
listen to the pronunciation of printing
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} basım

Baskıdaki hatalara derhal dikkat çekilmelidir. - Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once.

İlk baskı makinesi Gutenberg tarafından icat edilmiştir. - The first printing machine was invented by Gutenberg.

{i} basma

Matbaacılık ne zaman icat edildi? - When was printing invented?


Bu ders kitabının, aceleyle basıldığı için, bir sürü hatası var. - This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes.

(Bilgisayar) yazdırma işlemi

Gazetecilik, birilerinin yazılmasını istemediği şeyleri yazmaktır. Gerisi halkla ilişkilerdir. - Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.

(Bilgisayar) yazdırılan dosya
(Bilgisayar) yazdırma
(Bilgisayar) yazdırılan
(Bilgisayar) yazdırılıyor
(Bilgisayar) yazdırıyor

Ben 100 sayfa yazdırıyorum. - I'm printing 100 pages.

{f} bas

Baskıdaki hatalara derhal dikkat çekilmelidir. - Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once.

İlk baskı makinesi Gutenberg tarafından icat edilmiştir. - The first printing machine was invented by Gutenberg.

(Tekstil) baskı boyası
{i} tab etme
printing machine İng
{i} baskı sayısı
elektrikli matbaa makinası
{i} basma, tab, tabetme
printing press matbaa makinası
{i} tab
{i} matbaa harfleriyle yazma
(Tekstil) emprime
{i} baskı

Bu kitabın baskısı tükendi. - This book is out of print.

Benim kitabımın baskısını niçin erteledin? - Why did you put off the printing of my book?

printing plate
Baskı klişesi
printing house
(Askeri) basım evi
printing paper
baskı kağıdı
printing quality
(Bilgisayar) baskı kalitesi
printing unit
baskı ünitesi
printing car
baskı arabası
printing design
baskı deseni
printing ink
matbaa mürekkebi
printing light
basım ışığı
printing machine
baskı makinesi
printing method
baskı yöntemi
printing office
printing office house
printing office house
printing paper
baskı kâğıdı
printing pattern
baskı deseni
printing press
matbaa makinesi
printing press
baskı makinesi
printing process
basım işlemi
printing screen
baskı şablonu
printing speed
baskı hızı
printing table
baskı masası
printing technique
baskı tekniği
printing bleed
Matbaa baskı işlemlerinde zemin Sarkması, zemin taşırması
printing down
aşağı baskı
printing form
baskı formu
printing frame
baskı çerçevesi
printing house
printing industry
başım sanayi
printing light
kopya ışığı, başım ışığı
printing method using a raised area
baskı yöntemi yükseltilmiş alanı kullanarak
printing oil
baskı yağ
printing out paper
kağıt baskısı
printing process
başım işlemi
printing shop
matbaa, basımevi
printing shop
baskı mağazası
printing stationery
baskı kırtasiye
printing term
baskı dönem
printing alerts
Yazdırma Uyarıları
printing area
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) baskı alanı
printing area
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) baskı yüzeyi
printing auxiliary
(Tekstil) baskı yardımcı maddesi
printing blanket
(Tekstil) baskı blanketi
printing block
(Teknik,Tekstil) baskı bloğu
printing block
baskı kalıbı
printing block
(Teknik,Tekstil) el baskı kalıbı
printing block
(Tekstil) baskı bloku
printing cylinder
(Tekstil) baskı silindiri
printing events
Yazdırma Olayları
printing from plates
(Tekstil) al baskısı
printing gum
(Tekstil) baskı kıvamlaştmcısı
printing gum
(Tekstil) baskı kıvamlaştırıcısı
printing instructions
Yazdırma komutları
printing light
(Fotoğrafçılık) kopya ışığı
printing machine
matbaa makinesi
printing machine
(Tekstil) baski makinası
printing mould
(Teknik,Tekstil) el baskı kalıbı
printing mould
(Teknik,Tekstil) baskı bloğu
printing now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yazdırılıyor
printing office
(Eğitim) basım ofisi
printing options
yazdırma seçenekleri
printing out
printing out paper
fotoğraf kâğıdı
printing out paper
baskı kâğıdı
printing page
(Bilgisayar) yazdırılan sayfa
printing paste
(Tekstil) baskı patı
printing pool
Yazdırma Havuzu
printing press
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) baskı makinası
printing press

