
listen to the pronunciation of streaming
Englisch - Türkisch
(Telekom) eşzamanlı
{f} ak
{i} akan

Bir kız rüzgârda akan saçlarıyla koşarak geldi. - A girl came running, with her hair streaming in the wind.

(Bilgisayar) (veri akışı) Akan, sürekli, devamlı
(Bilgisayar) Akışlı, kesintisiz
duraksız işlem
{i} gruplandırma
{i} gruplara ayırma
duraksız işlem,n.akan: v.ak: prep.akarak
(Bilgisayar) internet üzerinden yayın
sicim gibi

Tom ve Mary çadırlarını dere kenarında kurdu. - Tom and Mary pitched their tent near the stream.

Bir dere göle akmaktadır. - A stream flows into the lake.

{i} akarsu

Birçok akarsu üzerinde köprü inşa etmek zorundaydılar. - They had to build bridges over the many streams.

Tom akarsuyu birkaç kilometre izledi. - Tom followed the stream for a couple of kilometers.

streaming mode
akma kipi
streaming audio
ses akışı
streaming media
Streaming media, ses, video ve diğer multimedia dosyalarının İnternet’te veya kurumsal intranetlerde bilgisayara yüklemeden ve sabit disk içerisinde yer kaplamadan on-line izlenmesini sağlayan, tamamen ses ve görüntü dosyalarından oluşan bir sistemdir. “Streaming” sistemi sayesinde seslere ve görüntülere, veriyi bilgisayarınıza “indirmeyi” beklemeden ulaşabilirsiniz. Streaming media teknolojisinin kullanıcı, kullanıcı bilgisayarı, kullanıcı yazılımı, İnternet bağlantısı, ağ altyapısı, sunucu alt yapısı gibi kalite belirleyici kriterleri vardır
streaming mode
duraksız kip
streaming potential
Akma potansiyeli
streaming potential
akıntı potansiyeli
streaming service
akış sistemi
streaming tape drive
duraksız manyetik bant sürücü
streaming effect
(Nükleer Bilimler) sızma etkisi
streaming flow
nehir rejiminde akım
streaming tape drive
Duraksız Manyetik Bant Sürücüsü

Bu hızlı akıntıda yüzmek tehlikeli olmalı. - It must be dangerous to swim in this rapid stream.

Tekne akıntıyla sürüklendi. - The boat drifted down the stream.

{i} nehir
akıp gitmek
akarsu akıntısı
akın halinde gitmek

Bu yeni fikirlerin bir akışını getiren bir şeydi. - It was something which brought a stream of new ideas.

Tanaka öğretim tarihinin akışına aykırıdır. - Tanaka's teaching goes against the stream of history.


Bir dere göle akmaktadır. - A stream flows into the lake.

