
listen to the pronunciation of lick
Englisch - Türkisch

Hayat bir kaktüsten bal yalamak gibidir. - Life is like licking honey off a cactus.

Sigara içen bir kişiyi öpmek kül tablası yalamak gibidir. - Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.

(of ile) az bir şey
az bir miktar
yalayıp yutmak

Onun seni yalamasına izin verme. - Don't let him lick you.

Sigara içen bir kişiyi öpmek kül tablası yalamak gibidir. - Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.

(İİ) kafasını karıştırmak
{f} yala

Köpek, diliyle tabağı yaladı. - The dog licked the plate with its tongue.

O, parmaklarını yaladı. - He licked his fingers.

dayak atmak
{f} k.dili. üstün gelmek, yenmek
lick clean yalayıp temizlemek
{i} tokat
galip gelmek
{f} alev gibi yalayıp geçmek
{f} yenmek
argo dayak atmak
hayvanların yaladıklan tabii tuz
yalanacak miktarda az şey
argo üstün gelmek
{i} bir parçacık
{i} hız
büyük surat
{f} dövmek
{f} halletmek
{f} k.dili. dayak atmak
{f} üstesinden gelmek
{i} azıcık
galebe çalmak
lick someone's arse
(Argo) birinin kıçını yalamak
lick someone's boots
birinin elini eteğini öpmek
lick into shape
adam etmek
lick off
lick one's boots
lick one's wounds
yaralarını sarmak
lick out
lick sb's boots
yağ çekmek
lick sb's boots
çanak yalamak
lick up
lick sb's boots
yağ çekmek, dalkavukluk etmek
lick sb, sth into shape
adam etmek
lick someone's feet
(Argo) Birine yalakalık etmek, dalkavukluk etmek

He was licking his boss's feet.

lick your palm
(deyim) Avucunu yala!

I know, you have enough money, lick your palm! I won't give you more, my little sibling.

lick clean
yalayıp temizlemek
lick into shape
lick into shape
biçim vermek
lick into shape
şekil vermek
lick one's chops
düşündükçe ağzı sulanmak
lick one's chops
can atmak
lick one's chops
lick one's chops
ağzının suyu akmak
lick one's lips
lick one's lips
dudaklarını yalamak
lick one's lips
ağzının suyu akmak
lick s.o.'s boots
birinin elini eteğini öpmek, birine dalkavukluk etmek
lick smb.'s boots
lick smb.'s boots
yağcılık etmek
lick smb.'s boots
dalkavukluk etmek
lick the boots of
(Fiili Deyim ) birinin elini ayağını öpmek , çanak yalamak
lick the dust
yere serilmek, yeri öpmek, iki seksen uzanmak
lick the dust
yerlerde sürünmek
lick the dust
el etek öpmek, çanak yalamak
lick the dust
kendini alçaltmak
lick the dust

Sigara içen bir kişiyi öpmek kül tablası yalamak gibidir. - Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.

Bir sigara içenle öpüşmek bir kül tablasını yalamak gibi bir şeydir. - Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

do not lick what you have spat
(deyim) tükürdüğünü yalama
give a lick and a promise
yalapşap yapmak
{f} yala

Bir sigara içenle öpüşmek bir kül tablasını yalamak gibi bir şeydir. - Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

Sigara içen bir kişiyi öpmek kül tablası yalamak gibidir. - Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.

give s.t. a lick and a promise
bir şeyi yalapşap/yalap şalap yapmak

Bir sigara içenle öpüşmek bir kül tablasını yalamak gibi bir şeydir. - Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

Sigara içen bir kişiyi öpmek kül tablası yalamak gibidir. - Kissing a person who smokes is like licking an ashtray.

salt lick
tuz yalama yeri
at full lick
son hızla
deer lick
(isim) geyiklerin yaladığı tuzlu toprak
deer lick
{i} geyiklerin yaladığı tuzlu toprak
full lick
son hız
give a lick
give a lick and a promise
(deyim) üstünkörü yapmak
give s.t. a lick and a
bir şeyi yalapşap/yalap şalap yapmak
dayak atmak
{i} yenilgi
{i} dayak
biçim verme
salt lick
hayvanların tuz yaladıkları yer
Englisch - Englisch
To stroke with the tongue

The cat licked its fur.

The amount of some substance obtainable with a single lick

Give me a lick of ice cream.

A stroke or blow

Hit that wedge a good lick with the sledgehammer.

To do anything partially
To perform cunnilingus
A short motif

There are some really good blues licks in this solo.

A small watercourse or ephemeral stream. It ranks between a rill and a stream

We used to play in the lick.

speed. In this sense it is always qualified by good, or fair or a similar adjective

The bus was travelling at a good lick when it swerved and left the road.

To overcome

I think I can lick this.