Matbaanın icadı önemli bir teknolojik gelişmeydi. - The invention of the printing press was a major technological advance.

printing roller
(Teknik,Tekstil) baskı valsi
printing roller
(Teknik,Tekstil) baskı silindiri
printing stencil
(Tekstil) baskı şablonu
printing table
yazıcı tablası
printing table
yazıcı kaidesi
printing telegraph
yazar telgraf düzeni
printing thickener
(Tekstil) baskı kıvamlaştırıcısı
printing tools
Baskı Gereçleri
printing type
matbaa harfi
printing types
matbaa harfleri
printing types
printing works
proportional printing
orantili yazim
resist printing
(Tekstil) rezerve baskı
advanced function printing
(Bilgisayar) gelişmiş işlevli yazma
as of last complete printing
(Bilgisayar) son durumda
background printing
(Bilgisayar) artalanda yazdır
cancel printing
(Bilgisayar) yazdırmayı iptal et
flexo printing
flekso baskı
landscape printing
(Bilgisayar) sayfa boyuna yazım
pause printing
(Bilgisayar) yazdırmayı duraklat
portrait printing
sayfa boyuna yazım
portrait printing
(Bilgisayar) sayfa enine yazım
(Bilgisayar) kağıda dök
(Bilgisayar) yazdırılsın mı
tab etmek
basılmış yazı
(Bilgisayar) yazdıracak
(Bilgisayar) yazdırma

Gerçekten bu e-postayı yazdırman gerekiyor mu? - Do you really need to print this email?

100 sayfa yazdırmak zorundayım. - I have to print 100 pages.

(Bilgisayar) döküm alma
gravür (resim)
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıdan çıktı alma
(Fotoğrafçılık) negatiften fotoğraf basmak
matbaacılık yapmak
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıdan dökme
(Fotoğrafçılık) fotoğraf

Bazı fotoğraflar siyah-beyaz basıldı. - Some photos were printed in black and white.

taşbaskı (resim)
(Tıp) print
damga vurmak
relief printing
kabartma baskı
resume printing
(Bilgisayar) yazdırmayı sürdür
screen printing
screen printing
ekranın basımı
spool printing
kuyrukta basma
textile printing
kumaş baskı
batik printing
batik baskı
block printing
el baskısı
bronze printing
bronz baskı
carpet printing machine
halı basma makinesi
cloth printing
kumaş baskısı
colour discharge printing
renkli aşındırma baskı
colour printing
renkli baskı
condensed printing
sıkıştırılmış yazdırma
copper plate printing
bakır baskısı
cylinder printing
silindirli baskı
detail printing
ayrıntı basımı
direct printing
direkt baskı
discharge printing
aşındırma baskı
double sided printing
çift yüzlü baskı
draft printing
taslak baskı
duplex printing
dubleks baskı
duplex printing machine
dubleks baskı makinesi
fabric printing
kumaş baskısı
four-colour printing
dört renkli baskı
hand printing
el baskısı
indigo printing
indigo baskı
lacquer printing
lake baskı
line printing
satır yazma
magnetic printing
manyetik baskı
non printing character
basılamaz karakter
offset printing
ofset baskı
optical printing
optik basım
positive printing
pozitif baskı
{f} bas

Bu kitabın baskısı tükendi. - This book is out of print.

Bu makine dakikada 60 sayfa basabilir. - This machine can print sixty pages a minute.

çap etmek
matbaa harfleriyle yazı yazmak
basma kumaş
klişeden basılmış resim çıkarmak
derin etki bırakmak
screen printing
film baskısı
two-colour printing
çift renkli basım
Screen printing
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) Serigrafi baskı

Full automatic screen printing machines.

art of printing
baskı sanatı
copperplate printing
bakır levha baskı
electrostatic printing
elektrostatik baskı
end printing
son başımı
flat bed printing
düz yatak baskı
group printing
grup yazma
intaglio printing
oyma baskı
mirror printing
ters baskı
monochrome printing
tek renkli yazdırma
not duplicated in a printing machine
Bir baskı makinesi çoğaltılır değil
optical printing
optik başım
pad printing
Tampon baskı
perfect printing
mükemmel baskı
photo offset printing
Fotoğraf ofset baskı

100 sayfa yazdırmak zorundayım. - I have to print 100 pages.