{i} sel: Streams of water ran down the steps. Sular merdivenlerden aşağı sel gibi akıyordu. People were coming and going in
(rüzgârda) dalgalanmak
{f} ak
(Bilgisayar) C standardına göre sıralı karakter dizisi
(Askeri) yönteme göre standart gerilimli bütünleme ikmali (standard tensioned replenishment alongside method)
broadcast streaming
yayın akışı
(Tıp) Sıvı akımı, seyir halindeki herhangi bir sıvı akıntısı
{i} sel
{f} uçuşmak
stream of consciousness bili
akar gibi girmek veya geçmek
{f} aralıksız sürmek
stream of abuse küfür yağmuru
sel gibi akmak
{f} akıtmak
stream of cars araba seli
{f} dalgalanmak
{f} sürmek
dalgalanmak uzanmak
Englisch - Englisch
Division of classes into academic streams
Present participle of stream
that streams
The transmission of digital audio or video, or the listening and viewing of such data without first storing it
The act or operation of that which streams; the act of that which sends forth, or which runs in, streams
Technology that permits continuous audio and video to be delivered to your computer from a remote web site A high degree of compression is required to transfer audio and/or video at normal modem speeds while retaining sound and picture quality
– A technology that allows a sound or video file on a Web to begin playing as the file is downloading Without streaming, the entire file must finish downloading before the sound or video can be played
A process for playing audio or video files over the Internet Streamed files can begin to play while the file is in the process of downloading, eliminating the wait associated with other forms of audio/video playback in which the entire file must be received prior to playing
A technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream Streaming technologies are becoming increasingly important with the growth the use of multimedia files on the Internet With streaming, the clients browser or plug-in can start displaying the data before the entire file has been transmitted
One-way (either point-to-point or broadcast to multiple receivers) transmission of video and audio contents over the Internet or advanced wideband wireless networks
A method for transferring data continuously Streaming allows you to display the data on your browser before the entire file is transmitted For streaming to work, the data must be received by your browser and sent to an application that will process the data and convert it to audio or video
A technology that allows a sound or video file on a Web page to begin playing as soon as the beginning of the file arrives Without streaming, the entire file (file sizes are very large for sound and video) must be downloaded before anything can happen As becomes more widely used, sound and video will become much more commonplace on Web pages
Technology that permits continuous audio and video delivered to you computer from a remote Web site It requires a high degree of compression to transfer audio or video (or both) at current modem speeds and still retain sound and picture quality
A technique for transferring data such that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream Streaming technologies are becoming increasingly important with the growth of the Internet because most users do not have fast enough access to download large multimedia files quickly With streaming, the client browser or plug-in can start displaying the data before the entire file has been transmitted
Sending forth streams
the circulation of cytoplasm within a cell
Streaming is a technology that allows you to play a video or audio file as it downloads to your computer
exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts; "his streaming face"; "her streaming eyes"
A technology for delivering audio or video files so that they can be heard or seen whilst downloading, without having to wait for the complete file
Streaming is a method of transmitting data from the Internet directly to a user's computer screen without the need to download it. web sites that feature streaming media. see also stream. when you play sound or video on your computer while it is being broadcast over the Internet, instead of downloading it and saving it into a file so that you can listen to it or watch it later. Method of transmitting a media file in a continuous stream of data that can be processed by the receiving computer before the entire file has been completely sent. Streaming, which typically uses data compression, is especially effective for downloading large multimedia files from the Internet; it permits, for example, a video clip to begin playing on a user's computer as soon as it begins to be downloaded from a Web site. Even with improved modems and connection speeds, downloading and playing large audio and video files without the use of streaming techniques still takes an inconveniently long time. To accept streaming data, the receiving computer needs to be running a player, a program that decompresses the incoming data and sends the resulting signals to the display and speakers. The audio and video files may be prerecorded, but streaming can also accommodate a live feed over the Internet
Streaming is the transfer of data in a continuous stream over the Web (usually audio or video) that allows the user to play it as it arrives However, to receive this content, you must have the right plug-in for the application, such as RealPlayer, QuickTime viewer, etc Back to Top T
Video or audio files sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed on the viewer's screen as it arrives
A technology for transmitting electronic information in a stream, rather than in a complete package This technology has enabled more accessible Internet audio and video Audio, and especially video, files tend to be large, which makes downloading and accessing them as a complete package a very time-consuming operation With streaming technology, however, the files can be downloaded and accessed at the same time, which makes using them much faster and easier Streaming is the technology behind RealPlayer and TiVO Back to top
An alternative to downloading large files such as audio and video Streaming allows users to commence playback whilst the remaining file is downloading in the background
Applications that can play audio or video content while they're still downloading
Streaming audio or video is an audio or video is a technique which allows an audio signal to be listened to and a video signal to viewed while it is being transmitted from a Web site This contrasts with the technique of transfering the whole file before it starts playing back to you Streaming requires that the signal is transmitted as fast as you view it To achieve this the quality is sacrificed when a slow connection is being used
