zur ausbildung gehörend

listen to the pronunciation of zur ausbildung gehörend
English - Turkish

Definition of zur ausbildung gehörend in English Turkish dictionary


Firma eğitsel kitaplar yayınlıyor. - The firm publishes educational books.


Biz konuyu eğitimsel bir bakış açısından tartıştık. - We discussed the matter from an educational point of view.

Bir eğitimsel psikolog tanıyorum ve ondan nefret ediyorum. - I know an educational psychologist and I hate her.

{s} eğitici

Tom saygın bir eğitici psikoloktur. - Tom is a respected educational psychologist.

Saha gezisini çok eğitici buldum. - I found the field trip very educational.


Yetersiz eğitim politikası Japonya için zararlıdır. - The poor educational policy is a detriment to Japan.

Japonya'daki eğitim sistemi, Amerika'dakinden etkilenmiştir. - The educational system in Japan was influenced by that in the USA.

{s} eğitimle ilgili

Amacımız öncelikle eğitimle ilgili. - Our goal is primarily educational.

German - English
Of, or relating to education
Instructive, or helping to educate
Leave without pay for educational purposes
Describes programming which is part of an educational programme linked with a defined curriculum
providing knowledge; "an educational film" relating to the process of education; "educational psychology
A free (or low cost) trip for travel consultants, provided by a travel operator or airline as a means of promoting their service. A fam trip
{s} pertaining to education, instructive, used in the educational process
Educational matters or institutions are concerned with or relate to education. the British educational system. pupils with special educational needs. + educationally edu·ca·tion·al·ly educationally sound ideas for managing classrooms
programs are considered "educational" if they are planned learning experiences designed to bring about changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes which contribute directly to the competent practice of librarianship Continuing education credit may be obtained for educational programs by applying to the Certification Specialist
Of or pertaining to education
relating to the process of education; "educational psychology
relating to the process of education; "educational psychology"
providing knowledge; "an educational film"
Services or supplies for which the primary purpose is to provide the patient with
An educational experience teaches you something. The staff should make sure the kids have an enjoyable and educational day. = instructive
Includes all elementary schools, jr highs and high schools, community colleges and Arizona State University