
listen to the pronunciation of cart
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} araba

Ben araba çeken bir at gördüm. - I saw a horse pulling a cart.

Tom golf arabasına bindi. - Tom got in the golf cart.

{f} araba ile taşımak
{i} çekçek
{i} el arabası
{i} at arabası
yük arabası
(fiil) araba ile taşımak
{i} atlı yük arabası
araba,v.araba ile taşı: n.yük arabası
{f} at arabası ile taşımak
arabayla taşı
el arabası/at araba
(Tıp) Servis'te kullanılan tıbbi malzeme (pansuman araçları v.s.) yi hasta yatağına getirmeye mahsus tekerlekli araç, el arabası
get the cart before the horse ters iş!er yapmak
cart wheel
araba tekerleği
yük beygiri
cart away
uzakta arabası
cart load
arabası yük
cart off
sepeti off
cart track
sepetini izlemek
cart horse
kuvvetli at
cart horse
yük beygiri
cart horse
cart note
(Ticaret) taşıma senedi
cart off
araba ile taşımak
cart stand
tekerlekli taşıyıcı
cart stand
tekerlekli sehpa
caddie cart
golf takımlarını taşıyan araba
caddy cart
golf takımlarını taşıyan araba
cape cart top
(Tekstil) amerikan bezinden örtü
carte blanche kayıtsız şartsız yetki
(Ticaret) nakliye
(Ticaret) nakliye ücreti
concrete cart
beton arabası
dump cart
devirmeli araba
hand cart
el arabası
horse cart
atlı araba
nakliye vergini
golf cart
golf arabası

Tom golf arabasına bindi. - Tom got in the golf cart.

Tom golf arabasını bir kum kapanına sürdü. - Tom drove his golf cart into a sand trap.

laundry cart
çamaşır arabası
lawn cart
çim arabası
put the cart before the horse
tersine iş görmek
put the cart before the horse
yemeğe tatlıdan başlamak
serving cart
servis arabası
shopping cart
alışveriş kartı
upset the apple cart
pişmiş aşa soğuk su katmak
upset the apple cart
içine etmek
donkey cart
Eşek arabası
dray cart
yük arabası
garbage cart
çöp konteyneri
get the cart before the horse
k. dili bir işi tersinden yapmak
horse and cart
at ve at arabası
horse drawn cart
Atlı araba
laundry cart
çamaşır sepeti
lawn cart
cim arabası
mail cart
posta arabası
put the cart before the horse
tersinden yapmak
put/get/have the cart before the horse
k. dili işi tersinden yapmak
shopping cart
alışveriş arabası, pazar arabası
street vendor cart
Seyyar satıcı arabası; tabla
t cart
t arabası
upset the apple-cart
İşi berbat etmek, bir çuval inciri berbat etmek, planları alt üst etmek
carte de visite kartvizit
eskrimde bir hamle veya savunma durumu
yemek listesi
oyun kâğıdı
eski harita
{i} kamyon şoförü
araba sürücü
{i} arabacı
{i} yük arabası kullanan kimse
dust cart
çöp arabası
ethernet cart
Ethernet Kartı
go cart
yarış arabası
go cart
yürüme arabası (bebek)
go cart
bebek arabası
go cart
çocuk arabası
go cart
oyuncak bebek arabası
go cart
tay tay arabası
grocery cart
market arabası
in the cart
in the cart
ayvayı yedi
in the cart
hapı yuttu
in the cart
{k} (deyim) basi dertte,hapi yutmus
milk cart
süt arabası
put/get/have the cart
{k} işi tersinden yapmak
sample cart
örnek kartı
shipping cart
(Ticaret) gemi kartı
this is my cart
bu benim çekçeğim
tilt cart
tenteli at arabası
where can i rent clubs and a cart
golf sopalarını ve arabayı nereden kiralayabilirim
Türkisch - Türkisch
Englisch - Englisch
“Classification and regression trees” in Wikipedia
A small, open, wheeled vehicle, drawn or pushed by a person or animal, more often used for transporting goods than passengers
A cartridge for a video game system

My Final Fantasy cart on the NES is still alive and kicking.

A small motor vehicle resembling a car; a go cart
To carry goods

I've been carting these things around all day.

