
listen to the pronunciation of television
Englisch - Türkisch

Lütfen televizyonu aç. - Please turn on the television.

Özel haber nedeniyle televizyon programı kesildi. - The television show was interrupted by a special news report.

(isim) televizyon
televizyon seti
television broadcasting
televizyon yayıncılığı
television tube
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim lambası
television announcer
televizyon spikeri
television antenna
sınalgı sırgavılı
television band
sınalgı bandı
television broadcast
sınalgı yayını
television broadcasting
sınalgı yayını
television cable
sınalgı kablosu
television camera
television camera
sınalgı kamerası
television cameraman
sınalgı kameramanı
television channel
sınalgı arnası
television equipment
televizyon donanımı
television field
sınalgı alanı
television monitor
resim monitörü
television news
televizyon haberleri
television picture
sınalgı görüntüsü
television picture tube
sınalgı resim tüpü
television program
televizyon programı
television program
sınalgı bağdarlaması
television projector
sınalgı göstericisi
television receiver
televizyon alıcısı
television receiver
sınalgı alıcısı
television reporter
televizyon röportajcısı
television room
televizyon odası
television set
televizyon seti
television star
televizyon yıldızı
television station
televizyon istasyonu
television station
sınalgı istasyonu
television studio
sınalgı stüdyosu
television system
televizyon sistemi
television telephone
sınalgılı alısün
television tower
sınalgı kulesi
television transmission
sınalgı yayını
television transmitter
sınalgı vericisi
television transmitter
televizyon aktarıcısı
television tube
televizyon tüpü
television tube
ekran lambası
television tube
resim tüpü
television (as a medium)
aracı olarak televizyon ()
television addict (slang)
televizyon bağımlısı (argo)
television amplifier
televizyon amplifikatörü
television band
televizyon bandı
television cable
televizyon kablosu
television crew
televizyon ekibi
television field
televizyon alanı
television microscope
televizyon mikroskopu
television photographer
televizyon fotoğrafçı
television picture
televizyon görüntüsü
television picture tube
televizyon resim tüpü
television projector
televizyon göstericisi
television repairman
televizyon tamirci
television standard
televizyon standardı
television telephone
televizyonlu telefon
television transmission
televizyon yayını
Television Audio Support Agency
(Askeri) Televizayon Ses Destek Dairesi
television amplifier
(Televizyon) televizyon kuvvetlendiricisi
television and children
(Basın) televizyon ve çocuklar
television and family
(Basın) televizyon ve aile
television and music
(Basın) televizyon ve müzik
television and politics
televizyon ve politika
television and the aged
(Basın) televizyon ve yaşlı
television and women
(Basın) televizyon ve kadınlar
television and youth
(Basın) televizyon ve gençlik
television announcing
(Basın) televizyon spikerliği
television authorship
televizyon yazarlığı
television broadcaster
(Basın) televizyon spikeri
television cameraman
(Televizyon) alıcı yönetmem
television car
(Teknik,Televizyon) naklen yayın aracı
television car
(Teknik,Televizyon) yayın arabası
television center
(Televizyon) yayın merkezi
television center
(Televizyon) televizyon merkezi
television coverage
(Televizyon) televizyon yayın alanı
television coverage
(Televizyon) televizyon yayın bölgesi
television criticism
(Basın) televizyon eleştirisi
television culture
televizyon kültürü
television graphics
(Basın) televizyon grafikleri
television imagery
(Askeri) televizyon görüntüsü
television imagery
(Askeri) TELEVİZYON GÖRÜNTÜSÜ: Bir televizyon kamerası tarafından elde edilen ve kaydedilen veya elektronik olarak gönderilen görüntü
television in education
eğitimde televizyon
television in politics
politikada televizyon
television infrared observation satellite
(Askeri) televizyon morötesi gözetleme uydusu
television leader
(Televizyon) televizyon amorsu
