listen to the pronunciation of bâ
English - Turkish
{k} Bachelor of Arts
Turkish - Turkish
(Hukuk) ile, (lu)
(Osmanlı Dönemi) LÎT
(Osmanlı Dönemi) KELAN
(Osmanlı Dönemi) MESED
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Arabçaya göre harfinin okunuşu. Ebced hesabında iki sayısını ifade eder. Mektup ve eski evraklarda Receb ayına işarettir
Baryum elementinin simgesi
Tropikal Afrika'da yetişen ve Ohi de denilen ağaç
Tropikal Afr.Ağacı
Çatı kirişi olarak kullanılan ve kiremitlerin altına döşenen ince tahta, pedavra
Kiremitlerin altına döşenen ince tahta
çatı kirişi
çatı kirişi olarak kullanılan ve kiremitlerin altına döşenen ince tahta
English - English
Bali, a province of Indonesia
Bahia, a state of Brazil
Buenos Aires
British Airways
British Administration (usually followed by a place name)
In ancient Egyptian mythology, a being's soul or personality, represented as a bird-headed figure, which survives after death but must be sustained with offerings of food

But the Ba, I remembered, could be seen as the mistress of your heart and might or might not decide to speak to you, just as the heart cannot always forgive.

To kiss
first-level university degree; degree given by a college or university to one who has completed a four-year course in the humanities; one who holds a bachelor's degree in the humanities
A BA is a first degree in an arts or social science subject. BA is an abbreviation for `Bachelor of Arts'. I did a BA in film making
BA is written after someone's name to indicate that they have a BA. Helen Rich, BA. Bosnia and Herzegovina (in Internet addresses). The symbol for the element barium. Baruch. Bachelor of Arts a first university degree in a subject such as history, languages, or English literature BS, BSc BSc, MA MA BA in
{i} white metallic element (Chemistry)
Batting Average = H / AB
One of the elements of the human personality Identified as the soul or spiritual element of an individual Depicted on tomb walls as a human-headed bird
Bachelor of Arts
(Egyptian) eternal soul LI - Chinese unit of distance TA - expression of gratitude
Bachelor of Arts degree Basic Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG): Now the Federal Pell Grant Program BBAY: Borrower-Based Academic Year, an academic year that is individualized for each borrower BEOG: Basic Educational Opportunity Grant, now the Federal Pell Grant Program BIA: U S Bureau of Indian Affairs Borrower Status Types: Periods during the life cycle of a student loan that define the borrower's status relative to the loan obligation
The winged spirit of a blessed dead person Depicted with the body of a bird and head of the deceased, the ba was able to fly from the underworld to visit, unseen, the world of the living
Bachelor of Arts degree; British Academy
Batting Average (see also Avg)
British Academy
Benefits Agency (obs)
Ancient Egyptian concept of a person's essence, believed to be be immortal [Also see "Soul" for more info ]
An aspect of the soul emphasizing the mobility of the spirit It thus took the appearance of a winged bird with the head of the deceased It was able to fly around the Netherworld, and traverse into the land of the living
The two-character ISO 3166 country code forBOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Batting average
In ancient Egyptian mythology, a beings soul or personality, represented as a bird-headed figure, which survives after death but must be sustained with offerings of food
the spiritual part of a deceased person that has the ability to act and move about The ba of a god can be translated as that god's efficacy In art the ba of a deceased person appears as a human-headed bird
Budget Adjustment BOCES - Board of Cooperative Educational Services BOS - Board of Supervisors BPREP - Budget Preparation System BPS - Position Budgeting Subsystem BTIP - Beginning Teacher Induction Program
Bonds that are rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well assured Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate, and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class
Batting Average Also Baseball America
Usually depicted as a human-headed bird, the ba represented one aspect of the human being It was free to leave the body after death and move in the afterlife, and to return at will
a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences
a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group; found in barite
Believed by ancient Egyptians to be the spirit or soul It is often depicted as a bird with a human head
Bonds which are rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well-assured Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate, and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class
Bachelor of Arts degree
Bachelor's of Arts
Short for Business Analyst A role in software development, which requires the person to analyse the business and document or model it such that it may be authenticated and shared amongst the team for a common understanding
BENEFITS AGENCY Government Agency for administration and management of welfare benefits
Turkish - English
b a
(Mimarlık) shingle
roofing shingle
beam, joist
shingle padavra