
listen to the pronunciation of reduction
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} küçültme
{i} düşürme

Biz silah azaltma konusunda onlarla anlaşmak istiyoruz. - We hope to come to an accord with them about arms reduction.

{i} indirim

Biz, mevcut koşullar altında daha fazla fiyat indirimi teklif edemeyiz. - We cannot offer a further price reduction under the current circumstances.

Bize %5'lik bir fiyat indirimi vermenizi istiyoruz. - We would ask you to give us a price reduction of 5%.

{i} düşüş

Yaşam analizi önemli bir düşüş gösterdi. - Survival analysis showed a significant reduction.

(Gıda,Tıp) indirgenme
(Tıp) organı normal yerine getirme
küçültülmüş şey
(Tıp) perhizle zayıflatma
(Tıp) organın normal yerine gelmesi
küçültülmüş resim
azaltılmış şey
{i} indirgeme
{i} boyun eğdirme
(Askeri) (FOTOĞRAFÇILIKTA) KÜÇÜLTME: Bir negatif, diapozitif veya baskının orijinalinden daha küçük ebatta tab edilmesi
(Tıp) Yıkılm
{i} iskonto
{i} azalma

Fabrikamızdaki personelde bir azalma oldu. - There's been a reduction in personnel at our factory.

{i} haline getirme
{i} yerine oturtma [tıp.]
{i} negatifi zayıflatma
{i} ayırma
{i} ergime
{i} dönüştürme
{i} kim., mat. redüksiyon, indirgeme
(Ticaret) vergi indirimi
(Ticaret) indirim yapma
(Gıda) inceltme (hububat)
yerine oturtma
fiyat indirimi
reduction gear
redüksiyon dişlisi
reduction in of area
alanın küçültülmesi
reduction in weight
ağırlığın azaltılması
reduction inspection
azaltma incelemesi
reduction liability
(Askeri) indirim yükümlülüğü
reduction of premiums
(Ticaret) prim indirimi
reduction of stress
gerilmenin azaltılması
reduction of view
(Askeri) hedef küçültme
reduction period
(Askeri) indirim dönemi
reduction potential
(Kimya) indirgenme potansiyeli
reduction print
(Sinema) dar kopya
reduction process
(Sinema) daraltma işlemi
reduction pulley
devir düşürme kasnağı
reduction scale
küçültme ölçeği
reduction site
(Askeri) indirim mevkii
reduction sleeve
kısaltma manşonu
reduction in prices
fiyat indirimi
reduction in wages
vergin indirimi
reduction of capital
sermaye indirimi
reduction of interest
faiz indirimi
reduction of staff
personel sayısını azaltma
reduction ad absurdum
azaltma reklam absurdum
reduction factor
indirgeme faktörü, redüksiyon faktörü
reduction gear
reduction gearbox
(Mühendislik) Devir düşürücü dişli kutusu
reduction in price
fiyatta indirimtenzilat
reduction of order
Mertebe düşürme
reduction printing
küçültme başımı
reduction area
reduction bleaching
(Tekstil) indirgemen' ağartma
reduction bleaching
indirgemeli ağartma
reduction bleaching
(Teknik,Tekstil) indirgen ağartma
reduction bleaching
(Teknik,Tekstil) indirgen beyazlatma
reduction bleaching
(Tekstil) indirgemen ağartma
reduction coefficient
(Askeri) mevki fark giderme katsayısı
reduction coefficient
redüksiyon katsayısı
reduction coefficient
(Askeri) MEVKİ FARK GİDERME KATSAYISI: Gözetleyici-hedef mesafesinin, top-hedef mesafesine oranı. Mevki farkı giderme katsayısı; toplarda atış esaslarını düzeltmek için gözetleme ile elde edilmiş bir sapmanın çarpılması gereken sayıdır
reduction coefficient
indirgeme katsayısı
reduction compasses
sürmeli pergel
reduction compasses
küçültme pergeli
reduction discharge
(Tekstil) indirgeme aşındırması
reduction gear
(İnşaat) şanzıman
reduction gear
indirgeme dişlisi
reduction in
(Fiili Deyim ) azaltmak , inidirim yapmak
reduction in force
(Askeri) KUVVET AZALIŞI: Sivil personel mevcudunda elde olmadan meydana gelen bir azalış
reduction in force
(Askeri) kuvvet indirimi
reduction in wages
(Ticaret) ücret indirimi
reduction in wages
maaşlarda düşüş
reduction into gas
gaz haline dönüştürme
reduction of capital
(Ticaret) sermayenin azaltılması
reduction of expenses
masraflarda indirim
reduction of print pastes
