
listen to the pronunciation of tar
English - Turkish
katran,v.katranla: n.katran

Tom kalabalık tarafından katranla kaplandı ve tüyle kaplandı. - Tom was tarred and feathered by the crowd.

Kömür katranının damıtılmasıyla elde edilen bileşenler aşağıda gösterildiği gibidir. - The components obtained by distillation of coal tar are as shown below.

{f} katranla

Tom kalabalık tarafından katranla kaplandı ve tüyle kaplandı. - Tom was tarred and feathered by the crowd.


Sami'nin uçağı asfalt üzerine indi. - Sami's plane landed on the tarmac.

katranla kaplamak
asfalt dökmek
(Askeri) taktik hava talebi; İhtiyat Kuvvetin Eğitimi ve Yönetimi (tactical air request; Training and Administration of the Reserve)
{i} denizci
tarred with the same brush aynı fikir veya huy- ları olan
{f} katran sürmek
aynı maldan
{i} gemici
{f} katranlamak
tarwaterkatranlı su
katranla kaplama
tar and feather ceza olarak üzerine katran sürüp tüy yapıştırmak
tar and feather
katran tüy cezası
tar board
katranlı levha
tar brush
katran fırçası
tar paper
katranlı kağıt
tar asfalt; katran
katranla kaplamak
tar ball
tar topu
tar balls
tar topları
tar broom
tar süpürge
tar coating
katran örtü
tar heel
tar topuk
tar on
tar üzerinde
tar pits
katran çukurlarının
tar sands
katran kumu
tar and feather
katran ve tüye bulamak (ceza)
tar sand
katranlı kum
coal tar
gazhane katranı
juniper tar
ardıç katranı
coal tar
kömür katranı
coal tar
coal tar heavy oil
kömür katranı ağır yağı
coal tar light oil
kömür katranı hafif yağı
coal tar middle oil
kömür katranı orta yağı
coke oven tar
kok fırını katranı
crude tar
ham katran
road tar
yol katranı
coal tar light oil
kömür katrani hafif yağı
coal tar middle oil
kömür katrani orta yağı
road tar
yol katrani
standard tar viscometer
standart katran viskozimetresi
whale the tar out of
eşek sudan gelinceye kadar dövmek
(Askeri) bağlı aerostat radar sistemi (tethered aerostat radar system)
coat of tar
katran katı
coat of tar
katran tabakası
jack tar
jack tar
denizci er
lignite tar
linyit katranı
mineral tar
madeni katran
petroleum tar
petrol katranı
pine tar
çam katranı
refined tar
tasfiye edilmiş katran
refined tar
damıtılmış katran
(Tıp) gözkapağı kenarı
(Tıp) Ayak bileği, tarsus
to tar
katran sürmek
to tar
wood tar
odun katranı
wood tar
(Marangozluk) ağaç katranı
English - English
To create a tar archive
A black, oily, sticky, viscous substance, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons derived from organic materials such as wood, peat, or coal
A solid residual byproduct of tobacco smoke
A file produced by such a program
A program for archiving files, common on Unix
A sailor, because of their tarpaulin clothes. Also Jack Tar
To coat with tar
Coal tar
{v} to smear or daub with tar, tease, provoke
{n} the juce of the pine obtained by a suffocating heat, a sailor
{i} dark thick substance obtained from wood and other organic substances (used in protective coatings and sealants); sailor (Informal)
tar archiving utility
A UNIX utility for making a single file out of a set of files that a user wishes to store together The resulting file has the extension tar Unlike PKZIP, tar does not compress files, so compress or gzip is usually run on the tar file to produce a file with extensions tar gz or tar Z
Tar is a thick black sticky substance that is used especially for making roads
a man who serves as a sailor
The total particulate matter in cigarette smoke, minus the nicotine and water, that is retained on a Cambridge filter pad when smoke passes through it under specific smoking and testing conditions known as the FTC method
A North-African frame drum, played with the fingers of both hands, while the edge of the drum rests in the upturned-palm of one hand
If some people in a group behave badly and if people then wrongly think that all of the group is equally bad, you can say that the whole group is tarred with the same brush. I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I'm not one of the hooligan sort because we'll all get tarred with the same brush when there's trouble. see also tarred. A sailor
Tape ARchive - a compression format commonly used in the transfer and storage of files residing on UNIX computers
A thick, black, viscous liquid obtained by the distillation of wood, coal, etc
UNIX compression program called a Tape Archiver, and produces the file extension ( tar)
