teselli edilemez

listen to the pronunciation of teselli edilemez
Türkçe - İngilizce

Since he died, she is inconsolable. - O öldüğünden beri, o teselli edilemez.

Not consolable; incapable of being consoled; grieved beyond susceptibility of comfort; disconsolate
Not consolable
If you say that someone is inconsolable, you mean that they are very sad and cannot be comforted. When my mother died I was inconsolable. so sad that it is impossible for anyone to comfort you
sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; "inconsolable when her son died
{s} impossible to console, cannot be comforted, disconsolate
sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; "inconsolable when her son died"
teselli et
teselli et
{f} console

Tom tried to console Mary. - Tom, Mary'yi teselli etmeye çalıştı.

I consoled him with his favorite food. - Onu en sevdiği yemekle teselli ettim.

teselli edilemez