
listen to the pronunciation of disability
İngilizce - Türkçe

Aptallık bir sakatlık değildir! - Stupidity is not a disability!

{i} yetersizlik

İşverenler ırkları, dinleri, etnik kökenleri, deri renkleri, cinsiyetleri, yaşları, medeni durumları, engellilikleri ya da cinsel yönelimleri nedeniyle işçileri işe almayı reddemezler. - Employers cannot refuse to hire workers because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, skin colour, sex, age, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.

(Tıp) disabiliti
{i} sakınca
{i} ehliyetsizlik
{i} mahzur
(Tıp) Herhangi bir işi yapmada yetersizlik, güçsüzlük, kuvvetsizilk
{i} maluliyet
{i} güçsüzlük
(Askeri) MALULLÜK, MALULİYET: Bir şahsı, faal hizmet yapamayacak duruma getiren bedeni veya akli hastalık veya aksaklık. Maluliyet veya sakatlık, daimi veya geçici mahiyette olabilir
{i} zaaf
(Kanun) kısıtlılık
disability pension
sakatlık maaşı
disability pension
maluliyet maaşı
disability discrimination act 1995
sakatlık ayrımcılık hareket 1995
disability allowance
(Ticaret) maluliyet indirimi
disability allowance
(Ticaret) sakatlık indirimi
disability benefit
malüliyet tazminatı
disability benefit
(Ticaret) sakatlık tazminatı
disability benefit
maluliyet tazminatı
disability by accident
kazaen maluliyet
disability evaluation
(Tıp) sakatlık değerlendirmesi
disability insurance
sakatlık sigortası
disability insurance
yaşlılık sigortası
disability living allowance
(Politika, Siyaset) özürlü yaşam ödeneği
disability living allowance
(Ticaret) engelli yaşamödeneği
disability living allowance
(Ticaret) engelli yaşam ödeneği
disability pension
maluliyet emekli maaşı
disability politics
(Politika, Siyaset) engelliler politikası
disease or disability
hastalık veya sakatlık
temporary disability
(Askeri) geçici maluliyet
temporary total disability
(Askeri) geçici çürüklük
temporary total disability
(Askeri) geçici maluliyet
legal disability
hukuki ehliyetsizlik
learning disability
Öğrenme güçlüğü
accidental disability
kazaen maluliyet
certificate of disability for discharge
(Askeri) DAİMİ ÇÜRÜK RAPORU: Bedeni ve akli sebeplerden askeri hizmete, daimi olarak elverişsiz durumdaki bir askerin bu halini ve terhis edilmesi gerektiğini gösterir belge
chronic disability
(Tıp) kronik işlev bozukluğu
long term disability
(Sigorta) uzun vadeli sakatlık
long term disability
(Ticaret) uzun süreli işgörememezlik
long term disability
(Tıp) uzun süreli sakatlık
permanent partial disability
(Askeri) ARIZALI SAĞLAMLIK; SAKATLIK: Hastalık neticesi veya muharebede alınmış (mesleki veya diğer) bir yaradan ileri gelen ve daimi çürüklük (permanent total disability) meydana getiren durumdan farklı olarak, bir uzvun veya vücudun bir kısmının tam kaybı veya bir vücut fonksiyonunda devamlı bir bozukluk
permanent total, disability
(Askeri) DAİMİ ÇÜRÜKLÜK; DAİMİ SAKATLIK: Şahsı; kazanç sağlayacak bir mesleğe devamdan, sürekli ve tam olarak, mahrum bırakan ve bir hastalık, arıza (mesleki ve diğer) ya da muharebe zayiatından ileri gelen durum
premature disability
erken malullük
temporary disability retired list
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ MALULİYET EMEKLİ LİSTESİ: Derecesi hakkında tam bir karara varılmamış devamlı maluliyetle faal hizmetten çıkarılan ve 18 aydan az veya çok fasılalarla periyodik tıbbi muayeneye tabi tutulmaları gereken, daha önce listeden çıkarılmadıkları takdirde 5 yıllık bir süre emekli maaşı alma hakkına sahip olan subay ve erat sınıfına mensup kimseler listesidir
temporary total disability
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ ÇÜRÜKLÜK; GEÇİCİ MALULİYET: Bir şahsın hastalık arıza (mesleki çalışma sebebiyle olanlar dahil) veya muharebeden ileri gelen ve tedavisi kabil olan arızalı durumu. Ayrıca bakınız: "permanent total disability" ve "permanent partial disability"
İngilizce - İngilizce
Regular payments received by a disabled person, usually from the state