{n} a carriage of two wheels used for burden
{v} to carry or expose in a cart, to convey
Computer-Assisted Realtime is real-time captioning shown on a screen projector for live events such as meetings
transport something in a cart
Classification And Regression Trees A decision tree technique used for classification of a dataset Provides a set of rules applicable to a new (unclassified) dataset to predict which records will have a given outcome Segments a dataset by creating 2-way splits Requires less data preparation than CHAID
If you cart things or people somewhere, you carry them or transport them there, often with difficulty. After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house
An open two-wheeled pleasure carriage
a heavy open wagon usually having two wheels and drawn by an animal transport something in a cart
{i} car, wagon; coach, carriage
A cart or a shopping cart is a large metal basket on wheels which is provided by shops such as supermarkets for customers to use while they are in the shop. Two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a draft animal, used throughout recorded history for transporting freight and people. The simplest of vehicles, its frame consists merely of crossed wooden stakes or a box with shafts as an extension of the frame. Carts are known to have been used by the Greeks and Assyrians by 1800 BC, though earlier use ( 3500 BC) can be assumed
The Swiss valet Prince Albert brought with him from Coburg, who had been in his service since the prince was a child
Committee-Appointed Review Team
a heavy open wagon usually having two wheels and drawn by an animal
To expose in a cart by way of punishment
A two-wheeled vehicle for the ordinary purposes of husbandry, or for transporting bulky and heavy articles
Classification and Regression Trees A type of decision tree algorithm that automates the pruning process through cross validation and other techniques
{f} drag or carry by force; carry or convey in a cart
A cart is a small vehicle with a motor. He drove up in a golf cart to watch them
A cart is an old-fashioned wooden vehicle that is used for transporting goods or people. Some carts are pulled by animals. a country where horse-drawn carts far outnumber cars. = wagon
wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels; "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away"; "their pushcart was piled high with groceries"
vt to remove (someone or something) forcefully [she was carted off to jail]
draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets"
Short for cartridge, a cart is the container holding magnetic tape, that typically has one or more SPOTS for an advertiser recorded on it It is similar in size and operation to an 8-track tape The cart is inserted into a playback machine for broadcast
Community Accountability and Reintegration Treatment
A common name for various kinds of vehicles, as a Scythian dwelling on wheels, or a chariot
As for buggy
n kereta
To carry burdens in a cart; to follow the business of a carter
A light business wagon used by bakers, grocerymen, butchers, etc
Powered buggy used to transport golfer and equipment around the course
To carry or convey in a cart
Championship Auto Racing Teams, founded in 1978, sanctions open-wheel Indy car races In 1996, most of its teams began boycotting the Indianapolis 500 after Indianapolis Motor Speedway president Tony George changed the specifications for Indy cars and started his own Indy Racing League CART sanctions Indy Lights and recently ventured into sports car racing with its Super Touring Championship
cart stall
A stall made from the cart on which the produce for sale was brought to market
cart away
take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture"
cart horse
strong horse used to pull carts and heavy loads
cart load
quantity that a cart carries or holds; contents of a cart; (Informal) large quantity of something
cart off
take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture"
cart off
take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture
cart road
rough road or path; track
cart track
a narrow road with a rough surface, usually on a farm
An occupational surname for someone who was a carter
A male given name transferred from the surname
bankrupt cart
A one-horse chaise, said to be so called by a Lord Chief Justice, from their being so frequently used on Sunday jaunts by extravagant shop-keepers and tradesmen
billy cart
a rudimentary child's cart, a soapbox car
A person who transported goods on a horse-drawn cart
down with his apple-cart
knock or throw him down
A small, open-wheeled vehicle for racing
golf cart
a small four-wheeled motorized vehicle, used to travel around a golf course
horse and cart
A cart, pulled by a horse and driven by a driver, used for transporting goods
put the cart before the horse
To put things in the wrong order or with the wrong priorities; to put something inconsequential as more important than something more essential

Mr. Schumer said that the idea of agreeing to a date for a vote before the committee had held hearings was to put the cart before horse..

shopping cart
a conveyance used to carry groceries and other items, while shopping in a store
Attributive form of shopping cart

shopping-cart rattle.

