to recover

listen to the pronunciation of to recover
English - Turkish
belini doğrultmak
{f} kurtarmak

Kaçağı kurtarmak için US Marshal Tom Jackson belirlenir. - US Marshal Tom Jackson is determined to recover the fugitive.

Ben değerli eşyalarımı kurtarmak istiyorum. - I want to recover my valuables.


Tom'un arkadaşlarının çoğu onun iyileşmekte olan bir alkolik olduğunu biliyor. - Most of Tom's friends know that he's a recovering alcoholic.

İyileşmek uzun zaman alacak mı? - Will it take long to recover?

{f} toplamak
geri kazanmak

Sağlığımı geri kazanmak tam bir yılımı aldı. - It took me a whole year to recover my health.

kendine gelmek
{f} düzelmek
(Spor) yeniden savunmak
iyi olmak
ayağa kalkmak
(Kanun) istirdat etmek
belini doğrultmak
hastalıktan kurtulmak
yeniden kazanmak

Kabusundan kurtulmak için Tom'un birkaç saate ihtiyacı vardı. - Tom needed a few hours to recover from his nightmare.

mahkeme yoluyla ödetmek
yeniden elde etmek
geri almak
özüne gelmek
huk.tazmin ettirmek
telafi et

Dosya kurtarmaya çalışmadan önce dosya adını hatırlayın. - Recall the filename before you try to perform file recovery.

Polisler çalınan mücevheri kurtardı. - The police recovered the stolen jewelry.

(to) Kurtarmak
{f} yeniden ele geçirmek, geri almak
{f} telafi etmek
tekrar kapatmak
döşemesini yenilemek
{f} yeniden bulmak
tazmin ettirmek
{f} değerlendirmek
yeniden döşemek
(fiil) iyileşmek, düzelmek, toplamak, telafi etmek, yerine gelmek, geri kazanmak, telâfi etmek, değerlendirmek, kurtarmak, kurtulmak, kendine gelmek, davayı kazanmak, kılıcı geri çekmek, ayılmak
(Askeri) AÇMAK: Kriptolu bir bilgiyi veya açık metni çözmek veya yeniden tertiplemek

Sağlığımı geri kazanmak tam bir yılımı aldı. - It took me a whole year to recover my health.

elde etmek
{f} kılıcı geri çekmek

Doktor elinden geleni yapmasına rağmen hastanın iyileşmesi yavaş gerçekleşti. - Though the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow.

Kısa sürede soğukkanlılığını geri kazandı. - He soon recovered his composure.

{f} yerine gelmek
(Tıp) 1. İyileştirmek (hastayı), şifa vermek; 2.İyileşmek, kendine gelmek
tekrar ele geçirmek
{f} davayı kazanmak
English - English
{v} recure
To regain one's composure, balance etc

Spinning round, he caught a stone with his ankle; but recovered quickly before turning to face me.

To return to, resume (a given state of mind or body)

At the top of the hill I asked to stop for a few minutes to recover my strength.

To cover again
To get back, regain (a physical thing lost etc.)

After days of inquiries, he finally recovered his lost wallet.

To reach (a place), arrive at

We rode hard all night, and recovered the outskirts of the town by first light.

To add a new roof membrane or steep-slope covering over an existing one
To get better from; to get over

To the end of his days, he never fully recovered his daughter's death.

To restore to good health, consciousness, life etc

Cnelius a physician gave him a clyster, by which he was speedily recovered.

To get better, regain one's health

I was hurt, but I knew I'd recover, given time.

to regain
{v} to grow well, get again, regain
To return to the en garde position after lunging
To get or obtain again; to get renewed possession of; to win back; to regain
To make good by reparation; to make up for; to retrieve; to repair the loss or injury of; as, to recover lost time
90"; "The company managed to recuperate" cover anew; "recover a chair" get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly" regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses
Return to the previous guard position
To get better from; to recuperate
regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses
If you recover a mental or physical state, it comes back again. For example, if you recover consciousness, you become conscious again. She had a severe attack of asthma and it took an hour to recover her breath = regain
To bring back a file that accidentally got deleted There are programs designed to help recover files, such as Norton Utilities The best idea is to have a backup copy
regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses"
Grabbing a ball that has been fumbled (whether the recovering player's side initially had the ball or not)
cover anew; "recover a chair"
To move back to the en garde position after a lunge
regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2
Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk
Replace a lost or damaged file from a copy stored on a Backup backup volume
When you recover from an illness or an injury, you become well again. He is recovering from a knee injury A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after being stabbed
To restore from sickness, faintness, or the like; to bring back to life or health; to cure; to heal
If something recovers from a period of weakness or difficulty, it improves or gets stronger again. He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals The stockmarket index fell by 80% before it began to recover
A request from a coordinator or a participant to complete an identified transaction
To regain health after sickness; to grow well; to be restored or cured; hence, to regain a former state or condition after misfortune, alarm, etc
get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly"
1 To restore a deleted file You can often recover deleted files using an UNDELETE utility or command 2 A program's ability to continue operating after any errors that would normally send it crashing into outer space
Diverting materials from the waste stream and finding a beneficial use for it ‘Recovery’ includes activities such as reuse, recycling, composting, waste-to-energy, reprocessing etc
To make one's way; to come; to arrive
90"; "The company managed to recuperate"
The actual process of automatically 'unzipping' the compressed image of the original factory software load from the recovery CD onto the hard drive All parameters are set for the software as it was when it was new, and any programs or data that have been added since purchase will be gone
To return to guard from the lunge
To obtain a judgement; to succeed in a lawsuit; as, the plaintiff has recovered in his suit
(External) RECOVER [d: ][path]filename RECOVER d: Resolves sector problems on a file or a disk (Beginning with DOS Version 6, RECOVER is no longer available)
If you recover from an unhappy or unpleasant experience, you stop being upset by it. a tragedy from which he never fully recovered Her plane broke down and it was 18 hours before she got there. It took her three days to recover
The Backup command used to browse the server index and recover files from a backup volume to a client's disk
To overcome; to get the better of, as a state of mind or body
To gain by motion or effort; to obtain; to reach; to come to
get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"
To gain as a compensation; to obtain in return for injury or debt; as, to recover damages in trespass; to recover debt and costs in a suit at law; to obtain title to by judgement in a court of law; as, to recover lands in ejectment or common recovery; to gain by legal process; as, to recover judgement against a defendant
To rescue; to deliver
To win (something) back
If you recover money that you have spent, invested, or lent to someone, you get the same amount back. Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money = recoup
to bring the machine back under control
If you recover something that has been lost or stolen, you find it or get it back. Police raided five houses in south-east London and recovered stolen goods = retrieve
often followed by of or from; as, to recover from a state of poverty; to recover from fright
regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2 90"; "The company managed to recuperate"
{f} recuperate, get well; get back, regain, obtain again; cover again
of materials from waste products
to recover


    to re·co·ver

    Turkish pronunciation

    tı rîkʌvır


    /tə rəˈkəvər/ /tə rɪˈkʌvɜr/


    ... But none of our attempts to recover the rocket stages ...