The reduction of stream tin; also, the search for stream tin
A stream of data is transmitted via the Internet The sent data is not stored on your computer - it is played back as the stream hits your computer The quality of a stream is dependent on the bandwith with which you are connected to the Internet The widest spread streaming software for video and audio together is the RealPlayer - a so called "sure" stream on the RealPlayer receives 34kbps for both the pictures AND the tone (that is nothing - and that is why the quality is lousy) SHOUTcast MP3 streaming is just audio - but here you can receive streams up to 128kbps - if you are sitting directly inside the Internet you will be able to receive this quality without gaps Wait until the bandwith gets broader and the streams are going to look like television !
Streaming allows audio and video to be played across the Internet in real time With most audio and video on the Internet you must wait until the whole media file has been downloaded to you computer before it can start to play - streaming media will start running immediately
Most data transfered from websites uses the HTTP protocol which involves breaking the info down into a small chunks called packets If you want to send video or audio by this method, effectively you've got to download the whole file which may be massive first before using Streaming media allows you to watch a file as it downloads You usually need a plug in to see these files You may also need a special server to provide this service Examples of system include real video and real audio (from Real Networks) and quicktime (from Apple)
moving smoothly and continuously; "crowds flowing through the canyons of the streets"; "fan streaming into the concert hall"
exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts; "his streaming face"; "her streaming eyes
n 1 On the Internet, the process of delivering information, especially multimedia sound or video, in a steady flow that the recipient can access as the file is being transmitted 2 In magnetic tape storage devices, a low–cost technique to control the motion of the tape by removing tape buffers Although streaming tape compromises start/stop performance, it achieves highly reliable storage and retrieval of data, and is useful when a steady supply of data is required by a particular application or computer
A low-bit-rate encoding format intended for use over networks and the Internet Streaming files match the encoded bit rate to the connection speed of the user, so the remote viewer can play audio or video with minimal stoppage without first downloading the entire video file
(of liquids) moving freely; "a flowing brook"
"Streaming" is the ability to listen to music while it is being sent to you over the Internet With streaming, you can hear the music much sooner than without streaming This is because you hear music after only the first part of the file has reached you We call this Progressive Rendering of Music This unique LiveUpdate technology for streaming MIDI music is patent-pending For more information, see our "Streaming" page
This is a technique for transferring data such that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream
streaming media
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider. The name refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than to the medium itself. The distinction is usually applied to media that are distributed over telecommunications networks, as most other delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g., radio, television) or inherently non-streaming (e.g., books, video cassettes, audio CDs). The verb 'to stream' is also derived from this term, meaning to deliver media in this manner. Internet television is a commonly streamed medium
streaming audio
A method of delivering audio from the internet to your media player that allows you to play the audio as you are downloading it, rather than waiting for the entire file to finish downloading Internet radio stations play streaming audio The two most popular formats used for streaming audio are RealAudio and Windows Media
streaming audio
A concept for communicating audio data over a network connection such as the Internet In streaming audio, the complete audio file is not transferred to the client before it is played back Instead, the data transfer will take place at a rate that (hopefully) exceeds the rate needed for continuous playback of the audio material This means the client reproduces the audio "on line", without having to wait for the complete audio block to be transmitted
streaming audio
Streaming sound is sound that is played as it arrives The alternative is a sound recording (such as a WAV file) that doesn't start playing until the entire file has arrived (See 10)
streaming media
a type of media download method where the sound or video can begin playing before the entire file is downloaded A client can request a very large audio file and begin presenting its contents after it has received only a fraction of the total file
streaming media
Streaming data refers to multimedia files, such as video clips and audio, that begin playing seconds after it is received by your computer from the World Wide Web The media is delivered in a "stream" from the server so that you don't have to wait several minutes or longer to download multimedia files
streaming media
this term is used to describe multimedia streams (e g RealAudio, MS Media Server, Shoutcast, etc ) transmitted over the Internet and played on a client machine Media files are large In contrast to downloaded files, streaming media starts playing as soon as the first chunk of the audio/video data arrives, the rest coming later as a stream
streaming media
allows you to quickly serve multimedia content to your web visitors The alternative is to require the user to download the entire file then play it Streaming allows the user to immediately start hear/seeing your content More info
streaming media
A UW NetID service that allows you to put your encoded media files (e g , audio or video clips) on UW streaming media computers for others to access via the Internet
streaming media
In theory, it's like listening to radio or watching television but with a signal that travels over the Internet In reality the quality can be woeful, but it's getting better as bandwidth increases
streaming media