tea cart
A table on wheels used to take food or drinks from the kitchen to the dining-room
village cart
An open, two-wheeled pleasure carriage
{n} a person who drives a cart
donkey cart
A cart with an underslung axle and two seats, pony cart, ponycart, tub-cart
British theatrical producer associated with the works of W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
{i} male first name; family name; James "Jimmy" Carter (born 1924), former president of the United States (1977-1981)
British archaeologist who worked in Egypt after 1890 and discovered (1922) the tomb of Tutankhamen. The 39th President of the United States (1977-1981), who is credited with establishing energy-conservation measures, concluding the Panama Canal treaties (1978), and negotiating the Camp David accords between Egypt and Israel (1979). First Lady of the United States (1977-1981) as the wife of President Jimmy Carter. She worked to improve care for the elderly and for people with mental and emotional disabilities. someone whose job was to drive a cart in the past. Carter Family Carter Benny Bennett Lester Carter Carter Elliott Cook Jr. Carter Jimmy James Earl Carter Glass Carter John Charlton Carter Hornblower Jonathan Carter Henry Carter Woodson Carter Godwin
derived from the surname
An English occupational surname for someone who was a carter
a list of dishes available at a restaurant; "the menu was in French"
Bill of fare
Short for Carte de visite
{i} card; menu
A position in thrusting or parrying, with the inside of the hand turned upward and the point of the weapon toward the adversary's right breast
past of cart
39th President of the United States (1924-)
Any species of Phalangium; also called harvestman A British fish; the whiff
someone whose work is driving carts a hauler of garbage; "there is a web site where licensed carters and would-be customers can make connections" 39th President of the United States (1924-) Englishman and Egyptologist who in 1922 discovered and excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen (1873-1939)
a hauler of garbage; "there is a web site where licensed carters and would-be customers can make connections"
39th President of the United States (1924-) Englishman and Egyptologist who in 1922 discovered and excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen (1873-1939)
{i} wagoner, one who drives a cart
A charioteer
Englishman and Egyptologist who in 1922 discovered and excavated the tomb of Tutankhamen (1873-1939)
A man who drives a cart; a teamster
someone whose work is driving carts
someone whose work is driving carts a hauler of garbage; "there is a web site where licensed carters and would-be customers can make connections"
present participle of cart
{i} work of carting, cartage; conveying in a cart or truck
the work of carting
plural of cart
dust cart
a large vehicle that goes from house to house to collect waste from dustbins American Equivalent: garbage truck
dust cart
(British) vehicle for collecting garbage
go cart
go-kart, small racing motorcar; small children's wagon; stroller, buggy; handcart; frame with wheels (used to assist infants learning to walk)
wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels; "he used a handcart to carry the rocks away"; "their pushcart was piled high with groceries"
an enclosing framework on casters or wheels; helps babies learn to walk
a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around
another spelling of go-kart
golf cart
golfcart: a small motor vehicle in which golfers can ride between shots
horse cart
heavy cart; drawn by a horse; used for farm work
laundry cart
handcart for moving a load of laundry
pastry cart
a serving cart for displaying pastry deserts to restaurant patrons
pony cart
a cart with an underslung axle and two seats
put the cart before the horse
took the last step before the first, counted his chickens before they were hatched
put the cart before the horses
reverse the proper order of things
put the horse to the cart
tie the horse to the carriage
serving cart
a handcart for serving food
shopping cart
A container for all the items selected in the current session of I-Procurement A shopping cart can be saved and returned to later
shopping cart
A shopping cart is the same as a shopping trolley
shopping cart
A list of items a customer wants to purchase from an online storefront Shopping cart software allows customers on an electronic commerce Web site to select items they wish to purchase and store them in their virtual shopping cart Customers can view, add, or delete items in their shopping cart before making their electronic purchase
shopping cart
A metaphor for a piece of software that acts as an online store's catalog and ordering process Typically, a shopping cart is the graphical interface linking a company's e-commerce site with its deeper infrastructure Consumers can select merchandise; review what they have selected; modify their selections; and ultimately purchase the merchandise Shopping carts can be sold as independent pieces of software so companies can integrate them into their own unique online solution, or they can may be integrated into a complete merchant application
shopping cart
Computer software used to create and automate online order processing for e-commerce websites It allows Internet shoppers to browse online catalogs, mark items for purchase, edit orders, collect payment information, and finalize the sale (See also E-Commerce)
shopping cart
A feature of on line stores that allows a consumer to select items for purchase The consumer can review the items placed into the shopping cart prior to finalizing the purchase Often, the shopping cart can "hold" items for the customer between visits to the on line store
shopping cart
a handcart that holds groceries while shopping
shopping cart
- the order-processing component of WebCommerce A shopper uses the Shopping Cart to select and temporarily store which products he wishes to purchase while browsing through a merchants store