{f} smear or cover with tar, cover with asphalt, cover with pitch
(tape archive) A utility for bundling files and directories together into one file for archival storage on a tape or for transmission over the Internet
and having a varied composition according to the temperature and material employed in obtaining it
Tape Archives - based on the tape back-up devices used by early Unix platforms A useful way to transport many files without compression while retaining the original file names, data and permission settings One tar file could contain tens, hundreds or even thousands of files These files are always uploaded in binary back to install guide
coat with tar; "tar the roof"; "tar the roads"
Tar is one of the poisonous substances contained in tobacco
To smear with tar, or as with tar; as, to tar ropes; to tar cloth
coat with tar; "tar the roof"; "tar the roads
A Unix file archiving utility (the name abbreviates for tape archive) It is used to create a single file which contains a number of other file Oftentimes a software distribution will be tarred then compressed or gziped
the Tibet Autonomous Region; the Tibetan area west of the Drichu (the Yangtse river) and south of the Kunlun mountains This is the only area recognised by modern-day China as "Tibet" The area was formally constituted as an "autonomous region" in 1965 Tibetan: Bod rang-skyong ljongs; Chinese: Xizang Zizhiqu
A file compression format used on UNIX and Linux systems, performs the same function as winzip on PCs, disc doubler and compact pro on Macs
Tar is a tool used for the archiving of files in so-called tar-files which you recognize by their suffix tar You'll find KOffice source and binary distributions as gzipped tar-files However, you shouldn't use them if there are special packages for your system and package manager See RPM, DEB
A sailor; a seaman
Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The latest assessment of the policy-relevant scientific, technical and socio-economic dimensions of climate change concentrates on new findings since 1995 The contributions to the TAR of the IPCC's three working groups, including their summaries for policymakers and technical summaries, were released earlier this year See http: //www ipcc ch/
Treatment Authorization Request
The filename extension used by files made into an archive by the Unix tar program
any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue
Tape archiver, a program (and file format) commonly used on UNIX systems for archiving and transporting large collections of files and/or directories
A brown or black bituminous material, liquid or semi-solid in consistency, in which the predominating constituents are bitumens obtained as condensates in the processing of coal, petroleum, oil-shale, wood, or other organic materials
Short for the tape archive utility that combines a group of files into a single file with a tar extension In most cases file compression is used when a file is tarred
(Tape ARchive) - A file packaging tool included with GNU/Linux for the purpose of assembling a collection of files into one combined file for easier archiving It was originally designed for tape backup, but today can be used with other storage media When run by itself, it produces files with a tar extension When combined with Gzip, for data compression, the resulting file extensions may be tgz, tar gz or tar Z
TAR(1) is the standard Unix program to create, add, and extract files from file archives It can be used to store an entire tree of directories and files onto a magnetic tape To use it, you have to known the name of the device (usually /dev/rst0) on which to read the tape Check Modline tape label for that
A file compression format generally found on UNIX platforms
Tar is a tool used for the archiving of files in so-called "tar-files" which you recognize by their suffix " tar" You'll find KOffice source and binary distributions as gzipped tar-files However, you shouldn't use them if there are special packages for your system and package manager See RPM, DEB
(Tape ARchive): A compression format commonly used in the transfer and storage of files residing on UNIX computers
Tar Heel
A native or resident of the American state of North Carolina

I'm a Tar Heel born / I'm a Tar Heel bred / And when I die / I'm a Tar Heel dead.