An Internet data transfer technique that allows the user to see and hear audio and video files without lengthy download times The host or source "streams" small packets of information over the Internet to the user, who can access the content as it is received
streaming media
Any type of media (radio, television, virtual reality presentation, etc ) which can be view using a plug-in (RealNetworks's RealPlayer, or Microsoft's NetCast for example) The streaming media is usually broadcast live, and can be from anywhere in the world By using this feature, you will be able to enable view foreign broadcasts or listen to a radio station from across the United States
streaming media
Is a technique for transferring data so it can be downloaded continuously in the form of a stream The alternative to this would be to wait for the data to be completely downloaded before being able to view or hear it This is something that is used widespread in the multimedia industry Users prefer accessing the data in real time, then waiting the file to completely arrive This is especially important when the file size is very large, such as a movie, television, or other video While streaming, if the data comes more quickly then needed, it is stored in a buffer However, if the data does not come quick enough (for example, if there is a slow connection) then the plugin or browser will need to stop to catch up to get more information Many free applications exist to play streams Windows Media Player and RealPlayer, for example, can play these files, which can include avi, mpeg, and mp3 files Internet radio is another example of this technology
streaming media
Streaming video with sound
streaming media
continually sends small parts of a large file to your Web browser as you watch or listen to what you've already downloaded
streaming media
Streaming media allows large sound and video files to be delivered via the World Wide Web The term "streaming" means the file can be played in real time as it's received, as opposed to waiting for the entire file to be downloaded before playing
streaming media
Audio and video files transmitted on the Internet in a continuous fashion
streaming media
Streaming media is compressed video and sound sent over the internet
streaming media
Static HTML pages need to be brought to life, and Audio/video files are the way to do it Audio and video content is quickly becoming a normal everyday appearance on a website Take advantage of this quickly growing idea with the use of Microsoft's Streaming Media server
streaming media
rather than download a large multimedia file all at once, "streaming" allows you to see and hear that file as it is being transmitted RealNetworks and QuickTime are currently the most popular streaming media platforms Streaming files can also be broadcast live allowing you to see and hear "real time" 5points offers both RealNetworks and QuickTime streaming media servers
streaming media
Two types of audio services are supported: Real Audio and Windows Media Both these servers are remote servers to the local web servers Basic Real Audio and Video streaming use a batch of shared streams that are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and is available at no additional cost on some or all web packages Dedicated streams can be purchased on a per-stream basis
streaming media
Streaming media technology enables the real time or on demand distribution of audio, video and multimedia on the Internet Streaming media is the simultaneous transfer of digital media (video, voice and data) so that it is received as a continuous real-time stream Streamed data is transmitted by a server application and received and displayed in real-time by client applications These applications can start displaying video or playing back audio as soon as enough data has been received and stored in the receiving station's buffer A streamed file is simultaneously downloaded and viewed, but leaves behind no physical file on the viewer's machine
streaming media
A technology for transferring Internet video or audio to one’s computer, so that the media can be seen or heard even while the data is still downloading The data thus “streams” from the media server to the end user’s computer
streaming media
Technical term for digital audio or video transmissions via the Internet The sound and image data are sent as a data stream to the subscriber, hence the term "streaming" A variety of deferred data streams can be output from a streaming media server on the Net Each receiver can thus receive the same content deferred Normally, a packet- switched or asymmetric transmission method is used
streaming media
A technique for transferring data such that it can be downloaded and processed in a continuous stream rather than waiting until the entire file is downloaded This technique is increasing in importance for audio and multimedia, as users are increasingly impatient to have to wait until a file is completely downloaded in order to view
streaming media
include video, animation, and audio files
streaming video
A sequence of "moving images" that are sent in compressed form over the internet and displayed by the viewer as they arrive Streaming media is streaming video with sound With streaming video or streaming media, a web user does not have to wait to download a large file before seeing the video or hearing the sound Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and is played as it arrives The users needs a player which is a special program that decompresses and sends video data to the display and audio data to speakers A player can be either an integral part of a browser or downloaded from the software maker's web site Streaming video is usually sent from prerecorded video files, but can be distributed as part of a live broadcast "feed"
streaming video
Video or audio streaming means the files can be viewed before they are fully downloaded Usually streaming works by downloading an initial portion of the file, known as a buffer, into the user's viewer or player This application then begins playback of the file while the remainder continues to "fill in "
streaming video
A sequence of compressed moving images that are sent over the Internet
streaming video
Streaming video is a sequence of "moving images" that are sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer as they arrive (See 10)
streaming video
Video delivered over the Internet
To push continuous data (e.g. music) from a server to a client computer while it is being used (played) on the client
A division of a school year by perceived ability