Bunu yazdırmadan önce düşün. - Think before you print this.

queued printing
kuyruklanmis yazdırma
queued printing service
kuyruğa baskı servisi
reduction printing
küçültme başımı
rotary printing
rotasyon baskı
serial printing
Seri baskı
spool printing
bekleterek baskı
On parmağın parmak izi çıktısı

Have you been ten-printed?.

two up printing
İki baskı kadar
vigoureux printing
vigore baskı
wet printing
yaş tiraj, yaş başım
{f} basılmak
{f} işlemek (beynine)
{i} damga
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von printing im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Baskı. Çıktı
Englisch - Englisch
Present participle of print
All the copies of a publication that have been printed in one batch
Written characters not joined-up
The process or business of producing printed material by means of inked type and a printing press or similar technology
Material that has been printed
{n} the impressing of books or cloth
The pattern of a tape left on a surface after tape has been removed Most apt to occur when tape is applied to a freshly painted surface that has not fully hardened
Use the Netscape or Internet Explorer "Print" feature to print articles This database uses frames so before printing be sure to click on the section of the screen that you want printed
The process of imprinting designs on paper from an inked surface
That which is produced by printing
the business of printing text handwritten in the style of printed matter reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
Any process that transfers to paper or another substrate an image from an original such as a film negative or positive, electronic memory, stencil, die or plate
Copies of an edition printed at one time Used interchangeably with impression, as in first printing or first impression
If copies of a book are printed and published on a number of different occasions, you can refer to each of these occasions as a printing. The American edition of `Cloud Street' is already in its third printing. see also print. Process for reproducing text and illustrations, traditionally by applying ink to paper under pressure, but today including various other methods. In modern commercial printing, three basic techniques are used. Letterpress printing relies on mechanical pressure to transfer a raised inked image to the surface to be printed. Gravure printing transfers ink from recessed cells of varying depths. In offset printing the printing and nonprinting areas of the plate differ not in height but in wettability. colour printing gravure printing letterpress printing typographic printing relief printing offset printing
design : web sites : multimedia : marketing : digital imaging : quotes : contact : about : clients : associates : home
is the transfer of an object or form onto paper by pressing a template coated with ink Prism is a transparent body that is bounded in part by two nonparallel plane faces and is used to refract or disperse a beam of light
Offset • Sheet fed and web • Letterpress • Perfecting • Impression
Process of reproduction of a design, in black and white or color, from a plate of solid material or stone that has been prepared by engraving and inked The result is called a print For each engraving there can be a number of prints
all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies"
The decoration of the surface or surfaces of fabric by the application of insoluble pigments or fast dyes
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
Any process that transfers to paper or another substrate an image from an original such as film, electronic memory, stencil, die or plate
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
The transfer of ink onto paper or other materials to reproduce words and images
Any process that transfers to paper or another substrate an image from an original such as film, electronic memory, die or plate
To print means to apply colors only to some parts of the overall fabric One can print on yarns, warps and woven gray goods There are different techniques of printing such as hand or embossing, screening, rotation and heat transfer printing During the Rotation printing process, which is the most commonly used in our production, the screens are produced with a photochemical process The screen is sealed where no color will be applied and opened where color will be penetrated through the screen onto the fabric Each color requires one screen To print equally, the screens are shaped in the form of stencils The circumference of one stencil limits the length of the repeat The fabric slowly moves horizontally on a conveyer belt under the fixed installed rotating stencils so that the color can be applied regularly Example in our line: 'Papillon' – Creation Baumann (heat transfer warp print)
Most printing of corrugated board is done by the flexographic method, which can be thought of as a sophisticated method of printing with rubber stamps Flexo printing is used for both pre-print and post-print applications Most printing on corrugated boxes is done in the conversion process after the corrugated sheet is produced, ie post-printing Pre-printing refers to the process of printing a design or pattern onto a roll of paper before it proceeds to the corrugating stage This process is typically used for high volume jobs where quality printing is required
The act, art, or practice of impressing letters, characters, or figures on paper, cloth, or other material; the business of a printer, including typesetting and presswork, with their adjuncts; typography; also, the act of producing photographic prints
Select the Print button at the top of your browser window Note: In the MWCC library, printing requires a copy card and costs 10¢ per page Printouts are sent to the printer on the main floor of the library
Of manykinds and varies from Block(hand) printing to direct, discharge Resist Screen, Flat screen printing, Roller printing, Rotary and others
of one or more entries
