in a hurry

listen to the pronunciation of in a hurry
Englisch - Türkisch
telaş içinde
(deyim) ivedilikle
(deyim) hemen

Karıma hemen hazırlanmasını söyledim. - I told my wife to get ready in a hurry.

aceleyle, çabuk çabuk

O aceleyle odasını temizledi. - She cleaned her room in a hurry.

Buradan aceleyle ayrıldı. - She left here in a hurry.

acele acele
be in a hurry
be in a hurry
acelesi olmak
be in a hurry
to (bir şeyi) çabuk/bir an
be in a hurry
-in acelesi olmak, acele etmek: I'm in a hurry. Acelem var. Don't be in too big a hurry. Fazla acele etme
be in a hurry
acele etmek
to be in a hurry
acelesi olmak
to be in a hurry
acele etmek
Englisch - Englisch
Very quickly, or too quickly; while rushing (because there is not much time)

If you try to do this in a hurry, you will make mistakes.

Rushed, hurried; short of time

I can't stop now. I'm in a hurry.

in a rush; hastily, quickly
in a hurry


    in a hur·ry

    Türkische aussprache

    în ı hıri


    /ən ə ˈhərē/ /ɪn ə ˈhɜriː/


    ... at the hospital in 10 minutes just please please hurry ...