(Tekstil) açma, küpür
reduction of staff
personel sayısını düşürme
reduction of wages
maaşlarda düşüş
reduction paste
(Tekstil) açma patı
reduction printing
(Sinema) daraltma basımı
reduction printing
(Fotoğrafçılık) küçültme basımı
reduction ratio
küçülme oranı
reduction ratio
indirgeme oranı
reduction ratio
redüksiyon oranı
reduction table
(Askeri) kuvvet azaltma çizelgesi
reduction table
(Askeri) KUVVET AZALTMA ÇİZELGESİ: Bak. "reduced strength column"
redundancy reduction
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) artıklık arıtımı
redundancy reduction
artiklik aritimi
drift reduction
(Tıp) sapma azalması
harm reduction
zarar azaltma
poverty reduction
fakirliğin azaltılması
poverty reduction
(Politika, Siyaset) yoksulluğun azaltılması
stroke reduction principle
(Askeri) darbe ile düşürme esası
stroke reduction principle
(Askeri) darbe ile azaltma esası
tension reduction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) gerilim azaltma
cold reduction
soğuk indirim
cost reduction
maliyeti azaltma
data reduction
veri hazırlama
electrolytic reduction
elektrolitik indirgeme
import reduction
ithalat azalması
price reduction
fiyat indirimi
temperature reduction
ısı düşmesi
commuter trip reduction
banliyö gezi indirim
compensatory tariff reduction
telafi edici gümrük vergisi indirimi
customs tariff reduction
gümrük tarife indirimi
family reduction
aile indirimi
gear reduction
dişli hız azaltma düzeneği
gum reduction
(Diş) Dişeti kesimi; anormal büyüklükteki diş etlerinin normal boyutlarına indirgeme operasyonu
poverty reduction
Yosullukla mücadele, yoksullukla mücadele yoluyla yoksulluğun azaltılması
tax reduction
Vergi indirimi
temperature reduction
işi düşmesi
text reduction
metin azaltma
zoom reduction
azaltma zoom
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Tehdit Azaltma Dairesi
Defense Threat Reduction and Treaty Compliance Agency
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Tehdit Azaltma Ve Anlaşmaya Uyum Dairesi
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (UN)
(Askeri) Birleşmiş Milletler (UN) Uluslar Arası Tabii Afetleri Önlemenin On Yılı
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
(Askeri) Stratejik Silahları İndirimi Antlaşması
bulk reduction
(Askeri) KÜÇÜK KAPLARA AKTARMA: Döküm petrol ürünlerinin, depo sarnıçlarından kaplara aktarılması işlemi
bulk reduction
(Askeri) küçük kaplara aktarma
cue reduction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ipucu azaltma
data reduction
Veri Azaltma
data reduction
(Askeri) BİLGİ KISALTMA: Genel olarak, elektronik kompüterler veya diğer elektronik teçhizat vasıtasıyla, bilgileri işleme tabi tutulabilir halde kısaltma işlemi
decimal reduction time
ondalıksal indirgeme süresi
decimal reduction time
(Gıda) ondalık azalma süresi
emission reduction units
emisyon indirim birimi
evaporation reduction
(Çevre) buharlaşma azalımı
hub reduction
göbek redüksiyonu
hub reduction gear
tekerlek redüksiyon dişlisi
hub reduction gear
poyra redüksiyon dişlisi
threat reduction
(Çevre) tehdit azaltması
to apply a reduction
(Avrupa Birliği) (make) bir indirim uygulamak(yapmak)
variance reduction technique
değişinti azaltma yöntemi
variance reduction technique
degisinti azaltma yontemi
volume reduction factor
(Nükleer Bilimler) hacim küçültme faktörü,hacim azaltma faktörü volume source hacımsal kaynak
vowel reduction
(Dilbilim) ünlü azaltımı
wage reduction
(Ticaret) ücret indirimi
İngilizce - İngilizce
A philosophical procedure intended to reveal the objects of consciousness as pure phenomena. (See phenomenological reduction.)
a transformation of one problem into another problem, such as mapping reduction or polynomial reduction
The amount or rate by which something is reduced, e.g. in price

A 5% reduction in robberies.

