
listen to the pronunciation of minimize
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} küçültmek
minimuma indirmek
(Bilgisayar) tam küçültme
(Bilgisayar) küçült

Belgeyi küçülttüm ve sonra tekrar büyüttüm. - I minimized the document and then maximized it again.

(Askeri) trafik azaltması
(Askeri) trafiği azaltma
(İnşaat) en aza indirgemek

Başka kaza olasılıklarını en aza indirgemek istiyorum. - I want to minimize the chances of another accident.

Başka kaza risklerini en aza indirgemek istiyorum. - I want to minimize the chances of another incident.

en aza indirmek
en aza indirge

Başka kaza olasılıklarını en aza indirgemek istiyorum. - I want to minimize the chances of another accident.

Başka kaza risklerini en aza indirgemek istiyorum. - I want to minimize the chances of another incident.

(Askeri) TRAFİK AZALTMASI, MİNİMİZE, TRAFİĞİ AZALTMA: Gerçek veya aldatıcı bir acil durumla ilgili mesajları geciktirmemek için mesaj ve telefon trafiğinin kesin şekilde azaltıldığı bir durum
(pencereyi) ikon durumuna
mümkün olduğu kadar azaltmak veya ufaltmak
{f} mümkün olduğu kadar azaltmak/ufaltmak
en aza indir

Başka kaza risklerini en aza indirgemek istiyorum. - I want to minimize the chances of another incident.

Sami suçlarını en aza indirdi. - Sami minimized his crimes.

önemsiz göstermek
(Bilgisayar) simge durumuna küçült
simge durumuna getirmek
minimize etmek
(Askeri) minimize
(Bilgisayar) simge durumuna küçültme
mümkün mertebe azaltmak
minimize a weakness
zayıflığı gidermek
minimize all
(Bilgisayar) tümünü simgeleştir
minimize all windows
(Bilgisayar) tüm pencereleri simgeleştir
minimize button
ikon durumuna getirme düğmesi
minimize group
(Bilgisayar) grubu küçült
minimize on use
(Bilgisayar) kullanımda simge ile göster
minimize wizard
(Bilgisayar) sihirbazı küçült
(Bilgisayar) küçültülmüş
{f} küçült

Belgeyi küçülttüm ve sonra tekrar büyüttüm. - I minimized the document and then maximized it again.

en aza indirir
(Bilgisayar) (Bilgisayar uygulamaları için) Simge durumuna küçültmüş, simge durumunda
en aza indirir
f., İng., bak. minimize
Englisch - Englisch
To make (something) as small or as insignificant as possible
To cause a window to disappear without closing the program or file or discarding any data

I didn't close anything, but I minimized all the windows so I could see the desktop.

to reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree
To reduce a window on the display screen to an icon In Windows 3 x and Macintosh environments, the buttons for minimizing and maximizing windows are located in the top right corner of the window (Contrast with Maximize )
make small or insignificant; "Let's minimize the risk"
refers to making a window smaller Click on the down arrow in the upper-left hand corner of the window
make small or insignificant; "Let's minimize the risk" belittle; "Don't belittle his influence
To turn a window into an icon The push button that minimizes a window is located near the upper right corner of the window frame
mini·mize minimizes minimizing minimized in BRIT, also use minimise1. If you minimize a risk, problem, or unpleasant situation, you reduce it to the lowest possible level, or prevent it increasing beyond that level. Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning. maximize
To turn a window into an icon
In Windows, a small icon at the righthand top corner of each window that allows you to reduce the window size Compare with maximize Related terms: Window, Windows, Icon, Maximize
Reducing a window to an icon on the taskbar Contrasts with maximize (pg 18)
{f} make small, reduce; reduce as much as possible; make less important; play down; (Computers) make a window smaller to the point that only an icon remains in its place (also minimise)
If you minimize a window on a computer screen, you make it very small, because you do not want to use it. Click the square icon again to minimize the window. maximize
To reduce to the smallest part or proportion possible; to reduce to a minimum
To shrink a window to its minimum size Minimizing a window reduces it to a button on the Windows taskbar
to shrink a window to an icon
Refers to reducing a window to either a button on the Windows Taskbar or an icon on the desktop To minimize a window, click the Minimize button on the right side of the window title bar To restore a minimized or reduced window, click the appropriate button on the Windows Taskbar
To reduce a window to its minimum size (an icon)
(v ) To replace a window with an icon The push button that minimizes a window is located near the upper-right corner of the window frame
The act of shrinking a window down to a tiny icon to temporarily get it out of the way Click the minimize button (the downward-pointing arrow near the upper right corner)
If you minimize something, you make it seem smaller or less significant than it really is. Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors = play down maximize
The act of shrinking a window down to a tiny icon to temporarily get it out of the way To minimize a window, click on the minimize button - that button with the little horizontal bar on it, located near the window's upper right corner
  A condition wherein normal message and telephone traffic is drastically reduced in order that messages connected with an actual or simulated emergency shall not be delayed   [JP1]
To make a window disappear from the screen and move down to the taskbar The minimize button in Windows 95 applications is an underscore (_) in the top right corner of the window
belittle; "Don't belittle his influence
To shrink a window to an icon or button
represent as less significant or important
(1, verb) To shrink/decrease the size of a window to it's minimum size In Windows 3 1, the minimun size is an Icon on the Desktop In Windows 95/98, the window shrinks down to the Taskbar (2, verb) To Click a window's Minimize Button
To shrink a window down to a taskbar icon, to get it out of the way
To reduce a window to an icon on the taskbar or at the bottom of an application window
Reduces a window to a task button, representing an open application, on the taskbar
belittle; "Don't belittle his influence"
All damage done by attacks to this Pokémon during your opponent's next turn is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance) Pokémon with this attack: Clefable, Grimer L17
(1, verb) To shrink/decrease the size of a window to it's minimum size In Windows 3 1, the minimun size is an Icon on the Desktop In Windows 95, the window shrinks down to the Taskbar (2, verb) To Click a window's Minimize Button
Minimizing a window is a handy way to keep multiple applications running without having a lot of windows open, or just to move a window temporarily out of the way so you can access another window Access the menu for minimizing a window by clicking the upper left corner of a window It temporarily turns a window into a small square icon so that it uses very little screen space It's like instantly packing an application into a tiny box and putting it out of the way, but it doesn't close down the application The current state of the application remains unchanged while the application window is minimized To restore a minimized window to its original size, click on it
The process of reducing a window to an icon
minimize button
{i} button in a graphical user interface which shrinks a window until only an icon remains
minimize stress
reduce stress to the lowest possible level
Alternative spelling of minimize
The process of finding the minimum value of a function
The act or process of minimizing
To make smaller, in the case of a screen reduce to the size of a small picture
make small or insignificant; "Let's minimize the risk"
To shrink an application window down to an icon To do this, select the down-arrow button in the top right-hand corner of the window (or the first of the three buttons in a Windows 95 window) Minimising an application allows you to run several application allows you to run several applications at the same time, minimising the ones you're not using In Windows 3 1x the minimised applications appear as an icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen To go back to the application, double-click on the minimised icon In Windows 95, the application shrinks down to an icon on the status bar; you can switch back to the application with a single click on the icon
represent as less significant or important
To make the window into just a small title on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen
UK, archaic, alternative spelling of minimize
{f} make small, reduce; reduce as much as possible; make less important; play down; (Computers) make a window smaller to the point that only an icon remains in its place (also minimize)
past of minimise
third-person singular of minimise
present participle of minimise
A comprehensive program to minimize or eliminate wastes, usually applied to wastes at their point of origin
A comprehensive program to minimize or eliminate wastes, usually applied to wastes at their point of origin (See: waste minimization )
One of the simple function-building operations of recursive function theory Roughly, if we are given a computable function f(x,y), then we posit another function g which computes the least value of y (a natural number) such that f(x,y) = 0 We say that g is created from f by minimization One way that g might work is to start from 0 and test every natural number in order, stopping at the first value which makes f(x,y) = 0 See recursive function theory Also called µ (Greek letter mu)
The act of lowering something to its smallest value or extent
{i} reduction, decreasing, making as small as possible
the act of reducing something to the least possible amount or degree or position
a requirement that at the optimum, the objective function shall be at its lowest possible value, within the feasible space
reduced to the smallest possible size or amount or degree
past of minimize
{i} one who minimizes, one who belittles; one who reduces as much as possible
third-person singular of minimize
present participle of minimize
to minimize
Türkisch - Englisch
(Askeri) minimize
minimize etmek