television leader
(Televizyon) televizyon kılavuzu
television microscope
(Televizyon) televizyon mikroskobu
television monitor
(Televizyon) görüntü denetliği
television news anchors
(Basın) televizyon haber sunucuları
television play
(Tiyatro) televizyon oyunu
television producer
televizyon yapımcısı
television prompter
(Teknik,Televizyon) telepromptır
television screen
televizyon ekranı
television set
televizyon alıcısı
television show
(Tiyatro) televizyon gösterisi
television signal
(Televizyon) televizyon sinyali
television signals
televizyon işaretleri
television station
televizyon istasyonları
television stations
(Basın) televizyon istasyonları
television subsystem
(Otomotiv) televizyon tali sistemi
television table
televizyon sehpası
television transmitter
televizyon vericisi
television work
televizyon yapıtı
high definition television
yüksek tanımlı televizyon
interactive television
etkileşimli televizyon
violence on television
televizyonda şiddet
black and white television
siyah beyaz televizyon
black and white television tube
siyah beyaz televizyon tüpü
cable television
kablolu sınalgı
cassette television
kasetli televizyon
closed circuit television
kapalı devre televizyonu
closed circuit television
kapalı devre sınalgı
colour television
renkli sınalgı
colour television camera
renkli televizyon kamerası
colour television mask
renkli televizyon maskesi
colour television receiver
renkli televizyon alıcısı
colour television systems
renkli televizyon sistemleri
colour television tube
renkli televizyon tüpü
community antenna television
ortak sırgavıllı sınalgı
community antenna television
müşterek antenli televizyon
community television
kablolu televizyon
large screen television projector
geniş ekranlı televizyon göstericisi
monochrome television
siyah-beyaz sınalgı
portable colour television
portatif renkli sınalgı
regional television
bölgesel sınalgı
satellite television
uydu sınalgısı
digital television
dijital televizyon
monochrome television
siyah-beyaz televizyon
on line cable television
line kablo televizyon
parliament television
parlamento televizyonu, ülkelerin meclis oturumlarını canlı ya da banttan yayınlayan televizyon kanalı
projection television
projeksiyon televizyonu
public television
kamu televizyon
reality television
regional television
bölgesel televizyon
satellite television
uydu televizyonu
state television
devlet televizyonu
zone television
bölge televizyon
Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Radyo ve Televizyon Hizmeti
be on television
televizyonda olmak; televizyona çıkmak
black and white television
siyah-beyaz televizyon
black and white television tube
siyah-beyaz televizyon tüpü
cable television
kablolu televizyon
close circuit television
(Askeri) KAPALI DEVRE TELEVİZYON (HV.): Resim yollama yayınının, hiç bir zaman normal yayılmayla olmaması için kamera veya filim üretimleri, müşterek eksenli kablolarla, direkt olarak alıcı cihazlara bağlanmış bir televizyon verici veya alıcı sistemi
closed circuit television
(Askeri) kapalı devre televizyon
color television/TV
renkli televizyon
commercial television
reklâm yayını yapan televizyon
commercial television
ticari televizyon
does the hotel have cable television
otelinizin kablolu televizyonu var mı
fix the television
televizyonu tamir etmek
instructional television
egitim televizyonu
on television
pay television
paralı televizyon
pilot's landing aid television
(Askeri) pilot iniş yardım monitörü
sex role on television
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) televizyonda cinsiyet rolü
stereoscopic television
(Teknik,Televizyon) üçboyutlu televizyon
stereoscopic television
(Teknik,Televizyon) stereoskopik televizyon
tuner, television subsystem
(Otomotiv) radyo televizyon tali sistemi
watch television
televizyon seyretmek
women's television program
(Basın) kadın programı
Englisch - Englisch
A device for receiving television signals and displaying them in visual form

