
listen to the pronunciation of randomizasyon
Turkish - English
Alternative spelling of randomization
a deliberately haphazard arrangement of observations so as to simulate chance
Introduced by R A Fisher in 1926 so that inferential statistics could be carried out to analyse differences between groups of subjects
allocation of individuals to groups, eg for experimental and control regimens, by chance, in order to make groups similar at the start of an investigation The randomisation process may or may not consider particular characteristics of the subject being entered
(Cochrane definition) Method used to generate a random allocation sequence, such as using tables of random numbers or computer-generated random sequences The method of randomisation should be distinguished from concealment of allocation because of the risk of selected bias, despite the use of randomisation, if there is not adequate allocation concealment For instance, a list of random numbers may be used to randomise participants, but, it the list is open to the individuals responsible for recruiting and allocating participants, those individuals can influence the allocation process, either knowingly or unknowingly
{i} process of making random, process of making haphazard (also randomization)
Procedure to ensure that every member of a target population has an equal chance of inclusion in a sample Ideally, each member of the population of interest would be assigned a number and then the sample to be used in the experiment would be randomly chosen based on these numbers This is unlikely to happen but it is good practice that once the sample is identified for testing, they are then randomly allocated to the different conditions in the experiment If for some reason your initial sample of the population of interest is biased (maybe you chose people who are particularly tolerant to alcohol), then the idea is that these individuals are equally distributed throughout your conditions and as such will not bias the group comparisons