The process of rapidly boiling a sauce to concentrate it
The rewriting of an expression into a simpler form
An arrangement for a far smaller number of parties, e.g. a keyboard solo based on a full opera
A reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced; often by the removal of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen
The act, process, or result of reducing
When there is a reduction in something, it is made smaller. a future reduction in UK interest rates increase
{n} the act of reducing, a bringing back, of restoring or reviving of metals from a state the calx, a rule or art of bringing various denominations to one
A chemical process in which electrons are added to an atom, ion or compound
Any process that leads to a decrease in the oxidation number of an atom
Reduction is the act of making something smaller in size or amount, or less in degree. a new strategic arms reduction agreement. a decrease in the size, price, or amount of something, or the act of decreasing something. Any of a class of chemical reactions in which the number of electrons associated with an atom or group of atoms is increased. The electrons taken up by the substance reduced are supplied by another substance, often hydrogen (H2), which is thereby oxidized. See also oxidation-reduction. reduction division oxidation reduction Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
and To reduce an equation, To reduce an expression, under Reduce, v
The chemical action of electron addition from one atom or molecule to another atom or molecule The addition of an electron from a reducing pollutant to an invisible silver ion converts that ion to a metallic and visible form This reaction has been implicated in the formation of silver mirroring and red spots on black-and-white images
the act of reducing complexity any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion (as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent
The act or process of reducing
The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as, the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the reduction of a rebellious province
{i} act of decreasing, act of lessening, act of diminishing
The process of making a copy of something, as a figure, design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the proper proportions
The addition of hydrogen, removal of oxygen, or addition of electrons to an element or compound
The correction of observations for known errors of instruments, etc
reduction is the addition of hydrogen, removal of oxygen, or the addition of electrons to an element or compound Under anaerobic conditions (no dissolved oxygen present), sulfur compounds are reduced to odor-producing hydrogen sulfide (H2S and other com- pounds The opposite of oxidation
the act of reducing complexity
Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single nonterminal, according to a grammar rule See section 6 The Bison Parser Algorithm
a chemical reaction in which an electron is donated to the reduced entity
Firing ceramic ware at high temperatures and in the presence of added carbon to reduce the percentage of oxygen in the kiln This produces muted and subtle color variations
- the movement of an employee from one position to another position in the same employing unit with a lower maximum rate of pay
The gain of an ELECTRON by an ATOM; takes place simultaneously with OXIDATION (loss of an electron by an atom), because an electron that is lost by one atom is accepted by another (Latin reductio, a bringing back; originally "bringing back" a metal from its oxide)
The preparation of the facts and measurements of observations in order to deduce a general result
See Reduce, v
the act of decreasing or reducing something
A flat dollar or percentage amount that is deducted from an employee's pay that also REDUCES the employees taxable gross such as Tax Deferred Savings, Depcare, or DCP
Chemical process that involves the removal of oxygen from a compound A form of chemical weathering
chemical reaction in which an atom or molecule gains an electron; decrease in positive valence; addition of hydrogen to a molecule
The process where a molecule gain an electron Reduction applies only to chemical reactions where a transfer of electrons occurs The opposite of oxidation
A chemical process that results in the acceptance of electrons by an electrode's active material
Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single nonterminal, according to a grammar rule See section The Bison Parser Algorithm
The operation of restoring a dislocated or fractured part to its former place
Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single nonterminal, according to a grammar rule See Algorithm
any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion (as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent
Chemical reaction with reduction in positive valence by (1) acceptance of one or more electrons by an atom; (2) removal of oxygen from a compound; or, (3) addition of hydrogen to a compound
In general, the transformation of data from a "raw" form to some useable form In meteorology, this often refers to the conversion of the observed value of an element to the value which it would theoretically have at some selected or standard level The most common reduction in weather observing is that of station pressure to sea level pressure
a gain of electrons The oxidation number decreases, becomes more negative
The act, process, or result of reducing; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the reduction of aldehyde from alcohol
The process of viewing an algebraic curve defined by a polynomial with integral coefficients as a curve over the finite field F for some prime p
The addition of hydrogen, removal of oxygen, or addition of electrons to an element or compound Occurs when another compound is oxidized
The bringing of a syllogism in one of the so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure
reduction division
the first of the two divisions of meiosis, a type of cell division
reduction division
meiosis as a whole, a type of cell division
reduction in force
Layoffs, as used in official corporate documents and press releases, often abbreviated as RIF
reduction of order
Reduction of order is a technique in mathematics for solving second-order ordinary differential equations
reduction ad absurdum
proving something to be false by demonstrating its illogical outcome
reduction gear
set of gears that lessens an input speed to a slower output speed
reduction gear
gearing that reduces an input speed to a slower output speed
reduction in price
act of making less expensive, lowering of prices
reduction in prices
lowering of prices (discounts, sales, markdowns, etc.)
reduction in rank
lowering a soldier's rank as a punishment imposed for a specific transgression
reduction of fractions
expression of fractions in their simplest forms (Mathematics)
reduction of the sentence
sentence that has been made shorter, sentence that has been made less severe
beta reduction
The act of beta reducing, an instance of replacing a function call by the result of calling a function
breast reduction
The operation performed to reduce the volume of breast tissue
carbothermal reduction
Any reduction reaction that employs carbon at high temperatures
magnesiothermic reduction
Any reduction reaction that uses magnesium at an elevated temperature; used, for instance, to reduce the silica of diatoms to silicon whilst retaining the complex shapes
phenomenological reduction
In the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) and his followers, a philosophical procedure intended to reveal the objects of consciousness as pure phenomena independently of any considerations of the existence of those objects and without the influence of inferential knowledge