I have an old television in the study.

An electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images, and often sound

It’s a good thing that television doesn’t transmit smell.

Collectively, the programs broadcast via the medium of television

fifty-seven channels and nothing on .

a telecommunication system that transmits images of objects (stationary or moving) between distant points broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects; "she is a star of screen and video"; "Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done"
Dictatorship of the Single Image in force in all countries (see above, Universal culture) Bestows the freedom to watch the same images and listen to the same words Unlike the extinct Dictatorship of the Single Party, the Dictatorship of the Single Image works for the happiness of humankind and the development of its intelligence
n A font of wisdom poured out upon those who do not have the time to read the Early Fathers
Clare of Assisi
A very popular medium which shows perfectly dreadful programmes on most occasions nowadays and something which the Internet has now conveniently replaced as a fulfilling mode of entertainment And some people say the Net is a curse to the world
{i} system of transferring picture and sound over radio waves; device which receives television signals and displays them as pictures and sound
Chewing gum for the eyes
Television is the business or industry concerned with making programmes and broadcasting them on television. British commercial television has been steadily losing its lead as the most advanced sector of the industry in Europe. Electronic system for transmitting still or moving images and sound to receivers that project a view of the images on a picture tube or screen and recreate the sound. Early versions (1900-20) of the cathode-ray (picture) tube, methods of amplifying an electronic signal, and theoretical formulation of the electronic-scanning principle later became the basis of modern TV. RCA demonstrated the first all-electronic TV in 1932. Colour TV (in the 1950s), cable TV systems (introduced in the 1960s), and recording or playback machines (in the 1980s; see VCR) followed. Digital high-definition (HDTV) systems (1990s) provide sharper, clearer pictures and sound with little interference or other imperfections and have the potential to merge TV functions with those of computers. Music Television cable television CBS Television Network high definition television
broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects; "she is a star of screen and video"; "Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done" - Ernie Kovacs
a receiver that displays television images; "the British call a tv set a telly"
Medium of communication that operates through the transmission of pictures and sounds
Television refers to all the programmes that you can watch. I don't have much time to watch very much television. = TV
Showdown with Rance McGrewWhat's in the Box?
A television or television set is a piece of electrical equipment consisting of a box with a glass screen on it on which you can watch programmes with pictures and sounds. She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes. = TV, telly
- Ernie Kovacs
Television is the system of sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so that people can receive them on a television in their home. Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television = TV
a telecommunication system that transmits images of objects (stationary or moving) between distant points
  A form of telecommunication for the transmission of transient images of fixed or moving objects   [NTIA]  [RR]  Note 1: The picture signal is usually accompanied by the sound signal   Note 2: In North America, TV signals are generated, transmitted, received, and displayed in accordance with the NTSC standard
television channel
A station or broadcaster using the band
television channel
A specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television
television channels
plural form of television channel
television network
A grouping of television channels, generated at television stations, broadcast over a unified terrestrial or satellite system from which a subscriber may choose various packages to accept and pay for (if not free-to-air)
television networks
plural form of television network
television personalities
plural form of television personality
television personality
A term used to describe someone known to the public primarily through their appearances on television shows
television program
The content of an individual television broadcast
television programs
plural form of television program
television set
A television; an electronic device that receives television signals, and displays the resulting images on a screen
television sets
plural form of television set
television station
A radio frequency or band assigned to a television broadcaster
television station
The studio or building from where a television channel is broadcasted
television station
An organization which operates a television channel
television stations
plural form of television station
Attributive form of television station

television-station employee.