Tar Heel
A player on a sports team representing the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Michael Jordan is one of many Tar Heel basketball standouts.

Tar Heel
A student of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tar Heel State
North Carolina
tar and feather
To cover a person in sticky tar, then covered in feathers which stick to the tar. An archaic means of humiliating a person

they'd be along pretty soon and give me 'bout half an hour's start, and then run me down if they could; and if they got me they'd tar and feather me and ride me on a rail, sure. I didn't wait for no breakfast--I warn't hungry.

tar boil
A small bubble or blister in the flood coat of an aggregate-surfaced built-up membrane
tar papers
plural form of tar paper
tar sand
oil sand
tar sands
plural form of tar sand
tar with the same brush
To characterize using the same undesirable attribute, especially unjustly

And few would distinguish between state and federal public servants, tarring them with the same brush of disdain.

To cover a person in sticky tar, then covered in feathers which stick to the tar. An archaic means of humiliating a person

The villagers had a strong desire to tar-and-feather Injun Joe and ride him on a rail, for body-snatching, but so formidable was his character that nobody could be found who was willing to take the lead in the matter, so it was dropped.

A small bubble or blister in the flood coat of an aggregate-surfaced built-up roof membrane
tar baby
A situation or problem from which it is virtually impossible to disentangle oneself
tar with the same brush
(deyim) Mark or stain with the same fault or characteristic
Tar Heels
name for the athletic teams at the University of North Carolina (USA)
Tar River
A river, about 346 km (215 mi) long, of northeast North Carolina flowing generally southeast to an estuary of Pamlico Sound
tar and feather
punish, impose a severe or humiliating punishment
tar pit
An accumulation of natural tar or asphalt at the earth's surface, especially one that traps animals and preserves their bones
tar pit
a natural accumulation of bitumens at the surface of the earth; often acts as a trap for animals whose bones are thus preserved
tar sand
A sandstone in which the spaces between grains are filled with a highly viscous tar
tar sand
Sedimentary deposit that consists of a mixture of clay, sand, water, and a tar-like heavy oil known as bitumen Bitumen is often extracted from tar sand by heating It is then refined to produce synthetic crude oil
tar sand
A commonly used name to describe a sedimentary rock reservoir impregnated with a very heavy, viscous crude oil which cannot be produced by conventional production techniques Tar-sand infers a sandy sedimentary rock as the host, but this is not always the case as other porous rocks such as siltstone and fractured carbonates have also been classified as tar-sand
tar sand
or bituminous sand Deposit of loose sand or partially consolidated sandstone that is saturated with highly viscous bitumen. Oil recovered from tar sands, commonly referred to as synthetic crude, is a potentially significant form of fossil fuel. The largest known deposits of tar sands occur in Canada's Athabasca River valley, where commercial projects for synthetic oil production from tar sands are being carried out
tar sands
Naturally occurring bitumen-impregnated sands that yield mixtures of liquid hydrocarbon and that require further processing other than mechanical blending before becoming finished petroleum products
tar sands
Rocks (other than coal or oil shale) that contain highly viscous hydrocarbons that are unrecoverable by primary production methods
tar sands
Sand deposits containing petroleum or tar
tar sands
Mixture of sand, water, and heavy hydrocarbons
smear the body of (someone) with tar and feathers; done in some societies as punishment; "The thief was tarred and feathered
Jack Tar
Alternative spelling of jacktar
coal tar
A black, viscous tar made by the destructive distillation of coal (to make coke and town gas); it contains a great number of compounds including hydrocarbons and phenols; used in the preparation of medicated soap and shampoo, and industrially for the manufacture of very many products

Phenol can be obtained from coal tars by two methods : (a) Directly by separation of the product contained in this type of feedstock, at the rate of 0.5 to 1.5 per cent weight.