A group of books produced from a single run of the printing press Actually, though the press may be stopped and re-started, the term still applies if the plates are not removed from the press Subgroups within a printing are sometimes further distinguished by state or issue Of course, the term also refers to the process of producing images on paper, cloth etc, with a reusable plate or matrix In this sence, for the main kinds of different printing methods, see: lithograph; intaglio; relief
The materials should be well constructed (i e quality of paper, composition and print)
the business of printing
text handwritten in the style of printed matter
{i} act of imprinting images or words onto paper; printed letters
The process of applying ink to paper or other object in order to reproduce words or images
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
A method of transferring images to fabric (usually tightly woven), using a silk screen, a printing block or a roller
more precisely, printing with movable type, introduced in Europe in the mid-fifteenth century The first European printer is usually said to have been Johann Gutenberg of Mainz, whose Bible of about 1455 is one of the most famous early printed books Printing allowed the mass production of books and other written materials, and is intrinsically related to revolutionary changes in the way ideas and information are disseminated--the transition from a textual to a literate culture Thus some speak of the "Gutenberg revolution," as if the technology of printing directly caused the transformation It is probably more accurate to speak of the print revolution as one essential part of a set of changes in European culture, including the rise of the urban middle class, the spread of literacy, the development of modern science, the increased importance of the vernaculars, and the Protestant Reformation
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
printing form
An object, usually in the shape of a block or a plate, used in printing to apply ink on the printed surface
printing house
A commercial company dealing in printing
printing press
A machine used for printing text or images repeatedly
printing presses
plural form of printing press
printing roll
In offset printing and flexography, a cylinder carrying the printing form
printing roll
In gravure printing, a cylinder which is itself the printing form
printing shop
A workshop used primarily for printing
printing block
mold of letters or words used for printing
printing concern
a company that does commercial printing
printing frame
frame with one glass side that is used to hold negatives for making contact prints
printing house
place where materials are printed
printing in
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
printing in
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
printing in
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
printing in
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
printing in
Portions, such as the sky, are covered while printing and the blank space thus reserved is filled in by printing from another negative
printing in
That which is produced by printing
printing in
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
printing in
A process by which cloud effects or other features not in the original negative are introduced into a photograph
printing in
Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
printing ink
a semi-solid quick drying ink made especially for use in printing
printing ink
a type of ink that dries very quickly and is used in printing books and newspapers etc
printing machine
printer, type of machine used to transfer ink onto a surface
printing office
An establishment where printed material is produced, especially one that is officially authorized
printing office
printing company, business which provides printing services
printing operation
an operation that controls the printing or display of information
printing out
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
printing out
Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
printing out
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
printing out
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
printing out
A method of printing, in which the image is fully brought out by the direct actinic action of light without subsequent development by means of chemicals
printing out
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
printing out
That which is produced by printing
printing out
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
printing paper
paper intended to be used in printing
printing pitch
density of printing
printing press
A printing press is a machine used for printing, especially one that can print books, newspapers, or documents in large numbers. A machine that transfers lettering or images by contact with various forms of inked surface onto paper or similar material fed into it in various ways
printing press
a machine used for printing
printing press
machine with inked type or plates for printing on paper or other material that is passed through the machine
printing quality
strength and degree of clarity of images produced by a printer (measured in dots per inch)
printing sheet
large sheet of paper used for printing, paper of various sizes used for printing
printing speed
how many characters are printed per second, how many columns printed per minute
printing type
typeface, type style used in printing
printing unit
a unit of measurement for printing
process printing
a method of printing colored reproductions from halftone plates
carbon printing
the photographic process of making a carbon print
A picture that was created in multiple copies by printing
Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive

Write in print using block letters.

A fingerprint

Did the police find any prints at the scene?.

The letters forming the text of a document

The print is too small for me to read.