television interference
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Television interference (TVI) is a term for anything that can adversely affect the signal reaching the TV or the TV's ability to function correctly. It is usually an indicator of electromagnetic compatibility problems
television antenna
an omnidirectional antenna tuned to the broadcast frequencies assigned to television
television broadcast
television program, T.V. broadcast, T.V. show
television broadcaster
announcer on television
television camera
television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam
television channels
different frequency bands assigned to the different television stations
television coverage
reviewing, reporting, presence of a television crew at an event
television crew
team that works together at a television studio
television drama
movie that has theatrical elements and is filmed especially to be shown on television
television equipment
electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound
television film
movie that is filmed especially to be shown on television
television licence
an official piece of paper that you need to buy in Britain in order to legally use a television in your home
television monitor
monitor used in a studio for monitoring the program being broadcast
television news
a television broadcast of news
television photographer
person who specializes in taking pictures for television
television program
a program broadcast by television
television receiver
a receiver that displays television images; "the British call a tv set a telly
television reporter
someone who reports news stories via television
television reporter
journalist who prepares investigative reports and articles for television
television room
a room set aside for viewing television
television series
plot-based program which is filmed especially for television
television set
device used for viewing movies and shows, cube shaped object used for viewing movies and shows
television show
program that is viewed on television
television star
a star in a television show
television station
station for the production and transmission of television broadcasts
television station
station that broadcasts television programs
television transmitter
device used to relay television broadcasts
television transmitter
transmitter that is part of a television system
television-camera tube
a tube that rapidly scans an optical image and converts it into electronic signals
television-picture tube
cathode ray-tube in a television where the image is displayed
black-and-white television
A monochrome system of transmitting and receiving television signals
black-and-white television
A television set that displays only monochrome images
cable television
Television received through coaxial cables
closed-circuit television
A system of television cameras, connected by cable to a control room, used for surveillance
color television
Alternative spelling of colour television
colour television
A television set that displays images in colour
colour television
A colour system of transmitting and receiving television signals
digital television
A television set that is capable of handling such signals
digital television
The broadcasting and receiving of television services via digital (rather than analog) signals, either broadcast, or via cable or satellite
guerrilla television
A form of television proposed by former Time-Life correspondent Michael Shamberg to describe how the counter-culture movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s should use communication technology to get its message to the public, because despite its strategies and tactics similar to warfare, guerrilla television is non-violent
high-definition television
A television set that employs such a system
high-definition television
Any or all of several formats of television system having a higher resolution than traditional ones
public access television
A segment of the PEG (short for public, educational, and government access) television model of local cable television production. It provides training and access to media production technology and distribution methods so that community producers and viewers may participate
reality television
A genre of television programming portraying one or more unprofessional actors and their reaction to given stimuli and/or goals
web television
Television programming produced for original distribution through the internet
reality television
Television programmes that feature real people doing real things, for example police officers chasing after stolen cars, or people who have been put in different situations and filmed continuously over a period of weeks or months
reality television
Reality television is a genre of television programming which presents purportedly unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people instead of professional actors. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the term reality television is most commonly used to describe programs produced since 2000. Documentaries and nonfictional programming such as the news and sports shows are usually not classified as reality shows
BBC Worldwide Television
a part of the BBC which broadcasts television programmes, especially news, around the world
Black Entertainment Television
American cable television channel which broadcasts shows of interest to African-Americans, BET
British Academy of Film and Television Awards
{i} BAFTA, British organization that hosts annual awards show awarding prizes for various achievements in movies and television programs in Britain
CBS Television Network
Major U.S. broadcasting company and network. It began in 1928 as the Columbia Broadcasting System, a small radio network directed by William S. Paley. By offering programming free to affiliated stations in return for their agreement to broadcast sponsored shows, Paley built the network from 22 stations to 114 in 10 years. Such stars as Fred Allen, Bing Crosby, and Kate Smith increased audience ratings into the 1940s. Jack Benny, Ed Sullivan, Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore, and Walter Cronkite made CBS the dominant television network into the 1970s. The company diversified into several other fields, but only Columbia Records was successful, and the corporation sold all its other divisions in 1985 to concentrate on broadcasting. A decline in ratings and in the number of affiliated stations led to its sale to Westinghouse Electric Corp. in 1995. CBS Corp. was purchased by Viacom Inc. in 2000
Call Television
