
listen to the pronunciation of persuade
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} razı etmek
ikna etmek

Onu seyahati iptal etmeye ikna etmek zor oldu. - It was difficult to persuade him to cancel the trip.

O, onu ikna etmek için elinden geleni yaptı. - She did her best to persuade him.

{f} ikna etmek, razı etmek: I persuaded him to go
{f} ikna etmek, inandırmak: I persuaded him that he was wrong. Onu yanıldığına inandırdım
ikna et

Sanırım onu ikna etmeye çalışmanın bir faydası yok. - I think there is no point in trying to persuade him.

Onu ikna etmeye çalışmanın faydası olmadığını düşünüyorum. - I figure that there is no point in trying to persuade him.

gönlünü yapmak
ikna edilebilir

Belki Tom yardım etmek için ikna edilebilir. - Maybe Tom could be persuaded to help.

Sanırım Tom yardım için ikna edilebilirdi. - I think Tom could be persuaded to help.

{f} kandırmak
{f} aklını çelmek
persuade of
ve ikna
persuade oneself
kendini kandırmak
ikna olmak
try persuade
bağlama çekmek
try persuade
abdal dili dökmek
{f} ikna et

Satış elemanı elbiseyi alması için onu ikna etti. - The salesperson persuaded her to buy the dress.

Onu partiye gitmeye ikna ettim. - I persuaded him to go to the party.

ikna edici kimse
cajole, persuade
İkna ikna etmek
convince oneself, persuade oneself
Kendini kandırmak kendini ikna
convince, persuade, induce
İkna ikna ikna
ikna edilen
{i} inandırıcı kimse
inandırıcı veya ikna edici kimse
{i} tabanca
{i} ikna edici tip
Englisch - Englisch
To successfully convince (someone) to agree to, accept, or do something, usually through reasoning and verbal influence. Compare sway

That salesman was able to persuade me into buying this bottle of lotion.

To urge, plead; to try to convince (someone to do something)

He persuaded me to go home, but I refused.

to win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection
If something persuades someone to take a particular course of action, it causes them to take that course of action because it is a good reason for doing so. The Conservative Party's victory in April's general election persuaded him to run for President again
{v} to bring to an opinion, to influence
If you persuade someone to do something, you cause them to do it by giving them good reasons for doing it. My husband persuaded me to come They were eventually persuaded by the police to give themselves up. + persuader persuaders per·suad·er All great persuaders and salesmen are the same
To convince by argument, or by reasons offered or suggested from reflection, etc
to cause to believe
To try to influence
to draw or incline to a determination by presenting sufficient motives
To successfully convince someone to agree to, accept, or do something, usually through reasoning and verbal influence
win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters"
cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!
To use persuasion; to plead; to prevail by persuasion
To inculcate by argument or expostulation; to advise; to recommend
cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"
To influence or gain over by argument, advice, entreaty, expostulation, etc
{f} convince, induce, sway
If you persuade someone that something is true, you say things that eventually make them believe that it is true. I've persuaded Mrs Tennant that it's time she retired Derek persuaded me of the feasibility of the idea. = convince + persuaded per·suad·ed He is not persuaded of the need for electoral reform
persuade to
convince to
One who attempts to persuade
{n} an important or strong adviser
To persuade
Prevailed upon; influenced by argument or entreaty; convinced
past of persuade
A thing that persuades
One who, or that which, persuades or influences
someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on
{i} one who convinces, one who persuades
plural of persuader
third-person singular of persuade
present participle of persuade