To publish in a book, newspaper, etc

How could they print an unfounded rumour like that?.

A footprint
A copy of a film that can be projected
To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive

I'm only in grade 2, so I only know how to print.

rotary printing press
A printing press which uses cylinders for carrying ink onto the printed surface, used in flexography, gravure and offset printing
screen printing
A printing technique in which ink is forced through a woven mesh with an ink-blocking stencil on it
silk-screen printing
A method of reproducing coloured artwork using a cut stencil attached to a stretched, fine-meshed silk screen
viscosity printing
In printmaking, an intaglio method whereby multiple colors of ink may be printed simultaneously from the same plate, utilizing inks of varying viscosity, plates with multiple levels of etching and hard and soft brayers for applying the inks to the plate
{v} to mark by impression, to publish
{n} a mark made by impression, a picture
pad printing
Pad Printing is sometimes also called "Tampo" or "Tampo Printing" Pad printing is used for decorating products in many industries including medical, automotive, promotional, apparel, electronics, appliances, sports equipment and toys. It can also be used to deposit functional materials such as conductive inks, adhesives, dyes and lubricants
tampo printing
Pad Printing is sometimes also called "Tampo" or "Tampo Printing" Pad printing is used for decorating products in many industries including medical, automotive, promotional, apparel, electronics, appliances, sports equipment and toys. It can also be used to deposit functional materials such as conductive inks, adhesives, dyes and lubricants
To stamp or impress with colored figures or patterns; as, to print calico
to put the file contents onto paper with a printer; a dialog which contains choices for how much to print, how many copies, color or not, which printer to use
A stamp or die for molding or impressing an ornamental design upon an object; as, a butter print
The final result of the photographic process usually produced from a negative It is a positive picture usually developed on paper
A photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative
Any impression taken on paper (or silk, canvas or any other material) from any kind of plate or block, worked either by hand or by photomechanical means
To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure
An image (normally positive) that has been produced by the action of light (usually passed through a negative or slide) on paper or similar coated with a light-sensitive emulsion
To copy something onto a surface, especially by machine
{i} printing; printed letters; printed material; impression (such as a footprint); fingerprint; imprint, seal
A visible impression on a surface
A print is a piece of clothing or material with a pattern printed on it. You can also refer to the pattern itself as a print. In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints. multi-coloured print jackets
reproduce by printing
A print is a photograph from a film that has been developed. black and white prints of Margaret and Jean as children. 35mm colour print films
If numbers, letters, or designs are printed on a surface, they are put on it in ink or dye using a machine. You can also say that a surface is printed with numbers, letters, or designs. the number printed on the receipt The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern `Ecu' was printed in lower case rather than capital letters
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
a picture or design printed from an engraving
\print\ n [me priente, fr MF, priente, PP of priende to press, fr, L premere- more at press]1 a: a mark made by pressure: impression b: something impressed with a print or formed in a mold 2 a: printed state or form b: the printing industry 3 a: PRINTED MATTER b pl: printed publications 4: printe dletters : TYPE: 5 a (1): a copy made by printing (2) : a reproduction of an original work of art ( as a painting) made by a photomechanical process (3): an original work of art ( as a digital, woodcut, etching, or lithograph) intended for graphic reproduction and produced by or under th supervision of the artist who designed it b: a cloth with a pattern or figured design applied by printing; also, an article of such cloth c: a photographic or motion pictur copy: esp : one made from a negative–in print: procurable from the publisher–out of print: not procurable from the publisher
If you print words, you write in letters that are not joined together and that look like the letters in a book or newspaper. Print your name and address on a postcard and send it to us
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
a picture or design printed from an engraving a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers) a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it) the result of the printing process; "I want to see it in black and white"
If someone prints something such as a book or newspaper, they produce it in large quantities using a machine. He started to print his own posters to distribute abroad Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media. In American English, print up means the same as print. Community workers here are printing up pamphlets for peace demonstrations Hey, I know what, I'll get a bumper sticker printed up. + printing print·ing His brother ran a printing and publishing company. stocks of paper and printing ink
put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce"; "These news should not be printed"
Print command name
Print is used to refer to letters and numbers as they appear on the pages of a book, newspaper, or printed document. columns of tiny print Laser printers give high quality print
a visible indication made on a surface; "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere"
To take a copy, a positive picture, etc