The phenomenological reduction may be considered as a methodological device resorted to for the sake of arriving at radical and radically justified philosophical knowledge.

prolongational reduction
The pattern, as perceived, of tension and relaxation among events in various levels of structure, projected from time-span reduction
To reduce
To duct tape again
A reducing agent
Of, pertaining to, or producing reduction
tax reduction
A reduction of one or more tax rates
demand reduction
Demand reduction is a term used by drug control authorities to refer to educational and other efforts aimed at stopping people from seeking drugs, as opposed to or in addition to cutting off their supply. Examples in the United States include D.A.R.E. and the State of Montana's Not Even Once
hazard reduction burning
Controlled or prescribed burning, also known as hazard reduction burning or swailing is a technique sometimes used in forest management, farming, prairie restoration or greenhouse gas abatement. Fire is a natural part of both forest and grassland ecology and controlled fire can be a tool for foresters. Hazard reduction or controlled burning is conducted during the cooler months to reduce fuel buildup and decrease the likelihood of serious hotter fires. Controlled burning stimulates the germination of some desirable forest trees, thus renewing the forest. Some cones, such as sequoia and serotinous require heat from fire to open cones to disperse seeds
noise reduction
Noise reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal. Noise reduction techniques are conceptually very similar regardless of the signal being processed, however a priori knowledge of the characteristics of an expected signal can mean the implementations of these techniques vary greatly depending on the type of signal
poverty reduction
Poverty reduction (or poverty alleviation) is any process which seeks to reduce the level of poverty in a community, or amongst a group of people or countries
source reduction
(Çevre) Reducing the amount of materials entering the waste stream from a specific source by redesigning products or patterns of production or consumption (e.g., using returnable beverage containers). Synonymous with waste reduction
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
art. Negotiations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union aimed at reducing those countries' nuclear arsenals and delivery systems. Two sets of negotiations (1982-83, 1985-91) concluded in an agreement signed by George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev that committed the Soviet Union to a reduction from 11,000 to 8,000 nuclear weapons and the U.S. to a reduction from 12,000 to 10,000. After the Soviet Union's collapse (1991), a supplementary agreement (1992) obligated Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to destroy the nuclear weapons on their soil or to give them to Russia. Subsequent U.S. efforts to develop an antimissile defense system threatened new complications for the arms control regime. See also Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
October 1992 pact signed between the United States and the former Soviet Union in which both countries agreed to further reduce the production of nuclear arms, START
capital reduction
reduction of a business' equity
credit reduction
decrease in the maximum amount of credit approved
fifty percent reduction
reduced by half, decreased by half, fifty percent discount
a reversible chemical reaction in which one reaction is an oxidation and the reverse is a reduction
or redox Any chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred. Addition of hydrogen or electrons is reduction, and removal of hydrogen or electrons is oxidation (originally applied to combination with oxygen but now including transfer of hydrogen or electrons). The processes always occur simultaneously: one substance is oxidized by the other, which it reduces. The conditions of the substances before and after are called oxidation states, to which numbers are given and with which calculations can be made. (Valence is a similar but not identical concept.) The chemical equation that describes the electron transfer can be written as two separate half reactions that can in theory be carried out in separate compartments of an electrolytic cell (see electrolysis), with electrons flowing through a wire connecting the two. Strong oxidizing agents include fluorine, ozone, and oxygen itself; strong reducing agents include alkali metals such as sodium and lithium
oxidation-reduction indicator
an indicator that shows a reversible color change between oxidized and reduced forms
price reduction
{i} act of reducing the selling price of goods
To channel through a duct again
{s} characterized by reduction, characterized by diminution
plural of reduction
tariff reduction
lessening the fee when bringing merchandise into a country



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    /rēˈdəksʜən/ /riːˈdʌkʃən/


    () From Middle English reduccion, from Old French reducion, from Latin reductio.


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