
listen to the pronunciation of demon
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} iblis

Avrupalılar iblislerin kıtasını temizlemek için bir cinci hoca tuttu. - The Europeans hired an exorcist to cleanse their continent of demons.

Anksiyete hayatta en kötü iblis. - Anxiety is the worst demon in life.


Şeytanların evinde Ravana, Tanrı'dır. - In the home of demons, Ravana is God.

Şeytanlara inanmıyorum. - I don't believe in demons.

çok enerjik kimse
hayalet program
kötü kimse
kötü ruhlu
(Askeri) DEMON: Düşman hava araçlarının önlenmesi, tahribi ve kıta desteği için uçak gemilerinden faaliyette bulunacak şekilde imal edilmiş, her türlü havada faaliyete elverişli, tek motorlu, tek kişilik, süpersonik jet av uçağı. Bu uçak; nükleer atış kabiliyetine ve Sparrow füzelerini içine alan silahlara sahiptir. Havada yakıt ikmali yapılabilir. F-3 olarak isimlendirilir
{i} enerjik kimse
(Askeri) DEMON: Düşman hava araçlarının önlenmesi, tahribi ve kıta desteği için uçak gemilerinden faaliyette bulunacak şekilde imal edilmiş, her türlü havada faaliyete elverişli, tek motorlu, tek kişilik, süpersonik jet av uçağı. Bu uçak; nükleer atış kabiliyetine ve Sparrow füzelerini içine alan silahlara sahiptir. Havada yakıt ikmali yapılabilir. F-3 olarak isimlendirilir
{i} günahkâr tutku
dili çok enerjik kimse
canavar/kötü ruh
{i} cin

Tom iyi ve kötü cinler olduğuna inanır. - Tom believes that there are good and evil demons.

Avrupalılar iblislerin kıtasını temizlemek için bir cinci hoca tuttu. - The Europeans hired an exorcist to cleanse their continent of demons.

{i} enerjik kişi
kötü ruh
kötü adam
{i} zalim
iblis herif
demon in the sack
(Ev ile ilgili) Yatakta çok iyi olan kişi
demon of hell
demon for work
çalışkan kimse
demon for work
iş delisi kimse
şeytan gibi göstermek
kötü ile
{f} öcü ile korkutmak
şeytana dönüştürmek
work like a demon
çok çalışmak
İngilizce - İngilizce
One’s inner spirit or genius, a daimon
A spirit or lesser divinity between men and gods
A foible; a flaw in a person’s character

The demon of stupidity haunts me whenever I open my mouth.

An evil spirit
Someone of remarkable or diabolical energy or ability

He’s a demon at the card tables.