Did you get your disability this month?.

State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual, or moral power, means, fitness, and the like

Chatham refused to see him, pleading his disability. - George Bancroft.

The combination of a physical or intellectual impairment of an individual and the social attitudes and environment that prevents a person from living a full, normal life or from performing his/her normal job

He has a mental disability.

Want of legal qualification to do a thing; legal incapacity or incompetency

The disabilities of idiocy, infancy, and coverture. - Benjamin Vaughan Abbott.

{n} want of power or right, weakness
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, a person with a disability is defined as a person that has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment Major life activities means functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working and receiving education or vocational training
1 A particular act that someone has problems performing, like reading a book, running or dressing, because of an impairment A disability is not a handicap unless the individual with a disability must function in a particular activity that is impeded by his or her physical limitation, or because society has said he or she is "unable" to perform activities for which they, in fact, are able to perform 2 The result of any physical or mental condition that affects or prevents one's ability to develop, achieve, and/or function in educational and social settings within the "normal" rate of growth and development
The ADA defines a person with a disability in three ways: An individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; Someone who has a record of such an impairment; or Someone who is regarded as having such an impairment
" the disadvantage or restriction of activity caused by a contemporary social organization which takes no or little account of people who have physical impairments and thus excludes them from participation in the mainstream of social activities Physical disability is therefore a particular form of social oppression " (Union of Physically Impaired Against Society 1981)
An inability to be gainfully employed by reason of physical or mental impairment
By and large, to be entitled to a disability benefit as distinct from a PHI (q v ) benefit, requires very serious illness or accident The insurance policy will define disablement It used to be common to be able to buy two types of disability ie "Total and Permanent" and "Own or similar occupation" The former meant serious trouble, the latter was a looser definition whereby the assured had to be incapable of following an occupation he/she could be reasonably expected to follow by way of experience or training
- For purposes of SSI eligibility, a person is disabled if he or she is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determined physical or mental impairment expected to result in death, or that has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months
In its legal use, this means physical or mental disablement that, in the opinion of the Court, results in a person lacking, wholly or partly, the competence to manage his/her affairs in relation to his/her property
A disability is any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being
As defined by the World Health Organization, a disability (resulting from an impairment) is a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being
the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness; "reading disability"; "hearing impairment"
A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of such impairment, or a perception of such impairment Examples of impairments: asthma, tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, angina, diabetes, hypertension, stutter, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, blindness or vision impairment, deafness or hearing impairment, and paralysis
decreased ability to perform an activity normally e g , walking, eating Due to an impairment caused by the stroke
The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act defines individuals with disabilities as including any individual who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of that individual; has a record of an impairment described in paragraph 1, or 3 is regarded as having an impairment described in paragraph 1 This definition includes any individual who has been evaluated under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and determined to be an individual with a disability who is in need of special education and related services; and any individual who is considered disabled under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 At the secondary level, counts of disabled students are typically based on whether a student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) At the postsecondary level, counts of disabled students are typically based on student self-reports of disabling conditions
the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness; "reading disability"; "hearing impairment
A physical or mental condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities There are several definitions of disability in the law Each definition emphasizes some aspects of the condition and is specifically tailored to delineate the scope of a legal right under various public programs
(WHO definition) Consequence of impairment in terms of functional performance (i e disturbance at the level of the person)
An inability to substantially perform the duties of the member's job by reason of physical or mental impairment determined to be permanent or of an extended and uncertain duration
