quantitative research

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The systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships, using statistical methods
Use of advanced econometric and mathematical valuation models to identify the firms with the best possible prospectives Antithesis ofqualitative research
Research that focuses on measuring and counting facts and the relationships among variables, and that seeks to describe observations through statistical analysis of data It includes experimental and non-experimental research and descriptive research (research that attempts to describe the characteristics of a sample or population)
Involves the collection of (statistically) large samples of quantitative data and usually some form of statistical analysis Quantitative research is often used to substantiate the findings from qualitative research
Research that measures (quantifies) responses to a structured questionnaire, conducted either through telephone, face-to-face structured interviews, on the Internet or through self completion surveys
research conducted for the purpose of obtaining empirical evaluations of attitudes, behavior or performance Designed to generate projectable numerical data about a topic
seeks structured responses that can be summarized in numbers-like percentages, averages, or other statistics
a systematic attempt to define, measure, and report on the relationships between various elements
Investment decisions derived from statistical and quantitative models that observe market behavior
Research that describes phenomena in numbers and measures instead of words; the focus of the research is usually predetermined and deduced from prior research
The approach advocated by the Positivist School This approach measures social phenomena and obtains numerical values which can be analyzed statistically Surveys using structured questionnaires and IQ tests are both examples of quantitative research
Research aimed at producing data that can be statistically analysed and whose results can be expressed numerically p 169
A method of advertising research that emphasizes measurement of incidence of consumer trends within a population
Is concerned with the tabulation or numeric relevance of various kinds of behaviour "Quantitative" is primary concerned with " Why"
Use of advanced econometric and mathematical valuation models to identify the firms with the best possible prospectives Antithesis of qualitative research
A research technique in which scientific, concrete, and projectable numerical data that can be statistically analyzed is gathered, often from large samples; also called hard data
Survey research using a sample of people drawn at random from a given population If the sample is drawn properly, the results of quantitative research can be generalized to the population
The data can be collected through structured interviews, experiments, or surveys and are reported numerically
quantitative research