
listen to the pronunciation of veritabanı
Turkish - English
(Bilgisayar) data base
A collection of structured information for creating a specific format out of some, or all, of the collected data
in computer technology, a collection of related information stored in a computer
In electronic records, a set of data, consisting of at least one file or of a group of integrated files, usually stored in one location and made available to several users at the same time for various applications
A collection of logically related records or files
A collection of data stored in computer-readable form
A program designed for storing information in organized categories
A large, ordered collection of information
A large amount of data stored in a well-organized manner A database management system is a program that allows access to the information
Data organized and stored so that it can be manipulated or extracted to meet various applications but managed independently of them [SAA]
Collection of data organized for rapid search and retrieval
A collection of data put together to serve a particular purpose Computers are used to store and manipulate data Recording list of information in a database makes it easier to organise and retrieve it later
a collection of interrelated data stored together to serve one or more applications; stored so as to be independent of the programs using the data
A group of data stored together and organized according to characteristics that the data have in common
A large amount of data stored in a well-organized manner A data base management system (DBMS) is a program that allows access to the information
A set or collection of interrelated data stored and managed for a particular project A data base can be stored in machine readable form (on magnetic tape, disk or optical disk) or it can be on paper (as in a book) The same as a data bank except that the data is for a specific project Data base can also mean a collection of information or material (in digital or analogue form) such as an archive or library
A structured collection of data (not imply any physical media)
A collection of information kept in accessible form for purposes of research, comparison and analysis
raw facts usually organized around a topic, account number, or key to make specific items easy to find
in ERDAS IMAGINE, a set of continuous and thematic raster layers, vector layers, attribute information, and other kinds of data which represent one area of interest A data base is usually part of a geographic information system
body of data stored in a computer (arranged for rapid expansion, updating and retrieval)
veritabanı oluşturmak
(Askeri) database generation
veritabanı yöneticisi
(Askeri) database administrator
access veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) access database
Uydu Muhaberesi Veritabanı
(Askeri) Satellite Communications Database
bilgilendirici veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) informational database
birleştirilmiş uydu muhabere (SATCOM) veritabanı
(Askeri) integrated satellite communications (SATCOM) database
birleştirilmiş veritabanı
(Askeri) integrated database
dijital batimetrik veritabanı
(Askeri) digital bathymetric database
dijital nokta konumlandırma veritabanı
(Askeri) digital point positioning database
evrak çantası veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) briefcase database
farklı veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) another database
işlevsel veritabanı yöneticisi
(Askeri) functional database manager
kullanıcı ihtiyaçları veritabanı
(Askeri) user requirements database
microsoft access veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) microsoft access database
ortak istihbarat veritabanı
(Askeri) common intelligence database
paradox veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) paradox database
salt geçerli veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) current database only
süreç içi veritabanı
(Eğitim) online databases
teknik veritabanı yönetimi
(Askeri) technical database management
yinelenen veritabanı
(Bilgisayar) replicable database
Turkish - Turkish
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