
listen to the pronunciation of verdict
English - Turkish
{i} juri kararı
{i} jüri kararı
{i} karar

Jüri bir karara vardı mı? - Has the jury reached a verdict?

Jüri bir karara vardı. - The jury has reached a verdict.

{f} karar ver

Hüküm sadece jüri tarafından karar verilebilen bir şeydir. - The verdict is something only a jury can decide.


Yargı ve hüküm farklı şeylerdir. - A verdict and a sentence are different things.

Hüküm sadece jüri tarafından karar verilebilen bir şeydir. - The verdict is something only a jury can decide.

juri heyeti kararı
(Askeri) JÜRİ KARARI: Gerekli duruşma ve incelemelerden sonra bir jüri heyeti tarafından verilen karar
{i} yargı

Yargı ve hüküm farklı şeylerdir. - A verdict and a sentence are different things.

{i} fikir
mahkeme kararı
verdict of
verdict against evidence
(Kanun) kanıtlara uymayan karar
verdict contracry to law
(Kanun) kanuna aykırı karar
render a verdict
karara varmak
bring in a verdict of guilty
suçlu bulmak
compromise verdict
uzlaşma kararı
general verdict
genel karar
partial verdict
kısmi hüküm
return a verdict of guilty
suçlu bulmak
special verdict
özel jüri kararı
guilty verdict
mahkumiyet kararı
partial verdict
kısmı hüküm
quotient verdict
bölüm karar
reach a verdict
kesin bir hükme varmak
return a verdict of innocent/guilty
huk. (jüri) suçsuz/suçlu olduğuna karar vermek
announce the verdict
kararı tefhim etmek
bring in a verdict
(Kanun) hükümüne varmak
bring in a verdict of guilty
suçlu olduğu kararına varmak
majority verdict
(Ticaret) çoğunluk kararı
nation's verdict
halkın kararı
nation's verdict
kamuoyunun kanaati
object to verdict
karara karşı gelmek
printed verdict
(Kanun) karar ilamı
pronounce the verdict
kararı tefhim etmek
render a verdict
(hâkim/jüri) karar vermek, karara varmak
return a verdict of
huk. (jüri) suçsuz/suçlu olduğuna karar vermek
return a verdict of innocent
(Kanun) suçsuz olduğuna karar vermek
English - English
An opinion or judgement
A decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest
{n} a determination by a jury, a judgment
(law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment
The formal decision or finding made by the jury upon the matters or questions submitted to them
- Formal decision made by a trier of facts
The formal decision issued by a jury
The decision made by a jury or by a judicial officer concerning the matters at issue
Jury's decision on the matters submitted to it
The finding of the jury or court of the defendant's guilt or lack of guilt
The decision of a judge or jury as to the guilt of the accused
The answer of a jury given to the court concerning any matter of fact in any cause, civil or criminal, committed to their examination and determination; the finding or decision of a jury on the matter legally submitted to them in the course of the trial of a cause
A conclusion, as to fact or law, that forms the basis for the court's judgment A general verdict is a jury's finding for or against a plaintiff after determining the facts and weighing them according to the judge's instructions regarding the law
1 The opinion rendered by a jury, or a judge where there is no jury, on a question of fact A verdict differs from a judgment in that a verdict is not a judicial determination, but rather a finding of fact that the trial court may accept or reject and utilize in formulating its judgment
(RWT) The decision of a petit jury or a judge
A declaration of the truth as to the matter of fact submitted to the jury The definitive answer given by the jury to the court concerning the matters of fact committed to the jury for their deliberation and determination
{i} judgment made by a jury, sentence; decision
The decision by a jury after it hears the evidence and arguments in a court case
Decision; judgment; opinion pronounced; as, to be condemned by the verdict of the public
a formal decision made by a jury, read before the court and accepted by the judge
A conclusion, as to fact or law, that forms the basis for the court's judgment (See directed verdict )
The formal and unanimous decision or finding made by a jury
The final decision of guilt or innocence made by a jury Verdicts must be unanimous in criminal cases Some states allow non-unanimous verdicts in civil cases A general verdict is one given in a civil case in which the jury finds in favor of the plaintiff or in favor of the defendant A special verdict, in a civil case, is given by the judge after considering the law as it applies to the case and after the jury states it's conclusions on specific factual issues Directed verdict is a verdict ordered by the judge as a matter of law when he rules that the party with the burden of proof has failed to make out a prima facie case
The decision reached by a jury or judge in a trial
The decision of a trial jury based on the instructions given to it by the judge
Someone's verdict on something is their opinion of it, after thinking about it or investigating it. The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy
The decision of the Coroner or jury
the conclusion of the court or jury which becomes the basis for the judgment
In practice, the formal decision or finding made by a jury, reported to the Court and accepted by it
a person or entity against whom a crime is committed
The unanimous decision made by a jury and reported to the court on matters lawfully submitted to them in the course of the trial of a case
In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict Three judges will deliver their verdict in October
The decision of a petit jury or a judge
Scotch verdict
inconclusive verdict
announced his verdict
declared his judgment, determined his ruling
compromise verdict
a verdict resulting from improper compromises between jurors on material issues
directed verdict
a verdict entered by the court in a jury trial without consideration by the jury; there cannot be a directed verdict of guilty in a criminal trial
false verdict
a manifestly unjust verdict; not true to the evidence
general verdict
an ordinary verdict declaring which party prevails without any special findings of fact
open verdict
an official decision in a British court saying that the exact cause of someone's death is not known
open verdict
A verdict on a preliminary investigation, finding the fact of a crime but not stating the criminal, or finding the fact of a violent death without disclosing the cause
partial verdict
(criminal law) a finding that the defendant is guilty of some charges but innocent of others
pronounced his verdict
gave his decision, formally announced the sentence
pronouncing a verdict
formally announcing a sentence, giving a verdict
quotient verdict
an improper and unacceptable kind of compromise verdict
render a verdict
give a verdict, hand down a ruling, make a ruling
special verdict
a verdict rendered on certain specific factual issues posed by the court without finding for one party or the other
plural of verdict