
listen to the pronunciation of obey
Englisch - Türkisch
itaat etmek

Emirlere itaat etmek zorundayız. - We have to obey orders.

Yasaya itaat etmek her zaman görevimizdir. - It's our duty to always obey the law.

{f} uymak

Ben onun emirlerine uymak zorundayım. - I have to obey his orders.

İnsanlar kurallara uymak zorundadır. - People have to obey the rules.

{f} itaat etmek; -e uymak, -e riayet etmek
baş eğmek
-e uymak
riayet etmek

Yasalara riayet etmek görevimizdir. - It is our duty to obey the law.

denileni yapmak
söz dinlemek
tabi olmak
{f} dinlemek
{f} sadakât göstermek
(Politika, Siyaset) boyun eğmek
biat etmek
obey the rule
kurala uymak
obey the rules
kurallara uymak

Her zaman kurallara uymak zorundayız. - We always have to obey the rules.

Kurallara uymak zorundayız. - We have to obey the rules.

obey the rules
kurallara bağlı kalmak
obey all school rules
okulun bütün kurallarına uymak
obey orders
itaat emir
obey the rule
itaat kural
fail to obey yield sign
geçiş önceliğine uymamak
dutifully obey
kayıtsız şartsız kabul eden
failure to obey order
(Kanun) emre uymama
to obey
itaat etmek

Sen emirlerime itaat etmek için buradasın. - You are here in order to obey my commands.

Onun kararına itaat etmek zorunda kaldı. - He had to obey her decision.

Englisch - Englisch
To do as ordered by (a person, institution etc), to act according to the bidding of
To be obedient, compliant (to a given law, restriction etc.)

They were all taught by Triton, to obay / To the long raynes, at her commaundement .

To do as one is told
{v} to submit to, observe, regard
be obedient to
{f} comply; listen to, mind
To yield to the impulse, power, or operation of; as, a ship obeys her helm
To give obedience
To submit to the authority of; to be ruled by
To give ear to; to execute the commands of; to yield submission to; to comply with the orders of
If you obey a person, a command, or an instruction, you do what you are told to do. Cissie obeyed her mother without question Most people obey the law It was still Baker's duty to obey. to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do   disobey (obeir, from oboedire, from audire )
To do as ordered
obey dictates
obey orders
obey nature's call
urinate or defecate
obey orders
obey commands
Simple past tense and past participle of obey
To obey
past of obey
{i} obedient person; attentive person
One who yields obedience
present participle of obey
third-person singular of obey
refused to obey an order
purposefully did not perform a military order; intentionally did not obey a command