{i} CallTV, new type of television broadcast where viewers can participate in game shows and quizzes on live TV and reply to questions on screen
Fashion Television
cable television channel that presents fashion shows and news about the world of high fashion, FTV
Fuji Television Network, Inc.
{i} Japan's top-rated broadcasting company
High Definition TeleVision
new television technology which enables better picture quality, HDTV
Music Television
MTV, international television channel that broadcasts music videos and entertainment programs (located in London)
National Television Standards Committee
committee that determines standards for video broadcasting in the United States, NTSC
Nippon Television Network Corporation
{i} one of Japan's leading TV broadcasting corporation
Reality television
genre of television programming which features non-scripted episodes with famous or non-famous people in actual situations that may or may not be predetermined (e.g. Survivor, The Family, The Bachelor, etc.)
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
{i} SMPTE, international professional association of engineers working in the motion picture industry founded in the United States in 1916 with a purpose to develop the motion imaging field and standardize the industry
academy of television arts and sciences
an academy that gives annual awards for outstanding achievements in television
black-and-white television
television which can only display images in shades of black and white
breakfast television
Breakfast television refers to television programmes which are broadcast in the morning at the time when most people are having breakfast. television programmes that are broadcast in the early part of the morning
breakfast television
{i} informal morning television show, television programs that are broadcasted in the morning
cable television
TV system in which various antennas receive local and distant signals and transmit them by cable to subscribers' receivers
cable television
television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver
cable television
Cable television is a television system in which signals are sent along wires rather than by radio waves. A television distribution system in which station signals, picked up by elevated antennas, are delivered by cable to the receivers of subscribers. Also called cable TV, community antenna television. .cable T'V a system of broadcasting television programmes by cable satellite television. System that distributes television signals by means of coaxial or fibre-optic cables. Cable television systems originated in the U.S. in the early 1950s to improve reception in remote and hilly areas, where broadcast signals were weak. In the 1960s they were introduced in large metropolitan areas where reception is sometimes degraded by reflection of signals from tall buildings. Since the mid-1970s there has been a proliferation of cable systems that offer special services and which generally charge a monthly fee. Besides providing high-quality signals, some systems can deliver hundreds of channels. Another feature increasingly offered by cable operators is two-way, interactive communication by which viewers can, for example, participate in public-opinion polls as well as connect to the Internet. Cable operators are also involved in the development of video compression, digital transmission, and high-definition television
closed circuit television
CCTV a system of cameras and television that is used in many public buildings and shopping centres to protect them from crime
closed-circuit television
television which is broadcast by wires within a certain location
closed-circuit television
a television system that is not used for broadcasting but is connected by cables to designated monitors (as in a factory or theater)
color television
a television that transmits images in color
color television
television set that reproduces color images on its screen
digital television
Digital television is television in which the signals are transmitted in digital form and decoded by the television receiver
digital television
A digital television is a television that can receive digital signals. wide screen digital televisions
digital television
modern television devices that will replace analog televisions and will greatly improve broadcast quality and increase the number of broadcast channels
educational television
television providing instruction for children
field-sequential color television
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
high-definition television
a television system that has more than the usual number of lines per frame so its pictures show more detail
high-definition television
Any system producing significantly greater picture resolution than that of the ordinary 525-line (625-line in Europe) television screen. Conventional television transmits signals in analog form. Digital HDTV systems, by contrast, transmit pictures and sounds in the form of digital data. These numerical data are broadcast using the same high radio frequencies that carry analog waves, and computer processors in the digital television set then decode the data. Digital HDTV can provide sharper, clearer pictures and sound with very little interference or other imperfections. Of perhaps greater importance, digital television sets will potentially be able to send, store, and manipulate images as well as receive them, thereby merging the functions of the television set and the computer
public television
Noncommercial television that provides programs, especially of an educational nature, for the public. Also called educational television. a television service or programme in the US which is paid for by the government, large companies, and the public
satellite television
satellite T'V television programmes that are broadcast using satellites in space, and which you need a special piece of equipment to be able to watch
satellite television
television broadcasts that are transmitted via satellite
satellite television
a television system in which the signal is transmitted to an orbiting satellite that receives the signal and amplifies it and transmits it back to earth
plural of television
the second television and radio authority
group responsible for the second Israeli television station and also its local radio broadcasts
tricolor television tube
a color television tube in which three primary colors are combined to give the full range of colors
turn on the television
make the television start functioning
watch television
view the television set