A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individual's major life activities Disability may be partial or total
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 defines "disability" as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment "
Restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in a manner considered normal, a disability is a disturbance manifested in the performance of daily tasks Disabilities are the functional consequences of impairments Principal subclasses of disabilities are concerned with behavior, communication, personal care, locomotion, body disposition, dexterity, and particular skills (inability to walk without a prosthesis)
Disability is the state of being disabled. Disability can make extra demands on financial resources
The inability to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA) by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months The 12-month requirement does not apply to the blind The SGA criterion does not apply to children under age 18 The standard for them is a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that results in marked and severe functional limitations
A condition that curtails to some degree a person's ability to carry on his normal pursuits A disability may be partial or total, and temporary or permanent (G)
A physical or a mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of an individual It may be partial or total
{i} lack of ability; defect, deformity, anything that causes lack of ability
Inability to pursue an occupation because of physical or mental impairment
the result of any physical or mental condition that affects or prevents one's ability to develop, achieve, and/or function in an educational setting at a normal rate
A disability is a permanent injury, illness, or physical or mental condition that tends to restrict the way that someone can live their life. Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient
disability-adjusted life year
(Geometri) A measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or early death
disability benefit
insurance benefits paid in case of disability
disability check
a monthly payment made to someone who has become disabled and is unable to work
disability clause
clause of an insurance policy allowing a disabled policyholder to receive benefits
disability income insurance
insurance covering one in the event of disablement
disability insurance
A form of insurance which provides income replacement benefits to an insured person who cannot return to employment due to an illness or injury
disability insurance
a type of health insurance that pays a monthly income to the policyholder when he or she is unable to work because of illness or accident
disability insurance
Disability benefit portion of OASI (DI) Social insurance benefit intended for those who are expected to be unemployed for one year or more due to illness Indexed (linked to consumer price index) Contributory, linked to prior work history and earnings, designed to replace part of prior wage
disability insurance
Mandatory federal insurance, for all persons insured within the AHV framework, to cover an expected permanent or long-lasting loss of earning capacity resulting from physical or mental damage due to a congenital defect, illness or an accident
disability insurance
A form of insurance coverage that provides a portion of income lost as the result of a total or partial disability caused by either an accident or an illness
disability insurance
Line of insurance that includes coverages that protect the insured against loss of income resulting from injury or sickness
disability insurance
Also known as disability income insurance, this type of policy provides income benefits to the insured if he or she becomes ill or is injured and can no longer work
disability insurance
Disability insurance provides you with financial security when an accident or illness causes you to be disabled and unable to work or earn an income
disability insurance
*: Social insurance for the disabled
disability insurance
Insurance that replaces income for individuals unable to work because of accident or sickness
disability insurance
Insurance that is designed to replace earned income in the event that accident or illness prevents you from pursuing your livelihood
disability insurance
Insurance that can replace part of your income if illness or injury leaves you unable to work for an extended period
disability insurance
A form of health insurance that pays the policyholder in place of his or her usual income if the policyholder can't work because of illness or accident Usually, policies begin paying after a waiting period stipulated in the policy, and pay a certain percentage of the policyholder's usual income Sometimes this is provided by employers, but it's also available as a separate coverage
disability insurance
An insurance policy which covers an individual's ability to produce income
disability insurance
Health insurance that provides income payments to the insured wage earner when income is interrupted or terminated because of illness, sickness, or accident
disability insurance
Disability includes three stages of coverage
disability insurance
An insurance policy that covers an individual’s ability to produce income
disability insurance
pays a fixed percentage of average earnings should the insured be unable to continue working due to disability
disability insurance
Includes paid sick leave, short-term disability, and long-term disability
disability insurance