Alternative spelling of coal tar
Alternative spelling of jacktar
pine tar
A dark viscous substance obtained from the destructive distillation of pine wood; used by batters to improve their grip
spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tar
To have something important fail for want of a small amount of money or effort
touch of the tar brush
pertaining to somebody of mixed racial heritage; to signify someone is commonly (though not exclusively) of South Asian or Afro-Caribbean in their background and/or in their appearance
Beat the tar out of
(deyim) 1. Fig. to defeat someone very badly.2. Fig. Inf. to batter someone severely
La Brea Tar Pits
Fossil field in Hancock Park (formerly Rancho La Brea), Los Angeles, Calif. , U.S. It is the site of "pitch springs" oozing crude oil, discovered by Gaspar de Portolá's expedition in 1769. The tar pits contain the fossilized bones of Pleistocene mammals that became entrapped there; they include mammoths, mastodons, and sabre-toothed cats. The George C. Page Museum contains more than one million prehistoric specimens exhumed from the pits
black tar
Black heroin
coal tar
A dark brown to black, semi-solid hydrocarbon obtained as residue from the partial evaporation or distillation of coal
coal tar
A dark brown to black, semi-solid hydrocarbon obtained as residue from the partial evaporation of distillation of coal tar
coal tar
Tar produced during the coking of coal, sometimes used as a coatings binder
coal tar
Coal tar is a thick black liquid made from coal which is used for making drugs and chemical products. coal tar dyes. A viscous black liquid containing numerous organic compounds that is obtained by the destructive distillation of coal and used as a roofing, waterproofing, and insulating compound and as a raw material for many dyes, drugs, and paints. a thick black sticky liquid made by heating coal without air, from which many drugs and chemical products are made
coal tar
A thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of illuminating gas; used for making printer's ink, black varnish, etc
coal tar
a dark brown to black, semi-solid hydrocarbon obtained as residue from the partial evaporation or distillation of coal tar
coal tar
A dark brown to black cementitious material produced by the destructive distillation of bituminous coal
coal tar
It is a complex mixture from which many substances have been obtained, especially hydrocarbons of the benzene or aromatic series
coal tar
A tar obtained from carbonization of coal, usually in coke ovens or retorts, containing several hundred organic chemicals
coal tar
a tar formed from distillation of bituminous coal; coal tar can be further distilled to give various aromatic compounds
coal tar
thick black liquid formed during the distillation of coal and used in making drugs and dyes
coal tar
a dark brown to black colored, semi-solid hydrocarbon obtained as residue from the partial evaporation or distillation of coal tars Coal tar pitch is further refined to conform to the following roofing grade specifications
coal tar
A viscous liquid mixture of hydrocarbon compounds, derived, along with coke, from the destructive distillation of coal
jack tar
(Archaic) sailor
juniper tar
A tarry substance obtained from the wood of the European juniper Juniperus oxycedrus and used topically to treat various skin ailments. Also called cade oil
mineral tar
pine tar
A viscous or semisolid brown-to-black substance produced by the destructive distillation of pine wood and used in roofing compositions and as an expectorant and antiseptic
pine tar
a dark viscous substance obtained from the destructive distillation of pine wood
pine-tar rag
baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip
{s} covered in asphalt
A tarred road or roof has a surface of tar
past of tar
plural of tar
third-person singular of tar
wood tar
any tar obtained by the destructive distillation of wood
wood tar
A viscous black fluid that is a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood and is used in pitch, preservatives, and medicines
Turkish - English
{s} Siamese
(Tıp) tarsus
kart son kul tar
(Bilgisayar) card exp date

    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈtär/ /ˈtɑːr/


    [ 'tär ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English terr, tarr, from Old English teoru, tierwe, from Proto-Germanic *terwōn, *terwan (compare Dutch teer, German Teer, Swedish tjära), from Proto-Indo-European *deru̯o/ehₐ (compare Welsh derwen 'oak', Lithuanian dervà 'pinewood', Russian дерево (dérevo) 'tree'), from *dóru 'tree'. More at tree.