz değiştirme
gene modification
genetik kopyalama
gene modification
gen ıslahı

Modifikasyonlar tamamlandı. - The modifications are complete.

program modification
program değişimi, program değiştirme
stimulus modification
(Eğitim) Uyaran uyarlaması
under modification
tadilat çalışması
aircraft modification
(Askeri) UÇAK TADİLATI: Üretim biçiminde veya üretilmiş olan parçalarda bir değişiklik yapılarak uçağın fiziksel özelliklerinde meydana getirilen değişiklikler
ammunition modification
(Askeri) mühimmat tadilatı
ammunition modification
(Askeri) MÜHİMMAT TADİLATI: Mühimmat ve füze kalemlerinde; ıslah işlemi için gerekli geniş iş yerlerine ve teçhizata ihtiyaç kalmadan, ana parça değiştirmeleri nevinden, imalat değişiklikleri sonucu meydana gelen tadilat
environmental modification
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çevre değişikliği
equipment modification list
(Askeri) MALZEME DEĞİŞİKLİK LİSTESİ, MALZEME TADİLAT LİSTESİ: Diğer teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında gösterilmeyen hakiki işletme durumlarının tespiti için, bir veya birkaç birliğin malzemesinde ilave veya azaltmalar yapmak suretiyle, TMK'da değişiklik yapan liste
standard system modification
(Askeri) STANDART BİLGİ SİSTEMİ DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ: Belirli standart bilgi sistemi ana unsurlarından herhangi birinde aşağıdaki şekilde yapılmış değişiklik veya arttırma (Ek toplama şartı dahil): a) Dış işlemler veya hazırlık işlemleri. b) Giren bilgiler. c) Dosya içi veya bilgi tabam d) Lojik işlem veya hesaplama. e) Kullanılan standart bilgi sistemi özelliklerine göre tespit edilmiş çıkan bilgiler
system modification
(Askeri) SİSTEM DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ: Bak. "standart data system modification"
usage of genetic modification
(Ticaret) genetik modifikasyonlar
zero modification
(Dilbilim) nitelemesiz
İngilizce - İngilizce
a change to a word when it is borrowed by another language
a change to an organism as a result of its environment that is not transmissable to offspring
the change undergone by a word when used in a construction (for instance am => 'm in I'm)
the act or result of modifying or the condition of being modified
an alteration or adjustment to something
a change
{n} the act of modifying or shaping
The sum of the changes that take place in the barley grain during germination (sprouting) Chief among these are the softening of the endosperm and the development of enzymes
means altering a place to suit proposed uses that are compatible with the natural significance of the place
-a change to software that requires changing or adding to the source code
Any physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a stationary source that increases the amount of any air contaminant emitted by such source or that results in the emissions of any air contaminant not previously emitted The term modification shall be construed consistent with the definitions of modification in Section 7411, Title 42, United States Code, and with rules implementing that section
slightly modified copy; not an exact copy; "a modification of last year's model" the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase
The act of changing any of the terms of the mortgage (Source: FNMA Selling Guide, Glossary)
Occasionally, a lender will agree to modify the terms of your mortgage without requiring you to refinance If any changes are made, it is called a modification
A change in any of the terms of the loan agreement
The act of modifying, or the state of being modified; a modified form or condition; state as modified; a change; as, the modification of an opinion, or of a machine; the various modifications of light
Any change made to an existing sponsored agreement
Changing the terms of an existing loan without recording a new home loan on the property
An award document that modifies any aspect of an existing award Example: Carryover approvals, adding or deleting special terms and conditions, changes in funding levels (including NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduates; NIH's Minority Supplement, DOD's ASSERT Programs), administrative changes initiated by the agency, extensions that include changes in terms, change of principal investigator, etc
slightly modified copy; not an exact copy; "a modification of last year's model"
Occasionally, a lender will agree to modify the terms of your mortgage without requiring you t refinance If any changes are made, it is called a modification
A change or alteration to the terms of an agreement See also Amendment
A change to the terms of a contract
The process of updating an existing domain name record, contact record, or host (name server) record to reflect changes in existing information Modifications include: changing information on an existing contact record; replacing an existing contact on a domain name record with a new contact; changing information on an existing host record; changing the name servers listed on an existing domain name record; changing information about the organization who registered a domain na me (there are some cases when changes in the organization's name may require a new, separate registration) There is no additional charge to modify an existing domain, contact, or host record Keeping these records up to date is critical to the smooth operation of the Domain Name System (DNS), and it is the responsibility of the registrant to ensure that domain name record(s) are kept up to date [see also: Domain Name System (DNS), Registrant, Registration Fee, Renewal Fee]
The act of changing any of the terms of the mortgage
the act of making something different (as e g the size of a garment)
A change or alteration: e g , modification of sentence (the terms of punishment for a defendant are changed) or modified probation order (a second probation order is issued changing the terms of the original order)
A change or alteration, like modification of a sentence (where the terms of punishment for a defendant are changed) or of a probation order (where a new probation order is issued changing the terms of the original order)