Financial planning assistance Financial planning services require a regular payroll deduction Your employer should have a list of accounting and financial planning firms associated with the plan You are charged no fee when you use the services of the affiliated companies Financial planning services often include planning for education, retirement and investment as well as calculation of net worth
disability insurance
social insurance for the disabled
disability insurance
Insurance arrangement whereby the member may be paid a benefit in the event of becoming disabled Different super funds have different arrangements which may cover Total and Permanent Disability or Temporary Total Disablement, either as a lump-sum or regular income payments Many give members the option of different levels of cover Insurance premiums are usually deducted from the member's account
disability insurance
Insurance that can replace part of your income if illness or injury leaves you unable to work for an extended period BACK TO TOP
disability insurance
insurance that pays a weekly benefit plus medical expenses if illness or injury prevents the insured from working
disability insurance
Insurance arrangement whereby the member may be paid a benefit in the event of becoming disabled Different funds have different arrangements which may cover Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) or temporary disablement, and many give members the option of different levels of cover In many cases, insurance cover ceases shortly after an employer ceases contributions on behalf of a member Insurance premiums are usually deducted from the member's account It is most important that members should read the detail of their own fund's insurance arrangements, and decide what options, if any, they wish to exercise
disability insurance
Insurance that pays you an ongoing income if you become disabled and are unable to pursue employment or business activities There are limits to how much you can receive based on your pre-disability earnings Rates will vary based on occupational duties and length of time in a particular industry This kind of coverage has a waiting period before you can begin collecting benefits, usually 30, 60 or 90 days The benefit paying period also varies from 2 years to age 65 A short waiting period will cost more that a longer waiting period As well, a long benefit paying period will cost more than a short benefit paying period
disability of walking
a disability that interferes with or prevents walking
disability pension
pension received by a disabled person
cognitive disability
developmental disability
developmental disability
describes life-long disabilities attributable to mental and/or physical, or combination of mental and physical impairments, manifested prior to age twenty-two
intellectual disability
A developmental disability
learning disability
developmental disability
developmental disability
A mental or physical disability, such as cerebral palsy or mental retardation, arising before adulthood and usually lasting throughout life
plural of disability
unable to work due to physical or mental problems
learning disability
disorder characterized by difficulty in learning or reading that affects people of normal or above-average intelligence (such as dyslexia)
learning disability
Any of various cognitive, neurological, or psychological disorders that impede the ability to learn, especially one that interferes with the ability to learn mathematics or develop language skills. Also called learning disorder. a mental problem that affects someone's ability to learn
permanent disability
When the disability is found to be permanent and stationary and the injured worker is precluded from competing in the open labor market, the employee may be entitled to a permanent disability rating A physician determines the extent of the work preclusion Based on state guidelines, a disability rating and dollar value to be awarded the injured worker is determined from the physician’s report
permanent disability
A long-range disability that will last for an indefinite indeterminable period of time
permanent disability
Temporary Disability benefits are paid for a specified period of time and during that time, which is long enough for most injuries to become what is called, "permanent and stationary" This means that the injured worker has recovered as much as possible from the injury and if the employee has not fully recovered, a partial or permanent disability payment will be made These payments can be done "lump sum" or paid over a number of years The amounts of these benefits are pre- determined by each state and are calculated from a manual, based on the medical evaluations, along with factors such as age, occupation and in the cases of things like hand injuries, whether the injury is to the "major" or "minor" hand
permanent disability
A disability that will last a lifetime, or as far into the future as can be foreseen
permanent disability
(or permanent impairment) includes any degree of permanent nonfatal injury   It includes any injury that results in the loss, or complete loss of use, of any part of the body, or any permanent impairment of functions of the body or a part thereof
permanent disability
Includes any degree of permanent impairment of the body such as amputation, permanent impairment of vision and other permanently crippling nonfatal injury ranging from the permanent stiffening of a joint or a finger amputation, to permanent, complete crippling
temporary disability
handicap that lasts a specific period of time, temporary defect in functioning
total disability
total disadvantage, clear inferiority, one hundred percent unable