
listen to the pronunciation of espagnol
French - Turkish
[le] [la] İspanyol
French - English
{n} Spanish, people of Spain, Spaniard, resident of Spain
{n} Spanish, Romance language spoken in Spain and most of Latin America
Spanish, of or pertaining to the people or language of Spain

Magda is going to marry a Spaniard. - Magda épousera un Espagnol.

The French are wiser than they seem, and the Spaniards seem wiser than they are. - Les Français sont plus sages qu'ils ne paraissent et les Espagnols paraissent plus sages qu'ils ne sont.


He speaks Spanish as well as he speaks French. - Il parle espagnol aussi bien que français.

He pronounces English words in Spanish fashion because he is a Mexican. - Il prononce l'anglais avec un accent espagnol parce qu'il est mexicain.