Prints are works of art produced in editions or multiple original impressions of the same image They are made by transferring a layer of ink from a printing element, or matrix, onto paper or another material A printing press frequently supplies the pressure for the transfer The various printmaking techniques are defined by the type of matrix and the manner in which it carries ink Complex color prints may call for several matrices, and more than one process may be used for a single print
A price that is actually traded and sent out (printed) to real-time data
That which receives an impression, as from a stamp or mold; as, a print of butter
If you appear in print, or get into print, what you say or write is published in a book, newspaper, or magazine. Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths
from a negative, a transparent drawing, or the like, by the action of light upon a sensitized surface
Display the print button, to enable the help text to be printered
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
To use or practice the art of typography; to take impressions of letters, figures, or electrotypes, engraved plates, or the like
To produce a copy of the document onto paper, computer screen, or diskette
of, relating to, or writing for printed publications
write as if with print; not cursive reproduce by printing make into a print; "print the negative
{f} stamp ink onto paper or other material; mark with a sign; copy, duplicate; make fingerprints; publish, issue (books, newspapers, etc.); write in block letters (opposite of cursive)
of (a book or other publication); as, to print books, newspapers, pictures; to print an edition of a book
Cloth that has had a pattern of dye printed onto it
A core print
A command to the computer that tells it to display something on the screen or print it out on a printer
a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)
(English) An image imprinted onto a piece of paper with a woodblock, or engraved metal plate
a printed picture produced from a photographic negative
Shape or mark made from a block or plate or other object that is covered with wet colour (usually ink) and then pressed onto a flat surface, such as paper or textile Most prints can be reproduced over and over again by re-inking the printing block or plate Close
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
To produce a copy of the document onto paper, computer screen, or diskette (WP, Gr 3)
That which is produced by printing
write as if with print; not cursive
a proof or impression taken from a stone, block, or plate on which a design has been executed
The print media consists of newspapers and magazines, but not television or radio. I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television
the result of the printing process; "I want to see it in black and white"
A command that tells the system to produce a paper copy of the citations a user chooses Another option is to download
A replica of an image made from an inked surface Broadly considered, the two stages of making a print are the creation of a matrix, and the pulling of an impression by inking the matrix and pressing a piece of paper against it
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
You can refer to invisible marks left by someone's fingers as their prints. Fresh prints of both girls were found in the flat. = fingerprint see also printing
a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
putting the document on paper with a printer
To transfer written matter or design to an object, usually by means of a stamp, die or printing press, with ink as the medium To Imprint
Books and other material created by printing presses, considered collectively or as a medium
A fabric with a design printed directly on it
See under Core
A single print is a piece of paper upon which an image has been imprinted from a matrix In a general sense, a print is the set of all the impressions made from the same matrix By its nature, a print can have multiple impressions [Cf What Is A Print?]
If a newspaper or magazine prints a piece of writing, it includes it or publishes it. We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address. a questionnaire printed in the magazine recently. = publish
You can refer to a mark left by someone's foot as a print. He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks. boot prints
The small print or the fine print of something such as an advertisement or a contract consists of the technical details and legal conditions, which are often printed in much smaller letters than the rest of the text. I'm looking at the small print; I don't want to sign anything that I shouldn't sign
To strike off an impression or impressions of, from type, or from stereotype, electrotype, or engraved plates, or the like; in a wider sense, to do the typesetting, presswork, etc
If you have printer hooked to your computer, you can easily print the contents of your browser's window by just clicking the Print button
A mark made by impression; a line, character, figure, or indentation, made by the pressure of one thing on another; as, the print of teeth or nails in flesh; the print of the foot in sand or snow
make into a print; "print the negative"
A positive picture, usually on paper, and usually produced from a negative
Send data to a printer
A print is one of a number of copies of a particular picture. It can be either a photograph, something such as a painting, or a picture made by an artist who puts ink on a prepared surface and presses it against paper. William Hogarth's famous series of prints
To publish a book or an article
into or upon something
A print of a cinema film is a particular copy or set of copies of it
When you print a photograph, you produce it from a negative. Printing a black-and-white negative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect
To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von printing im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

(Tıp) print