
listen to the pronunciation of plural
İngilizce - Türkçe

'person''ın çoğul hali 'people''dır, 'persons' değildir. - The plural form of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'.

Atın çoğulu atlardır. - The plural of horse is horses.

(isim) çoğul
plural marriage birden fazla karısı olma
s., i., dilb. çoğul
plurallybirden fazla olarak
plural vote bir kimsenin birden fazla oy kullanma hakkı
{s} çoklu
plural society
çoğulcu toplum
plural marriage
plural noun
çoğul isim
plural vote
birden fazla oy kullanma hakkı
plural embers: smoldering ash
çoğul koz: kül yanan
plural nouns
çoğul isimler
plural of , chuff
in, chuff çoğul
plural of , clang
in, çınlama çoğul
plural of , frowst
in, havasız ortam çoğul
plural of , hyperlink
in, köprü çoğul
plural of , junk
in, önemsiz çoğul
plural of , mishit
in, kötü vuruş çoğul
plural of , muster
in, toplanma çoğul
plural of , presage
in, kehanet çoğul
plural of , quell
in, bastırmak çoğul
plural of , railroad
in, demiryolu çoğul
plural of , stonewall
in, sıkı savunma çoğul
plural of adulterant
karıştırılan madde çoğul
plural of ankle
ayak bileği çoğul
plural of blue
mavi çoğul
plural of comer
comer çoğul
plural of cubics
cubics çoğul
plural of dairy
süt çoğul
plural of environment
çevre çoğul
plural of icehouse
icehouse çoğul
plural of intensifier
yoğunlaştırıcı çoğul
plural of intussusception
intussussepsiyon çoğul
plural of mangosteen
mangosten çoğul
plural of monoplane
tek kanatlı uçak çoğul
plural of muscatel
misket üzümü çoğul
plural of offering
sunan çoğul
plural of organism
organizmanın çoğul
plural of origamist
origamist çoğul
plural of overline
overline çoğul
plural of overmatch
overmatch çoğul
plural of ovibovine
ovibovine çoğul
plural of oxymoron
Oxymoron çoğul
plural of pacay
pacay çoğul
plural of paddy
çeltik çoğul
plural of pampa
pampa çoğul
plural of papergirl
papergirl çoğul
plural of parallelepiped
parallelepiped çoğul
plural of paralogue
paralogue çoğul
plural of paramour
metresin çoğul
plural of pentapeptide
Pentapeptide çoğul
plural of pericenter
pericenter çoğul
plural of perimeter
çevre çoğul
plural of photographer
fotoğrafçının çoğul
plural of picogram
picogram çoğul
plural of pin
pin çoğul
plural of placekicker
placekicker çoğul
plural of pogonophobia
pogonophobia çoğul
plural of prank .
muziplik çoğul
plural of problem
Sorunun çoğul
plural of punishee
punishee çoğul
plural of purey
purey çoğul
plural of pyritoid
pyritoid çoğul
plural of quantum
kuantum çoğul
plural of reality
gerçekliğin çoğul
plural of regard
açısından çoğul
plural of rhythm
ritim çoğul
plural of rosebud
rosebud çoğul
plural of rowlock
ıskarmoz çoğul
plural of runout
ulaşma çoğul
plural of sarmale
sarmale çoğul
plural of satchel
Çanta çoğul
plural of schoolroom
dershanenin çoğul
plural of sirtuin
sirtuin çoğul
plural of subproblem
subproblem çoğul
plural of that
Buna çoğul
plural of things
şeyler çoğul
plural of thistle
devedikeni çoğul
plural of tip
üçünün çoğul
plural of toggle
toggle çoğul
plural of trepang
trepang çoğul
plural of trumpet
trompet çoğul
plural of urinometer
urinometer çoğul
plural of wetsuit
wetsuit çoğul
plural of wey
kuru yük çoğul
plural of xenocryst
xenocryst çoğul
plural of yearling
bir yaşındaki çoğul
plural of yoctosecond
yoctosecond çoğul
plural of yokel
hödük çoğul
plural of zeitgeist
Zeitgeist çoğul
plural of zine
zine çoğul
adaylar arasında en fazla oy alma
{i} birden fazla makamı olma (din)
bir seçimi kazanan kimsenin ikinci gelen şahıstan fazla olarak aldığl oy sayısı
{i} seçimi kazanan kimsenin ikinci gelen kişiden fazla olarak aldığı oy sayısı
{i} ekseriyet
birden fazla makamı olma
çoğul olarak
İngilizce - İngilizce
More than one of something
: a word in the form in which it potentially refers to something other than one person or thing; and other than two things if the language has a dual form
containing or consisting of more than one
{i} form of a word that designates more than one referent (Grammar)
Relating to or composed of more than one member, set, or kind
The plural form of a word is the form that is used when referring to more than one person or thing. `Data' is the Latin plural form of `datum'. his use of the plural pronoun `we'. singular
a class of grammatical forms used to denote more than one of some noun or pronoun Just because you use plurals doesn't mean you believe in pluralism
the form of a word that is used to denote more than one grammatical number category referring to two or more items or units
the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
Indicates more than one of a noun Pronouns can also be plural: They hit the balls over the fence
The state of having more than one person sharing one body Sometimes also called Multiple, although the term Plural is often broader in scope and also includes people who are Midcontinuum, or otherwise don't consider themselves Multiple, but are not Singletons either
Relating to, or containing, more than one; designating two or more; as, a plural word
The plural of a noun is the form of it that is used to refer to more than one person or thing. What is the plural of `person'?. a form of a word that shows you are talking about more than one thing, person etc. For example, 'dogs' is the plural of 'dog' in the plural
the form taken by a word to indicate that it is referring to more than one item
{s} of many, of more than one
The plural number; that form of a word which expresses or denotes more than one; a word in the plural form
grammatical number category referring to two or more items or units
{a} having more than one, many, several
a word in the form in which it potentially refers to something other than one person or thing; and other than two things if the language has a dual form
plural noun
A type of noun; a word that can be used to refer to multiple persons, places, things, qualities, or ideas; one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English
A number of votes for a single candidate or position which is greater than the number of votes gained by any other single candidate or position voted for, but which is less than a majority of valid votes cast