A fallen angel or Satanic divinity; a false god
one of the evil spirits of traditional Jewish and Christian belief
someone extremely diligent or skillful; "he worked like a demon to finish the job on time"; "she's a demon at math"
{n} an evil spirit or angel, a spirit
ones inner spirit or genius, a daimon
(derived from "daemon") an artificial elemental created by a neurotic complex of energies and emotions, whether of one person or many, hence contraproductive or harmful in influence and effect
   a spiritual or nonphysical being, generally hostile to human beings, but in most Old Testament passages still under God's control (see Job one and two) A common Hebrew name was Satan, meaning "adversary " By the time of the New Testament demons were generally regarded as hostile to God as well, and therefore evil, or the cause of bad influences- disease, mental distress- on human beings Demonic: marked by spiritual evil, like a demon
a cruel wicked and inhuman person
Delivery of Electronic MultimediaOver Networks
Operational code name for the British evacuation of Greece in April 1941
approval If you approve of someone because they are very skilled at what they do or because they do it energetically, you can say that they do it like a demon. He played like a demon. demonstrative. or daemon In religions worldwide, any of various evil spirits that mediate between the supernatural and human realms. The term comes from the Greek word daimon, a divine or semidivine power that determined a person's fate. Zoroastrianism had a hierarchy of demons, which were in constant battle with Ahura Mazda. In Judaism it was believed that demons inhabited desert wastes, ruins, and graves and inflicted physical and spiritual disorders on humankind. Christianity placed Satan or Beelzebub at the head of the ranks of demons, and Islam designated Iblis or Satan as the leader of a host of evil jinn. Hinduism has many demons, called asuras, who oppose the devas (gods). In Buddhism demons are seen as tempters who prevent the achievement of nirvana
A GAHL who has manifested the darker side Demons have abilities that relate to so-called "bad" concepts such as War, Chaos, Destruction, Darkness, Sorrow, etc They are brought about through a negative emotional state at the time of manifestation
A spirit, or immaterial being, holding a middle place between men and deities in pagan mythology
A procedure that is executed whenever a particular predicate about a database becomes true
{i} evil spirit; devil, fiend; mischievous person, troublemaker (especially a child)
someone extremely diligent or skillful; "he worked like a demon to finish the job on time"; "she's a demon at math
a foible; a flaw in a persons character
A fallen angel that assists Satan in the opposition of God Demons are evil (Luke 10: 17,18), powerful (Luke 8: 29), and under the power of Satan (Matt 12: 24-30) They recognized Christ (Mark 1: 23,24) and can possess non-Christians (Matt 8: 29)
a mechanical mechanism set up by an engram which takes over a portion of the analyzer and acts as an individual being A bona fide demon is one who gives thoughts voice or echoes the spoken word interiorly or who gives all sorts of complicated advice like a real, live voice exteriorly See also analyzer; circuit; demon circuit
An evil supernatural being; a devil An evil spirit or being which is said to have not ever lived on earth in human form
A Mage imposed category defining certain races All monsters, hybrids, and Mage created races are considered demons
Improper spelling of the UNIX word daemon
A demon is an evil spirit. a woman possessed by demons
-An evil spirit associated with Satan and his agenda
a faeborn creature that has a permanent physical manifestation All feed off of humans, whether physically or emotionally They are categorized into several sub-types, the most powerful of which are the Iezu
Originally an angel, it joined with Satan to oppose God Many conservative Christians believe that a person can be possessed by a demon; some think that only non-Christians can be possessed Mental health professionals abandoned the concept of demonic possession centuries ago
Supernatural being, spirit, or force capable of influencing human lives, usually by evil means Demons have played a role in the traditions of most religions and also have appeared in mythology and literature the practice of expelling demons that possess people or places, has been carried out by many religions, usually by a person with special authority The study of demons is called demonology
A demon is a facet of a slot in a frame which causes some action to be taken when the frame is accessed in certain types of ways For example, an if-needed demon is activated or triggered if the value of the slot is required and a value has not yet been stored in the slot, and it should calculate or otherwise obtain a value for the slot, while a range demon is triggered if a new value is added to the slot, to check that the value added is permissible for this particular slot Here is a list of the demon types supported by the iProlog frame implementation
One's genius; a tutelary spirit or internal voice; as, the demon of Socrates
An evil spirit; a devil
demon in the sack
(Ev ile ilgili) A person who is very good in bed
Demon Deacons
name of the athletic teams at Wake Forest University (USA)
as if possessed by demons
Maxwell's demon
A hypothetical creature created for a thought experiment. Maxwell’s demon, if it existed, would act as a sort of gate guard by sorting between higher-energy molecules and lower-energy molecules within an enclosed space. Because such a sorting process would tend to decrease entropy, it would violate the second law of thermodynamics
The act of demonizing or something demonized
To describe or represent as evil or diabolic
{a} devilish, infernal
A demon
Relating to, or having the nature of, a demon
to represent as diabolically evil; "the demonization of our enemies
to represent as diabolically evil; "the demonization of our enemies"
make into a demon; "Power had demonized him"
de·mon·ize demonizes demonizing demonized in BRIT, also use demonise If people demonize someone, they convince themselves that that person is evil. Each side began to demonize the other
To turn into a demon
{f} make into a demon, transform into a devil; attribute devilish characteristics to someone (also demonise)
make into a demon; "Power had demonized him
To convert into a demon; to infuse the principles or fury of a demon into
To control or possess by a demon
past of demonize
Evil influences which hinder cultivation These can take an infinite number of forms, including evil beings or hallucinations Disease and death, as well as the three poisons of greed, anger and delusion are also equated to demons, as they disturb the mind
according to a theistic worldview, "servants of Satan" who stand against the kingdom of God Frequently in the Old Testament demons "dressed themselves up in the garb of gods" (Van Rheenen 1996a, 266-67) Eight common characteristics can be deduced from the Gospels: Demons are (1) considered spiritual beings, not merely forces or structures of culture; (2) described as unclean or evil spirits; (3) pictured as disembodied spirits who desired to possess bodies and were pictured as wondering about seeking a body; (4) have power and knowledge beyond that of human beings; (5) operate as part of the kingdom of Satan; (6) seek to tempt human in a struggle between Jesus and the demonic realm; (7) are overcome by the power of God, and (8) can be overcome by the authority given to Christians by the resurrected and exalted Lord (Van Rheenen 1996a, 115-19)
Extremely powerful, not necessarily "evil", magickal beings See Demons
A term used to describe spirits that affect the lives of human beings
plural of demon
maxwell's demon
an imaginary creature that controls a small hole in a partition that divides a chamber filled with gas into two parts and allows fast molecules to move in one direction and slow molecules to move in the other direction through the hole; this would resultin one part of the container becoming warmer and the other cooler, thus decreasing entropy and violating the second law of thermodynamics