down to earth

listen to the pronunciation of down to earth
İngilizce - Türkçe
Aklı başında
uygulanabilir, gerçekleştirilebilir
gerçekçi pratik

Tom gerçekçi bir kişidir. - Tom is a down to earth person.

Bir insan gerçekçi olmazsa ve iş düşünmezse işte uzun kalmaz. - A person won't remain long in business if he does not come down to earth and think business.


Tom gerçekçi bir aile adamıdır. - Tom is a down-to-earth family man.

Tom çok pratik, gerçekçi bir kişidir. - Tom's a very practical, down-to-earth person.

İngilizce - İngilizce
practical, realistic
Practical; realistic; pragmatic

He had a down-to-earth attitude that translated into a straightforward, but effective strategy.

approval If you say that someone is down-to-earth, you approve of the fact that they concern themselves with practical things and actions, rather than with abstract theories. her sincerity and her down-to-earth common sense. practical and direct in a sensible honest way
sensible and practical; "has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem"; "her earthy common sense
down to earth


    Down to earth

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    daun tı ırth


    /ˈdoun tə ˈərᴛʜ/ /ˈdaʊn tə ˈɜrθ/


    [ 'daun ] (adverb.) before 12th century. Middle English doun, from Old English dune, short for adune, of dune, from a- , of off, from + dune, dative of dun hill.


    ... They're down to earth, they go with the flow. ...