All of the bright kids went into the A stream, but I was in the B stream.

A small river; a large creek; a body of moving water confined by banks
An umbrella term for all moving waters
{n} a running water, current, course, force
{v} to run, flow, issue continually, streak
move in large numbers; "people were pouring out of the theater"; "beggars pullulated in the plaza"
If your eyes are streaming, liquid is coming from them, for example because you have a cold. You can also say that your nose is streaming. Her eyes were streaming now from the wind A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat
Data transmitted across a network and any properties associated with the data Streaming data allows the player to begin rendering the data immediately instead of waiting for the entire file to be downloaded
A beam or ray of light
To issue in a stream of light; to radiate
a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; "two streams of development run through American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of thought"; "the current of history"
A continued current or course; as, a stream of weather
flow freely and abundantly; "Tears streamed down her face"
To mark with colors or embroidery in long tracts
a free-flowing body of water from the outlet of great pond or the confluence of two (2) perennial streams as depicted on the most recent edition of a United States Geological Survey 7 5 minute series topographic map, or if not available, a 15 minute series topographic map to the point where the body of water becomes a river
exude profusely; "She was streaming with sweat"; "His nose streamed blood"
a general term for a body of flowing water
{f} flow; pour out from; arrive in large numbers; flow freely; blow, wave; emit beams of light
{i} brook, creek, river; flow of water or other liquid; constant outpouring
(1) A contiguous group of data elements being transmitted, or intended for transmission, in character or binary-digit form, using a defined format (2) A file access object that allows access to an ordered sequence of characters, as described by the ISO C standard A stream provides the additional services of user-selectable buffering and formatted input and output (3) In text processing, treating the entire text as a single string, even when the string is broken into lines for viewing purposes
A general term for a body of flowing water In hydrology the term is generally applied to the water flowing in a natural channel as distinct from a canal More generally as in the term stream gaging, it is applied to the water flowing in any channel, natural or artificial Streams in natural
To pour out, or emit, a stream or streams
To flow in a continuous or steady manner, like a liquid
a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously; "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"; "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind; "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"
Any river, creek, slough, or natural watercourse in which water usually flows in a defined bed or channel It is not essential that the flowing be uniform or uninterrupted The fact that some part of the bed or channel has been dredged or improved does not prevent the watercourse from being a stream
the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression
To send forth in a current or stream; to cause to flow; to pour; as, his eyes streamed tears
to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind; "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind
When light streams into or out of a place, it shines strongly into or out of it. Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard
Any steady flow or succession of material, such as water, air, radio signal or words
By MDNR definition; "a river, creek, or surface waterway that may or may not be defined by Act 40, P A Of 1956: has definite banks, a bed, and visible evidence of continued flow or continued occurrence of water, including the connecting water of the Great Lakes"
Any data transmission that occurs in a continuous flow Streaming audio and video files allow you to display or play the beginning before all the data has been transferred
A long narrow channel of water that flows as a function of gravity and elevation across the Earth's surface Many streams empty into lakes, seas or oceans
A "stream" is a sequence of data APGen allows developers to use Output streams and Log streams Both of these streams implement the COM IStream interface
If something such as a new factory or a new system comes on stream or is brought on stream, it begins to operate or becomes available. As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply see also jet stream. stream channel Gulf Stream jet stream stream of consciousness