A place where animals lick minerals from the ground

The birds gathered at the clay lick.

To defeat decisively, particularly in a fight

My dad can lick your dad.

A bit

I didn't do a lick of work today.

The act of licking

The cat gave its fur a lick.

{n} a taste, blow, stroke, a place where cattle lick for salt
{v} to touch with the tongue, lap, devour, beat
To strike with repeated blows for punishment; to flog; to whip or conquer, as in a pugilistic encounter
to lick your lips: see lip to lick into shape: see shape
find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
pass the tongue over; "the dog licked her hand
A stroke of the tongue in licking
beat thoroughly in a competition or fight; "We licked the other team on Sunday!"
A slap; a quick stroke
When people or animals lick something, they move their tongue across its surface. The dog rose awkwardly to his feet and licked the man's hand excitedly. Lick is also a noun. Kevin wanted a lick of Sarah's lollipop
{i} act of drawing the tongue across a surface; blow, hit; burst of energy; speed; small amount; salt lick
{f} draw tongue across over a surface (to taste, moisten, etc.); pass over lightly; hit, beat (Slang); defeat (Slang); surpass, excel (Slang); hurry
A place where salt is found on the surface of the earth, to which wild animals resort to lick it up; often, but not always, near salt springs
touching with the tongue; "the dog's laps were warm and wet" pass the tongue over; "the dog licked her hand
a short motif or formula inserted into an improvisation when context allows, or when inspiration fails
pass the tongue over; "the dog licked her hand"
touching with the tongue; "the dog's laps were warm and wet"
Also, a small quantity of any substance so applied
To lap; to take in with the tongue; as, a dog or cat licks milk
a salt deposit that animals regularly lick
(boxing) a blow with the fist; "I gave him a clout on his nose"
Describes dredging for crabs Dredge is drawn across the bottom to catch wintering crabs or summer soft shells
take up with the tongue; "The cat lapped up the milk"; "the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"
(Slang) A musical phrase A portion of a melody or improvised solo
(10) - Flip a coin If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed Pokémon with this attack: Gastly L17, Snubbull L19, Sabrina's Gastly L9
A phrase that an improvisor has practiced for use in improvisation, or one that sounds practiced
molasses; also called blackstrap or larrup
A quick and careless application of anything, as if by a stroke of the tongue, or of something which acts like a tongue; as, to put on colors with a lick of the brush
To draw or pass the tongue over; as, a dog licks his master's hand
lick one's chops
To look forward avidly to eating something

The stranger . . . handed his platter to the large mastiff dog, who, attracted by the smell of the dinner, had sat down before him for some time, licking his chops.

lick one's chops
To anticipate something eagerly

When the Federal Government set up the Air Transportation Stabilization Board (ATSB) last fall to help prop up the ailing airlines with $10 billion in loan guarantees, many credit-strapped CEOs licked their chops in anticipation of yet another big, fat government handout.

lick one's chops
To use one's tongue to remove moistness from the sides of one's mouth, as when salivating or at the conclusion of a meal

Pat presently came galloping up the orchard, carrying in his mouth a big field mouse, which, sitting down before us, he proceeded to devour, body and bones, afterwards licking his chops with great satisfaction.

lick one's wounds
to withdraw temporarily while recovering from a defeat

He's just off licking his wounds. He'll be back to try again.

lick out
To perform cunnilingus on
lick into shape
make fit, make into proper form; shape, mold, form
lick one's lips
run one's tongue over the lips (i.e. from hunger)
lick the boots
grovel, say nice things in order to gain favor, compliment, flatter
lick the wounds
nurse one's wounds, care for one's injuries
lick up
(Slang ) ass licking
big lick
A Texas hold 'em starting hand involving both a 6 and a 9 of any suit

Nick bluffed him out of that pot with big lick.

good lick
Something useful; a good deed

If you could carry that bucket of water over here, that'd be a good lick.

A severe beating
Present participle of lick
To lick
deer lick
{i} piece of ground which is salty naturally or artificially where deer come to lick
past of lick
having been got the better of; "I'm pretty beat up but I don't feel licked yet
having been got the better of; "I'm pretty beat up but I don't feel licked yet"
One who, or that which, licks
{i} person or thing that licks
Someone or something that licks
A great loss or defeat
an unsuccessful ending
A flogging or castigation
Our football team took a licking last night
the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows
A licking is a severe defeat by someone in a fight, battle, or competition. They gave us a hell of a licking. = thrashing
{i} act of licking; beating; whipping; defeat (Slang)
A lapping with the tongue
third-person singular of lick
plural of , lick
salt lick
block of salt that animals lick; location where animals go to lick salt and mineral deposits that are found in nature
salt lick
a salt deposit that animals regularly lick