john chamberlain

listen to the pronunciation of john chamberlain
English - English
born April 16, 1927, Rochester, Ind., U.S. U.S. sculptor. He studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and at Black Mountain College. In 1957 he had his first one-man exhibition in Chicago. His Abstract Expressionist sculptures are often constructed of fragments of automobiles, crushed and jammed together, and painted in bright, industrial colours; these produce an effect of isolated, frozen movement. He also exhibited paintings, prints, and films
John Angus Chamberlain
born April 16, 1927, Rochester, Ind., U.S. U.S. sculptor. He studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and at Black Mountain College. In 1957 he had his first one-man exhibition in Chicago. His Abstract Expressionist sculptures are often constructed of fragments of automobiles, crushed and jammed together, and painted in bright, industrial colours; these produce an effect of isolated, frozen movement. He also exhibited paintings, prints, and films
john chamberlain


    John cham·ber·lain

    Turkish pronunciation

    cän çeymbırlın


    /ˈʤän ˈʧāmbərlən/ /ˈʤɑːn ˈʧeɪmbɜrlən/