A body of running water
A stream of things is a large number of them occurring one after another. We had a constant stream of visitors
To unfurl
A body of water found on the Earth's surface and confined to a narrow topographic depression, down which it flows and transports rock particles, sediment, and dissolved particles Rivers, creeks, brooks, and runs are all streams
On CRAY T3E systems, a stream is a series of data items between memory and the functional units of a PE Similar to a pipeline on Cray PVP systems, a stream feeds data to the functional units in optimal fashion For more information on streams, see Section 1 2 1 For information on how to make use of streams in your program, see Chapter 4
A thin connected passing of a liquid through a lighter gas (e.g. air)
n A kind of sheet that implements the stream protocol (such as maintaining a text cursor)
A natural body of flowing water that is a complex ecosystem in which biological, chemical, or physical changes may affect other characteristics A stream begins at its headwaters and gathers water from runoff, rain, snowmelt, or from underground springs Streams hold great importance regardless of size or flow They provide water supplies, a variety of aesthetic values, and are also important wildlife habitats
or from a vessel, reservoir, or fountain; specifically, any course of running water; as, many streams are blended in the Mississippi; gas and steam came from the earth in streams; a stream of molten lead from a furnace; a stream of lava from a volcano
Any body of running water moving under gravity flow through clearly defined natural channels
A current of water or other fluid; a liquid flowing continuously in a line or course, either on the earth, as a river, brook, etc
Umbrella term for all moving waters
A stream is a small narrow river. There was a small stream at the end of the garden. a mountain stream
A stream of vehicles or people is a long moving line of them. There was a stream of traffic behind him
A persistent Java object which permits the reading or writing of multiple sequential values Represents a connection to another (potentially non-Java) entity Used for input or output
A sequence of data bytes with sequencing and flow control The TCP/IP stream protocol is TCP (Isn't there a System V stream concept as well as the network protocol? Does Linux implement it?)
A FIFO (first in first out) buffer When a program asks for input from a user, the user can write a few lines of data When we call a getline function in the program, the first line we read is the first line written by the user (not the latest) It's like a line at the post office
A source or repository of data that can be read or written only sequentially
A kind of sheet that implements the stream protocol (such as maintaining a text cursor)
A stream of smoke, air, or liquid is a narrow moving mass of it. He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke Add the oil in a slow, steady stream
rain heavily; "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously; "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"; "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
If a liquid streams somewhere, it flows or comes out in large amounts. Tears streamed down their faces She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair
If people or vehicles stream somewhere, they move there quickly and in large numbers. Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months
To issue or flow in a stream; to flow freely or in a current, as a fluid or whatever is likened to fluids; as, tears streamed from her eyes
Anything issuing or moving with continued succession of parts; as, a stream of words; a stream of sand
Current; drift; tendency; series of tending or moving causes; as, the stream of opinions or manners
a general term for a body of flowing water; natural water course containing water at least part of the year In hydrology, it is generally applied to the water flowing in a natural channel as distinct from a canal
To extend; to stretch out with a wavy motion; to float in the wind; as, a flag streams in the wind
An object which provides sequential read and/or write access to the contents of a collection of file
a steady flow (usually from natural causes); "the raft floated downstream on the current"; "he felt a stream of air"
Any body of running water moving under gravity flow through clearly defined natural channels to progressively lower levels



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈstrēməɴɢ/ /ˈstriːmɪŋ/


    ... You can enjoy your music synchronized throughout your house, all streaming through Music Beta. ...
    ... on a single-use basis. We have this notion of streaming, this consensus hallucination ...