To repeal the tax (Question I), a 50 per cent majority vote is required. To keep the tax in its 1976 form (Question III), only a plurality of votes is required.

A group composed of more than one entity

The array is organized into a plurality of vertical (column) blocks.

A state of being numerous
A margin by which a number exceeds another number, especially of votes

Truman's total vote was 24,104,836. Dewey received 21,969,500; . Truman won by a plurality of 2,135,336, but it was the first time since 1916 that a winner has failed to capture a majority of all votes cast.

A group of many entities: a large number

A plurality of ideas were put forth at the meeting, most of which were rejected out of hand.

The holding of multiple benefices
a majority
{n} a number more than one, more cures of fouls than one, a number greater than any other, but less than half
{a} in a plural manner
plural of
plural of
plural of
plural of
plural of
the state of being plural; "to mark plurality, one language may add an extra syllable to the word whereas another may simply change the vowel in the existing final syllable"
The claims of a patent application must relate to just one invention or to a number of inventions which all share the same inventive concept If an application has claims which relate to more than one invention or inventive concept, there is "plurality of invention" and the claims must be altered by amendment to remove the plurality before a patent can be granted
A plurality of votes is a total vote received by a candidate greater than that received by any opponent but less than a 50 percent majority of the vote In other words, if one candidate receives 30 percent of the vote, another candidate receives 30 percent of the vote, and a third candidate receives 40 percent, that third candidate has a plurality of the votes, and wins the election Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton are examples of presidents who received a majority of the electoral vote, but only a plurality of the popular vote in a competitive three-way election contest
Plurality means a simple majority In addition it means more votes than any other candidate but not necessarily an absolute majority
In elections with more than two candidates, the one who receives the largest number, but less than 50% of the votes cast, has a plurality but not a majority. In other words, if the other two, losing, candidates -- together -- have more votes than the winning candidate
If a candidate, political party, or idea has the support of a plurality of people, they have more support than any other candidate, party, or idea. The Conservative party retained a plurality of the votes
= majority
The state of being plural
when a person wins an election by having the most votes, as opposed to a majority where a person gets more than half of the votes
If there is a plurality of things, a number of them exist. Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities, each with its own powers
A plurality in an election is the number of votes that the winner gets, when this is less than the total number of votes for all the other candidates. He only got a plurality on November 3rd, just 49 percent
The state of being plural, or consisting of more than one; a number consisting of two or more of the same kind; as, a plurality of worlds; the plurality of a verb
(in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving the greatest number (but less that half of the votes)
- The person, or persons with the most votes win
A plurality in an election is the difference in the number of votes between the candidate who gets the most votes and the candidate who comes second. Franklin had won with a plurality in electoral votes of 449 to
The number of votes in an election that the leading candidate obtains over the next highest candidate If candidate A gets 65 votes, B gets 40, and C gets 35, then A has a plurality of 25 and wins the election Note that, in this case, no candidate has a majority of votes
See Plurality of benefices, below
The greater number; a majority; also, the greatest of several numbers; in elections, the excess of the votes given for one candidate over those given for another, or for any other, candidate
a large indefinite number; "a battalion of ants"; "a multitude of TV antennas"; "a plurality of religions"
{i} numerousness, variability; majority of voices in a vote
When there are more than two candidates, the one who receives the plurality of votes may have less than a majority
plurality of spouses, polygamy
In a religious sense: A situation in which many different religions or world views exist in a country
in the manner of a plural, like a plural
In a plural manner or sense
plural of plural