shopping cart
push cart in which one places items to be purchased
shopping cart
is a piece of software that operates on an online storefront The "shopping cart" keeps track of all the items that a buyer wants to purchase, allowing the shopper to pay for the whole order at once
shopping cart
A Shopping Cart program allows you to implement your own on-line storefront The shopping cart keeps track of what visitors have ordered and allows them to add or remove items from a 'virtual shopping cart' When a visitor decides to check-out, the order information including the buyer's name, address and billing instruction is e-mailed to the site webmaster and a receipt is sent to the shopper Our unix Plan 2 and above include a pre-written Shopping Cart script that you can customize for your use A demonstration and extensive documentation are available For those of you who may be interested in a more comprehensive on-line commerce solution, Mercantec's SoftCart is available as an additional product Available with plans: Corporate, Commercial
shopping cart
Add the convenience and power of our integrated shopping cart system for e-commerce webhosting! SMTP When you're exchanging electronic mail on the Internet, SMTP is what keeps the process orderly It's a protocol that regulates what goes on between the mail servers
shopping cart
This is software added to your web site that will allow visitors to select items from your on-line catalog and add them to a "shopping cart" When they are finished shopping, they "check out" to complete the purchase On commerce sites, the customer would enter credit card information which would be securely processed Basic sites do not handle secure payment, so the customer could print the order form and fax it to you with payment information
shopping cart
A shopping cart is an online catalog that allows a shopper to add items to a virtual basket, or cart A running total is kept as the shopper adds and removes items from the cart
shopping cart
keeps track of what your customers have ordered on-line as they add and remove items from their virtual "shopping cart"
shopping cart
Ecommerce shopping carts manage your inventory and help visitors buy your products online, just like a shopper in a grocery store uses a cart to hold purchases while they continue shopping See our article on How to Choose Shopping Cart Software Read about our eStore Infront shopping cart and turnkey ecommerce solution
shopping cart
The 'shopping cart' or 'shopping basket' in a web store This virtual cart works in a similar way to a real one You 'load' it with products but the transaction is only processed once you reach the virtual 'checkout', an on-screen button confirming the order It is normally easy to remove items from the shopping cart prior to confirmation of the order
shopping cart
You know, the 4-wheeled buggy that always has the one wobbly wheel? Well, these days it's gone virtual It tracks all the things that shoppers wants to buy Shoppers can add merchandise to the shopping cart If they change their minds, items can be removed Then they head to the checkout counter This is where they review all the items in their carts and/or make changes
shopping cart
A kind of software which acts like an online catalog or virtual store Most shopping carts serve as a connection between a company's website and databases, enabling customers to select and purchase merchandise Back to Top
shopping cart
Keeps track of what your customers have ordered from your Internet store Customers add and remove items from their shopping cart, and tallies their order when they are ready to check out If the customer decides to submit the order, the program emails the order information to the address of your choice and sends a conformation to the customer
shopping cart
A software package that runs as part of a web site to collect and record purchasing decisions by a visitor Shopping cart programs are stored on web servers
shopping cart
A shopping cart is a piece of software that acts as an online store's catalog and ordering process Typically, a shopping cart is the interface between a company's Web site and its deeper infrastructure, allowing consumers to select merchandise; review what they have selected; make necessary modifications or additions; and purchase the merchandise Shopping carts can be sold as independent pieces of software so companies can integrate them into their own unique online solution, or they can be offered as a feature from a service that will create and host a company's e-commerce site
shopping cart
Shopping cart software acts as an online store's catalog and ordering process Typically, it allows consumers to browse the website; select items for purchase as they browse; review what they have selected; make necessary modifications or additions; and purchase the merchandise
shopping cart
A piece of software that operates on an online storefront The "shopping cart" keeps track of all the items that a buyer wants to purchase, allowing the shopper to pay for the whole order at once
shopping cart
A piece of software installed on an online vendor's web space used to produce a shopping system This generally means product pages, some sort of an online "basket" and a way for the customer to add, remove and modify product selections and to check out when they are done shopping
t cart
See under T
tandem cart
A kind of two-wheeled vehicle with seats back to back, the front one somewhat elevated
tea cart
serving cart for serving tea or light refreshments
upset his apple cart
ruined his plans, frustrated his program
upset the apple cart
confuse the order of events, cause chaos
water cart
A cart carrying water; esp
water cart
cart with a tank for water (especially with fresh water for sale)
water cart
{i} cart that carries water in a tank (in particular with fresh water for sale)
water cart
one carrying water for sale, or for sprinkling streets, gardens, etc
watering cart
water cart with a tank and sprinkler for sprinkling roads