an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another; "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"; "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago"
(Ticaret) 1) A one-time change to a standard bill of material or routing for a specific production order 2) The addition of custom programming code to a standard software system to create or enhance a specific function
A change in the terms of the mortgage note, such as a reduction in the interest rate or change in maturity date
The change in an existing child support order occurring because of changed financial or living arrangements
the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase
Any change to the original terms of a mortgage
{i} change, adjustment, agreement; adaptation; restriction; qualification (Grammar); moderation; process of being modified
An award document that modifies any aspect of an existing award other than those named above Example: Carryover approvals, adding or deleting special terms and conditions, changes in funding levels (including NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduates, NIH's Minority Supplement, DOD's ASSERT Programs), administrative changes initiated by the agency, extensions that include changes in terms, change of principal investigator, etc
behaviour modification body modification and mutilation weather modification
A change; an alteration or amendment which introduces new elements into the details, or cancels some of them, but leaves the general purpose and effect of the subject-matter intact
the change undergone by a word when used in a construction (for instance am => m in Im)
An applicant request to change the terms, conditions, or specifications of an existing license, other than administrative changes (see Administrative Update) Modifications may be major or minor (see Major Filing and Minor Filing)
An award document that modifies any aspect of an existing award Example: Carryover approvals, adding or deleting special terms and conditions, changes in funding levels, NIH's Minority Supplement, administrative changes initiated by the agency, extensions that include changes in terms, change of principal investigator, etc
body modification
Deliberate physical alteration of the human body, such as tattooing and piercing
genetic modification
the commercial application of genetic engineering to the production of novel foodstuffs etc
posttranslational modification
Any of several types of modification made to a protein subsequent to the translation phase of its biosynthesis
posttranslational modification
Post-translational modification (PTM) is the chemical modification of a protein after its translation. It is one of the later steps in protein biosynthesis for many proteins. A protein (also called a polypeptide) is a chain of amino acids. During protein synthesis, 20 different amino acids can be incorporated in proteins. After translation, the posttranslational modification of amino acids extends the range of functions of the protein by attaching to it other biochemical functional groups such as acetate, phosphate, various lipids and carbohydrates, by changing the chemical nature of an amino acid (e.g. citrullination) or by making structural changes, like the formation of disulfide bridges
body modification and mutilation
Intentional modification of the human body for religious, aesthetic, or social reasons. It is frequently performed for magical or pseudo-medical purposes, but cosmetic motives are equally common. The variability of the results in different cultures reflects varying ideals of beauty or morality. Modifications include head flattening, insertion of a lip plug, tattoos, scarification, and piercing of the ear and other parts of the body. Mutilations include male and female circumcision, foot binding, and amputation
Within the context of information systems development, modification refers to revising a software program to add, change or delete certain functionality (See 359)
Changes in the content, format, and/or administration of a test to accommodate test takers who are unable to take the test under standard test conditions Modifications alter what the test is designed to measure or the comparability of scores
adaptations made in the course content, changes to the foundational objectives
Substantial changes in what the student is expected to demonstrate; includes changes in instructional level, content, and performance criteria, may include changes in test form or format; includes alternate assessments
Changes of oligonucleotides, e g attachment of dyes or chemical groups
plural of modification
Changes to the vanilla version of the PeopleSoft software Each time a modification is made, it adds to the complexity, time, and cost of upgrading the software This is often referred to as "mods"
This describes how you are able to make modifications to your domain name such as changing your administrative, billing or technical contact information or changing your nameserver information
Are changes made to the content and performance expectations for students
weather modification
Deliberate or inadvertent alteration of atmospheric conditions by human activity, sufficient to modify the weather on a local or regional scale. Deliberate alterations include covering plants to keep them warm at night, seeding clouds to induce or augment precipitation, and firing silver-iodide particles into clouds to suppress or mitigate hail and to reduce fog at airports. Inadvertent alterations are the result of industrialization and urbanization, which have added billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other gases to the atmosphere (see acid rain, global warming, greenhouse effect)



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    /ˌmädəfəˈkāsʜən/ /ˌmɑːdəfəˈkeɪʃən/


    () French modification Latin modificatio (“a measuring”) modificare (“to limit, control, modify”); see modify.


    ... We could make that modification; that would solve a big chunk of ...
    ... giving people AR15 automatic modification kits can't be made to work, or shouldn't be ...